I do, I did

By benandmirandalover

4.9K 204 27

Ben and Miranda got married but Miranda suffered a terrible car accident leaving her in a coma. Years later B... More



788 29 3
By benandmirandalover

Miranda was in the kitchen cooking plain and chocolate chip pancakes. She listened to the music that was playing quietly. She looked around at the toys that were all over the floor. She shook her head; as much as she told the baby sitter at night to not let them leave all their toys around. Get them in the habit of cleaning up after themselves, she let them have there way.

After she finished cutting up fresh fruit. She filled up the sippy cup and washed her hands.

"Brielle, Brianna and Ben breakfast is ready" Miranda yelled from the stairs. She listened as the pitter patter of feet hit the stairs. She had her back turned from the counter. "Good morning mommy." She heard as the girls were in sync.

"Good morning babies, go sit at the table. I'm going to bring everything over." Miranda said as she made her coffee. She felt arms wrap around her waist and the smell of her husband fill her nostrils. "Mmmm good morning husband." Miranda said as she turned around and kissed him on the lips. Ben shoved his tongue into her mouth deepening the kiss. "Mmmm no. Not while the kids are right over there, I am not about to scar them for life. " Miranda said laughing, pushing him off.

" You're the one that called me down here. Looking extra good with that tight black skirt on and a t-shirt on. Why do you have a t-shirt on any way." Ben said backing away.

"Because I was making pancakes and didn't want to mess my blouse up and for your information. I wasn't calling you Benjamin. I was calling my son. Where is my baby?" Miranda said sassy like.

" I'm right here mommy." The soft voice of her little 3 year old said as he jumped over the stairs.

" Hey mommy's baby good morning." Miranda said with enthusiasm as she scooped him up into her arms as she kissed him on the forehead. "be careful jumping off the stairs.”

"Oh so you just forget all about this Ben. I'm not your baby?" Ben said throwing his hands up in the air.

Miranda put her son down. "Go to the table and sit with your sisters Bj." Miranda said as she watched him run off. "Brielle can you make sure his eating booster seat is strapped down to the chair before he gets inside." Ben said crossing his arms.

Miranda walked over to Ben and stood on her tippy toes. " You will always be my big baby but I think I like calling you daddy better." Miranda said as she licked his ear. Ben reached down and grabbed a fist full of her ass as he kissed her hard on the mouth. " I love you Ben Warren Sr." Miranda said against his mouth. " I love you Miranda Bailey Warren. I thank you for everything and for those children in there." Ben said loosening his grip on her.

"Well I couldn't have done it, with out your sperm." Miranda said busting into a fit of laughter.

"Dam right." Ben said chuckling.

" You probably just wrinkled the hell out of my skirt."

" Well chief. It's okay for people to see that you get some from your loving husband."

" Ben Warren. The glow you give me is enough, now grab those stack of pancakes and follow me." Miranda said grabbing a stack and plates.

"yayy." The kids said in unison.

Miranda put pancakes on each of their plates. She cut up Bj's before placing it in front of him. After that she filled a glass up with orange juice and passed it to Brielle. She did the same for Brianna and set BJ's cup in front of him. Ben walked around the table putting fruit on everyone's plate.

Miranda and Ben sat down at the table. They laughed and talk with their children. This family right here was the everything to her. They were the light of her life. " So mommy and I are getting off work early today and we are taking you all on a road trip. We are going to universal studios. They have Dinoplay and super silly fun land." Ben said eating his pancakes.

Miranda looked at their 7, 5, and almost 3 year old as their faces lit up. "Yes that's right. We are going to have so much fun in the water parks." Miranda said cheerfully.

“So we will pick you both up from school early and grab baby boy from daycare and then we are going on a long drive."

After everyone finished eating. Miranda cleaned up and put the dishes in the dish washer. She listened as Ben helped everyone get dressed. She pre-made their lunches last night so everything was a go. Miranda walked up stairs to help and put her blouse on. She pulled out a pink, black and white one. Once she was dressed she put her jewelry on and her heels.

"Girls grabbed your backpacks and jackets just in case it's cold inside your school." Miranda said walking to their rooms. She watched them put their book bags on. She looked at their outfits and she smiled. They had so much personality. " I love your outfits." Miranda said looking at the both of them. They were similar in style instead one had a jean skirt on and the other wore jean pants.

