Last Name

By Bokkunn4

595 36 27

"You might actually know my father," you beam at the officer in front of you. "Oh really? What's his name?" h... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.


9 1 0
By Bokkunn4


As promised, this is just a quick little, "so how was it Imai?" section and other little fun tidbits I tried to hide through out the story!

...the story for the self insert drawings of me...I got bored and attempted to draw a cartoon version of me. LOLLLL. Thought I'd try something new...then I ran with it and drew me hanging out and having this Ted Talk with Daichi. it was definitely fun to sketch these out. I hope they bring some color and personalization into the story from me to you!

Chapter 1:

Your mind came back to the present where your eyes focused on the framed picture on your father's desk. It was easily your favorite photo. In it, your father's face was still covered in whipped cream as he gleamed at the camera, one arm wrapped around a terrified Daichi's shoulders. You were standing on the other side of Daichi, holding one of his arms with both of yours as you excitedly cheesed at the camera. You were proud of yourself at how well the first meeting had turned out, but also had to make sure your boyfriend didn't topple over from the distress you had caused him. Your mother was standing behind the both of you, visible in the space between you two as both of her hands rested on top of his shoulders. The picture was chaotic, and it captured your family perfectly.

As we all know now...the person who took this picture was Imai...scary :P 


Chapter 2:

You glanced back onto the nightstand, and sure enough, two empty bowls laid next to the clock. If anything, you had simply saved Daichi a trip to go get seconds as he'd always had a decent appetite. Next to the bowls laid two remote controls. You rolled your eyes as you realized he had been too lazy, yet again, to replace the batteries in the remote that belonged in your room, and had therefore grabbed the remote from the living room to use for the TV up here. This is why you're always misplacing things.

The first, of multiple hints towards why Nori had an Airtag on the remote in question. LOLLL


"Yes, Dad. I know what you're saying, but they might give me first chair. This is what I've been working towards, you've gotta trust me. Mhmm. Yes, I know," you continued to nod your head even though your father couldn't see you as you balanced your cellphone between your ear and shoulder, using your hands to open the door to your apartment. Soon as the door swung open, a blast of music filled your ears along with cringe worthy singing that made you wish you could tear your ears off. It was so loud, even your father stopped talking.

Did anyone pick up this conversation? This was the conversation Nori is having with her father before she steps into the apartment to find Kuroo dancing and singing around the kitchen. This is them discussing Yue's case against Haku! Nori's father was nervous about her taking it (and as we now know, he had the right to be).


"Confidential plans. I'm a servant of the law and have to maintain such things in secret," you frankly state before gulping down the milk in your bowl.

"Sure, sure. Aren't you the one who's always coming home and venting about your cases? You've been going on and on about that famous sumo wrestler, Hakusho Shi, was it? Doesn't sound like you're very confidential to me."

And here we have the very first mention of Haku Hoshi! The "Sumo Wrestler" case as Kuroo called his defense...the names really ARE similar. I originally had him comparing his name to a real sumo wrestler, but since Haku Hoshi was a bad guy, I didn't want to write a negative connotation with the real person in question, so Hakusho Shi is a fake made up one. 


"How about...and just wait..this might be a brilliant about you stop doing everything pro bono so you can finally afford a place on your own without Alisa forcing me to be your roommate!" Kuroo yelled out from the kitchen, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Shut ahhhppp!"

A very small detail, but Nori does a lot of pro bono work...meaning she takes on a lot of cases for free (a form of charity work), which is why she often gets gifts from her clients instead! This would end up being the reason why she never sees half of the gifts right when she gets them...her secretary collects the cards that come with the gifts and gives them to her when she has downtime to respond so she doesn't end up losing them in the chaos. 


Chapter 3:

"Nah, got today off because I'm working this Sunday. Your remote's battery is dead, so I had to manually turn on the TV and pick something. I was watching some anime about volleyball, but then that ended and this turned on. Would have changed it, but you were wrapped up all around me so I thought I'd try not to disturb you," he replied with a yawn, eyes watering up from the stretch before they went back to focusing on the television.

