My Wildest Dreams

By fhsgctcusbf

96K 1.8K 441

Josh and Katie have been best friends since he first moved nextdoor midway through freshman year. They were a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 17

Chapter 16

3.9K 84 19
By fhsgctcusbf

*mature scene halfway through the chapter

I watch palm tree after palm tree pass by as we drive down the highway. It's Emma's 5th birthday and we decided to take her to Disney.

Josh suggested we invite our families to celebrate, so it's us, my family, his parents and his brothers family.

The car stops and Josh turns to me.

"Do you want anything sweetheart?" He asked since we stopped at a gas station.

"Just my usual." My usual is a blue raspberry slushy and a bag of chips.

"Ok I'll be right back" He said pecking my lips.

Over the past 7 months our relationship has been nothing but bliss. We moved in together about 5 months into the relationship, I know it seems a bit too soon, but we knew we're in it for the long haul, so it seemed appropriate.

In the past months we've talked about marriage and kids in the future and he's said that I'm it for him and he obviously knows I feel the same way, he also finally told me he loved me a few months into our relationship.

He was having a stressful week at work, so I surprised him with his favorite things. These days guys are always doing stuff for their girls, but I think it should be both ways, so I wanted to show him that I appreciate, love him, and support him.

~~~Flash back~~~

It's date night for Josh and I, so I figured we'd do something low key since this week was stressful for both of us, so we're staying in and doing a TeenWolf marathon.

After work I went to the store and got Josh's favorite things, snacks, candy and I'm getting take out from his favorite place for dinner.

After I got everything I needed, I drove to his house and set everything up. I changed into my PJ set that Josh loves on me and waited for him to get home, so I put on YouTube to pass the time.

About a half hour later I hear the front door open. He walks into his room and comes over to peck my lips.

"Hey I'm gonna take a quick shower" He said.


15 minutes later I hear the shower turn off and a few minutes later he walks out of the bathroom butt ass naked. Usually when it's just us he's usually naked or in his underwear, so this doesn't surprise me.

He walks over to the bed and I check him out with each step, I am extremely lucky to have this sexy man as my boyfriend, his muscles look delicious with drops of water rolling down his chest and even when he's soft, his dick is still big, just looking at him is making me wet.

He jumps on the bed and he crawls up my body and laid his head on my chest. Lately he's been super cuddly and I don't know what's gotten into him, but I'm definitely not complaining.

Well looks like my horny ass will have to wait because he wants his cuddles.

He raises his head to look at me and all I can see is pure adoration and love?

"I love you Katie girl" He said smiling.

Wait what? I was definitely not expecting that.

"What?" I asked still dumbfounded by what he said.

"I said I. Love. You." He said pecking my lips in-between the words.

"Wait really?"

"Yes. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize my feelings for you, but you're it for me Katie girl. I want you to be my wife and have kids one day. I just love you so much" He said smiling.

"I love you too" I said tearing up. After so many years of being in love with him, he finally feels the same way.

I feel him smile into the kiss and soon our kissing gets more intense. I wrap my legs around his waist and we start grinding against each other. Before I know, I'm naked and Josh is thrusting into me. He rests his forehead against mine, looking into my eyes as he makes love to me.

~~~Back to present~~~

"Hey you ok sweetheart?" He asked snapping me out of my day dream.

"Yeah I'm good, just thinking about when you first told me you loved me."

He immediately gets a big dopey smile on his face.

We get back on the road listening to music and eating our travel snacks. Emma fell asleep so we have to be quiet. After awhile I start to get sleepy since I drove the first half of the drive, so I start to close my eyes and before I know it, I'm asleep.

~~~Josh's pov~~~

We pull into the parking lot of the resort seeing our families waiting for us. I look over at Katie and she's out cold, I look into the back seat and see Emma is awake.

I try to be as quiet as I can when I unbuckle Emma and go over to our families. When I reach the group, Katie's brother reaches for Emma and she immediately goes to him.

I say hi to everyone and see her dad, so I go over to him. Katie's dad Chris, comes up to me and pats me on the back.

"How you feeling?" He asked.


"I was the same way, but I know she'll say yes, she's loved you since you guys first met, so you have nothing to worry about" He said.

"I know, it's just I want everything to be perfect."

"I know" He said patting me on the back and walking to his wife.

I tell everyone I'll meet them inside and then I go wake up sleep beauty.

