Fly Love

By AlainaaNailaaa

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This story is about a 19 year girl who lives alone and just went through a bad relationship months later she... More



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By AlainaaNailaaa

Aaliyah Pov

I was getting dressed because we were going to some club on the strip which was known for their parties and shit I wasn't dressing up or nothing



I posted them and Lucas called me I sighed and answered he betta not be on no bullshit

Lucas: Babygirl I miss youu

;  Lu I know you not high

Lucas: No I'm not when you coming home

; Lucas stop playing with me where's vier

Vier: Right here sis and he's not high he went to the dentist and got his wisdom tooth pull

; awwww bebeeee I'm sorrryyy

Lucas: I love you so muchhhhh

; I love you too bubs you miss meeeee

Lucas: Sooo muchhhh..I want your pretty pussy on my dick

; omg luuuu ughhh

The boys were laughing at my embarrassment and the girls were too he wasn't even funny they needa put that damn wisdom tooth back

Lucas: why you embarrassed you my wifeeee

; I know ima call you later okay I love you

Lucas: I love you too mamas

I hung up and closed my phone and got inside the car with the girls I was driving and we were going to the club then out to eat if we weren't drunk

15 minutes later we made it and got out looking amazed the outside was pretty and you could hear the music outside the club

We all walked inside and they found a vip table for us I sat down and lit me a blunt smoking it I sat back observing everything I finished my blunt and took a pull from the hookah just vibing

??:Wassup you doing

Me:Hey and I'm fine

??:Your really pretty

Me:I know my husband thinks so too

??:Yea I know that I'm fucking with the fit too shit hard

Me:Thanks Bro and your name is?

??:You really don't remember me?

Me:mmmcht no I don't wait...aww shit liannnn

We hugged and he laughed sitting down I laughed too cause it took me a while to remember

Me:Ion see you in awhile how are you??

Julian:I'm good and you?

Me:I'm cooling I had a baby awhile back and got married after graudating college it was a lot

Julian:Sounds like life's treating you good

Me:Yea and yours?

Julian:I have a fiancé and a mini me

Me:You got a sonnn?? Awww I would love to meet your fiancé and son sometime

Julian:Lemme get your number then

I exchanged phones with him and put my number in he did the same and we gave each other phones back I took another pull from the hookah blowing it out

Julian:you live out here or some?

Me:nah I live in New York just out here for the weekend

Julian:You should come back more often..Whatchu doing tommorow

Me:I leave tommorow I've been out here for 3 days

Julian:Ight hit me up and we could do something before you leave tmrw when's your flight


Julian:breakfast and the beach on me?

Me:sure *smiles*

He nodded and left and the girls looked at me confused

Me:He's an old friend plus he has a family of his own fix y'all faces

Christy:you know people be recording and taking pictures and shit and if it get back to luc-..

Me:I'll handle him

They nodded and I took some more pulls from the hookah before going to the bar

Bartender:what you need?

Me:give me 2 shots of henny and 2 shots of dussé

The bartender looked at me and nodded fixing them after a moment she handed me the 4 shots and I downed all 4 feeling the burning sensation I left from by the bar and went back to the vip section sitting down

One thing about me is I can handle my liquor no matter how much I had anyways I took a couple pulls from the hookah and sat back chilling on my phone

Brandi:Come on girl we all leaving and going to get something to eat

I nodded and got up following them out the door we got back in the car and Brandi drove this time while I was in the passenger seat hungry and ready to go to sleep

We arrived at an restaurant that was slightly packed but it was Jack one they were playing black people music it was black owned too

They got us a table and we sat down I sat on the outside just in case I gotta go and use the bathroom we made small talk

Sierra:Awee shittt


Brandi:There's pictures of you and Julian going around making assumptions and they tagged Lucas to be messy

Me:omfg bruh why they running out

I walked outside and My phone started ringing and I sighed already knowing who it is I answered and sighed

Lucas- So wassup bruh this the shit you doing while you put witcha girls? Buh it's cool do you Liyah ion even mad stay yo dumbass out there with Julian

-; why tf you even tripping bruh and I don't do stupid shit like that I ain't yo fucking ex last time I check I'm your wife you chose to marry me so you should trust me and if you wanna know so fucking much he has a fiancé and a child!!

Lucas- Stfu Liyah and get in the Uber I just sent you

Before I could say anything the car sat there and I told them hold on and went inside the restaurant going to the booth the girls were at and looked at them grabbing my stuff they gave a confused look

Me:Lucas and I arguing right now and he sent me Uber I guess he out here or whatever I'm sorry y'all ion wan ruin y'all night

Sierra:are you serious

Me:yea I love y'all I'll see y'all back at the hotel give me hugs

They give me all hugs and I smiled hugging them back I grabbed my to-go plate and drink getting in the Uber I sat back soon we pulled up to the hotel we all had our own rooms

I walked in the lobby and went to the elevator pressing the 4th floor I waited and soon I made it to the floor I went to my room and seen him sitting on the couch

I put my stuff down and closed the door and he just eyed me down I turned to him and he stood up over me

Me:Why you here..what's your problem

Lucas:So you think him having a fiancé and child gon stop him from getting with you..yo ass got a husband and daughter at home

Me:okay and?...and he wasn't going to do shit with me why you acting so insecure Lucas like you gon lose me or something cause you ain't

Lucas:yea but you bout to lose me

He tried to take my ring but I moved my hand and looked at him and he pinned me to the wall ion gon lie he was looking fine as hell he had a fresh cut with a white tee Gucci belt jeans and his air max's with a hoodie and grills

Me:Lu get off me bruh..

Lucas:Yeen gon stop till I beat yo ass huh?

Me:Lu get off me and you not gon do shit you know better

I pushed him and tried to hit him but he grabbed my neck and I whined he chuckled

Lucas:I know better?..nah yo ass know better..hol on ain't this the same nigga from years ago that was texting you??.

Me:yea it is

He shook his head and I grabbed his belt pulling him towards me he smiled and I kissed his lips he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as we continued to kiss he laid me on the bed taking his jacket and shirt off

Lucas:I love you ma

Me:I love you too Lu

Next Morning

I woke up and I was naked on Lucas chest I got up and went to the bathroom using it and doing my daily routine I took off my robe and stepped into the shower

After showering I got out and did my hair and then slipped on something comfortable I cleaned up the room and seen Lucas was on his phone laying there I finished cleaning and sat on the bed In front of him

Me:What are you really doing out here?

Lucas:Meeting with the label

Me:Oh wha time?

Lucas:in alittle why?

Me:My friend wanted to take me out to breakfast

Lucas:Liyah...not today I'm not in the mood for the bs they already think you cheating ight

Me:I'll see him some other time


He went to the bathroom and I rolled my eyes and grabbed his phone going through it to see absolutely nothing even in the blocked contacts

Me:Fine ass Mr.Coly

Lucas:Fine ass Mrs.Coly

I looked over and see him dripping with water down and a towel wrapped around his waist I remembered I had to be downstairs in 10 with the girls for brunch and mimosas

Lucas:Stop staring I love you now go to brunch

Me:I love you too and it's mines I can do that

He chuckled and I laughed grabbing my purse phone and going out the door going to the elevator what a night.

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