Actions will always be louder...

By cutesight

97K 4.5K 1.8K

From the popular TikTok trend of seeing color when you meet your soulmate. (Except this is a one-sided effect... More

His kindness
Full of questions
Let's be friends
Tutoring plans
You dummy
Summer school festival
Your smile is beautiful
Goodnight texts
Awkward duo
Afternoon tears
An idiotic plan
More than they let on
That's fine
Selfishness, Confessions, and Guilt
Heartache between two friends
Falling in love at the wrong time
Best friend
Love myself
I like you more
"First date"
Selfish and Happiness
My love is solely to you
Halloween plans
The surprise
The fear of the unknown
A night to remember
Is that a threat?
Words are hard to come by
Winter break
A Christmas to remember
He's here for her.
He's a cursed spirit

She's someone precious

2.7K 135 183
By cutesight

Salmon - Agree/Affirm
Bonito flakes - Disagree/deny
Kelp - Greeting
Mustard Leaf - Concern / Worry
Salmon Roe - To grab attention
Tuna - Focus
Tuna tuna - Look
Tuna mayo - Talk


You've done nothing but eat everything that Inumaki puts on your plate. The six of you are sitting at a picnic table in their school courtyard underneath the warm sunrays. Itadori woke up not too long ago from his sudden sleep. He's still in a daze about the powers these four hold but he refrains from asking too many questions. Even he knows when too much is too much.

You hold onto your stomach, shaking your head when Inumaki holds a sliced apple on a fork towards your lips. His eyes fall to the sliced apple before he eats it himself. Panda points to his own mouth, asking Inumaki to feed him. "Feed me Toge. I'm still hungry."

Inumaki stabs his fork on the last apple slice, feeding Panda. Panda hums out happily as he chews on the apple. The three of you are in your own conversation while Itadori is still being lectured by Okkotsu and Maki. Itadori holds the sides of his head, groaning loudly. "I promise to not do something stupid again." He cries out, a pout to his lips and a sulking expression growing on his face.

Okkotsu sighs with his arms crossed. He's talked his ear off with Itadori more than usual. It seems like Itadori gets the point now. Okkotsu travels his attention over to Y/L/N who seems to be punished in another way. She looks like she's in pain as she clutches her stomach with her arms.

"Are you alright Y/L/N? Did Toge overfeed you?" Maki speaks up, her curious eyes resting on your face. You weakly lift your head up from the table and nod slowly. You sit up straight with a tiny smile.

"I feel like this is his way of lecturing me." You turn your gaze over to Inumaki who wears a tiny mischievous smirk before his face relaxes. You couldn't find a single ounce of emotion to be upset at him. You did give Inumaki a panic last night. Panda interrupts with a comment of his own.

"I think these two are apologetic enough. Don't you think Toge, Yuta? Let's do something fun now. It is the weekend. Being cooped up here is boring." Panda stands up to throw out the paper plates into a nearby trashcan.

Itadori perks up from Panda's suggestion. "What's your idea of fun Panda? Is it somewhere you're even allowed to be seen in public? The last thing we need is for you to be escorted by animal control or something." Panda scoffs and waves Itadori's comment off.

"I usually say I'm a mascot and no one questions it." Panda easily answers Itadori's worries. "Let's head to the city and find something to do." An excitement rings out in Panda's voice that is persuasive enough for Itadori to jump to his feet. Itadori glances over to you with a twinkle in his eye.

"Sounds fun, right Y/L/N?" Itadori no longer wears his sulking expression but rather a cheerful one. You slowly stand up from your spot, still feeling full from the amount of food you've eaten. You don't have any plans today anyway. With a small nod and a smile, you look from Itadori to Panda.

Maki stands up and shakes her head to the adventure. "I'm going to take a rest back in my dorm room. Stepping out into the city is the last thing I want to do on a weekend." Maki readies to leave but Panda stops her with a hand to her shoulder. Maki lowers her golden eyes to the hand that rests on her before flicking her attention towards Panda.

"C'mon Maki. It's not every day we even go out to the city for fun. Plus, we have new friends. You can rest up later today." Panda attempts to persuade Maki. She doesn't seem to be swayed at first. Her eyes gaze over towards you and Itadori.

