A Family of Flaws

By SmoochPuff

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Peter Parker was Spider-Man. And not a single person knew. Tony Stark is tired of waiting for Spider-Man to c... More

Chapter One; Bullies and Criminals
Chapter Two; Watching A Bug
Chapter Three; The Anxious Waiting
Chapter Four; Meeting The Masked Spider
Chapter Five; Out Of The Hospital
Chapter Six; Spies Will Be Spies
Chapter Seven; Watching The Heroes Work
Chapter Eight; Daily Dose Of Anxiety
Chapter Nine; Coffee Break
Chapter Ten; Pills and Questions
Chapter Eleven; A Soldier's Assessment
Chapter Twelve; A Talk With A Friend
Chapter Thirteen; We Need An Intern
Chapter Fourteen; Friends Make Things Better
Chapter Fifteen; Walking But Not Talking
Chapter Sixteen; Two Spiders Meet
Chapter Seventeen; Training With The Mightiest
Chapter Eighteen; Things Feel Normal
Chapter Nineteen; A Masked Friend
Chapter Twenty; The Mercenary And Spider Fight
Chapter Twenty-One; An E-Mail To Remember
Chapter Twenty-Two; A Team Or A Family
Chapter Twenty-Three; The Cruel World
Chapter Twenty-Four; Mask-Buddies
Chapter Twenty-Five; The Worried Thoughts Of An Ex-Spy
Chapter Twenty-Six; Rooftop Talk
Chapter Twenty-Seven; A Soon-To-Be Arrival
Chapter Twenty-Nine; To Shout At Those Who Care
Chapter Thirty; Blank

Chapter Twenty-Eight; Flickers Of Anger

1.8K 73 23
By SmoochPuff

*Peter's POV*

Look, Peter is a teenager and teenagers do stupid shit. Really— it's never on purpose, but it still always seems to happen. Like right about now.

Despite his academic record, Peter had a long history of making dumb decisions. Book smart does not equal street smart, that is something everyone should really think about. And so, occasionally, the things that Peter does can seem very idiotic for someone with straight A's.

Example one; after leaving his bedroom, adorned in his suit, he had gone out in the hopes to run into Deadpool, who was somehow the first person that he had thought to go looking for when he needed to distract himself.

Though, this was not the truly stupid thing that he had done. No— everything was fine. Just like he had thought, Deadpool had miraculously found him, and they just talked.

But in his haste to leave behind his anxious thoughts, Peter had really neglected to think the whole plan over. Deadpool was, unfortunately, a well-known mercenary with a rather large target on his back. And with Peter's splendid luck, he should have known that something bad would happen the moment that they let their guard down.

Deadpool was in the middle of some random rant about sparkly dildos (Peter truthfully could not tell a single soul how the conversation had brewed down to this particular subject) when his Spidey Sense went through the roof.

One second, he was idly listening to his new friend angrily talk about sex toys, and the next he was pushing said-friend over the edge of the rooftop that they had been sitting on.

Multiple bullets flew over their heads like rain from hell, but Peter had been able to get them both out of the line of fire.

The duo was free falling for a moment before Peter grabbed Deadpool around the waist, ignoring the sassy remark and slew of jokes that left the mercenary's mouth as he did so, and shot a web towards the nearest building.

Peter and Deadpool came down hard, skidding across the dusty rooftop of the building next to the one that they were just sitting on moments ago. He sat up, gasping for air as adrenaline pumped through his system, and looked around wildly. He couldn't see anyone— where were they?

Peter looked over to make sure Deadpool was alright, despite the fact that he knew he was (invincibility or something of the sort, how lucky) and saw the man laying in a starfish position with a pout present on his mask (he had given up on trying to understand how that worked).

"Damn— we were bonding and they just had to ruin our moment!" He huffed, crossing his arms from his position on the ground. Peter rolled his eyes under his mask and stood up, yanking the mercenary up by the front of his suit. "Ow— Spidey, I'm sensitive!" Deadpool complained, but he cooperated nonetheless, standing beside Peter with the same laidback aura surrounding him.

