Por delulugirliesunite

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ON HOLD! โ๐™‡๐™ค๐™ซ๐™š ๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ง๐™ฉ๐™จ ๐™–๐™จ ๐™– ๐™›๐™š๐™š๐™ก๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ, ๐™—๐™ช๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ช๐™š ๐™ž๐™จ ๐™– ๐™˜๐™๐™ค๐™ž๐™˜๐™š. ๐˜ผ... Mรกs

โœง W E L C O M E โœง
PR ~ betrayed
PR ~ a friend
PR ~ hogwarts
Y3 ~ dancing together
Y3 ~ together
Y3 ~ layra
Y3 ~ sisters
Y3 ~ magical
Y3 ~ flirty much?
Y3 ~ edith
Y3 ~ detention with diggory
Y3 ~ sirius black
Y3 ~ quidditch
Y3 ~ father?
Y3 ~ christmas
Y3 ~ kissing a grandma
Y3 ~ prophecy
Y3 ~ truth
Y3 ~ love, dad
Y4 ~ reunion

Y3 ~ jealousy

447 11 23
Por delulugirliesunite

"I could almost kiss you right now."

Idfc - Blackbear
Wordcount: 5265


Harry and Ron were both still very angry at Hermione for talking to McGonagall about the Firebolt. Y/n, on the other hand, didn't really care about it and was happy that Hermione had thought of their safety. Plus, all she'd gotten taken was a bracelet which didn't mean much to her, seeing as she didn't even know who it was from.

Since that, Harry had started to take private lessons with Lupin to be able to protect himself against Dementors. In the worst scenario, they could appear on the Quidditch match that was coming up against Ravenclaw. It was very important that they won since they still had a chance of winning the cup, but for that- Harry would need the Firebolt.

Y/n was strolling the corridors, looking for Fred and George who'd called her for a prank (she assumed) while Hermione was studying Arithmancy and Harry and Ron was stuck with Snape's essay back in the common room. She could really use some cheering up from her favorite twins. Now that she'd been stuck studying for a few hours, pranking someone sounded like heaven.


She jumped on the spot, her whole body tensing before Fred and George revealed themselves, laughing at her reaction.

"You've got to stop doing that!" She said, taking in a sharp breath.

"Sorry, lil' sis." They both grinned. "Thought you'd know our warmly gesture of welcome by now."

"Yeah, well, obviously not." She huffed. "Anyways, what're we up to?"

"Couldn't be more happy that you're asking, darling." Fred grinned.

"We thought about having some fun with your favorite albino." George winked.

"Ooh, Malfoy? Hell yeah." Y/n rubbed her hands together as an evil smirk plastered on her face.

"Soo, we thought about love potion, but that's so last year." Fred said, sighing dramatically to which Y/n snorted.

"And, we'd love to test out a prank toy we came up with, an enchanted microphone; changes your voice into whoever you want as long as you've heard it in real life before."

Y/n thought for a moment, trying to think of something that could include both a son of a barbie and that new microphone-thingy. An idea entered her mind, a really evil one.

She grinned smugly. "Why don't we send Malfoy a howler to open in the Great Hall for something embarrassing and use the microphone to mimic his Barbie-fathers voice."

Fred and George's faces fell. "That's so incredibly mean," They said, just so their faces could lit up in the biggest grin of world history. "Let's do it!"

Y/n knew it was mean, but yet, thinking back of how Malfoy had bullied them throughout the years; she didn't give a fuck. This would be hilarious.

Apparently, Fred and George had a Howler in their possession, so it was just to begin. First, they decided what it would say. Y/n insisted on keeping in that he was a bully, but also something that would humiliate him.

"What about him pissing his bed?" Fred sniggered.

Y/n shook her head. "No, everyone knows he does that already. It wouldn't be a surprise."

"But it would be humiliating." George pointed out.

"True," Y/n nodded. "what about this? We say we're disappointed in him due to him bullying other students, then we get mad at him because he used up all the hair bleach so now Lucius doesn't have any left and then- we congratulate him on not pissing his bed as often as before."

Fred and George listened carefully to her and thought it over, they had to admit it sounded magnificent.

And so, the plan was in motion. Fred and George had somehow gotten ahold of a Howler which now just needed to be written (yelled).