~~~Katie's pov~~~

I wake up to a pressure on my lips waking me up immediately. He keeps coming up with ways to wake me up and I'm definitely not complaining.

He starts to pull away so I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him back to my lips. I start to kiss back, basically shoving my tongue into his mouth, and he does not deny me. I had a really intense sex dream and I'm really horny right now, so I'll take whatever I can get from him.

I start to move my hands down to his waist, undoing his belt until he stops me.

" much as I would love to continue this, our families are waiting for us" He said.

"They can't wait like 10-15 minutes?"

He laughed, shaking his head. "No they can't" He said.

"But I'm horny" I whined.

"I know...but we don't have time for that" he said trying to be the voice of reason even though he wants it as much as me given the large bulge in his shorts.


"Stop pouting" He said kissing my pout.

"I'm not."

"Yes you are" He said.

"Fine...I am, as soon as we get to our room I'm taking a shower."

"Ok" He said.

I get out of the car and we meet up with our families. Josh comes not long after since he had to wait for his boner to go down.

We check in and grab our room cards and go up to our rooms, our parents took the kids to the pool, so it's just us and I'm definitely taking advantage of it.

We get into the room and I take a look around and see how nice it is, I still can't believe we're staying in Disney world.

Josh comes in and puts our stuff down and comes over to me, he doesn't know we have the place to ourselves for a little while so I think he'll be happy.

He's busy putting some things away, so I make sure no one can see into the window and the door is locked. Once everything is good I take off my shirt and shorts laying down on the bed, but not before grabbing a towel so when i make a mess I don't have to change the sheets.

I lay back, spreading my legs waiting for him to notice, it doesn't take long for that.

He comes back into the bedroom and stares at me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Waiting for you. Our moms took the girls to the pool, so we have some time alone."

"Really?" He asked.


He whips his shirt and shorts off immediately leaving him in his blue boxer briefs and I notice he's still hard from our little make out session.

Man I'm one lucky woman.

"Damn someone's still hard."

"Well yeah that's what you do to me" He said coming onto the bed.

I take my bra off and slide my panties off spreading my legs for him. He pounces on me, kissing my neck then making his way to my breasts.

"How much time do we have?" He said lapping at my nipple making me moan.

"Fuck... that feels good. We don't have much time, so we'll have to be quick, maybe 20 minutes."

"Ok, I think I can do that" He said getting up off the bed and going over to our suitcases and grabbing my vibrator.

He grabs the towel I set out, putting it out on the edge of the bed and takes his underwear off.

His cocks springs out, smacking his lower abs. He grabs his shaft and starts stroking up and down.

I swear I could cum just from watching that.

"Come over here baby" He said standing in front of the towel, still stroking himself.

I crawl over to him, sitting down on the towel.

"Ok, you're going to suck my cock while I make you cum from your vibrator. Sound good?" He asked.

"Sounds perfect."

I reach out grabbing his thick cock stroking it, then putting just the tip in my mouth, sucking and licking his slit, making him groan.

I get wetter and wetter just from doing this to him, so I spread my legs silently telling Josh to do something. Luckily he gets the hint and turns on the vibrator, hearing the buzzing makes my pussy pulse, anticipating what he's going to do.

He brings it between my legs making circles on my clit, making my moan against his cock, aiding in his pleasure.

"Fuck baby keep doing that" He said.

I start bobbing my head, taking more and more of him while he continues to rub my clit.

"Fuck baby I'm getting close" He groaned.

I guess we were more worked up than I thought.

"Me too" I moaned bobbing my head faster along with my hands.

I start grinding against the vibrator trying to get closer to my release. Josh notices that and stops moving it in circles and keeps it directly on my clit. It doesn't take long for my orgasm to hit.

"Fuck Josh... I'm cumming" I moaned.

"Fuck me too baby" He said. His cock swells and gets harder letting me know he's cumming. He shoots ropes of cum down my throat, making me swallow every drop.

After we both stop cumming, I lick up whenever dripped down his cock and give his head a kiss like I do every time I give him head.

We both lay back on the bad, trying to catch our breath.

"Let's go take a shower and get ready and we'll meet everyone to go into the park."

"Ok, sounds good" He said getting up and grabbing our clothes and putting towel I sat on for the laundry.