"Okay, so I'm assuming this has something to do with you considering the fact that I really only piss off smalltime thugs, whereas you're the mercenary that who-knows-how-many-people want to kill." Peter quipped while wearily glancing around again, feeling completely exposed on the roof. But his Spidey Sense wasn't going off— he wasn't sure whether that was good or bad at the moment.

"We should get somewhere more secluded, less open." Peter mumbled while his eyes roamed the area around them, looking for a good direction to go, but he had no idea where to go.

"C'mon, kid, take a few breathes and calm yourself." Deadpool said while crossing his arms behind his head, looking entirely at ease. "I caught a glimpse of one of the people who shot at us— they're a really small group that hates me because I took out their douchebag of a boss." Peter really tried not to flinch at the idea of Deadpool, who had been nothing but nice to him as of yet, taking the life of another person without so much as a second thought. "They're harmless, really. Lemme go track them down and I'll take 'em out for good."

Peter froze on the spot. He knew Deadpool was like this. He had known that when he decided to put his trust in this man and become semi-friends (whatever you want to call their new relationship), but he talked about killing people so easily. It was making Peter nauseous.

"Wh-What?" His voice wavered as he spoke, but his mind was racing with thoughts. He couldn't just let this happen. It went against everything he fought to protect. He saved people without killing the bad guys. That's how he did it. He wasn't going to push any of his morals onto Deadpool, but he also wasn't going to just stand by and let the mercenary go kill a group of people.

Deadpool turned, blades unsheathed and clenched in his fists, but he didn't look the slightest bit angry as he looked at Peter. "Don't worry, kid, I'll be back in a snap. You won't be that bored without me, will you?"

A small flicker of anger flashed inside of Peter's chest at the tone Deadpool used— like it wasn't at all wrong that he was joking while also planning on taking out a whole group of people. He just didn't care. More nausea rolled through Peter's stomach, but he pushed it away.

"No, Deadpool, put your weapons away and stop." Peter commanded, voice firm despite the obvious shakiness that made his sentence come out a lot less strong than he would have liked. "Just— um, just stop and think for a second, okay?"

Deadpool stood entirely still, in a way that made fear trickle into Peter's chest, but the man did as he said and slid the weapons back into their sheathes. "Please... please don't kill them." He pleaded, hating how desperate he sounded. "We'll tip off the police and they'll be legally dealt with— no one needs to get hurt." He continued in a more friendly tone, trying to calm the obviously unstable man.

"They just shot at us, kid, and we both know that I'm not exactly a good person. Let me handle this how I want to handle it, this is my problem and you shouldn't even be involved." The tone was light, almost joking like usual, but Peter felt every alarm bell ringing in his head. This was dangerous territory that he was crossing into. He hardly knows Deadpool at all. Or what he might do when he was finally pushed too far.

This is when Peter decides to finally unleash all that stupid teenage-energy inside of him, because yes, he had already been stupid enough today, but he still had plenty of idiocy left inside of him. "If you go to kill them... I-I'm going to stop you and I'll turn you into the police." Another moment of dangerous silence passed between them.

"Kid, I'm being serious. Stop. I am going to handle the shitheads who decided that they wanted to use us as target practice." Again, the tone was so light even as the heaviness of the conversation weighed down on both of them. "Now why don't you go skip off to daycare and we'll talk another time." The flame of anger that had sparked inside of Peter earlier grew, fed by each condescending word that left the mercenary's mouth. He had resorted to using his age against him? How mature.

"I'll call the Avengers instead." The words slipped past Peter's lips before he could even think, sounding like they were being said by someone else. "I've been working with them and they'll come if I contact them." Now Peter was the one with the dangerous tone.

Deadpool sighed, shoulders sagging in a comedic way. But the tense atmosphere lifted a little as a giggle escaped the mercenary. "Wow, that was a little unexpected." He mumbled, but he loosened his posture and fully turned around to look at Peter now. "I don't want to argue with you, kiddo, but I am a delusional murderer who will definitely kill more people in the future. There's nothing you can do to stop that, even if I want to stay mask-buddies."

Peter let out a relieved sigh, realizing that Deadpool was no longer planning on going on a killing spree. But his last words hung heavily in the air. Peter sucked in a deep breathe and nodded slowly, looking away. "I know... just... I would really prefer if you didn't when I'm even remotely involved." He muttered with another sigh.