"So," Y/n started. "Who's yelling?"

Fred and George shared a look. "Why not you, you've got the most scary voice when you're angry, and it'd probably make Malfoy piss himself when it is in his bleached fathers voice."

Y/n nodded slowly, "Alright. I'll do it. But how? I just yell?"

"I saw mum do it to Bill once, she just opened it and yelled, and when she was done she simply sealed it with her wand and sent it away."

"That doesn't sound too difficult." Y/n said. "Let's do it! Where's the microphone?"

Fred grinned smugly and handed her the special microphone which she with slight difficulty managed to change into Lucius Malfoy's voice.

After a bit of yelling and laughing, the Howler was finally finished and they planned on sending it the next morning so Malfoy'd get it over breakfast.

"I better get back to the common room now," Y/n said. "See you!"

"See you sis." The twins replied before they parted in different directions.

Back in the common room, the boys and Hermione were still studying, although it seemed like Ron and Harry had given up. Y/n went to sit by Hermione, not wanting her to be alone since Harry and Ron were both further away- idiotically avoiding her.

Just then, Wood entered the common room.

"Bad news," He started, making his way up to Harry. "I spoke to McGonagall about your Firebolt. She- er- got a bit shirty with me. Told me I'd gotten my priorities wrong. Said I cared too much about winning the Cup and not having you alive just because I told her I didn't care if it threw you off as long as you caught the Snitch first.."

Y/n pressed her lips together to suppress herself from letting out a small laugh at Oliver's reasoning with McGonagall.

"You should've heard the way she was yelling at me.." He carried on, "As if I'd done something terrible! And then I asked her how long she'd be keeping it-" He scrunched up his face and mimicked McGonagall's severe voice. "As long as needed, Wood."

"I really think you should order a new broom, Harry." He sighed. "There's an order form at the back of Which Broomstick... you could get a Nimbus 2001 like Malfoy, maybe?"

Harry shook his head. "I'm not buying anything Malfoy think is good." He said flatly.

To this, Y/n rolled her eyes.


The next day, Y/n was eager to get to breakfast. She hurried up Hermione for once, who was extremely confused at the changed behavior.

"C'mon, Mione! We have to hurry!"

"Who are you and what have you done to Y/n Wilson?" Hermione asked in disbelief as she swiftly tied her tie.

"Nothing special, nothing special." Y/n lied simply, though her mind was already picturing Malfoy's terrified face when he got the Howler.

At breakfast, Y/n made sure she was seated next to Fred and George along with Hermione (Ron and Harry were a bit further away).

The breakfast was long and for once boring, Y/n ate her eggs, impatiently waiting for the post to come. Her face lit up when she heard the familiar sound of wings entering the Great Hall.

She turned around, setting her gaze on Malfoy who's Howler just landed in front of him. She bit her lip, suppressing an evil laugh.

Fred and George shared a look with her as Malfoy's face scrunched up horrifiedly when he read the Howler was from his 'father'. Theodore Nott, who sat beside him seemed to cover up the grin making its way to his face.

"Shut up, Nott." Malfoy hissed loudly, gaining the Halls attention. The students started whispering, some pointing and giggling as Malfoy shakily ripped the Howler open.


He jumped slightly on his seat at the voice of his father, visibly gulping.

You are a disgrace to this noble family! You cannot use all our hair bleach, now I've got to go to an important business meeting with my roots darker than my beautiful ends!

Not only that, I've heard that you're a foolish bully at school, you should know better than giving our family a bad reputation!

Mafloy's eyes were wide as he stared at the Howler which continued yelling until its voice finally calmed a little.

Although, I must say I'm impressed. I got a letter saying that you haven't pissed your bed in a whole week. That's an improvement I suppose."

Malfoy seemed stunned, his face was paler than ever and his Slytherin friends were grinning- as did the rest of the Great Hall. Y/n secretly high-fived Fred and George under the table.

Everyone seemed to have found the situation hilarious-- except, of course Malfoy who stood up and left the Great Hall in a swift moment.

"Good god," Hermione said. "That was rough."

Y/n couldn't even speak due to her now escalated laughter. "D-did you see his fAce?"

Harry and Ron were also laughing at their spot along with Seamus, Dean and Neville. And when Harry's gaze met Y/n, she gave him a secret wink along with a grin and he immediately realized who was behind it.