Haikyuuception? hehe. 


"Shut up, you hypocrite. Let me seeee," you tapped the front of your forehead and closed your eyes pretending to think, "During your last Spring Nationals, didn't Coach Nekomata catch you two—"

"Ah YES, Kuroo is a hypocrite. Why don't we just leave it at that?" Alisa awkwardly laughed, glaring at Kuroo as if to say it was all his fault their dirty laundry was almost about to be revealed. He just winked at her and grinned.

"Wait, what happened then? I don't remember hearing anything," Daichi quickly asked, curious to know how he hadn't heard the story when he had spent most of his time with Nekoma once they both had lost.

"Nori, don't you dare. I'm pulling the pregnant card. You can tell him when I'm not around to die from embarrassment," Alisa swiftly turned around, well as swiftly as a seven month pregnant lady could, and glared at Nori who just laughed.

"Well...let's just say Coach Nekomata decided to return to his retirement after that year ended. He remembered just how troublesome dumb, horny teenagers could be," you let out before breaking out in a full blown cackle that brought tears to your eyes. Even Kuroo had snorted and was shaking as he tried to hold back his laughter while he drove. Daichi looked over at Alisa who simply covered her face with her hands and groaned.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into that!" Alisa murmured from behind her hands.

"Kitten, if I remember were begging for it."

I know KurooKen is a huge fan favorite ship, and I myself have read some really cute ones with the two of them and adore them together....but I've always been a huge fan of Alisa and Kuroo. hehe. It's a headcanon of mine that they dated secretly because of Lev until he one day found out in a not so nice way where he wanted to probably gauge his eyes out...oops. ;) 


After Nori helped him get off the streets, Haru joined the women's shelter and began helping through their "Big Brother" program where he would behave as the older brother for various kids who were at or ever had been through the shelter (though it's not necessary to participate in the program). Many women who escape to women's shelters often do not have other family to reach out to for help, and so their children often feel isolated. This is where Haru comes in! Here it sets the stage for Yue not having come home on Thursday night, and why Haru ended up taking care of Akio. He then reached out to Sugawara because Haru knows him through 1. Daichi, 2. the shelter, 3. Sugawara is a teacher at Nekoma Elementary and lives near Yue's home where Haru was at with Akio. 


Haru wanted to talk to Daichi about the situation, as did Sugawara at this point, but he got interrupted (probably to work with the sketch artist) so he never got a chance to say anything. Meanwhile, Sugawara had made Haru and Akio his responsibility because they're both underage and Haru didn't want Akio to be taken in by child protective services. 


Chapter 4: 

Daichi scrambled out of Kuroo's car before Kuroo even had a chance to come to a complete stop. He rushed up the stairs of the police precinct and entered into the bustling building. He ignored the various greetings directed his way and almost even tripped over a young, brown haired boy who didn't look like he could be any older than four years old. He was probably accompanying one of the various adults in the office, but Daichi didn't bother to look more into it as he made a straight beeline towards his destination.

Welp...Daichi meets his future son and almost runs him over. 


 The door was closed, so Daichi took a deep breath to calm himself as his eyes scanned the metal plate that was bolted to the outside of it.

Tetsuya Imai

And here it is...Imai's first name, Tetsuya.


After the necessary paperwork to report Nori as a missing person had been completed, his boss, Superintendent Imai, hadn't wasted any time following the protocol for a possible kidnapping of a person related to a high profile political figure. Daichi had been thankful for the efficiency because even he couldn't remember all of the details for the process. His boss was luckily up to date and quickly set the right gears in motion, but Daichi had not been prepared for what was to come.

Wanted to use this to point out that Imai had know the protocols for this specific situation basically off the top of his head...(which is absurd because it's not something that would happen every day. A normal person would need to reference at least some binder or something....but of course, Imai's looked into it.