"Thank you. Daddy picked it out." Brianna said as she spun around. "Oh really. He's pretty good isn't he."

"The best." Brielle said.

"I couldn't agree more. Alright come on angels your lunches are on the counter. Put them in your book bags and then stand bye the door. I will be right down"

Miranda went into her son's room and saw Ben and little Ben both brushing their hair in the mirror. They honestly were a spitting image of each other. They were dressed and ready to go. Miranda extended her hand out for BJ to grab as they walked down stairs. She grabbed his lunch and handed it to him to hold. Miranda opened the door for him and walked with them to the car. She double checked to make sure everyone's seat belt was secure and BJ's booster seat.

She watched as Ben came out with all of their bags for the weekend. She did all the packing last night so they wouldn't have to stop back at the house. She walked around the car and opened up the trunk for him. Miranda got into the passenger side and shut the door.

Ben got in and he looked over at his wife. Nothing could contain his smile. Ben took out his phone and turned to the camera before he leaned over and smiled. Making sure to catch everyone in the photos. " Say cheese." Miranda said smiling.

They drop the girls off at the drop of section at school. "Have a good day." Both her and Ben said at the same time.

Miranda laughed and Ben did the same thing. They both were thinking about Brielle's first day of kindergarten. Miranda was upset that she let go of her hand. " Ben she let go of my hand." Miranda said with her mouth wide open.

" What am I supposed to do with that." Miranda cried as tears fell out of her eyes and she looked down at her hand.

Ben wanted to laugh but he knew it was going to be a big deal for her, that's why he came inside for moral support. He knew that her hormones were still ragging, seeing as how she was in her last month of pregnancy with their son. He pulled her to the side, out of the classroom door. "Hey baby. Calm down. She let go of your hand Miranda, that means she is being the big girl that we are raising her to be. Strong, brave, and independent. That doesn't mean she won't need you anymore. She's gonna need you for homework, for advice. To make cookies and Valentine's for class, for projects and for so much more. She will always need you." Ben said looking in her eyes.

"Repeat after me. She let go of your hand but not your heart." Ben coached

" She let go of my hand but not my heart" Miranda said breathing in and out as she calmed down. Ben shifted Brianna on his arm and grabbed her hands to steady them.

"Mommy" Miranda heard as she felt the tight hug on her leg. " I forgot to say bye." She said with her little voice. "awe honey. I love you. Have a good day" Miranda said wiping her eyes with one hand and embraced her with her other.

She watched as she hugged Ben. Ben lifted her up and hugged her. Kissing her on her head as he let her down and she ran into the classroom.

Ben grabbed Miranda's hand and he walked with her and their 3 year old as she waddled out of the school.

"I know what you are thinking. God You know me so well." Miranda said laughing.

Miranda went to work and she finished all of her files. She handed them to Richard. To take over as Chief until she gets back from the weekend. She grabbed her purse and her laptop bag as she walked out of her Office.

"Dam watch where you are…. Ben? What are you doing." Miranda said as Ben steady her so she would fall. She intertwined her fingers with his as they walked to the daycare. "Hey Torres." Miranda said as she walked passed.

"Mommy." Bj called as he put his toys down.

"I never get that reaction." Ben said pretending to be upset.

"Jealous much. I can't help that the kids love there mom. I'm a special kind of women." Miranda said shrugging her shoulders laughing.

" I can't argue with the truth." Ben laughed.

They picked up everyone and they got on the road. Miranda drove the first 9 hours and Ben did the other. The kids were knocked out by 8:30 leaving 12 hours for Ben and Miranda to talk. Listen to music and keep each other company. They mostly talked the whole time. It was almost as if they never ran out of things to say.

" Miranda you might as well rest a little, we have another 5 hours until we get there." Ben said looking over at her before turning back to road.

" honey I was trying to keep you company." Miranda said yawning.
" I know but it's just a straight shot. We can sit in surgeries that are 8 hours plus with out yawning or going to the bathroom. So I think I can handle this." Ben said

"well aren't you superman." Miranda said smiling.

Miranda leaned her seat back a little and she turned facing Ben. She watched him some more before she fell asleep.

When Miranda woke up they were pulling into the hotel. "Wow I didn't expect to sleep the whole 5 hours." Miranda said looking at her watch. It was 9:00 am on the dot.