January slowly faded into February, the weather still bitterly cold, and the match against Ravenclaw was drawing nearer. Harry still hadn't got a broom and to Y/n's disappointment hadn't he (nor Ron) forgiven Hermione.

Y/n was on her way back to the common room after a chat with Cedric and a small-talk with Fred and George about the successful prank they'd pulled on Malfoy. The boy had apparently not showed up for classes during the whole day.

Suddenly, Y/n's body bumped into someone else's and she wasn't surprised to see the familiar green eyes behind the round glasses. Harry. Probably on his way back to the common room as well from one of his anti-dementor classes with Lupin.

"Hey Harold," Y/n smiled. "How was your class."

"Alright I guess." He shrugged. "I've managed the spell- I think- but not fully."

Y/n frowned. "Which means?"

"I can make the Dementor's stay away, which is good for the match. But I cannot make them disappear fully."

"But that's great," Y/n encouraged him as they started walking together towards the common room. "And about the match, you still haven't got a new broom?"

"No," he spoke. "I hope I get the Firebolt back in time..."

Just as he said that, Professor McGonagall rounded the corner with a broom in her grip. "Ahh, Potter, Black. Exactly who I wanted to see."

Y/n's eyebrows rose. "Really, but we haven't done anything, have we?" She looked at Harry.

"No-uh." He said, shaking his head.

"Well, no." She said. "But there was something else," She handed Harry his broom and took the bracelet out of her pocket; handing it to Y/n.. "You can get them back."

Harry's eyes widened when he realized it was the Firebolt. "Really? I-I mean thank you!" He looked as if he could've hugged her on the spot while Y/n just examined her bracelet, still confused to why she received it.

"Now, you may continue wherever you were going." She said and left the two.

"I've got to tell Wood!" Harry said excitedly.

Just as he was about to start walking again, Y/n grabbed him by the robe. "No." She said firmly. "First you and Ron have to apologize to Hermione. She didn't do anything wrong, you know. She simply cared for your safety."

Harry rubbed his raven mess of a hair, but gave in. "Yeah, you're right."

Y/n nodded, satisfied. "I'm always right."

Harry huffed. "Discussable."

At this response, Y/n pushed him, making him trip slightly forward.

Arriving at the Gryffindor common room entrance, they came across Neville who frantically checked his pockets as Sir Cadogan impatiently glared at him.

"Hey, Nev." Y/n said. "Looking for something?"

"Oh, er-" He stopped at the sight of Harry and Y/n. "I can't remember the password.., I had them all scribbled down on a piece of paper, but I must've lost it!"

"Oh, no worries." Harry said politely, walking up to the portrait. "Oddsbodikins."

The portrait swung open, letting them into the common room where the Gryffindor's were crowded in different groups, all chattering or studying. Y/n spotted Ron sitting further away with Dean and Seamus while Hermione sat on her own, probably doing some Rune translations for her essay.

Books were scattered all over the desk she was sitting at, and even looking from far away, Y/n could sense she was tired. She had tried to convince Hermione to drop a few subjects, but it wasn't easy.

Neville hadn't seem to notice the broomstick in Harry's hand, though the rest of the common room did. Ron was the first to run up to Harry.

"You got it back?!" He exclaimed, his face admiring the broomstick which Harry held up so that he could take a better look at it.

"Oi, Harry!" The twins yelled. "Come and lay it here!"

He didn't hesitate to walk over and place the broomstick so that everyone could see, Y/n snuck up to her dorm to leave her bracelet in her trunk.

When she walked down again, she saw Ron carrying Harry's broomstick up to the boys dormitory as if it was made of glass. She walked up to Harry and nudged him before pointing at Hermione.

"Do it now." She whispered.

Harry swallowed, but nodded and made his way over to Hermione with Y/n trailing behind him.

"Hi." He said, Hermione looked up from her Potion's book.

"Hi.." She spoke hesitantly.

"Er-- I just wanted to say I'm sorry for this whole broomstick thing, I know it was stupid and I know you were just trying to help."

Hermione nodded slowly, considering his apology. "Right." She spoke.

"So, can I sit down?" He asked awkwardly.

She shrugged. "I suppose so."