Suga hadn't been able to stay long because he was helping Haru with something important, but he had attempted to lighten Daichi's mood and bring him some decent dinner. Daichi hadn't felt like eating, but he ate a few bites for Suga's sake.

That something important would be Akio. 


"I apologize. I let my anger get the best of me. Please continue with your questions," Daichi scowled. Daichi felt Imai place a precautionary hand on his shoulder, probably to grab him in case he got angry again.

"Apology accepted," Giichi smirked as he fixed his coat and tie and pulled his chair back up to sit back onto it. "As I was asking before. You and your wife have been trying to conceive for the last year?"

The hold on Daichi's shoulder tightened.

Imai tightened his hold on Daichi because he felt some type of way. 


"Do you know she's pregnant?"

Daichi flinched at both, the words that left Giichi's mouth and the pain from Imai's fingers digging into his shoulder.

Now why would Imai need to dig his fingers into Daichi's shoulder THAT hard if he didn't even move forward towards Giichi?...🤔 suspicious, suspicious.


"That's why I ask. Your wife is pregnant according to a pregnancy test found at your house, and it seems like you're not even aware of it. She already had a doctor's appointment scheduled for this upcoming week. I wonder why she wouldn't tell you? Especially if she had the time to schedule an appointment. I wonder....what if the child isn't yours?"

"Shut up! You don't know anything about my wife! Or me for that matter! Who the fu--"

The hand on his shoulder had kept Daichi from getting to his feet. It was holding him so tight, Daichi was sure he'd have a bruise, but without the hold, he knew for a fact he would have attacked the snarky bastard sitting across from him and probably gotten himself thrown into a cell.

This one was reasonable since Daichi DID move towards Giichi, but he didn't have to hold him so tight that Daichi felt like he would be bruised...that's overkill, nah?


"Daichi....calm down. Just answer his questions," Imai's firm voice came from behind him as he continued to pull Daichi back from where he had started moving towards Giichi again. "Inspector Giichi...I implore that you carry this interrogation tastefully. I am not asking for any special treatment, but Nor--Mrs. Sawamura is someone that is well respected here, and we don't want her name slandered."

"Of course Superintendent, I understand. That's not my intention at all. I'm just trying to make sense of what we're dealing with here," Giichi said as he turned to Imai, a rather curious smile on his smug face that didn't necessarily reach his black eyes.

Imai almost slips and calls her Nori, and he also doesn't like that Giichi was suggesting that Nori was sleeping around without tact. Also, this is when Giichi starts to gain interest in Imai and how he's reacting...hence the curious smile.  


"Are you listening to me? They're best friends. Anything he sends her is platonic. First of all, she's allergic to flowers. Even if she wasn't, they would still be platonic flowers! He wouldn't need to sneak them to her work. He could deliver them to me, and I'd personally make sure she got them! Second of all, he knows she hasn't been working the last four Fridays because she hasn't been able to get a court date. If he was sneaking around, trying to send her flowers, why would he send them on a day she's not even there!"

"Would Mr. Kuroo know that she's allergic to flowers?"

"Of course he knows! He was with her when she had her first allergic reaction in middle school!" Daichi had leaned forward in his chair again and had instantly felt Imai's hand on his shoulder, but instead of holding him back, it fell away.

"Hmmm," Giichi thought to himself, completely ignoring the angered Daichi and instead getting up from his chair to walk around as if in deep thought before pausing and glancing at Daichi and the two individuals that were standing behind Daichi. "Your wife and Mr. Kuroo used to live together, did they not? Even though Mr. Kuroo had his own place, he moved in with her."

Imai was conflicted here because he hadn't known that Nori was allergic to flowers...he can't believe that he didn't know this information, which is why he's too deep in thought to even realize to pull Daichi back. Giichi also starts paying attention to Imai's facial expressions when he's asking these questions..."glancing at Daichi and the two individuals that were standing behind Daichi."


Chapter 5:

The rather large breakthrough Daichi had wanted to celebrate involved you having done some of your own detective work and finding a witness for the case you were working on. With a little help from Superintendent Imai, paperwork for pushing the trial back a week so that you could prepare the witness had successfully gone through, most likely giving you your best chance to make or break the case.


