𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒞𝒽𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝓰 𝒜𝒹𝓋...

بواسطة casanova_mikealson

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Morgana Gilbert gets thrown into the world of the supernatural. She must deal with the drama that her sister... المزيد

Act One.
Friday Night Bites.
Family Ties.
History Repeating.
Fool Me Once.
Act Two
The Last Dance.
The Mephisto Waltz.
The Birthday.
The Reckoning & Smells Like Teen Spirit.
Ordinary People
The New Deal.
The Ties That Bind.
Bringing Out The Dead.
Dangerous Liaisons.
All My Children.
All Of Them Witches.
Judas Iscariot.
The Centuries That Never Were.
Break On Through.
Murder Of One.
Heart Of Darkness.
Morningstar Sisters.
Do Not Go Gentle.
Before Sunset.
The Departed.
Act Three.
Growing Pains.
The Uninvited.
The Rager.
The Five.
The Imp of the Perverse.
My Brother's Keeper.
We'll Always Have Bourbon Street.
O Come, All Ye Faithful.
After School Special.
Catch Me If You Can.
Call Of The Wild.
Because The Night.
American Gothic.

A View To A Kill.

998 28 1
بواسطة casanova_mikealson

"What are you planning, Kol?" Morgana inquired, making the said Mikaelson brother jump as he left the Academy of Unseen Arts.

"Hello darling," he smiled brightly "what makes you assume I'm up to something?"

She examined his features with her eyes attentively "Kol. I'm aware we're not close friends, but I know that glint in your eye. The kind of glint that tells me your up to no good."

"Oh, Ana." He tilted his head, looking at her almost disappointed "We are friends. One of my only and best friend. And as for your observation, I assure you. I'm up to good, very good...things."

She narrowed her eyes, arching an eyebrow "Ok, you do you. Just stay alive."

He grinned at her "Certainly, your grace." He bowed jokingly before winking at her "How's the spawn of my not-so-evil brother?"

"Fine. And Alvaro's not evil." She looked at him sternly.

Kol just smiled at her "Not with you around. See you later."

She smiled at him as he sped away.

"Not exactly what I had in mind." Damon said, referring to the bottle of what Stefan placed between the bars of the cell door.

Thanks to Kol's compulsion the Salvatore was forced to remain in the cellar, so he couldn't harm Jeremy. He got to his feet, groaning stumbling towards the door, to grasp the bottle only to halt his hand after his eyes landed on Klaus and Alvaro.

"Hello mate." Klaus smirked as his brother stared at the young vampire emotionlessly whilst Damon took the bottle.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Damon asked, leaning against the door for support looking between the two.

"Babysitting." Klaus answered.

"Oh." He smiled sarcastically.

"Give him a viel of blood every couple of hours so he doesn't desiccate." Stefan handed Klaus a long, thin viel, the blonde looked at it before moving his eyes upwards smiling smugly at Damon "If he gets too much strength...or-" the Salvatore glanced at  the brunette "-he just annoys you, bleed him out again."

"The silent treatment huh?" Damon questioned his brother, making him and Klaus look at him while Alvaro raised an eyebrow "Is that your best shot?" He looked at the two original brothers "He's still pissed at me for sleeping with Elena."

"Are you sure about that?" Klaus smirked as Stefan dipped his head "Because I caught him attempting to sneak out of Caroline's house this morning." He turned his head back to Damon "Which suggests to me, he's moved on."

"Well, well." Stefan sighed at his brother remark "Looks like my brother ripped a page of my revenge-sex handbook." He smirked.

"Well," Klaus and Alvaro looked towards Stefan "why don't you three enjoy your little villain bonding time?" The eldest of the smirked, glancing down before looking at the Salvatore while Alvaro turned his head to the vampire "I'll let you know when I get the dagger from Rebekah and Ambrose."

Damon settled himself on the bed as Klaus stood by the door while Alvaro stuffed his hands into his pockets. Klaus looked in the corridor with a smirk before turning to the vampire who was throwing a ball into the air, caught it single-handedly only to throw it back into the air. While all the while Alvaro remained quiet, observing.

"You know, none of this would be an issue if you'd just done your job properly." He walked forward as Alvaro pulled up a chair, and sat down crossing his ankles together, handing laying in his trouser pocket "I willing to let you train Jeremy."

"No, you weren't." Damon protested "You gotta be kidding me. You got there day two. Do you know how hard it is to get these Xbox brains to focus?"