Harry let out a visible, relieved breath and took a seat beside Hermione. "So what are you studying?"


Y/n smiled, happy that the two had finally made up. Now it was just Ron left to apologize.

But it wasn't that easy. A strangled scream was heard from the boys dormitory. The common room fell silent, staring petrified at the entrance as Ron ran downstairs, carrying a bedsheet.

"LOOK!" He bellowed, marching over to where Hermione was sitting, forcing the bedsheet in front of her face. "LOOK!"

Hermione seemed stunned. "Ron, what-"


"Ron calm down!" Y/n said, raising her voice.

Though, Ron ignored her and Hermione leaned away from him, utterly bewildered at his sudden actions. Harry looked down at the bedsheet Ron was holding. There was something red on it, something that looked terribly much like-

"BLOOD!" Ron exclaimed into the stunned silence. Y/n stared petrified at the stain on the sheets, not knowing how to act in the situation. "HE'S GONE AND YOU KNOW WHAT WAS ON THE FLOOR?"

Hermione shook her head swiftly. "N-no.." She trembled.

Ron huffed and threw something onto Hermione's rune translations. Lying on top of the weird, spiky-shaped Runes were severely, long, ginger cat-hairs.


It seemed like the end of Ron and Hermione's friendship. Y/n couldn't figure out how to possibly make them friends again, and neither could Harry. Ron was furious with Hermione, saying that she was defending her cat for murdering his rat. He spoke about how reckless it was for her to let the cat out of her sight while Hermione defended Crookshanks by telling Ron that he didn't have any proof it was Crookshanks who ate Scabbers, the ginger hairs could've been there before.

Harry seemed to have taken Ron's side as always (to Y/n's displeasure) and Fred and George had tried to persuade Ron that Scabbers was just an old rat who'd die any day anyways.

"He bit Goyle for us once." Ron had said miserably. "Remember?" Harry had nodded while Y/n had let out a sarcastic huff.

"His finest hour. May the scar on Goyle's hand stand as a lasting tribute to his memory." Ron had given her a death glare, which she returned.

Harry was currently at Quidditch practice for the upcoming match against Ravenclaw and Ron had joined him, saying that he'd watch from the stands. Y/n had joined Hermione in her constant studying which still calculated around Rune translations.


The next morning, Y/n and Hermione were sat at the Gryffindor table for breakfast with the constant chattering of the Gryffindor Quidditch team further away in their ears.

Today was the Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw match and Y/n and Lee would be commentary as always.

Wood had lifted Harry's Firebolt and placed it on top of the table, probably to scare the Ravenclaws. Percy had walked up to them along with his Ravenclaw girlfriend, Penelope Clearwater who'd been allowed to hold the broom.

"Now, now, Penelope." He said. "No cheating." Penelope put the broom down again and thanked Harry before leaving towards the Ravenclaw.

"You better win, Harry." Percy said hurriedly. "Me and Penny have a bet, you see. And I don't have 10 galleons!"

Harry nodded as Percy left after Penelope.

Cedric also came up to them, complementing the broomstick and having a small chat with Y/n (Harry glancing over at them now and then to make sure to give Cedric a glare). Y/n had missed talking with Cedric, it was a while since they interacted and she did enjoy his company.

Lastly, Malfoy came over, his trolls trailing behind him. "Sure you can manage that broom, Pottah?" He said coldly in his usual drawling voice.

"Yeah, I reckon so." Harry said casually. Y/n bit her lip, the casualty in his sassy voice was kinda- she couldn't find a word to describe it.

"Got plenty of special features, hasn't it?" Mafloy spoke, eyes glittering maliciously. "Shame it doesn't come with a parachute- in case a Dementor shows up."

Crabbe and Goyle sniggered as Y/n's jaw tightened from where she was watching further away. But Harry seemed to handle the situation pretty good by himself.

"Pity you can't attach an extra arm to yours, Malfoy." He said calmly. "Then it could catch the snitch for you."

The Gryffindor team broke into a fit of laughter and Malfoy's pale eyes narrowed before stalking away to rejoin his Slytherin friends.

At a quarter to eleven, the Gryffindor team left to the changing rooms and Y/n went to the commentary tower as Hermione joined Ginny on the stands.