Itadori quickly hides behind you despite him being much taller. You feel nervous as well, gulping the saliva that builds up in your mouth. Something changes in Maki's expression. She sighs while adjusting the glasses on her nose bridge. "Fine. I'll go too. Let me get changed then."

Unlike the others, Maki still wore her school uniform. You wonder if she feels more comfortable wearing it. Panda cheers when he watches Maki disappear. He lowers his eyes to his bareness. "I'll toss on a shirt to make it look more believable that I'm a mascot." Panda quickly says before darting over to his own room.

Now you and Itadori are left alone with Okkotsu and Inumaki. The two are already in their own casual wear. Inumaki in his plain white tee and distressed denim jeans with sneakers. While Okkotsu wore a dark gray shirt with sleeves that stop at his forearms, dark denim jeans, and a pair of converses. You wonder if Okkotsu preferred dark colors.

He never seems to wear brighter colors like Inumaki. You've stared too long when Okkotsu catches your looming gaze. Thankfully Itadori speaks up to grab your attention. "What do you think Panda has in store for us Y/L/N?" Itadori folds his arms behind his head and hums out.

You look over to Itadori with a shrug and smile. "He seems like a fun guy so I'm sure wherever he takes us, it'll be a blast." You softly answer Itadori's question. Inumaki joins the conversation, "Salmon."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Why. Why. Why. Why? You should've found an exit route the moment you realize where Panda was leading the group.

Apparently Panda's entertainment is not too far off from what Itadori finds entertaining. He suggested for the six of you to have some fun at a photoshoot spot. Said photoshoot spot is currently having a theme targeting maids and butlers. It's said to be the hottest theme during the summer because of the school festivals.

This is to bring nostalgia to the older crowds and hype for the younger crowds who either have already had their summer festivals or will have theirs soon. You notice the age difference of friend groups in the studio. A group of teenage girls your age and a group of friends probably in their early 20's. You're in awe at how carefree they all are in their outfits. No one seems to be the slightest embarrassed.

You're sure they didn't care what other's thought of them. But you're the opposite. You're always under someone's gaze at school. You're always criticized and commented on. So this is by far "fun" for you.

"I should've stayed at the dorms." Maki grumbles beside you. She crosses her arms as her steely golden eyes cast across the studio. "What was Panda thinking. How does he think getting dressed up and having photos taken, fun?"

You look over to Maki, timidly nodding your head. "What are you ladies doing over there? Come pick an outfit." Panda calls over to you and Maki. He holds up a pair of maid costumes in each hand. You can't help but grimace at the sight.

Not too long ago did you have this kind of conversation with Itadori and the other two during the summer school festival. You promised yourself to never wear one just to spite Itadori's imagination. What can you do now in this situation? Maki walks past you, grabbing the maid dress from Panda and carefully setting it back with the others. She clicks her tongue and narrows her eyes on Panda.

"As if I'd wear that. I'm going to pick a butlers outfit." Maki speaks with a firm tone before striding over to the selection of butler outfits. Panda drops his jaw, too speechless to say anything. Okkotsu snickers quietly under his breath as he joins Maki. Itadori wastes no time already cladded in a simple black tux.

The formal outfit looks odd on the pink haired boy. He beams when he pats the silk texture tuxedo that clings to his skin. "How do I look Panda?" Itadori looks over to Panda with a wide grin. Panda makes a thumbs up before returning the maid dress with the others.

"Salmon roe." You hear Inumaki's voice from beside you. The moment you look over, your jaw drops and your eyes widen. It seems like you're not the only one to be in shock when a few gasps ring out in the photo studio. Inumaki walks out of the dressing room in an adorable sky blue maid costume.

He walks over to you as if he's not embarrassed in the slightest. "I-Inumaki. Why are you wearing a maid dress?" Your eyes dart everywhere to find something to cover him up with. But his hand reaches out to grab your wrist, stopping you from going anywhere.

He taps his phone and the familiar lackluster voice bot speaks up on his behalf. "I promised to wear one if it means I got to see you in one." With your free hand you clasp it over your mouth to muffle your gasp. You're in utter disbelief to actually see Inumaki go this far. You doubt anyone else would take this extra step.

Mustering the courage to speak up, you keep your eyes steady on Inumaki's face. "You'd go this far just to coax me into a maid dress, Inumaki? Don't you feel uneasy with everyone's eyes on you?" Inumaki shakes his head to your words, his fingers quickly tapping away on his phone.

