Decisive Judgement- A Tomura...

By ashtaishere

218 0 0

A random idea I had. Still working on it, but it's coming together nicely! If you like My Hero Academia, you'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 2

10 0 0
By ashtaishere

"Sis, do you really think I can do this?" Izu asked softly as we neared the testing center. I walked with him there; I had the day off and Mom had her appointments today. I wanted to see Izu off to show my support.

I was meant to go straight home after dropping him off, but I had a little pocket money from working and I decided I needed a break. Something Mom would never know about...

"Izu," I murmured as Toshi waved us down. I went down to his level, looking him directly in his green eyes. "You can do this," I lied through my teeth, "I know you can. Don't lose hope." It should have been me, I thought feverishly.

He hugged me tightly, tears streaming down his eyes. The anger faded to shame as I held him back. I thought of snapping his neck, of killing him... because of this? What's wrong with me?

"Thanks for believing in me, Kyu," he sobbed as Toshi walked over with an understanding smile. I smiled softly as his grip loosened, him wiping his eyes on his sleeve.

"Izu, you'll do great," I reminded him softly, "Remember: this test does not determine whether or not you can be a hero. This only measures your current abilities and lets them know how you can improve. Trust your instinct and you'll do fine."

"Great advice, Miss Midoriya," Toshi complimented me as I chuckled and stood up to stretch. Izu followed Toshi into the testing center as I waved until I couldn't see them anymore.

I took a deep breath, adjusting my headphones over my ears when I heard the dreaded: "Battery Low." My headphones are blue tooth and need to be charged every night. I must have not plugged it in correctly...

Still, I didn't want to waste the day. Maybe I can get new headphones to tide me over.  Wired headphones were annoying to deal with, but they would be OK for a while...

"You were gonna kill him, weren't you?" Someone whispered in my ear. I paused in my steps, turning around slowly. "You want him to fail; such a terrible sister you are..." 

They were right; I did want him to fail, as I have failed. I felt shame crawl up my spine. What kind of monster would wish that on their own kin? 

Before I knew it, I walked right into a sign. I bent down and straightened it out, reading the title- Sombre Piercings. They do ears, belly button, and more intimate areas. Huh... how interesting... I wonder if a piercing would hurt down there...

That might be the appeal, I smiled to myself, an act of rebellion so to speak. 

Someone shoved me, pushing me a few feet to the side to pass. I glared at them, their face hidden by a dark hood.

"Hey!" I growled, stomping my foot, "Watch where you're going, asshole!" They paused, turning toward me. They had light blue hair with wisps of silver framing their shadowed face. It looked like their hair was cut with a razor; it was all over the place.

"...I can use my quirk to end your miserable life," he threatened, his voice deep and dark, "Do you really want to fight me?" He sounded bored, putting his hands in his pockets. I got up in his face as he leaned backward in surprise.

"I might be quirkless," I spat on the word, "But that doesn't mean I can't kick your ass, buster! Bring it, bastard!" People began to gather around us, encouraging me to fight. 

"Huh... you sure are firey," he mumbled, turning away and stalking off. I huffed for a few moments, calming my racing heart. 

"What was that about?" Someone whispered. I ignored them and headed to the food court; I haven't eaten yet today. Coupled with Mom's sickness and Izu's nerves, I didn't really want to bother them with breakfast. 

As I brought my food and sat down to eat, I watched the TV above my table. It was playing the practice exam, showing off the participants. I had my headphones blasting, so I didn't notice it right away. But then the announcer said that there was only one minute left.

I saw Izu on the screen, broken and still attempting to crawl toward one robot to earn any point. I cringed; I knew the exams in and out. I studied them consistently with hopes of being able to participate. They never change the rules. Robots were worth points, but in big traps, they were zero points. Poor Izu.. there's no way he would be able to make it... He triggered a trap. 

That thought made me giddy. He would know exactly what I had to suffer through all of those years. And I still felt the coldness of shame caress my back.  I keep hoping he loses... 

"...What...?" I gasped. Izu gathered strength in his arm and destroyed all of those robots?! He has a quirk? HE HAS A QUIRK?!

""I muttered as the events played out before me. He charged at the robots. This lightening surrounding his arm, destroying the robots with one simple touch. I could hear his bones cracking.

"Wow, look at that green-haired kid go!" someone cheered. I couldn't speak, my body shaking with pure rage and envy. We were meant to be equals. We didn't have quirks; we were bullied and overcame it, didn't we? Together... the quirkless duo could do anything... Me and him.

Is that why Toshi began to train him? Did his quirk activate during their training? Was that his plan all along? To outdo me by being a late bloomer? How long has he known? Why didn't he tell me?

Die... I wished, my blood boiling. Even after REcovery Gril healed him, he deserved no mercy. He betrayed me; he betrayed everything I ever stood for... He should have succumbed to his injuries then and there! That bastard, living the life I strived to have, the one I sacrificed my sanity for and got denied on multiple occasions. The one I was born to have but couldn't because... I was.. QUIRKLESS...

Izu... IZU...

"YOU FUCKING LYING CHEATING BASTARD!" I screeched, slamming my phone into the ground as it broke into pieces. I gasped for air, my heart pounding in my ears. Hot tears rolled off my reddened cheeks as I collapsed on my knees, my mind shattering into splinters.

How.. could you... betray... your own sister, Izu?

"What happened...?" someone whispered as everything around me blurred.

"Her boyfriend must have broken up with her; I bet she deserved it," another person snickered. 

"A quirkless bitch like her? Not surprising, is it?" 

"Should have known better; the quirkiness are a plague on us quirked folk," someone whispered as everyone began to laugh.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed, holding my head, "SHUT UP, SHUTUP, SHUT UPPPPPP!" They began to disperse, disappearing into my peripheral vision as someone approached me, the sounds around me fading into the background. 

"Are you all right?" I looked up at him. The person from before; the one who shoved me... His eyes were a deep burgundy red, soft and gentle, tracing my green eyes in concern. 

"...Y-Yeah, I'm fine..."I responded; his gaze made me feel dizzy.

"... My name is Tomura. What's yours?" he offered his hand. I took it, unable to look away from his eyes as he pulled me to my feet.

"Kyubara... You can call me Kyu for short," I smiled, my heart aflutter once more. Not painfully, but a brilliant warmth pulsed through my veins. The first time that has ever happened to me...

"Are you all right from here, Kyu?" He asked, glancing around. No one was around us.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just had...a bad day is all..." I grumbled.

"All right... I guess I'll... uh... see you around?" He murmured softly, putting his hands back in his pockets. Must be a nervous habit.

"Sure," I nodded as Tomura walked off in another direction. "...Thanks for checking on me..." I murmured softly, making him turn around. He gasped for breath, his eyes wide before he cleared his throat.

"You're welcome," he gave me a closed smile. I noticed the patches of dry skin around his eyes and lips. Why... why do I feel... like everything will be OK?

I waved with a small smile of my own, beginning my journey home. Izu... you bastard... you betrayed me. But Tomura? I think... I think he is on my side...

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