"And then when I and Caliban turned a room full of barflies into vampires for hin to slaughter...you let Kol kill them." Klaus said.

"You and Caliban?" Alvaro uttered, eyes wide beneath furrowed brows, gazing at his brother in disbelief.

"Yes, our very own Catherine and Narcisse." Damon remarked making Alvaro turned his puzzled glare to him as Klaus glanced at him "Or rather you and Ana are our Catherine and Narcisse. What? I've watched Reign."

"No, Morgana is Mary and I'm Bash or Francis." Alvaro smirked at him "Your Antoine, the greedy king."

Damon laughed "Oh. No. No, no, no, nope. Morgana is Catherine De Medici, through and through. And as for-"

"Enough! Both of you." Klaus growled, not wanting the bickering to go on "And who's bright idea was it to saddle Jeremy with a conscious?"

"Well, we couldn't have him trying to stake Elena in her sleep, now, could we?"

"Ah, yes the love of Elena." Alvaro purred, tilting his head back "How is it that she can overlook every horrific thing you've ever done?" He taunted "Is it wilful ignorance? Or something more pathological?"

"Some people are just more capable of forgiveness than others. Why," he looked up at the brunette "is everything not so bright and wonderful in France?"

"Oh. I'm more than happy." He grinned jumping to his feet, exercising his legs around the room "I'm with the woman I love, and we've got a child on the way, therefore, I couldn't be happier."

"You've gotta be kidding, it's not possible-"

"Not with celestials and infernals involved." He shook his head.

"Oh, come on. There must be a secret." Klaus smirked "It can't just be the sire bond. What is it? Compulsion? Manipulation? What is it that you say to her?"

Damon looked at him, before sitting up not ripping his gaze from Klaus "I think this has something to do with a certain blonde vampire. I think you murdered Carol Lockwood...and I think your worried that Caroline's never going to forgive you."

"You've done worse."

"Debatable." Damon shot back "I don't mind being the bad guy. Someone has to fill that role and get things done. You do bad things for no reason. You do them to be a dick."

Alvaro glanced at his brother "Debatable."

"If you're gonna be bad, be bad with purpose. Otherwise your just not worth forgiving." Damon glanced at the brunette briefly.

"Your brother's lack of communication is infuriating." Alvaro grumbled, turning on his heel taking another turn about the room.

"It's one of his many trademarks." Damon mentioned, throwing the ball to the ground before sitting up, and resting his cheek in his palm"Like his brooding and his hair."

"I don't understand what's taking so long." Klaus growled "How hard is it to steal a dagger."

"From a vampire who's been stabbed by it as often as your sister? I'd say difficult." Damon took his hand from his cheek, and rested his elbow on his knee.

Alvaro sighed before throwing a veil to the Salvatore, it landed at his feet "Sweet." Damon picked it up, and toasted it to him in thanks with a smirk.

"You disappoint me, Damon." Klaus said from the doorway "You're not trying every hard to get out of here. I expected more the daring escape artist, less the cell potato."

"I am compelled to kill Jeremy." He smirked at the hybrid, while Alvaro rolled his eyes at their taunts "I figured it's smarter to sit here and chit-chat with you two...than bust out of here like Hulk."

"Who?" Alvaro tilted his head, face twisted in a disgusted frown.

"How do you think Elena felt about that, by the way?" Klaus questioned "Your incredility to overcome Kol's compulsion for a single moment, even though it meant killing the person she loves the most?"

"She's met me." He smirked at the hybrid "She knows impulse control is not my strong suit."

"Still, it must be hard trying to live up to Stefan." Klaus taunted as Alvaro sighed, spinning around and sauntered to the doorway as Klaus moved further into the cell "I remember when I compelled him to feed on Elena. He fought so hard he actually managed to resist. Now that's love."

"What do you know about love." Damon asked, eyebrow furrowed.

"I know your in love with Elena, as my brother is with Morgana, Rebekah with Ambrose and Kol with Prudence." Klaus smirked as Alvaro glanced at him before tuning them out.

Alvaro turned his head at the sound of a phone ringing. Klaus pulled his phone out and joined him at the door "Well, if it isn't the happy homicidal manic."

"Do you know your former blood-bag and her brother are trying to kill me?" Kol hissed from the other end, making Alvaro's head spin around to Klaus before slowly looking at Damon.