We both take a shower and wash each other, it's the intimate times like this that I love and Josh doesn't let me leave without giving me another orgasm and of course it's by a shower head. I swear that man is obsessed, but I'm definitely not complaining.

I start getting dressed and dry my hair or else it dries weird letting it air dry.

It's decently hot out today so I figured a cute tank top and shorts would be good and since we're going to be walking all over I'll wear sneakers.

Josh comes out after trimming his beard and I have to stop myself from drooling.

"Damn baby you look sexy" I said biting my lip.

He's wearing a light blue short sleeve button down shirt with tan shorts and white vans.

He looks over to me and smiles and his cheeks are slightly pink, he blushes every time I compliment him and I think it's the cutest thing ever.

"Thank you sweetheart. You look beautiful as always" He said coming over and pecking my lips.

"Thank you. Let's go meet everyone because I'm starving and I can't wait to eat all the different things this place has to offer."

"Same here" He said.

We meet up with everyone else in the lobby and make our way into the park.

We eat lunch and I got Mac and cheese with pulled pork, it was really good.

After lunch we walked around and took pictures with different characters, we also watched a few shows playing.

Mid afternoon it was getting really hot so we stopped for something to cool us off, Emma got a Micky ice cream bar and Josh and I got a pineapple Dole whip floats (Highly recommend) and they were really good and refreshing.

After our break Emma wanted to go on some rides so Josh and I took her to the teacup ride, she had so much fun.

The three of us walked around the park, going on different rides and doing stuff as a family. We told our families to meet us in front of the castle when the sun sets since that's when the parade will start and then we'll go have dinner and have a cake to celebrate Emma's birthday.

We walk around some more and then we went to the toy store mania attraction, that was a lot of fun and Josh beat us. Once we finished that we noticed the sun was setting so we went in front of the castle to meet up with our families.

~~~Josh's pov~~~

I'm sweating fucking bullets. I see Emma asking Katie her question, so I stand in back of them and wait for my chance.

It's now or never.

~~~Katie's pov~~~

Emma taps on my leg getting my attention.

"What's up love bug?"

"Mommy, when are you going to marry daddy?" She asked.

Wow I was definitely not expecting that.

"What?" I asked still caught off guard by her question.

"When are you going to marry daddy. You love him right?" She asked.

"Of course I love him honey, I've loved him since I was 16. Besides I have to wait for him to ask me first."

"Why do you have to wait?" She asked moving behind me, so I turn around to ask her what she means when I see Josh down on one knee. My eyes immediately start tearing up.

Oh my god.

"Katie, you've been my best friend since I was 16 and even though It took us a while to get where we are, I wouldn't change anything. I love you and Emma with all my heart and I can't wait to see what the future holds. I know this might be too soon, but I've never felt this way before, so Katie girl... will you marry me?" He asked nervously.

I'm so tempted to pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming. This doesn't seem real. I can't this is actually happening.

"Yes!" I said leaping into his arms, kissing him.

He releases me and our families come over to congratulate us, I forgot they were even here.

Both our moms have tears in their eyes and cannot stop hugging us saying their so happy for us, I think they've been planning our wedding since we first became friends.

After everybody finished congratulating us we went to dinner and finished celebrating Emma's birthday. We had some Disney characters apart of the party, she loved taking pictures with them and everything.

By the time the party was over I was exhausted. Between walking around the park and getting proposed to it's been a tiring day, but Josh and I definitely want to celebrate our engagement, so I'm not that tired.

Once we got back to our room, our clothes were off and we celebrated. After multiple orgasms we both lay there satisfied and content.

"Have you been planning this for awhile?"

"Yeah it was in the back of my head, but Emma gave me the push I needed" He said.

"What do you mean?"

"I asked Emma what she wanted for her birthday and she said for us to get married and I told her I had to propose to you first and she said that's what she wanted" He said.

That's fucking adorable.

"That is the cutest thing I've ever heard."

We talked the rest of the night about where we want the wedding to be and when, we decided April of next year since I think a spring wedding is perfect, especially for the colors I want.

I can't wait to get the planning started and marry the love of my life.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

What did you think about the proposal idea, cute idea?

Sorry about the povs all over the place.

Get ready because the wedding is up next and then the epilogue!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, see you in the next update!👋

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