"Your gaze is the only one that matters to me, Y/L/N."

Even though it's not Inumaki's voice specifically telling you this, your face flushes easily. You bite down your tongue from wanting to squeal out. Scrunching your nose, you feel the heat in your cheeks burn. Inumaki releases his hold on your wrist when he pulls you over to the assortment of maid costumes. He picks out a baby pink maid dress to match his sky blue dress.

You glance at the dress before flicking your eyes over to him. He quietly presses the dress onto you. That's a silent usher for you to change into the outfit he's picked. You can't help but feel guilty that you put a spotlight on Inumaki like this. But his attention only remains on you.

Gulping, you take the dress from him. There's no backing out now. "I' back then." You quickly whisper to Inumaki before finding an empty changing stall. Your heart is still recovering from how easily Inumaki conveyed his feelings.

He only cares for you to look at him? Is there a double meaning to his words? It's hard to say. Inumaki speaks so freely that he may not realize he's flirting with you. Or maybe you're just reading his words too deeply. Shaking your head, you focus on changing into the maid dress Inumaki's picked out.

Okkotsu steps out of the changing stall and halts in his spot when he sees Inumaki sitting with a maid dress on. His brows knit together and he refrains from grimacing. Okkotsu strides over to Inumaki who's staring at his phone. "Should I even ask why you're wearing that Toge?" The platinum blonde haired boy looks up to Okkotsu with a blank expression.

Itadori plops beside Inumaki with a mischievous smirk. "He's keeping his promise to Y/L/N. Did you forget about our conversation back at the maid café, Okkotsu?" Itadori hums out with a satisfied grin. Okkotsu shivers when he recalls the conversation.

His eyes dart back to his friend who doesn't seem bothered about the proposition. "You're not cold at all Toge? Or slightly embarrassed?" Inumaki shrugs, his fingers tapping on his phone. He looks up to stare at Okkotsu as his voice bot speaks on his behalf.

"It's a bit itchy to be in and I am being stared at. But, I'm not the only one cross-dressing anyway. Look at Maki." Inumaki jerks his chin forward and Okkotsu turns around to look in the general direction. There stands Maki who's adjusting the cuffs of her sleeves.

The butler outfit seems to fit her well. But it's not too far off from her school uniform asides her not wearing a skirt. Inumaki's situation however, is drastic. Maki raises her eyes, glaring at the one's who stare at her. A few girls hold back their squeals once they make eye contact with Maki.

Maki sighs and looks for her friends. She's ready to take these pictures and leave. The moment Maki finds her group of friends, she feels more agitated. Maki covers her face with one hand, her brows knitting tightly together. "Why on Earth are you in a maid outfit Toge? Are you trying to make me suffer further with embarrassment?"

"Hey, don't feel embarrassed because of your friends." Itadori nonchalantly comments. He squeezes Inumaki's left shoulder. "He's quite bold and handsome." A chuckle slips out making Itadori's comment sound forced.

Inumaki rolls his eyes and pushes Itadori's hand off of his shoulder. Panda makes his own grand entrance as he dramatically pulls the curtain aside of the changing stall. He prances out in the only item that fits him, a tutu. A few bursts of giggles from the others who share the same photo studio echoes. Panda proudly walks over to his friends and curtsy's.

"Oh damn. I thought I did good but it seems like you outdone me Toge." Panda's sights land on Inumaki first. Inumaki chuckles with a smile. Panda looks around and spots that there's one more person missing from the group. "Where's Y/L/N?"

Inumaki points over to the changing stall. As if on queue, one of the curtains on the changing stall is pushed to the side. Everyone attentively rests their attention towards the general area. Y/L/N nervously steps out, her body language easily telling that she's not comfortable. She's carefully running her fingertips against the lower half of the dress.

You're very tempted to run back into the stall to hide from the looming eyes you're receiving from your friends. Inumaki stands up from his spot and hurries over to your side. "Tuna." Focus? Inumaki wants you to focus on him?

Nodding your head, you keep your eyes on his face. Inumaki briefly looks you over before returning his eyes on you. There's a soft gaze in his eyes and your heart shakes up when he forms an angelic smile. He forms the next word with his lips. "Beautiful."

"Alright, charmer. Don't hog Y/L/N all to yourself." Panda strolls over with his hands on his sides. You forget about your own anxiety when you see a cute frilly tutu around Panda's waist. A giggle slips past your lips when you look at Panda.

