Her Turmoil (Finished)

By Broken_Samurai_

21.3K 728 147

Slender despises humans. After getting one as a 'pet' he makes her life a living hell. Despite this she survi... More

A Year
How it Started
For You
Dangerous Waters
Little Savior
Old Nightmares
A New Understanding
Bad Decisions
Old 'Acquaintances'
Not Him
Her Special Place
Down in Flames
I'm Sorry
At Odds
Peace Can't Last
Torture and Trust
Welcome to the Family
Her Protection

Night Terrors

1.2K 44 12
By Broken_Samurai_

~~Your Pov~~

"Oh! Can you do braids next?" Sally gasps after I finish curling her hair. "Or maybe braids and that fancy hair that girls get when they're getting married?"

"I can do either one you want," I assure as she sits back down, carefully running a brush through her hair before beginning to carefully braid and pin it up. "How's that?"

"I have the perfect dress!" She squeals, dashing into her closet for the millionth time to change into a cute outfit to go with her hair so she can take countless pictures. "Look look! I'm getting married!"

"That's a perfect dress! You look so....Sally? Why are you in your human form?" I ask with a worried frown.

"A bride doesn't look very beautiful with blood and dirt on her face," She declares with a pout. "So I hid it away!"

"Sally, you look beautiful no matter which form you take.  Even with blood you're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen," I promise, giving a soft grunt when she suddenly throws herself into my chest and hugs me.

"Thank you, Y/N! You're so cool," She hums in delight. "I'm glad you're the one who watched me tonight even if you don't have a choice."

"Even if it was my choice I'd choose to watch you," I assure her. "Nothing makes me happier than getting to hang out with you."

After playing dress-up for a while longer I make Sally dinner, doing my best to pretend the flesh is steak or something of the sort so I'm not revolted by cooking it. Even after several months I still didn't like the idea that I was cooking humans for these creatures, although part of me wondered how often Slenderman may have actually forced me to eat it while claiming that he was feeding me real food. I had lost a significant amount of weight since being here and I look really malnourished, but all my captor cared about was making sure I was alive and capable enough to follow his every command. After dinner Sally takes her bath and I tuck her into bed with a story, accidentally falling asleep with her not long after I finish the fairy tale. It's been an entire year, as I was informed of just a few hours ago, since I had last gotten a decent amount of sleep.

~~Slender's Pov~~

"You two have some serious nerve leaving Sally at the mansion by herself. While she is certainly capable of taking care of herself, there is a reason I make someone watch her in my absence. Her mind is the most stable out of all of ours and I can NOT afford her to have an episode and possibly get caught by one of those filthy humans. She has a preference for that damn town," I spit in anger, throwing the two teenagers onto the mansion floor once we get inside. "What were the two of you thinking?! Did you truly think you could get away with this?!"

"Well, we have before so it wasn't that hard," Ben argues, a groan of pain leaving his chest when I fill his head with static. "We didn't leave her alone!"

"You two are the only ones available this evening! Of course you were irresponsible because I know for a fact that every single member of this mansion is gone at the moment!" I yell, having no doubt my little girl was in her bedroom, but she doesn't need to hear me yelling. "She was here by herself for almost five hours! She was supposed to be in bed two hours ago!"

"There's one member you forgot about. Which is surprising since she's your terrified lap dog," Jeff argues, his anger catching me slightly off guard. "The human has been here a full year. She may as well be a member until you murder her."

"That filth is NOT a member of this mansion. She is simply a means of stress relief that I haven't found the need to kill," I hiss before freezing when realization hits me. "YOU LET HER OUT?!"

"It's fine. She'd never leave Sally," Ben points out.

The two knock out from the sudden static my anger brings, making note to scold them more later. Right now, I only have two people ony mind. One I'm worried about and the other I'm furious with. I take a deep breath to calm myself in case Sally isn't asleep yet. I don't want to scare her. I don't like being angry around Sally. She's been through enough and I can't have my little girl hating her life because her father yells all the time. Much to my relief, Sally is sound asleep with her teddy bear Mister Death, looking relaxed and content. However, when his gaze finds the human his anger threatens to explode.

