Her Turmoil (Finished)

By Broken_Samurai_

21.3K 728 147

Slender despises humans. After getting one as a 'pet' he makes her life a living hell. Despite this she survi... More

A Year
How it Started
Night Terrors
For You
Dangerous Waters
Little Savior
Old Nightmares
A New Understanding
Bad Decisions
Not Him
Her Special Place
Down in Flames
I'm Sorry
At Odds
Peace Can't Last
Torture and Trust
Welcome to the Family
Her Protection

Old 'Acquaintances'

973 37 5
By Broken_Samurai_

~~Sally's Pov~~

"Come on," I tell Y/N after a little while. "We need to move."

Y/N nods and follows after me as I pull her along, leading her towards the edge of the forest. I need to get her out of here. I can't let her get hurt by daddy, I just can't. I hate having to make her leave, but maybe if I get her to a random town she can just vanish. I don't want her to leave. I don't want to lose her, but I also know I need to keep her safe. No matter what. I cling to her hand as I fight back tears but finally come to a random edge of the forest. I turn to Y/N, fighting back tears as I look at her firmly.

"Y/N, you need to go," I tell her firmly.

"What?" She asks, confused.

"You need to go. Even though it's not your fault daddy is gonna blame you anyway. He's going to blame you and hurt you. I can't let that happen," I hiccup through tears. "Just leave and don't come back."

"Sally, I'm not leaving you out here on your own. I'll be fine," She insists as she kneels down. "I'll be okay."

"NO!" I scream. "He'll kill you! I don't want that to happen. Please. Please go," I beg of her. "Please."

"Sally, I can't leave anymore," She says, falling to her knees and gently cupping my face with her hands. "If I leave he's going to hunt me down regardless. I'll take the punishment because if I leave I'm as good as dead."

"But.....," I breathe.

"Not buts," She chuckles, wiping my tears. "We'll be okay. We can handle it together."

"Y/N? Is that really you?" An unfamiliar voice questions, our heads snapping up. "You're alive?!"

"You?!" Y/N snarls, jerking to her feet and hiding me behind her. "I'm alive no thanks to you."

"You've escaped The Slenderman! Come! We must celebrate!" The unfamiliar man cries.

"You can go fuck yourself!" Y/N spits back. "I hope you and your town rot in hell!"

"It's natural you'd be angry but come back with me. Come and we'll leave her alone," The man declares with a malicious grin.

My eyes widen in fear as I cling to Y/N, my body trembling as more humans come into view with weapons. Oh no! What are we gonna do?! I'm caught off guard when she punches the human in the face, clinging to her when she scoops me into her arms and takes off. I tremble and bury my face into her neck as she runs, too scared to do anything else. The humans shout and chase after us. What do I do?! I yelp when Y/N stumbles but she doesn't drop me. She gathers her footing and just runs, zigzagging as she tries to lose the humans.

She yells and stumbles, crashing to her knees as she clings to me. I'm confused when she sets me down, my eyes wide as she guides me to look up at her. What's she doing?! We need to keep going! I'm filled with dread as she pulls back and gives me a soft smile. No. No! NO! She can't do this! I can't just leave her like this.

"Shhh, it's okay," She breathes, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. "I want you to run. I'll hold them off for as long as I can."

"No, please. I can't leave you! You'll die!" I sob. "I love you!"

"I love you too," She smiles through her own tears. "I need you to run. Go back to the mansion."

"What about you?" I breathe.

"I'll be okay," She promises. "But I need you safe. See if E.J. is back. He can come help."

"Help. I'll get help!" I agree, giving her a tight hug. "Stay alive until I come back."

I give Y/N a tight hug and run, leaving Y/N behind. Despite my best efforts the forest seems to have other plans, leading me back to the pack of humans surrounding Y/N. I scream when I'm gabbed, thrashing and struggling as I'm shoved forward. I stumble but Y/N catches me in her arms, managing to give the human who got a hold of me a gash in their arm with her knife.