Panda smiles when he hears your laughter. He strikes a pose before speaking up again. "Like my outfit Y/L/N? I think I'm the cutest one here." You nod your head to his words, calming your giggles. The others join you in a matter of seconds.

You're in awe at how well Maki looks in her outfit. She refrains from looking at you when you silently gaze at her. Her cheeks tinge a soft shade pink. Itadori tugs you away from Inumaki to get a better look at the maid outfit on your body. His eyes widen as he admires you.

"Wow, you look even cuter than I imagined Y/L/N!" Itadori speaks before thinking. His comment riles you up. You grit your teeth, punching him lightly in the arm. "And why were you imagining me in a maid outfit? Pervert."

Okkotsu hits Itadori on the side of the head, agreeing to your comment. "Disgusting." Okkotsu murmurs under his breath. Itadori groans out, rubbing both his arm and head. The group laughs at Itadori's sulking.

With everyone dressed, the group walks around in the different decorated booths in the studio to take photos. Eventually everyone breaks off on their own to take their own photos in duos. You find yourself with Maki who is stiffly standing beside you. You purse your lips, glancing at her from the corner of your eye. "Maki...if you don't want to take photos we can sit this one out until we swap partners."

Maki shakes her head, her shoulders relaxing. "No, it's alright. Just pick a booth and I'll follow." Maki finally looks at you when she speaks. You nod your head and gaze around the themed booths. You notice an elegant throne that's in the corner of the studio.

The thought that Maki will look amazing sitting on the throne crosses your mind. "Let's go over there." You point towards the throne and Maki silently follows you. Neither of you share much conversation. This kind of atmosphere reminds you of yours with Okkotsu.

Tapping the throne, you ask Maki to sit there. She raises a brow from your suggestion but does as she's told. You walk over to the camera to set a timer before hurrying over to her. Maki eyes you curiously but she stiffens when you're on one knee offering her an empty tea cup. The camera flashes and you giggle at Maki's expression.

"What are you doing Y/L/N?" Maki extends a hand out to help you up. A smile forms on your face from her kindness. Despite her intimidating appearance, she's really kind. You brush off your dress before answering her.

"Pretending to serve my master?" You sheepishly answer her. Maki quickly covers her eyes by hovering her hands in front of her glasses. She bites down on her bottom lip. You can physically see her cringe from your choice of words.

The heat on your cheeks is evident when you look at her. "Sorry. That was a bit too much. I promise I don't talk like this usually. I was only trying to break the ice." You quickly apologize to Maki. Your hands clasp together behind your back.

Maki slowly removes her hand away from her glasses to get a better look at you. She shakes her head and releases a short snicker. "You're a bundle of surprise, Y/L/N. I can see why Toge and Yuta find themselves around you." Your brow raises from her comment.

"What do you mean?" You carefully ask her, unsure if this is a topic she wants to delve in. Maki looks more relaxed when she leans back on the throne. Her eyes look across the studio to Inumaki and Okkotsu who are partnered up. Inumaki forms several silly poses while Okkotsu tries to stop Inumaki's dress from rising.

"Toge and Yuta are best friends. It's hard to come between the two. Not once have I seen the two care for someone so much other than each other." Maki raises her golden eyes towards Y/L/N. Y/L/N gulps with a serious gaze on Maki.

Maki rises from her seat, standing directly in front of Y/L/N. She towers over Y/L/N with a glimmer in her eyes. "I'm curious to why those two hold you on such a high pedestal. What do they see in a human girl like you, Y/L/N?" Maki raises a hand to cup Y/L/N's jaw.

Your eyes waver when you stare at Maki's golden eyes. Her firm tone sends chills down your spine and you're reminded to always stay on your toes around this girl. The way she describes you as a human girl divides you from her. Despite looking like an average human, Maki is a sorcerer. One who is powerful compared to your helplessness.

But you couldn't let her intimidate you like this. Fighting all of your fears, you reach up to grab Maki's wrist. She seems surprised, her eyes widening for a second. You force her hand away from your jaw and return them to her side. "I don't know what you're trying to imply Maki. I'm not seducing those two just because they're sorcerers or whatever."

You carefully adjust Maki's glasses that slip off slightly from her nose bridge. "If you're worried that I'm taking a spot you never had, don't worry about it. I'm not here to tear those two apart." Your words struck a nerve when Maki glares at you.