"Don't give me any hickies. I have an important meeting tomorrow with your boss," you whispered as you regretfully pulled your neck away from where he had started to suck on your skin.

Both reference how Imai worked with Nori...not much of a "clue" but just that they did have a professional relationship that we later find out Imai had constructed to be something totally different in his head. 


"Look who it is. The guest of honor being fashionably tacky," came a familiar voice from behind you. You and Daichi both turned to see Kuroo coming out of the men's restroom, hands casually in the pockets of his pants.

"Wow, Tetsuuuu! You look great! Is this a new suit?" you beamed at him.

"Watch yourself. You know only my grams is allowed to call me that," he genuinely threatened. "And oh guys didn't," he rolled his eyes as he stepped closer.

When it's shared that Kuroo hates being called Tetsu. Only his grams is allowed to call him that. Nori here does it on purpose since he called her tacky. 

Once the bowl and fork were collected, Daichi, Kenma, Lev, and Alisa quickly made their way to the police station. Once there, they found their way to Superintendent Imai's office where conveniently enough, Inspector Giichi and Sugawara were also present.

Sugawara was called in to answer some questions by Giichi. Afterwards, he's sitting in the office with Giichi and Imai and THIS (though obviously not explicitly stated in the writing) is when Imai learns that Akio is being kept by Sugawara temporarily.


"Sawamura, listen. You're an investigator, just like me. These aren't things I want to be true. They're theories. My job isn't to find the theory that makes the most sense and plug it in place. My job is to find the theory that actually happened, and sometimes, those make the least amount of sense. From where this investigation is going, it looks like we might actually be taken off of the case soon," Giichi stated as he turned from Daichi and instead looked at Superintendent Imai whose eyes widened. "We were brought in because we thought it was a political kidnapping, but fifty-five hours since the disappearance, and there hasn't been a ransom call, a list of demands, proof of life, nothing. Even the case Nori was currently working on doesn't seem to have enough juice for something like this. I'm sorry, but it's looking like your wife ran away with her best friend," Giichi calmly stated as he put a hand on Daichi's shoulder.

Here, Giichi wanted to see what Imai's response would be to finding out that the investigation from the special team being called in might close...this would of course mean good news for Imai. 


"W-wait. Our guest bedroom. Did you find any other DNA besides mine and Nori's?"

Surprisingly, it had been Imai who answered this question.

"No matches in the TMPD Database. Speaking of, I'm going to go submit this to forensics too. Maybe they can get something about this guy who was accompanying Kuroo, excuse me," Imai said before exiting the office.

"I found...I found a key in there that we had given to Kuroo," Daichi gulped as he pulled it out and showed it to Giichi. Giichi pulled out an evidence bag from his pocket and urged Daichi to drop it in, which he did.

One of our biggest clues! Imai submits the bowl and spoon to forensics and in a later chapter we find out he also submitted the initial evidence for Daichi and Nori's house as well. No DNA/fingerprint matches were found on those, but when Giichi submitted the key, a fingerprint match was discovered. AKA, Imai messed with the evidence before submitting it. (If you remember, the phone had been wiped clean of prints...Imai was covering for Haku and his rash decisions.)


Chapter 6:

"No one saw me! I don't care if this wasn't the plan. Your plan was taking too long!"

Whose voice is that? Slowly, your senses started coming back to you one by one, but along with your senses, so did the pain. Your eyes were still closed, but you listened to the loud yet muffled voice frustratingly yelling, trying to make sense of it. Why's he the only one yelling? Who's he talking to? You were lying on something soft, but your body was bruised and felt stiff.

"You will continue to cover my ass....Why? Because, I would hate for something to happen to your precious obsession, freak."

Imai is mad that Haku acted on his own, but Haku doesn't care and is telling Imai that he better cover his ass (aka, mess with the evidence) or he'll hurt Nori. But as deranged as Haku is..even he realizes that Imai has an unhealthy obsession with Nori.


