
By nabifuyusfortress

610 15 63

" We repeat what we don't repair." More

New Year
Birthday girl
Unknown number
Reentering hell
Hell awakens
Tip of the iceberg
the gift that keeps on giving
Talk talk talk
Moment of happiness
Burn, Pillage, Burn, Invade
the unknown becomes known
a comfortable change
death opens many doors
Chalk erasing
Broken bones
Start of a new era
Upside down
Downside Up
Harassing hell
Heart breaking deals
Daily life
A gaming shock
New roommate
Unexpected news
A light in the darkness
A curious cat
When two worlds start to collide
The curiosity killed the cat
Break the cycle
Finale: All hell comes to an end

Slow and Steady

17 0 5
By nabifuyusfortress

"We are here bitches, wake the fuck up!" Brea shouted looking back at the 2, Luna and Sol asleep in the back.

Due to them all going they split into 2 cars, Brea driving her's while Orzo drove the remaining friends in theirs.

"I get it was a long night but it was only an hour drive come on now." Yara laughed with Brea watching them both deform from looking like zombies as they exited the car, the strong wind almost blowing them over.

"Where are the others?" Sol questioned unable to see Orzo's car.

"They got here before us, they're waiting for us by the gate," Brea confirmed checking her phone that she hadn't imagined their whole conversation, it wouldn't be the first time.

"Ah okay, not surprised with the speed they drive or how they haven't been in a crash," Sol said grabbing her bag out of the boot.

"They're a lucky one that's for sure." Yara sighed, watching Brea lock the car as they walked to meet the others.

To their luck, the park was unusually quiet today, still busy but considering a few town events were going on it thinned the crowds here making it more enjoyable.

"Should we split into groups into who wants to go on what and then meet after a while or just stick together?" Emma proposed knowing some will prefer on going more extreme rides than others.

" I say, groups, Orzo will wanna try all the big ones like they aren't a pussy whereas Luna will go on not as big ones however will still have the guts to try more," Seol-a said calling a certain someone out, eagery watching as Orzo's cheeks rapidly became a new shade of red in embarrassment.

To avoid wasting time they split in half with Orzo, Waan, Yara and Brea in the scarier rides while Emma, Seol-a, Luna and Sol did slightly milder ones but not pathetic little ones like some were, soon splitting off in opposite directions agreeing to meet at the spot they had parted in 3 hours, earlier if needed.

It had already passed lunchtime and they had all eaten before they came which meant they wouldn't need to eat until late evening for dinner, except Emma who somehow managed to get hungry after a half hr to hr of not eating. She was still skinny despite eating most in the group no one ever knowing the food went except in her ecstatic energy all the time.

"YO what about this one there's water!" Luna squealed, she didn't know what it was about the water rides but she loved them. It wasn't a scorchingly hot day however it wasn't freezing so even if they did get wet they would dry easily.

"Yeah, that look's fun let's go." Seol-a agreed while Sol followed behind not caring where they went, as long as they had fun she never complained.

Thankfully the queue line wasn't too long so they got onto the ride in no time.

"Woah do we have to go up there?" Luna said in shock suddenly noticing a tall rail.

"I think cause look it goes up then around then flying down," Emma said pointing at the route.

"Oh yeah true I just hadn't noticed." looking oddly amazed.

"You're next." The worker said opening the gate to the 4 friends who excitedly made their way into the cart.

"LUNAAA !!" a voice shouted.

"Where did that come from? It sounded like Orzo but I can't see them." Seol-a said hastily looking around.

"LUNNAAA SNAILLL," Waan shouted waving their arms in the air which made them finally spot them walking past.

"BRUH WHERE DID SNAIL COME FROM." Luna shouted back slightly embarrassed at the looks she was given when "snail" was shouted.

"Are you ready?" the worker asked.

"Yes let's go," Sol said her adrenaline pumping through.

"Alright, here we go." they sat pulling the lever down to start the ride.

"Gunna be interesting," Sol stated flicking her head to its side.

"Oh oh oh, up we go." Luna with large breaths in between her words.

"Woah the view look at this!" Emma shrieked, she loved views even ones that weren't magnificent like this one.

"At least we can see where we are goinngggg." Seol-a loudly said as the sudden take-off of the ride surprised her.

They rapidly went speeding back down taking some sharp turns making them all slide up and down their seats, through a dark tunnel where they suddenly got water squirted at them until they slowly started to rise back onto another hill, it wasn't until they reached the top that they quickly realised they would be going crashing into the water and then spun in circles.

However their thoughts were soon cut off and without a break, they went crashing down into the water and spinning in 360 degree turns until they returned to the beginning where their friends, unknowing to them, had recorded everything from what they could see.

"Your faces were hilarious!" Brea said still struggling to breathe from laughing so much.

"They actually were look at these beautiful photos we got!" Orzo chuckled presenting them their phone with all of the photos.

"That's actually ghastly," Sol said completely distraught with the photo's she had seen.

"Right well we are off, have fun," Waan said pointing to a rather large ride in front, probably what they were originally going to before they saw us Luna thought.

Before they all knew it, 4 hours had passed and the sun had begun to disappear, the night awakening. It was now 5 almost 6 o'clock and many of them were hungry ready for food.

"Watch them not sleep again like last night from their adrenaline still running fire through their bodies after today," Seol-a said pointing to the 4 almost hyper adults walking their way towards them.

"Let's hope they burn off some steam in the ride home." Sol sighed tired and ready to huddle up in her blankets to take a nap.

"Hate to break it to you but you've got Waan and Orzo and they're gonna be the worst ones." Luna realised looking at Emma and Seol-a who faces soon dropped realising they were driving as well, driving with them being scary enough let alone with them overflowing with energy.

Thankfully they were still young adults not being teenagers not too long ago so they weren't stared at oddly at how "big children" they were. The whole group was more a group of non-innocent big children, none of them caring just loving life by each other's side.

"I'm ready for food who else?" Yara asked looking up places to eat nearby, the food in the park being too expensive and not decent enough to their standards.

"Yeah, same." They all replied looking at Yara's phone at the best food place.

"You know what fuck this let's just go to McDonald's it will be so much easier," Emma said as everything struggled to decide.

"Honestly this is just a waste of time let's go to our usual one, meet there," Waan said hopping into the passenger seat of Orzo's car as the others split to go into their designated car for the ride.

"I'm gonna blast tunes so you two don't fall asleep again." Brea joked everyone laughing as she did indeed blast tunes all the way home, almost deafening them, Orzo's car being very similar except Seol-a looking done listening to Orzo and Waan's weird as usual conversation with Emma looking out the window.

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