The kids were up. But they were playing on their tablets.

" I even slept through them waking up. I'm sorry Ben. I left you hanging."

"It's okay. The kids kept me occupied for the last three hours." Ben said getting out of the car and stretching his legs.

"Well I'll take them to go get breakfast. You can check in and laydown. While we are gone. I'll bring you something back okay." Miranda said walking around to the drivers side. She pecked his lips multiple times.

Ben went to the trunk and grabbed the 3 suitcases. Miranda got back from eating with the kids and she walked with them to the elevator, up to their hotel room suite. She walked inside and sat her purse down ushering the kids inside. She heard Ben snoring and she smiled. Something that was so annoying was now something so soothing to her.

"Come on babies to the room so we can brush our teeth, shower and get dressed for the day." Miranda whispered.

She quickly washed up and then  washed Bj up. After the girls washed up. She dressed everyone in their bathing suits and clothes to go over top of them. "Put your sandals on." Miranda said referring to the girls.

She put Bj's water shoes on him and then she told them to sit on the bed and wait until she put her bathing suit on. Miranda walked into the bathroom and took her robe off. She looked down at her belly. She was almost 2 Months pregnant she was excited to tell Ben. She found out two weeks ago. She and Ben were in the middle of foreplay and her nipples were sensitive and tender. The next day she decided to take a pregnancy test and sure enough the stick turned blue.

She put on her red bathing suit and then lotion down. Miranda tied her sheer cover up around her waist and she walked back into the room.

After about an hour. Ben was up and getting ready. They packed the kids up and went to the theme park. Ben enjoyed walking around with his family. He loved getting on rides with everyone and sitting in the kiddie pool and lazy river with them. It was going on 7:30 and Miranda and Ben helped them with their baths after they ate. By 9:30 the kids were all in bed sleep. They were wore out from the day. Miranda stood on the balcony and looked out at the busy city at night.

"I love this." Ben said walking up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

" Hmmm"

"I love this. This life. Our life. With our family and children." Ben spoke louder.

" Me too." Miranda said as she leaned back into him.

" I think we should have one more boy to even out the family though" Ben said kissing her head.

" One more." Miranda questioned.

" Yeah an even amount. A boy but if we have a girl I would be fine with that too." Ben said smiling.

Miranda looked back at him as she moved his hands down to her Belly. " Well let's just hope this one is a boy." Miranda said with her thousand dollar smile.

" Are you serious?….you are pregnant." Ben asked raising an eyebrow, smiling.

" Yes you knocked me up again." Miranda said turning around to kiss him. Ben lifted her off her feet. " We are having another baby."
" Whew Ben the nausea." Miranda said as he brought her down from his spin.

" Oh sorry. What will we name him or her" Ben questioned.

" Well we have to stick with the B names."

"Bryson." Ben asked.

" Nan."


" That's a no."

"How about Brandon."

"Ben, I think that’s the one. I like that one and if it's a girl let's do Bria."

"Brandon or Bria. Deal"

"dam I love you." Miranda said as both of her arms hung from his neck.

"Not as much as I love you. I would die. Wake up and still find you and be in love." Ben said cheesing.

"Kinda hard to top, when I already did that, you ass." Miranda said hitting him on the back of his neck.

Ben reached down and loosen the tie to her robe. Revealing her bright yellow panties and lace bra. Miranda looked up at him as he bit his lip. "On the balcony?" Miranda whispered against his lips.

"Next time the kids get adjoining rooms." Ben said justifying his actions.

Miranda laughed " talk about public indecency."

" Which one would you rather have the kids catch us or the police?" Ben asked wiggling his eyebrows. Miranda pushed him off and grabbed his hand pulling him inside. They tiptoed pass the kids and she brought him into the bathroom. Locking the door. Miranda turned on the shower and shrugged off her robe.

She grabbed a towel and laid it on the floor before she laid back on it. Ben looked down at his wife laid out on the floor. She was really heaven sent. She looked like a fairy or goddess spread out like this.

Her face held a knowing smiled as her fingers ushered him to join her.

" You are a seductress. You know that." Ben said getting down onto of her.

" Hmmm. Show me what I do to you. Benjamin Warren." Miranda said licking her lips.

" Class is in session." Ben said kissing her on the lips.

" Yess Daddy it is."

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