"Yes, fine. I'll go get it done right now. No, she's still out. It'll only take me thirty minutes. I'll be back before she wakes up."

This is vague....but since we know that Haku called a barber to come shave his hair and beard, it can be assumed that Imai was telling Haku to go do that because at this point, Haru and Sugawara have come in and Haru identified Haku as the last person who was seen with Yue. At this point, however, Imai is not aware that the kid with Haru and Sugawara is Yue's son. Sugawara didn't want to frighten him with the fact that his mother is missing, so when he and Haru were meeting with officers, he kept Akio waiting outside in the lobby with someone from the precinct to just keep an eye on him. 


Chapter 7:

"What's wrong?" Sugawara asked.

"Nothing. You go on ahead. You have to go back to the kids, right? I have to do something. I'll see you later around dinner then?" Kuroo said as he ran off back into the precinct, not even waiting for a reply. He went straight to Tetsuya Imai's office and knocked before swinging the door open.

Kuroo knew that Sugawara had Haru and Akio...just setting up for the reveal in the next few chapters. Again, Imai's name drop.


"Can you tell me anything?"

Imai sighed as he gestured for Kuroo to close the door behind him.

"We found it in their guest bedroom this morning. Bagged it myself and had forensics rush the work on it for prints or anything that could give us any kind of clue, but unfortunately we're still at a loss. I'm sorry, Kuroo, but trust me, we're doing everything we can."

See....Imai bagged the phone and dealt with forensics...had the opportunity to mess with it.


Chapter 8:

"Alright then....Are you going to do it? It's 8:30 PM...She's been drenched in cold water for almost twelve hours now. Surprised she's even made it this long to be honest," Haku snickered.

Time the chapter where Daichi is taken home by Giichi, there's a time drop that it's about 8:00PM. In the end when Giichi explains how he knew it was Imai, he states that he became suspicious that the picture was taken not even an hour after when Giichi had first suggested Kuroo and Nori ran away together, and then the picture wasn't sent until the next day. He found it too coincidental, but of course, circumstantial. 


"Why the hell would I do that?" Kuroo snapped.

"Would be a shame if I dragged her back outside just as she's getting better. Doubt she'd even make it through the night if that happened."

"You wouldn't dare. You need her to find your kid," Kuroo stated, hoping it was a bluff.

"Don't think so? Try me...little, old Tetsu might not like the idea, but trust me when I say I don't give a damn, Kuroo."

Kuroo continued to stare at Haku. He couldn't tell if he was bluffing or not, but he couldn't risk it.

"Fine, you sick bastard."

This was a lil tricky way I slipped in Haku talking about Imai and referring to him as Tetsu. Did anyone pick up on it? Haku is basically telling Kuroo that "Little, old Tetsu" (Imai) won't like Nori being put outside, but that he doesn't care. And he addresses Kuroo by stating Kuroo's name. Very small, and easily overlooked I'm sure...but that's why I did it..hehe.


Daichi clicked on it again and a black bar became visible above the picture. "It says it was originally taken yesterday at 8:48PM."

"8:48PM? Hmm..convenient," Giichi stated more to himself than to Daichi. He seemed to be in deep thought. 


"Exactly...there's another person there. Do me a favor, Sawamura. Don't tell anyone about this picture. Not even your friends. I know you're fiercely loyal, but understand where I'm coming from. I need this to stay between you and me until I've had enough time to look into it. Give me your phone. I'm going to transfer the image and the number to our technical analyst. It was probably sent through a disposable cell so I'm doubtful that we'll be able to trace it, but it's worth a shot."

His main concern was Imai...not Sugawara as most of you had believed. Hehe. 


Chapter 9:

Daichi read it. There wasn't much on it, just four typed words.

To: Nori
Love, Tetsu



After being booked and processed, Daichi and Kenma were now sitting in Superintendent Imai's office. No one had spoken a word. Imai had simply sat in his chair for the last five minutes, rubbing the temples of his head with his eyes closed.