Deadpool giggled again and skipped over to the edge of the roof. "I'll try to schedule my kills on the days that we aren't hanging out, Spidey!" He exclaimed before, once again, dropping off of the building as a form of ending their conversation.

Peter sat down heavily, looking down at his hands. Things always got complicated when he was around Deadpool. He should have known this would be no different. Thankfully, the whole thing had been defused quickly. But there was a small voice at the back of his mind that wondered what would have happened if Peter hadn't been able to stop Deadpool from pursuing the gang.

Peter should have just stayed in bed with his anxious thoughts.

*Bruce's POV*

Bruce had been in the lab for about five and a half hours, which meant that his time had not run out yet (because Cap insisted that they could only be in the lab for seven hours) but the team had made multiple appearances within that time period. Apparently, they were having an off day, and they were very adamant that he should join them. Even Tony was enjoying some time with the rest of the team.

  However, it was Sunday evening, and he wanted to finish up the current calculation for the material for the Spider-Man suit before Monday so that he could focus on the new intern that Tony had chosen. He wouldn't be up to Tony's lab for multiple months, but Bruce still wanted to watch him to see what he could do.

  The calculation wasn't too complicated and he was finishing the last line, requesting Friday to turn on the news so that he could find out about any new things happening, when he heard something rather intriguing.

  "Today on top of a small business building, the smalltime hero, Spider-Man, and the well-know mercenary, Deadpool, were spotted by multiple bystanders having a conversation. However, this odd interaction was cut short when a small gang took fire on the two masked individuals. There were no casualties, but an anonymous source tipped the police of the gangs location, and they have been taken into custody for questioning. Further news on the subject will be released tomorrow morning." The screen changed to discuss the weather, but Bruce had already tuned the woman that was speaking out.

  What, exactly, was Spider-Man doing with Deadpool of all people? A cold suspicion trailed up his spine as he sat down heavily on his swivel chair, staring down at his hands while trying to grasp what he had just heard.

  After all this time, had Spider-Man actually been playing them? They had thought that he was trustworthy but they didn't know too much about him. And Deadpool definitely wasn't someone with a good reputation— he was a mercenary!

  But maybe this was a misunderstanding. Bruce hadn't met Spider-Man yet, but Sam and Cap seemed fairly certain that he was trustworthy, and Clint and Natasha had trained with him. Not to mention the fact that Deadpool, despite his bloody record, hadn't killed anyone innocent. That didn't make Bruce feel much better, but at least Spidey wasn't talking with a villain, though Deadpool was considered an Anti-Hero (which wasn't much better than a villain) the last Bruce had checked.

  Bruce groaned and stood up, he didn't want to interrupt the nice time that the team was having, but Tony definitely needed to know about this. He entered the elevator and quietly waited as it brought him up to the Avengers floor.

It was a mess when the doors opened. Clint was dangling from a vent, eating cookies, while Bucky swatted at him from below. Cap was trying to stop the two while Sam snuck up from behind him and snatched a few cookies as well, earning an exasperated sigh from Pepper, who was sitting on a stool at the kitchen island, doing paperwork as per usual.

Scott was making jokes left and right with a poor, confused Vision. He sat next to Wanda, who was stifling her giggles at the perplexed expression present on his face.

Tony and Natasha were in a heated argument about Twilight (Nat had a strange obsession with that movie) but Bruce chose to ignore that as he walked up to them, trying his best not to arouse the attention of the others.

"Tony." Bruce said in a quiet but serious tone. At the sound of his voice, Tony stopped talking mid-conversation and looked up with a flicker of curiosity dancing in his eyes. "I need you in the lab." He told him, giving no room for him to make a sassy remark.

Tony sighed, but nodded, and stood up. Natasha didn't say anything, but her eyes roamed over Bruce like they were searching for the reason that he needed Tony. "I've been summoned— we'll have to leave our little debate for another time." Tony said with a smirk, eyes trained on Natasha despite the fact that she was staring at Bruce.

Together, the two geniuses walked together, not speaking as they entered the elevator and stayed that way as it brought them down to the lab.

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