"If you want to live, give us the child," The man from before demands. "Give her to us and you'll be free to go."

"HA! I've lived with The Slenderman for a year. I can tell you're lying. You're not getting your hands on her. I don't care what you offer me!" Y/N spits. "Fuck off!"

"You've grown attached to the very creatures that stole you? Pathetic," The man spits. "Get them!"

I'm too scared to move. These humans are dangerous and I don't think we can outrun them. I sink to the floor and I just cry. I don't know what to do. I'm too scared to focus and help Y/N as the humans launch their attack. Y/N protects me the entire time. I don't know how she does it. She's malnourished and weak, but somehow she has the strength to protect me the entire time.

"Y/N!" I cry when she's suddenly shoved to the side and the male human looks at me with a malicious grin.

"Finally. Now, how long until we can get the rest of you? We're going to hand you over to the Hunter Organization and be rid of all of you. No longer will any of you bring death to people." He chuckles darkly. "I hate to hurt a child but I'm sure you've killed your fair number of people. It'll be a blessing."

My eyes are wide in horror but I can't move. I'm frozen in place and I'm terrified. I fall back on my butt as the human steps closer. I watch him raise his knife as he comes towards me. I do the only thing I can do. I scream for help.

"DADDY! UNCLE TRENDY! UNCLE OFFENDY! UNCLE SPLENDY!" I scream before throwing myself onto Y/N's chest.

I bury my face against her and I feel her weakly hug me close. This is it. This is where we both die. I'm so scared. I don't know what to do. I can't handle this many people alone. I sniffle softly and just cling to Y/N. This is it. This is the end.

~~Slender's Pov~~

My brothers and I freeze in our hike when we suddenly hear my baby girl's scream. We all exchanged 'glances' before we all teleport to her. Anger floods through me when I find humans surrounding.....something white. However, I can easily pick up Sally's scent within whatever it is. My brothers and I turn to the terrified humans and we launch our attack. We slaughter every human present without any mercy, the four of us covered in blood by the end of it. I grab all of the bodies and take them to the border of the forest where the town lies. I scatter the bodies about, tearing out intestines and scattering them around the trees like streamers.

It's a warning to the rest of them. If they ever do this again I will burn this town to the damn ground. Most of what's left is women ams children, maybe a few men who stayed behind in case my brothers and I decided to make an attack on the town. I leave my warming and return to my brothers, Sally, and the weird white thing surrounding her. I pause in surprise upon seeing Sally passed out on top of Y/N. Two large white wings lay spread out on the ground, the white things that were protecting Sally.

"Sally," I breathe, scooping her into my arms and hugging her close. "It's okay. I've got you."

I leave my brothers to take care of Y/N, too focused on my baby girl to focus on the situation with Y/N. I need to just get Sally home. I teleport back to the mansion and head straight to my bedroom. I kick off my shoes and climb into the bed, just holding Sally close. What the hell happened? Why were Y/N and Sally out there in the first place? I will need to have a discussion with E.J, but right now I don't care about anything except for Sally right now. I just want to take care of my little girl.

"Slender?" He hears Splendor call after a soft knock on my door.

"Come in," I call, looking up at my brothers when they all enter.

"Is she okay?" Splendor whispers softly.

"As far as I can tell. She must have been so scared," I breathe. "I hate humans. I hate them so much. She's a child. A child, and they have the audacity to attack her. I'm just......"

"Thankful Y/N was there," Offender finishes for me.

"Had they stayed at the edge we'd have never heard her," I hiss softly. "I could have lost her."

Everyone grimaces at my words because we all know it's true. We could have lost Sally. Had Y/N not been there Sally would either be dead or sold off to the Hunter Organization. My heart aches at the very idea. My poor baby. I owe Y/N a thank you. She protected my baby girl. I can't help the tears that stream down my cheeks as my brothers all come to settle on the bed around me. We just sit, waiting for Sally to wake up.

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