The Bad Boys little Fighter (...

By Burning_Embers__

2.4M 71.1K 8.4K

The Bad Boys Little Fighter Two people that seem so different, but are they really? Luka Knight, the bad boy... More

The Fight is on
New project new problems
The Bad Boy and the Visit
The Kid and the Interesting Ride
The Bad Boy and the Bitch
Are they "Just Words"
My personal Hells
Stubborn Pain
Will you trust me?
His First Four
What stopped him?
Maybe, just maybe...
Just stay frozen forever
Run away love
Get back to work
Secrets and thunder
Lights out
Scars and Kisses
The Blade and The Picture
The Game and the Chance
Anger and Surprises
Stars and Cops
Sweats and Swimsuits
Whistles and White capped waves
The Hidden Cove and The Place
The Picture and the Anger
The Fear and The Mischief
Him and His
Smoke and Kisses
Peace before The Call
Guilty Truth
Last Time
The End or Just the Beginning
Next book

The Castle and the Guard Dog

75.4K 2.4K 291
By Burning_Embers__

Chapter 6

The Castle and the Guard Dog

I was awoken by the sound of the car being turned off. I looked out the window and was amazed. The house looked like a mansion. As I stepped out of the car a big white dog came running at me. I screamed as he knocked me over and started licking my face.

 “Oh my I’m so sorry” someone said.

 “Ollie get off the poor girl” The Voice said. The dog whimpered as he got off me and went to sit by Luka, who was laughing at me. I glared as I got up.

 “I’m sorry, he’s never so friendly with someone he’s just met” a man said, his bright green eyes reminded me of Lukas. I smiled, this must be his dad.

 “It’s alright” I said brushing myself off. The dog, Ollie walked back over to me and licked my hand. I laughed.

 “Alright boy. It’s alright, your forgiven” I said. He barked at me causing me to flinch. Luka stepped closer to me but I shook my head.

 “I’m fine” I mouthed to him. He nodded but didn’t seem convinced. I sighed and looked back at Lukas father. He smiled at me.

 “You must be Luka’s friend” he said. I raised an eyebrow at Luka in question. Was I his friend?

 “Yes sir” I said uncertainly. He shook his head with a smile.

 “Please, call me Damion” he said. I nodded.

 “Well, please come in” he said with a friendly smile.

 “Thank you” I said as I walked past him. I gasped as I saw the inside of the house. It was all trimmed in gold. I looked over at Luka, he shrugged. We walked up the stairs and into a small hallway off to the right. We passed two doors before we stopped.

 “This door” he said pointing to the door on the right side of the hallway “is mine” he said as he opened the door and walked in. His room was amazing. The walls were dark blue and he had plush black carpet and a black king sized bed in the middle of the room, to the left of the bed was his desk and on the other side of the bedroom were two doors. Probably his bathroom and closet. Luka walked past me and sat back on his bed, pulling off his shoes and laid back staring at me in boredom.

 “Go on, start asking questions” he said. I nodded and sat down next to the bed keeping my distance from him. He narrowed his eyes at me in question. I guess he had noticed but he didn’t say anything, which I was grateful for. We spent what felt like hours with me asking him useless questions trying not to ask something to personal so he wouldn’t shut down on me. I wrote down each question and there answer. After a while I ran out of questions and we sat there as I finished writing down his answers. All of a sudden there was a loud bang on the door and Luka sat up in the bed and rushed down the stairs not even caring if he stepped on me in the process. I stared after him wondering if I should follow him. After a moment I sighed and slowly walked down the stairs. The sight I saw as I walked into the living room made me gasp in horror.

 Ash was laid out on the hard wood floor bleeding from his chest. His face was pale and he was sweating. I shivered in fear. Luka was crouched next to him trying to get his attention but I knew he wasn’t going to get it.

 “Get some cold wet towels, and someone get me a first aid kit” I whispered as I rushed to Ashes side and looked into his eyes. Luka looked at me in anger.

 “What do you know” he growled. At this moment I didn’t care if I acted out of character, if I showed them a little bit of the true me. I glared back at him.

 “A lot more then you think. Now someone get me the things I asked for” my voice was strong and laced with anger. Luka stared at me in shock before nodding his head and one of his friends ran out of the living room. I sighed and slowly pulled up Ashes shirt to see a bullet wound in the right side of his chest. I tilted my head to the side and saw the silver glint of the bullet and sighed. It was a good thing it didn’t go all the way through his chest, but now I had to get the bullet out before I could sew him up. I looked over to a guy with dark blue hair that matched his eyes.

