The Perfect Murder

By yurikoyo

184 29 0

"There's nothing called a perfect murder, or is it?" 3 years after Kim Seolhee went "missing" her "friends"... More

The Perfect Murder
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7 1 0
By yurikoyo

Dead...he was dead in his bathtub.

"Oh no!" Yeesul broke down into tears while Yuna went ahead and observed the dead body in front of her

"He died due to dehydration, in a bathtub filled with water" Yuna observed

"He's wearing clothes which means that the killer killed him somewhere else and brought him here" Yuna stated

There was a creepy painting on the wall which had 4 kids hung on a tree. "I'll keep it away for now," Yeesul said clearly disturbed from the painting. She picked it up to throw it away when a letter fell from it.

I am willing to find a middle ground. If you want to know why I am behind your lives come to Starsnatch Cliff at 11:55 PM sharp tonight. See Ya :)
- Mr. Unknown

"This might just be our last chance...let's do this..." Yeesul said

time skip 

Yeesul checked her wristwatch and it showed 11:50 PM. She sighed in relief that she came before time

"Very punctual I see," A girl in an all-black outfit along with a facemask and a black hoodie said

"What do you want from my friends!" Yeesul asked with anger and rage in her eyes

"Now now, don't be so impatient," The girl said

Yeesul widened her eyes in realization. There was another girl behind her who was holding a knife under Yeesul's throat. 

"it's best if you cooperate with us," The girl ahead said as the girl behind tied Yeesul down 

'What was I thinking, of course, they'd trap me' Yeesul thought to herself

"Tell me, what do you know about Ji Hee," The girl asked

"She's Seolhee's sister who lives somewhere around Seoul" Yeesul silently answered

"very well" The girl replied

"it's only fair if I get to ask a question to you too right?" Yeesul asked

"Sure, go on," the girl said

"Who are you?" Yeesul asked as the girl removed her mask, it was Seolhee

"Seolhee?!!" Yeesul asked

"Yes, it's me" Seolhee smiled

"can't died in front of my eyes," Yeesul said 

"Oh, that! it wasn't me...the girl you killed that night was Ji Hee" Seolhee said,

"wait but isn't she your older sister how come you look the same!" Yeesul asked

"Of course, she's my older sister. She was born 5 minutes before me. We're identical twins" Seolhee said 

"H-how did you kill everyone?!" Yeesul asked 

"A certain someone helped me do that" Seolhee said and the girl from behind removed her mask 

"Yuna?!" Yeesul's eyeballs came out of her sockets by seeing Yuna there.

"Hyunwoo was right..." Yeesul looked like she was dead

"Hyunwoo?" Yuna asked

"Yes, he was suspicious of you from the very start," Yeesul said


"Yee, I think Yuna is Mr. Unknown," Hyunwoo said

"why would you say that?" Yeesul immediately shot back

"Blood, I saw blood on her hand the day Sunghoon died" Hyunwoo stated clearly

"Why didn't you say that before?!" Yeesul asked

"Because that would put us in extreme danger," Hyunwoo said

"You're not listening Hyunwoo, she was there with me the whole time. Each time a person died she was there with me! no way she can be at 2 places at a time" Yeesul got restless

"Listen, if I die the same way Sunghoon and Eun did. You know the answer" Hyunwoo said and left the room 


"heh, he sure was a smarty pant," Yeesul said 

"I denied all of his statements...because I believed you," Yeesul said

"More precisely, because you didn't have any evidence against me"

"WAIT you said that there were 2 people kidnapping us so who's the second one? one must be Seolhee, so the second one?" Yeesul asked,

"did you see a second person?" Yuna asked and Yeesul shook her 

"I lied" Yuna added

"How did you commit so many murders, I still stand by my point. You couldn't have killed all of them by yourself, YOU helped didn't you?" Yeesul pointed at Seolhee

"As much as I wanted to, No. All the murders were in fact committed by Yuna" Seolhee stated

"How?" Was all Yeesul could ask

"I wasn't actually at my grandma's. you think you saw me there but it was a video recording. I played it and it seemed as if I was actually talking to you while I killed Eun" Yuna said

"I played a recording of Sunghoon screaming which made it seem like he died and I went first and killed him. In the haste, Hyunwoo must've seen the blood" Yuna added

"I told Hyunwoo to reschedule the time to 5 PM instead of six and to be at my house instead of the park. I killed him in my backyard and put him in the bathtub" Yuna continued 

"I should've known better...You are way smarter than we thought" Yeesul chuckled 

"But why? What did they ever do to you?" Yeesul asked

"In middle school, those were 3 were MY friends and we were very close to each other. But one uneventful morning, you joined our school and you grabbed all of their attention leaving me in darkness. From that point on, I made up my mind to somehow get revenge from you" Yuna said

"Then you should've just killed me..." Yeesul said

"Aw, where's the fun in that?" Yuna chuckled

"Seeing you crying each time someone dies. There's the fun in watching you suffer" Yuna stated

"And the scum bags who can abandon someone so easily do not have the right to live either" Yuna said 

"So you both were driven by revenge..." Yeesul said 

"And now comes my favorite part..." Yuna said and pushed Yeesul towards the edge of the cliff 

"Goodbye Yeesul" Were Yuna's last words to Yeesul before flicking her forehead causing her to fall back down the hill 

"And this is called The Perfect Murder


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