She snatches your hand that hovers by her glasses. "Care to say that again Y/L/N? What spot are you talking about here?" You clench your teeth not wanting to scream from the pain you feel in your wrist. You also want to refrain from catching the other's attention.

Grabbing hold of Maki's other free hand, you intertwine your hands together as if you're in a dancing pose. "I think you should state your thoughts more clearly so I don't misinterpret the situation Maki." You're surprised by how confident you are to retort back to Maki. Earlier this morning you vowed to do the opposite. This comment causes a reaction out of Maki who's nostrils flare slightly.

"Fine. I want to know why those two care about you so much. How did you even meet?" Maki goes straight to the point. This specific conversation is one you always find yourself having to return to. You mentally sigh but remain firm in your spot.

You couldn't let Maki scare you off. Otherwise she'll know you're intimidated by her. With a shadow casting over your eyes, you stare directly at her. "I met Inumaki on a bridge where I attempted to suicide. Are you satisfied now Maki?" You roughly pull your hands away from her before leaving her side.

Maki watches Y/L/N storm off towards the changing stall. The answer she received from Y/L/N is not one she expected. Suicide? Hearing that single word riddles Maki's body with goosebumps. Maki herself have thought of suicide with the pressure of her family. But not once has she ever gone through with it.

So this is what Toge meant when he said her heart and feelings are fragile. Maki broke her promise with the two to not tease Y/L/N. Something stirred up within her to cause this reaction. The others have yet to notice the commotion between the two, thankfully. Maki quickly hurries over to Y/L/N.

"Y/L/N. I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to bring up something so sensitive." You hear Maki's voice directly outside of your changing stall. Her tone seems delicate and soft. You're surprised to hear her apologize so quickly.

But you can't step out to face her just yet. You're still upset at how your conversation unraveled. A silence falls between you two. You lower your eyes to your balled up fists. "I'm...sorry for saying some awful things too."

Maki raises her head up to stare at the curtains in front of her. Y/L/N's soft spoken voice fills her ears. She purses her lips before speaking up. "Since you told me something fragile about yourself...I should do the same." Y/L/N remains silent to Maki's words.

Maki lowers her eyes down to the dress pants that clings onto her. "I'm a failure to my family. The only way I can see cursed spirits is with the glasses I own. My powers are nothing great compared to my twin sister. Just like my glasses, I have to depend on cursed weapons as my source of power."

Closing her lips, Maki inhales slowly. She hates to recall such horrible memories of her family. The need to hold the families name. The responsibilities she has to carry on her shoulders. All of it weighs her down. "I'll never be someone my family will be proud of." Maki's voice cracks as she says these words aloud.

The sound of the curtains parting grabs Maki's attention. Y/L/N stands in front of her with gentle eyes. "You don't have to say anything more Maki. I can hear the pain in your voice. You don't have to open a wound just for my sake. I understand."

Maki gulps and nods her head. She slides her littered anxiety palms in her dress pants pocket. Y/L/N walks over to her locker to grab her phone. She then returns to Maki and extends her phone out. "You sound like you need someone to talk to. I'm just a call away if you need Maki. Some situations are better when you talk to someone who you hardly know."

A tight feeling spreads throughout Maki's chest. Is she being moved by Y/L/N's actions? Maki takes hold of Y/L/N's phone, inputting her contact info. Y/L/N forms a smile of her own despite Maki hurting her feelings earlier. Her golden eyes lower down to the redness on Y/L/N's wrist.

"Ah...sorry about that." Maki points to Y/L/N's wrist. She looks down to examine the area for a few seconds before shrugging it off. "It's not the first time I annoyed someone enough for them to leave a mark." Y/L/N makes an awful joke before returning her phone back to her locker. She tilts her head to the side, asking Maki if she wants to take a few more photos.

Maki purses her lips, still feeling guilty. "Are you sure you want to take more photos with me?" Y/L/N nods her head before carefully reaching for Maki's wrist. Y/L/N tugs Maki along to another booth and the two carry on taking photos as if nothing's happened.

Maki silently admires Y/L/N's mindset. She's gone through a lot in her own life but continues to smile and get along with the one's who give her trouble. It's no wonder those two boys care for her. Y/L/N is really someone precious.

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