"Daichi," he finally spoke, "What in God's name were you thinking?"

This is after they've been arrested and are sitting in Imai's office. Imai has realized that Daichi has found some information, but he doesn't know what just yet, that's why he decided they (he and Haku) needed to move fast now. While Kenma and Daichi were being processed, he took the opportunity to call Sugawara and tell him to go to the hotel where he was reserved a room under an alias. He told Haku to go to the hotel as well, but didn't bother with an alias for him and let him use his regular reservation he had already made because he didn't know that Daichi had even figured out Haku's name. Basically...Imai didn't think Daichi had figured out the connection between Nori's kidnapping and Yue's disappearance. 


"From simple facial recognition, the unidentified male seems to fit that of the brother of the woman who came in yesterday who stated he never came home from work on Saturday. He has blonde hair, and his physical size seems to match the description she gave. I'm sure we'll be able to know more once we properly get him out. At first glance, it appeared to have been an accident, but one of the officers noticed a deep stab wound in his neck. They're still working on getting the car, and his half submerged body out of the lake."

The poor barber who was literally in the wrong place at the wrong time ): I later on realized the physical description and job matched Yuji rest assured, this was not him because I would never be able to kill off his goofy self. If you want to cause yourself pain...then by all means? 


Also, let Chief Inspector Katou know that he has the lead for this case and to go ahead and make his way out there," Imai addressed the young officer.

Just a fun add in...Katou as in Haru Katou from Millionaire Detective: Balance Unlimited. He's a solid guy <3 (I didn't even realize his first name was Haru..whoops. Our Haru who's with Akio and this Haru are two different people. 


"Um, yes sir. The media already somehow got a hold of the information...and umm they've flocked to the area...apparently it's getting out of hand. They're saying Tokyo might have a serial killer on the loose or something and that the police aren't doing anything about it...Sir," he awkwardly finished.

"What?!" Imai exclaimed.

Imai's acting all surprised when in reality he's the one who told Haku to leak the info to the press...smh...but this was a ruse to have Daichi take a step back while Imai addressed the situation. Again, Imai doesn't know how much Daichi knows, but he thought if he told Daichi that he'll work with him to figure this out, Daichi would wait until Imai came back to the office after dealing with the press. In that time, he wanted Haku to be able to escape to the hotel with Nori.  Never expected Daichi to take matters into his own hands. 


According to the TMPD records, after his arrest, Hoshi was allowed one trip outside of prison to attend his mother's funeral about one year ago. She had been the last living member of his family. With her passing, he had automatically become the owner of a small cottage and a farmhouse that came with ten acres of land. He had applied for parole six months ago and had been granted it about three months ago. A physical altercation with another inmate was noted a month before his release, but other than that, his time in prison had been uneventful.

It was pointed out that Haku had gotten into an altercation...if you remember, it was stated earlier that you're only allowed to get parole if you've had good behavior and no incidents. And then of course, the fingerprint was found on the key, but no info on the things Imai had collected./submitted.


"And listen, you already know this, but I'm going to tell you again. You can't take any weapons, or the charges will be much worse against you. No guns, tasers, not even a knife, okay? Prison time could be involved if you take any of those, but that doesn't mean you skimp out on any of the usual safety precautions. If anything, you better take even more precautions, do you hear me? I need all three of my children back in one piece. I guess I'll count Kuroo too since I'm claiming his child as my grandchild," Daichi's father-in-law chuckled.

Just a heads up for why Daichi was wearing a bulletproof vest. His FIL had ordered him to basically... 


Chapter 10:

"Are you okay, Kuroo? Where's Nori?" Daichi asked, his arms reaching out around Kuroo's shoulders to pull him into a hug. The touch was painful, but it was comforting so Kuroo welcomed it. Daichi wasn't wearing his uniform. Instead, he was wearing jeans and a large, rather bulky, TMPD sweatshirt. Kuroo's mind suddenly went to Nori as he realized he had no idea where she was. He had tried to keep Haku from taking her, but he had failed.