The two teams entered the pitch, Gryffindor with their scarlet robes billowing behind them and Ravenclaw with their ocean blue ones.

Y/n eyed down the new seeker of Ravenclaw; Cho Chang. She was a fourth year and riding a Comet Four-Sixty. Y/n then noticed Harry staring at her as well down on the pitch with some sort of admiration in his eyes.

She felt like throwing up inside her mouth, but forced her gaze upon Fred and George who sent her a wink, which she returned with a thumbs-up.

Madam Hooch ordered the players to mount their brooms and the Captains to shake hands.

"And they're off!" Lee bellowed.

The Chasers zoomed around the pitch, the Quaffle being thrown left to right as Wood was watching it intensely, never letting it out of his sight; ready to block it from the Gryffindor hoops. Fred and George were flying around with their bats; aiming Bludgers at Ravenclaw players while Harry trailed far in the air, watching the game take place from above.

The weather was quite the opposite from the match against Hufflepuff, the air was clear and not a cloud was in sight; much to Harry's appreciation.

Lee kept on talking about Harry's Firebolt, earning constant glares from McGonagall. "Lee!" She said sternly. "Focus on the match!"

"Right, sorry Professor!"

Y/n took over the mic, updating the crowd about the scores. "Gryffindor in possession, Katie Bell of Gryffindor heading for the goal!"

Harry streaked by Katie in opposite direction, gazing around him for a glint of gold and noticing that Cho Chang was tailing him closely. She was undoubtedly a very good flier-- she kept cutting across him, forcing him to change direction.

Y/n was growing frustrated for no reason at all. Or well, maybe because he (in her opinion) was being way too nice. Fred seemed to think the same thing when he yelled out; "Show her your acceleration, Harry!" As he whooshed past in pursuit of a Bludger that was aiming for Alicia.

Y/n watched Harry aim his Firebolt forward as they rounded the Ravenclaw goalposts and Cho finally fell behind just as Katie successfully scored.

Then, Harry dived. Y/n drew a sharp breath as she watched Cho speeding after him. Harry urged his Firebolt faster, blood of excitement rushing through his veins, diving had always been one of his specialties.

Y/n clenched her fists, quietly cheering for Harry who was now ten feet away from the Snitch. Then a Bludger came pelting out of nowhere, forcing Harry to veer, avoiding it by an inch. And in those few crucial seconds, the Snitch had vanished.

An 'Ooooh' of disappointment was heard from the Gryffindor stands as the Ravenclaws cheered up their Beater. George vented his feelings by hitting the second Bludger straight at the offending Beater who was forced to roll right over in mid-air to avoid it.

"Gryffindor lead by eighty points to zero, and look at that Firebolt go!" Lee yelled out in the mic. "Potter's really putting it through its paces now. See it turn- Chang's Comet is just no match for it. The Firebolt's precision-balance is really noticable in these long-"

McGonagall exclaimed angrily.

Y/n laughed as Lee fell silent. Ravenclaw were pulling back, they had by now scored three goals which only put Gryffindor fifty points ahead. If Cho caught the Snitch before Harry, it was over. Ravenclaw would win. Y/n watched Harry drop lower, narrowly avoiding a Ravenclaw Chaser, scanning the pitch frantically. A glint of gold, a flutter of tiny wings- the Snitch was circling around the Gryffindor goal-post.

Harry accelarated, eyes focused on the tiny speck of gold ahead of him. But the next second, Cho appeard out of thin air- blocking his way, forcing him to sverve to avoid a collision.

Lee seemed stunned when Y/n slammed the mic out of his hands and yelled irritably; "NOW IS NO TIME TO BE A GENTLEMAN, HAROLD! SHOVE THE DAMN GIRL OFF HER BROOM IF YOU HAVE TO!"

Maybe a little harsch, but it clearly did the job. Y/n's voice seemed to put in a new type of energy in Harry. McGonagall for once kept quiet about irrelevant commenting as Harry zoomed upwards again, regaining his balance as Cho shot him a smirk.

Twenty feet up in the air, Harry saw Cho following him from the corner of his eye. She had decided to mark him rather than search the Snitch for herself. Alright, then she needed to take the consequences.

Harry dived, acting like he'd seen the Snitch. It was convincing as the stadium held their breath and Cho shot after him.