She really has the audacity to put her filth on my little girl?! I lash out a tendril, cutting off Y/N's air and teleporting to the basement. I switch on the blinding lights and shove her to the concrete. She gasps and coughs as she tries to regain her breath, my teeth gritting in anger when she tries to crawl away. He grabs her by the hair and forces her to her feet before he uses his tendrils to hook her wrists into cuffs above her head. She trembles but she doesn't move. She knows better than to move.

"You honestly thought you could get away with tricking the other members of this mansion into letting you free? Oh how wrong you were, Pet," I growl out. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

To my surprise she stays silent, her silence and lack of argument pissing me off as she bows her head to just accept her punishment. I snarl in displeasure and snap my tendril across her her back, pleased by the sound of fabric as he tears her shirt and to bare skin. I lash my tendrils against her back over and over again, her blood eventually splattering my clothes. We're both panting when I finally call it quits, grabbing my handkerchief and wiping her blood from my face.

"No matter what you think or what the others may tell you, you do not belong here. You are simply a means of entertainment and stress relief for me, an easy tool to use when I am unable to stretch myself any further, or simply when I have no desire to deal with the frustrations of everyone all at once. I keep you around because you are useful and nothing more. Whether it's for a few more weeks or the rest of your pathetically short lifespan, you are easily disposable when I have grown sick of you. Do I make myself clear?" I question, sliding two fingers up her bleeding back before licking them. 

"Yes Slenderman," She manages weakly, her body trembling as she tries to keep her balance despite the exhaustion of her body.

She flinches when I tear my mouth open, grabbing her by the shoulders to keep her still before I bury my teeth into her flesh. Her scream of pain pleasing me as I tear out a decent chunk of flesh. I trail my tongue along the bite to stop the massive bleeding that happens. The flesh will come back thanks to the healing abilities oh his kind but there will always be a scar there. I chew slowly and savor the taste of her flesh, her blood sweet from her fear, her muscle having a tangy taste to it. He sighs in delight once he swallows it. His hunting got interrupted when he spotted Jeff and Ben coming back through the forest as I was hunting my victim. I can sense mostly anyone in my territory.

"It's all I can do not to devour you. I've molded you into the perfect meal and yet, I have no desire to kill you at the moment. I do not wish your death for you are still useful to me," He purrs into your ear. "You'll continue to suffer."

"I'm sorry," She whispers. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry....D....n."

I stand there in shock when her entire form goes limp as she passes out. I just stare at her for a while as I attempt to figure out what she was trying to apologize for. At first I assumed it was for her pathetic existence but she was apologizing to someone who isn't known to him. He has no residents whose names start with D and end in an N. Why would she even be apologizing to some human from her past?

This isn't the first time that we have been through torture of this manner and it certainly won't be the last, but I'm certain another string of her sanity has snapped. I'm thrilled by the idea because it means I'm that much closer to breaking her. I'm so close to breaking her resolve. So close to completely crush her hopes and dreams. She's not getting out of this place alive. I unlock the cuffs holding her wrists and she collapses unceremoniously to the floor. I would be rolling my eyes if I had them.

I scoop up her body and walk her over to the old cot I keep down here for her. I attach the chain on the wall to her collar before laying her down on the cot. I'm not that big of an asshole! I made sure she wouldn't sleep on the cold stone floor. I'll make sure she bathes in the morning and I'll get Eyeless Jack to fix up her bandages and such afterwards. I grab her blanket and lay it over her. I'm annoyed, the blanket has several large holes in it which means I need to get her a new one. Such a pain in the ass. I head to the stairs and turn off the basement lights, plunging it back into pitch black darkness.

I take my leave and return to my bedroom, groaning when I see the mess I've made. I'll have to get the blood out of these clothes now. What a pain. Maybe I did go a bit overboard. Jeff and Ben are as much at fault as Y/N is. I shall continue my scolding once they awaken. So, I take a shower and change into clean clothes, happy to feel refreshed. His mind wanders back to what Y/N tried to say before passing out. Whose name starts with a D and ends in an N? Certainly not anyone I know. Although, I haven't actually dug into her past. I saw no reason to do so. Maybe it's time to do some research on my human pet.

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