Bulky and super large TMPD sweatshirt because he's wearing a bulletproof vest underneath.


"Sergeant Sato, I want you to call in for the forensics team, ambulance, coroner, and more policer officers to arrive here. Since Mr. Kuroo was found here, it is officially a crime scene. Once you're done with that, I want you to radio Inspector Giichi and ask them where they're headed. Get them back up police officers to assist them wherever they're going. Looking at Mr. Kuroo's condition, this man is highly dangerous. Tell them they have permission to shoot the suspect on sight."

Boom..called the coroner without even knowing there was a dead body...why would you do that Imai? Also...Imai tells Seargeant Sato to call in reinforcements...he tells Inspector Ishikawa (the one from Giichi's team) to stay with Kuroo...but he tells the newbie who's been working on the force for a total of ONE week, Officer Nishimura, to go in and clear the house with him...Why would you take the newbie to do that? Shouldn't it be someone who's experienced? I'LL TELL YOU WHY! The newbie would be less likely to question/even realize if the Superintendent does anything shady/messes with the crime scene to cover his ass and make sure there's nothing to implicate him with Haku...Not much of a hint, but just part of the character/world building ya know...

Also...permission to shoot suspect on sight...Imai's had it with Haku and is worried that if he gets caught, his ass will get brought down too. Better to kill him off is how he sees it. 


Chapter 11:

"Yea, I already called the news channels and told them what you told me to...gave them the address and everything and then got rid of the phone too. I'll be waiting in the garage...No, won't take long at all. Probably be there in about five minutes.......I know. I'm not stupid. You just deal with your shit because my stuff is taken care of," Haku growled through the phone. He didn't bother to wait for a reply and instead pressed the end button before the person on the other end could say anything else and piss him off even more.

Haku called in the information to create some chaos per Imai's orders. 


"You're not in any position to make pleas. If you keep buggin' the shit out of me, lil ole Tetsu's not gonna like what he ends up getting," he snarled, tired of the constant bullshit the woman in the passenger seat had brought into his life. Nori Sawamura had managed to singlehandedly turn his peace into a living nightmare after she had tricked Yue into going against him.

Again, Haku mentions Tetsu. You think he'd be referring to Kuroo...but no, he's referring to TETSUya Imai. Here, he's basically saying he'll harm Nori and Imai won't like it.


Haku sat in his car as he watched that lawyer, Nori, make her way to the front door of her friend's house. Even though he had been randomly following her for the past month, she still managed to make his blood boil. He was still angry at her for sending him to jail, and even angrier that he couldn't approach her to even things out. He had been given the chance to get out of jail early even after the altercation he had with his cell mate a month before his parole, and so he had to oblige by certain rules in their deal. Not confronting or hurting Nori Sawamura was one of them. Once out, he had been contacted and presented with a plan on how to find his wife and child as well as causing the lawyer who started all of this some suffering. He had jumped at the opportunity, but now he hated it. The process was slow and painful. The plan involved him constantly following Nori around and piecing together all kinds of information about her. They would use this information to kidnap her and make it look like it was politically related to her father. After kidnapping her, they would force her to tell them about Yue's whereabouts, and Haku would get what he wanted. What happened to Nori afterwards was not his business nor his concern. The only thing he knew was that she wouldn't be found in Tokyo ever again.

Haku here refers to how he had been able to get out of jail even after having an altercation on his record (which would have have automatically rejected his parole request). He also discusses that he was contacted and presented with a all suggests that the person who he's working with has some kind of pull on his parole and police knowledge for protocols for certain things like a political kidnapping (Aka, Imai as superintendent).


"Ms. Yue! Oh sorry, am I interrupting something?"

Haku turned to see a brown haired teenager standing in the doorway. Next to him was another brown haired little kid playing some hand held video game, too occupied to even bother looking up. Haku quickly brought the pocket knife down to his side so that they couldn't see it, but still holding it out so Yue knew he was serious.