He didn't swerve even when he closed up to the ground, (the stadium still holding their breath) and Cho didn't seem to plan on swerving either- blindly following Harry into the trap. An inch before hitting the ground, Harry exploited the features of his broom and steadily shot upwards while Cho seemed to have problems with the balance on her Comet.
Up in the air, Harry spotted the Snitch and without thinking shot after it while Cho still seemed to have problems to regain her balance.

He was twenty feet ahead of Cho as he closed up to the Snitch, almost there..-

"Oh!" Cho screamed, pointing.

Distractedly, Harry looked down. Three Dementors. Three tall, hooded Dementors looked up at him. Though, his mind didn't wander away as he gripped his wand and pointed it towards the Dementors.

"Expecto Patronum!" A silvery light shot from his wand, but he didn't slow down to look. Instead, his mind was focused on the Snitch. Nearly there, he stretched out his arm and leaned over the speeding broom. His fingers grasped around the golden Snitch and Gryffindor had won.

Harry held the Snitch up in the air so that everyone could see. The Gryffindor stands exploded-- as well as Lee who were shouting out in the mic while Y/n cheered loudly, watching Harry with a big smile on her face.

The players lowered to the ground and attacked Harry with a big group hug. Oliver had burst into tears as he yelled; "That's my boy!"

Y/n ran down to the pitch along with many other Gryffindors to congratulate them. She immediately threw her arms around Harry in a bone-crushing hug. He seemed startled and it took a moment for him to regain his balance before hugging her back, chuckling softly as a small blush made its way up his cheeks. He was happy that he could blame the wind on that one.

"You did amazing!" Y/n said, pulling away. "And that spell, wow!"

"Glad you liked the show." He said, bowing in a mocking manner to which Y/n laughed.

She leaned closer to him, her breath giving Harry chills against his neck before she boldly whispered; "I could almost kiss you right now."

That's all she said before pulling away, not giving him a second glance before walking over to congratulate Fred and George.

Harry stood in his spot, frozen, blushing furiously. It didn't get better when Cho Chang walked up to him, offering him her hand. "Good game." She said, a light smile on her lips.

He took her and and shook it. "Yeah," He breathed. "Good game."


Harry had been informed that the Dementors he saw weren't exactly Dementors. It was actually Mafloy, Crabbe, Goyle and Flint who'd dressed up as it. He'd apparently given them quite a fright and Professor McGonagall had yelled at them furiously.

Later, it was party in the Common Room. They acted as if they'd won the whole Cup, but it almost felt like it. Everyone was cheering, great music were playing in the background and Fred and George had brung loads of sweets and Butterbeer.

"How did you do that?" Angelina asked, bewildered.

"With a little help from Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs and Lynx." Fred whispered into Y/n's ear.

The party went on into the night, everyone seemed to have a great time and in Harry's opinion, the night couldn't have been better. His thoughts kept lingering back to what Y/n had said back on the pitch; 'I could almost kiss you right now'.

The words had done something to him. Something he couldn't really put his finger on.

The only person who didn't join the party was Hermione. She sat in a quiet corner, trying to read an enormous book entitled; Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles.

Y/n walked over to her, Harry following. "C'mon Herms," She said. "Join the party!"

"I can't." Hermione said shrilly. "I've got to finish this book by Monday and I've still got four hundred and twenty-two pages left."

"Did you even come to the match?" Harry asked, frowning.

"Of course I did." Hermione said flatly. "And I'm very glad we won and I think you did a great job."

"Oh come on, Herms." Y/n tried to persuade her very stubborn friend. "Come and have some food at least."

"I'm not hungry." She spoke, her gaze landing on Ron. "And he doesn't want me to join anyway."

There was no arguing with that, and Ron just made it clear by loudly speaking up; "If Scabbers just hadn't been eaten, he could've had some of these Fudge Flies. He used to really like them-!"

Hermione burst into tears and before Harry nor Y/n could act, she'd tucked her book under her arm and run upstairs into the girls dormitory.

Before running after her, Y/n marched up to Ron. "Honestly Ronald," She said harshly. "Can't you just give her a break!?"

"No," Ron said stubbornly. "if she just acted like she was sorry-- but she'll never admit she's wrong. She's still acting as if Scabbers' gone on holiday or something."

