All I Did Was Help (Zak Bagan...

By SabrinaMayy

44.9K 1K 266

When your boyfriend is Zak Bagans - anything can happen. Marilyn and Zak have been through everything at this... More

1. The Beginning
2. Sadbury.
3. Drunk.
4. It's time to take a break.
5. Back Home.
6. Petty apologizes.
7. They're going to kill you
8. Fucking You In a Plane
9. Lizzie Borden Had An Axe
11. A coma?
12. 5 Steps To Rid Of Evil
13. Step One
17. Accident
18. I'm Sorry
The End of Ends

16. Crew Meeting.

1.6K 54 24
By SabrinaMayy

Chapter  16

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Wow omg, it’s been way too long since I last updated and I’m so sorry. I have no excuse for this but I’m lazy and I’ve been really busy with my senior year of high school. Please bare with me! Happy Spring Break ya’ll!


Marilyn Anderson.

“GAC meeting, twenty minutes, GAC office.” The voicemail Zak had left me was very simple, very brief. We hadn’t talked in a few weeks. Mom and I went back to Pennsylvania to gather some belongings. Father Ashcraft had tagged along to make sure that nothing was to harm us while we gathered  few personal things.

I have just arrived at the airport when Zak had called the crew. I exited the airport, hopped into my car that had been waiting for me, and began driving to the Vegas Strip where the GAC office was located. I didn’t know what Zak was calling this meeting for, we weren’t set to begin a new season for another few months. There may be business opportunities that came up, but none that I knew of. So, what could it be?

I pulled into our parking garage and exited my car, walking to the elevator that would take me up to our office. I hopped in, and scrolled through my phone, until I heard my phone whistle at me, signaling that I had a text message. I opened it up as soon as I saw who it was from.


I can’t wait until I see your beautiful face.

i miss you. i love you. see you soon.

I rolled my eyes, let out a soft sigh, and locked my phone, and slid it into my pocket. The elevator beeped, and it’s doors rolled open to the almost dead GAC office. I walked in, bidding hellos to the receptionists. I caught a glance of Zak leaning against the wall, looking furious, arguing with somebody in a black suit. His office was closed, the windows that replaced walls casting a glow around the room. I didn’t go to his office, instead I went to the conference room, where Aaron, Nick, Billy, Jay, and Ashley were waiting for me.

“HEY MARILYN!” Jay almost screamed when I opened the door. I let out a giggle, waving at him. “I haven’t seen you in forever.”

“I’ve been hiding out.” I laughed, “I went back home for a little bit to spend some time with mommy.”

“Oh!” Jay smiled, changing the subject he says, “Do any of you guys know what this meeting is about? I just got voicemail from Zak. He sounded urgent.” We all shrugged as a response when the door opened. Zak smiled at all of us when we turned around.

“Good afternoon.” He says simply, sitting down at the head of the table, placing a file on the table. “Take a seat.” We all sit down, I right next to Zak. “We are going to be doing an investigation that will be filmed but will not be put in the show. This investigation will be made into a documentary. We will be focusing on what could happen when spirits get attack to a certain something, or in this case, someone.”

“Zak, don’t tell me y-” Nick began to say. Zak held up his hand to cut him off.

“We will be doing an Investigation at 4523 Yerik Drive, Apartment 34, Springfield Pennsylvania.” Zak says. My heart stopped, my breathing quickened.

“No.” I yelled, I stood up and slammed my hands on the table, “NO! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ZACHARY!” Everyone in the room stares at me, my face turning red from anger, my breathing quickened. “What the hell makes you think that we can just DO an investigation at my house. I mean, a lockdown is one thing but a FUCKING documentary!? What the hell is wrong with you?!”

“Now Marilyn, I th-” Aaron began to say, trying to calm me down by putting his hand on my shoulder.

“Don’t even!” I yelled, “This is fucking bullshit!” Zak stood up, slamming his hands on the table.

“THATS ENOUGH!” He screams, almost rocking the room. “I am the producer of this show and what I say, goes! We are doing this investigation. We are going to see what the fuck is going on in this house and that’s final!” Zak stares at me, his blue eyes suddenly filled with aggravation. They soften as they stare at me, “Marilyn, this isn’t about you. This is about the sho-”

“We’re over.” I state. Then, i put my nose to his and whisper through gritted teeth, “That’s final.”  His eyes turn soft, watery, and then he turns away, rubbing his chin. I pick up my jacket, and stomp out of the room, into Zak’s office. I draw the shades to the windows that look out to the other parts of the office, pull the blinds to the outside, and click the button on the wall that makes the entire room soundproof. I sit in Zak’s red, leather couch. I breath softly, trying to calm myself down.

I try looking around the room, thinking that somehow taking in my surroundings would make my mood somewhat better. I loved Zak’s office. His huge black desk had his laptop on it, various papers that were spread around about upcoming investigations. A huge bookshelf that had somewhat of relics from each investigation from season 1 up until now. The carpet was a lush white, he had it steam cleaned every month to keep it pretty. The lights were always dim, and all the furniture except for his desk were a lush red. I close my eyes and lean back on one of the soft throw pillows. I stayed that way until Zak finally came in around 20 minutes later.

He said nothing. Just walked over to his desk and sat down, typing away on his computer, every few seconds looking up and giving me a weak smile. “Marilyn,” He said finally, “I don’t want this to be what ends us.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“Bullshit.” I said. “What makes you think you can just make my home an investigation?”

“I don’-”

“Yes you do.” I interrupted. “Have you not realised that almost every investigation that you have done, your clients have came back telling you the spirits are angrier than ever? Doesn’t that scare you knowing that it’s my house, Zak? That’s where I live! They could kill me!”

“They’re not going to!” Zak yelled, “Trust me! Believe me!”

“I can’t trust you anymore,” I whispered, my voice slipping the silence like a knife, “You went behind my back and planned this.”

“I don’t want to make this the thing that completely destroys us.” Zak says.

“Then why’d you have to do it?”

“I need to know why these spirits want you so bad!” Zak says, hushing his voice, “I need to know why they’re out to get anybody who gets close to you! I need to know that! Why is it so important for you to know that?!”

“Because you’re invading my privacy.” I said to him.

“How the fuck am I invading your privacy?” Zak asked.

“You’re getting in my business and wanting to do a lockdown on my home without consulting me before hand.” I said, “I don’t want this lockdown.”

“Too bad.” Zak whispered, scolding me like a two year old.

“What?” I hissed.

“Too bad.” Zak repeated. “What’s done is done, and I can’t do anything about it. We are doing this lockdown weather you like it or not.” I stood up, stomping my feet, and began walking towards the door. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, where are you going?”

“Leaving.” I said, “and I’m taking our relationship with me.”

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