Akio never looked up at Haku because he was playing his game so Haku never saw his eyes...not that the eyes would have had to be a dead give away or anything, but maybe if he saw them, he might have questioned who Akio was. 


Once he was right next to Sugawara, Haku glanced around. There was no one else in the parking garage. He grabbed the man from the back and slammed the rag over his nose and mouth. After the initial shock wore off, he put up a fight, but Haku was bigger. The scrawny teacher didn't stand a chance. Once unconscious, Haku placed him in the wheelchair and casually rolled him back to his car. He saw Nori's eyes go wide as she recognized her unconscious friend. Haku smirked as she began to struggle at the door handle, begging to be let out. She began pounding on the glass, leaving disgusting smudges on the freshly cleaned windows. He furrowed his eyebrows together as a scowl crossed his face. He pulled his gun out from its holster and held it to the back of Sugawara's slumped over head.

Imai contacted Sugawara and told him to go to the hotel..he wasn't worried about Sugawara eventually figuring the truth out because he planned on forcing Sugawara to write some letters saying he kidnapped Nori before killing him. Imai's plan was to put all the blame on him, and then having him disappear. He had not, however, counted on Haru accompanying Sugawara to the hotel. He thought Sugawara was alone and had tricked him to come down to the garage by saying an officer would be meeting up with him.


"Here you go, Ma'am!" he heard Yui's perky voice say to Nori as she handed her a bottle of water.

"Thank you, Michimiya," he heard Nori mumble as Aki handed him the two room keys and pointed him in the direction the elevators were located.

This was an easy one, but Yui never shared her last name with Haku or "his wife." That's why she picked up on the fact that "the wife" had thanked her by using her last name. The reason Yui did not spazz out after realizing something was off is because many hotels go through training to spot/deal with human trafficking since they are often the first ones (along with medical staff and flight attendants) to come across these kidnapped individuals. Yui was able to use her training for that and remain calm because the last thing they would want is to startle the person in question and cause them to run off. 


Grand Finale:

So yes, Imai had a psychological disorder called Erotomania where he believed he was in an actual relationship with Nori and thought she loved him back. He was triggered by her first pregnancy and after she miscarried, he decided to take things into his own hands. He came across Haku Hoshi and realized his history with Nori and believed he could be someone he could easily manipulate if he dangled the right treat in front of him. He tried to cover for Haku and make sure no evidence showed up against him on anything that was submitted for the case, but he wasn't able to stop Haru from helping sketch a picture of him as the last person who was with Yue before she disappeared. Even so, he didn't think the two cases would ever overlap, but he didn't take into consideration that Daichi is Daichi. To get Nori from Haku, he knew he would have to find Haku's son. He was still unsure of his whereabouts until Sunday when Suga was called in for questioning. After being questioned by Giichi, Suga asked Imai if there was any update on Yue's case and one thing leading to another, Imai found out that Haku's kid is with Suga. At that point he started working on a plan to get the kid from Suga. (This is when he decided to blame Suga for Nori's disappearance). When Daichi got arrested really early the next morning for breaking into Nori's office, Imai realized he needed to act fast and get things moving. He called Suga who went to the hotel with Akio (and Haru, but Imai didn't know this). He also called Haku and told him to take Nori too. They would do the switch there and then disappear forever. He wanted to slow Daichi down, which is why Imai got Haku to call the press about the apparent serial killer and got him to dump the barber's body into the lake to cause a buzz. Thought Daichi would wait until after Imai got back to get started (hoping to buy Haku some time). We know how that worked out....In the end, Imai had just snapped and couldn't wait any longer which is why he grabbed Nori and ran.

But yupppp...that's all! I'm sure I had placed some other random hints and accidentally skipped over them or something. If there's still anything you're confused about, please let me knowww! <3 Thank you so much for reading my story!  I appreciate every last one of you!

Fun facts: I do have a heart shaped tattoo on my arm there, and just like Sakusa Kiyoomi...I also have random little moles/freckles. Hehe. 

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