 “Can you cut his shirt away for me” I asked. He nodded and pulled out a knife from his boot. I tensed at seeing the weapon. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my racing heart and keep the flash backs at bay as he cut the shirt away. As soon as he was done another boy walked in with the first aid kit and Lukas father behind him carrying some cold wet towels. I nodded.

 “Now please everyone back up so I can see” I said. They all nodded, and everyone, even Luka, backed away. I took one of the towels and gently wiped the blood away so I could see the wound. I picked up the tweezers from the first aid kit and lowered them into the open gash on his chest and tried to get a hold on the bullet. My hands were shaking a little so my grip on the bullet slipped a few times before I was able to pull it out. As soon as I was done with that I pulled out a needle and thread, but as I was about to start sewing Ash up his voice caught my attention.

 “What are you doing” he asked in a scratchy voice. I looked over to see him staring at me with pain shining in his eyes.

 “I’m going to help you” I whispered. He nodded and watched as I started to sew him up. He hissed and his hand shot out to stop me. I looked over at him again.

 “Hey, you got to let me help you” I said. He nodded and slowly let go of my wrist and I started to sew again. My hair fell into my face and I tried to blow it away but it wasn’t going to move. I jumped slightly as I felt someone gently pull my hair back. I looked back to see Luka behind me holding my hair out of my face. I smiled softly at him before going back to work. After a while I put the needle up and sat back and sighed. My ribs hurt from straining to lean over him for so long.

 “Alright, he should be fine, but he does not get up till Sunday. That means he will rest in bed all day Saturday, is this understood” I demanded staring at each of the men in the room. They all nodded and I sighed, suddenly feeling really tired. I slowly stood up, but I became dizzy and stumbled. Someone caught me before I hit the ground. I looked up to see Luka looking down at me.

“I think I should go” I said. He shook his head.

 “You can’t” he mumbled. My eyes widened in fear.

 “Why not” I asked, my voice shaking. He sighed.

 “You know too much” he said. I backed away from him and shook my head.

 “I know how to keep a secret and I don’t even know what really happened. I won’t say anything but please just let me go” I said my voice shaking as I began to feel trapped. Luka tilted his head to the side and studied me for a moment, then sighed.

 “Fine, but one word to anyone and I’ll kill you” he threatened. I nodded and ran out of the house, not having any idea where I was going. I was just trying to get away.

 I walked the dark streets trying to find my way home. I didn’t have any idea where I was and I cursed myself for falling asleep in the car earlier. I jumped when someone honked at me. I turned to see a red truck pulled up on the curb behind me. I tensed, ready to run if I needed, but when the driver got out I sighed in relief and ran towards the truck.

 “Day” I said as I hugged him. He almost fell back as I tackled him. He laughed. His bright silver eyes the same color as mine, but his bright blond hair was a stark contrast to my dark brown hair. He smiled showing me straight perfect teeth.

 “Hey” he whispered. Day was the one person I trusted. He knew everything in my past and still stayed with me. He was my rock and I loved him for it. He was like a brother to me.

“What are you doing out here” he asked. I sighed.

 “Um…can I tell you after you drive me home” I asked as I hopped into his truck. He chuckled.

 “Sure” he said as he got into the truck as well. He began driving towards my house.

 “So…how long are you staying” I asked. He chuckled again.

 “I’ve moved back for your senior year. You’re such with me till you graduate” he said. I squealed and jumped up and down in my seat. Forgetting about the pain in my ribs for a few minutes.

 “That’s amazing” I said. He nodded.

 “Now tell me everything I’ve missed” he said.

 “Everything” I asked in a small voice. He looked over at me for a second.

 “Yes, everything” he said. I sighed but nodded and began to tell him about Luka and his gang and the project I had to do. He sighed and I knew from the look on his face that this was going to be a long night.

 “No sleep for me” I whispered and Day chuckled.

 “You got that right missy” he said. We both laughed, and for the first time in a while my smile was real, and it felt amazing.

hey guys I was wondering if ya'll like the book?? i'm still kinda new to wrighting and would love some feed back on how the bood is and pointers on what I could work on. Thanks :)

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