"What?" Klaus questioned as Alvaro sped forward, grabbing the Salvatore by the throat and forced him up against the wall.

"Don't pretend like you're not in on it, Nik. Your obsession to find the cure clear trumps any sibling or friendship loyalty you once felt."

"I don't know what your talking about." Klaus said.

"I'm going to rip off Jeremy's arms and kill Elena, just for sport. Then I'm coming for you." Kol hung up.

"What the hell is going on?" Alvaro growled, his face barely inches away from Damon's as Klaus came up behind him.

"I don't know." The Salvatore choked out.

"What are Stefan and Elena planning?" He glared at him, digging his finger nails into his throat, drawing blood "TELL ME! BEFORE I RIP EVERY BONE FROM YOUR BODY. I swear to you, I will kill Elena and Stefan for spite."

Damon trembled in the Original's grip "I don't know. I've been stuck in the penalty box with you two since yesterday. Stefan won't talk to me and Elena won't come to see me." He struggled to inhale "Maybe your brother's right, maybe she's written me off."

"Tell me what you know?" He compelled.

"I don't know anything about a plan!" He strained his voice.

"Klaus, you go on," Alvaro instructed, his eyes not leaving Damon's "I'll finish up here."

Klaus sighed, glancing between the two before storming out as Alvaro tilted his head "Do you really think you can fool me? I know your on vervain."

Damon's eyes widened before flickering to the bottle of water, Stefan had given him, confirming the Mikaelson's suspension. He began to shake furiously, Alvaro still terrified him.

"Oh, when will you lot learn." Damon looked him in the eyes fearfully "I am feared for a reason. Perhaps this will make you think twice, if there's a next time for you."

Damon barely saw or knew it was happening, it was so fast. Alvaro's vampiric face came forward, he lunged forward sinking his fangs into the Salvatore's throat.

"Ah!" Damon screamed, eyes screwed shut as he bit further into the Salvatore's flesh, suping the remainder of his blood.

The Salvatore cried out as Alvaro threw to the stone hard floor, before growling. Damon couldn't stop himself from crying, as the Mikaelson sped out of there.

Alvaro was halfway to the Gilbert house when images, flooded into his mind. He halted as images of Jeremy Gilbert staking Kol with the White oak stake, and Klaus stood at the doorway, having arrived to late.

He looked up from the pavement, his brother had used his magic to tell them all, or he had a feeling he did. It was the only explainable and reasonable reason why he'd seen it as if he were there.

Alvaro groweled as an infuriated glare formed on his face, his feet began to move, before the anger floaded in, tears gathered in his eyes, a sob fell from his lips, eyes moving from the top right, before travelling to the centre of his gaze. He stopped and roared enraged.

The atmosphere shifted. Pressure increased as silence fell, and fear crept into the souls of the living...and the dead. Lucifer, Lillith and Caliban's heads snapped upwards to the ceiling as everyone else froze.

"Witch, you can't do this to me." Klaus stated to Bonnie, before ceasing to hit the barriers, for he knew they won't survive what was coming for them now, not mentally. Because as far as they; Elena, Jeremy and Bonnie knew Alvaro wasn't on his tail, and Alvaro had always had Mikael's anger.

"You have no idea what I can do now." Bonnie countered, and Klaus laughed "You are nothing against my family, I'm a prince of Hell Bonnie. And I will hunt all of you to your end! I won't be the only one!"

The three slowly exited "Do you hear me!" Klaus yelled from inside "Do you!"

"Bonnie!" Elena shrieked, pointing at the oncoming original striding towards them.

Bonnie focused at the angry vampire but nothing happened "What?" She whimperd.

"You really think that will work on me  witch?!" Alvaro seethed, eyes filled with a chaotic cold anger "Your feeble attempts won't work on me. I'M KING!"

Katherine Perice strolled along the pavement, heading towards a restaurant where her date was waiting. Until a hybrid working for appeared behind her.

She sighed, a glare forming on her face having felt his presence. She turned only to see his head magically get sliced off his neck. She stared eyes wide at the fallen body before looking up to see someone, she hadn't seen in a while, a long while.

"Hello Katherine."

She smirked none the less "Hello, Morgana Gilbert." She tilted her head "Or should I say Morgana Morningstar."

She chuckled briefly closing her eyes, smirking at the older woman "I have a deal, to offer you."

Katherine raised her eyebrows curious, she knew it was risky trusting the devil's daughter but she was willing to hear her out.

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