Y/n rolled her eyes and walked up to the girls dormitory to comfort Hermione while Harry tried to talk to Ron about what Y/n just had.

Y/n talked to Hermione for a bit, calming her down and saying that Ron was an idiot for blaming her on Scabbers death. After a while, it went quiet in the Common Room, signaling to Y/n that the party had probably been stopped by McGonagall.

Still whispering to Hermione, she climbed into bed and twitched the hangings of her four-poster half shut to block out a ray of moonlight. Hermione suddenly fell silent, she probably fell asleep and it didn't take long until Y/n did the same.

Though, it didn't last long before a piercing scream was heard from the boys dormitories. Lavender was the first to wake up and lit her lamp as Y/n rubbed her groggy eyes.

"What was that?" Parvati questioned with wide eyes. Hermione shrugged and let out a yawn as Y/n got out of bed.

"Let's go down and see, shall we?"

The girls went down to the Common Room which was already crowded of Gryffindors. Y/n spotted Harry and Ron amongst them.

"What happened?" She questioned.

"Ron says he saw Black with a knife hovering over his bed." Harry said. "He insists it was real."

"It was." Ron said in a raspy voice.

"Oh, well. Thanks for ruining my beauty-sleep." Y/n rolled her eyes. "It must've been a nightmare, Ron."

More doors opened and more Gryffindors filled up the common room, all wondering what had happened.

"Excellent," Fred said brightly. "are we carrying on?"

"No!" Percy said sharply, hurrying into the common room while pinning his <Head-Boy badge onto his pajamas. "Everyone back to your dormitories!"

"Perce--" Ron said faintly. "Sirius Black! He was in our dorm, with a knife and he woke me up!"

"Nonsense." Percy said, startled. "You clearly had too much Butterbeer, Ron. It was just a nightmare!"

"I'm telling you-" Ron tried, but got cut off by a furious McGonagall who entered the common room by slamming the portrait.

"Now, I am telling you." She said loudly. "Enough is enough! I am delighted Gryffindor won the match, but this is getting ridiculous, Percy. I excepted better from you!"

"I certainly didn't authorize this, Professor!" Percy said, puffing himself up indignantly. "I was just telling them all to go back to bed. My brother, Ron, had a nightmare-"


Professor McGonagall simply stared at him, not knowing what to believe.

"Don't be ridiculous, Weasley." She spoke towards Ron. "How could he possibly have gotten through the portrait hole?"

"Ask him!" Ron said, pointing a shaking finger towards Sir Cadogan's portrait.

Glaring suspiciously at Ron, Professor McGonagall pushed through the portrait hole and went outside. The whole common room fell quiet, quietly listening to the conversation.

"Sir Cadogan," McGonagall begun sternly. "Did you by any chance just let a man enter the Gryffindor Tower?"

"Certainly, good lady!" Sir Cadogan cried.

There was a stunned silence on both sides of the portrait. McGonagall drew a sharp breath.

"You- you did!? But the passwords-"

"Had 'em all, Professor!" Sir Cadogan cut off. "All of 'em on a piece of paper!"

Professor McGonagall shakily re-entered the common room, she was white as a chalk.

"Which person," She spoke. "Which abysmally foolish person wrote down all this weeks passwords on a piece of paper and let them lying around?"

Y/n gulped when she realized. Neville Longbottom shakily raised a small hand up in the air, gaining the rooms attention. Y/n didn't think she'd ever felt this bad for a person.


A/N: HIiI welcome!! This whole Malfoy prank thing is just so out of context and random, I don't know why I even wrote it, but there it is..

There was a cute moment between Y/n and Harry and the pitch and we also saw some jealousy when Cho came into the picture. Maybe that was the reason Y/n was rather bold afterwards.. who knows.

Right now, I just want them to get together. But I can't because that'd be a shit story lol since we need dRaMa.

Also thank you sm for all the comments and votes, it rlly makes my dayyy xx

Plus, I still wanna remind y'all that I'm working on another Harry story atm so I'm sorry if this isn't 100% overlooked and edited since I've been working on the other one but I hope that's okay lmao.

QOTD: How tall are you?

Me: That might be the most random question ever, but I'm 5'6-5'7 lol.

See y'all next week my fellow Harold P. simps🤺

- Clair Potter

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