Totally Ask & Dare San Au's (...

By FandomChipBoi

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Hello there! Before you start reading here are some warnings! You don't have to read the warnings over here... More

Ask & Dare 1
Ask & Dare 2
Ask & Dare 3
Ask & Dare 4
Ask & Dare 5
Ask & Dare 6
Ask & Dare 7
Happy Birthday Error 404
Happy Birthday Dreamtale 'Brothers'
Ask & Dare 8
Ask & Dare 9
Ask & Dare 11
Ask & Dare 12
Ask & Dare 13
Ask & Dare 14
💖🤍🖤~AfterDeath scene~🖤🤍💖
Ask & Dare 15
Important Annoucement.
Ask & Dare 16
Ask & Dare 17
Ask & Dare 18
Ask & Dare 19
Ask & Dare 20

Ask & Dare 10

100 5 215
By FandomChipBoi

Happy New Year Everyone! :D

I successfully was able to make an chapter before school comes again!



Les start!


Nova is now not angry anymore. (Red Vial faded away)

Epic is now memey again! (He'll probably be doing a lot of memes since he misses it so much)

If Error destroys something he gets punched EFFECT is gone.

Geno still is being nice to Reaper (We had to teach Geno how to be nice)

Error is free from the void of torture. (Poor man needs rest)


Nova: Hey guys how ya doing? :D

Fandom: q-q

Odd: Q-q

Nick: B(

Viance: >:^

Rita: B(      Kita: >:(

Rea: Q-Q






Geno: >B(

Reaper: :)) *flirt*

Geno: ;/

Reaper: :D *hugs Geno*

Geno: O_O




Hey :D

So I have an new oc coming in. 

This oc belongs to BunnyKittyGirl


Crystal! :D

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual.

Gender: Trans. (You might just think she was always just an girl)

Height: 5'10

She has her own driver license so she owns her own car. B) (She's the perfect Getaway driver)

Crystal is very secretive about some personal stuff.

Crystal has her pet dog named Allie.

Her dog is real picky she likes some people if she finds people she doesn't like she will growl. (She's like an guard dog to Crystal as well)

Crystal loves animals.

Crystal is bright, kind, loves memes, enjoys wearing dresses, outgoing, hardworking an outside person, and great at burning people and making puns.

Everytime Crystal sneezes a stack of $100 bills appears(there are 100, $100 bills per stack, so $10,000 in all appears everytime she sneezes

(If there's any information that is wrong please let me know.)

Crystal: *appears in the world*

Crystal: :D Hallo!          Allie: WooOF WooF!

Fandom: HoLA! :D

Nick: ... *writes something in his notebook*

Rita: Oo :O     Kita: Hm 🤨 *observing Crystal*

Viance: Welcome. :)

Rea: :D

Odd: Hello. : )

Nova: : )   H i  

Nick: Ahem tell me everything about you. Your backstory, your past, where you come from, *inserts millions of questions*

Crystal: OoO'''''


I won't be accepting anymore oc's coming in. 

There will be another oc coming in in Ask & Dare 15 and I think it enough oc's for me to deal with. 

I'm sorry if your oc was accepted but I can't really have more in as I still need to keep tract with the san au's as well.


The new oc remembers every detail of da life by honk42069

Crystal: ??

Crystal: What just happ-



Error if you had to choose one which was your least favorite date to do by honk42069

Error: Least favorite? I don't know favorites I hate people.

Blue: :')

Error: Shut up.


Fatal try and befriend error by honk42069

Fatal: What?! 

Fatal: Thats going to be f*cking hard and why should I even do that!!!

*inserts something threatening and a lot of begging to Fatal*

Fatal: O-O.

Error: *standing*

Fatal: Um.

Error: *turns around*

Error: >:(( What!!

Fatal: . . .

Error: ?

Fatal: Wanna be friends?

Error: NO.

Fatal: Thanks!! *goes away*

Error: ???!

Fatal: See it doesn't work.


YOU BITCH- *sends error to fnaf 4 by WaterkittytheShipper

(Very sorry I forgot this dare-)

Error: WHAT!- *gets send to fnaf 4*

Error: *complete confusion as he' holding an flash light*

Error: *points flashlight towards the closet*

Closet: *closed*

Error: ??? *goes to the left door*

Error: *flashes light*

Left Hallway: *nothing*

Error: Hm.

Error: *turns back to his bed*

Error: *flashes light on bed*

Bed: *nothing*


Error: *flashes light in the right hallway*

Right Hallway: *Nightmare Bonnie*

Error: WHAT THE F*Ck-


Error: *flashes light at closet*

Foxy: *appears*

Error: O_O *flickers his flashlight*

Foxy: *gone*

Error: *turns around*

Nightmare Freddy: *jumpscares error*

Error: *scream crashes*

Error has lost the game and is brought back.

Error: *crashed*


Error has been tortured so much so just give him a break from everything and let him eat chocolate and watch tv for the next chap or two by honk42069


Error: *teleports to an special place for Error to relax*

Error: yeSssSSs

(Error is now unavailable for two chapters)


I dare all sanses meet my own sans Netherite!Sans she is a 8 year-old girl who has a Human Perserverance soul and a monster soul of kindness in it by AllieahRicafrente

Netherite: *teleports here*

Error 404: Is that an kid?

Fatal: *blink blink*

Blue: :O 

Dream: Oh! A kid! :o

Nightmare: :/

Killer: :) ?

Dust: ..

Horror: :o

Ink: :O New au?

Outer: woah :O

Fresh: Wow bro B)

Epic: Nice to meet you bruh BD

Cross: Hoi B)

Reaper: :o woah.

Geno: oh! :^

Fell: The f*ck is an kid doing here?!

Netherite:  :(

Classic: Don't worry. *smacks Fell* He's just KID-ding

Fell: B*TCH!

Ccino: :O Hello! 

Lust: oo hi! :D

Shattered: O-O Hi?


Also i dare Classic Sans have a 30 TRILLION ketchup battle with Netherite by AllieahRicafrente

Classic: Whelp. Challenge    A c c  e p t e  d   :)

Netherite: : ) 

Ten Minutes Later

Classic: *drinking ketchup fastly*

Netherite: *drinking ketchup fastly*

Fell: What the f*ck-

Classic is now busy doing an ketchup challenge with Netherite so he'll be unavailable for this chapter


Meet acreus (this is a dare for all ocs and sans aus by honk42069

(I didn't know who acreus was so I sort of got pokemon areus--)

Acreus: :   (


Nightmare: *blink blink* What an cool creature.

Shattered: Very nice.

Dream: Ooo they're pretty :O

Blue: u h h   *a bit nervous*

Horror: *staring at acreus*

Dust: O-O *looking at acreus*

Killer: Is that killable?

Lust: u h..

Outer: *blinking at acreus.*

Ink: Woah thats cool! :O

Fresh: ????

Epic: That be looking cool bruh.

Cross: ooo whats that.

Reaper: What is that-

Geno: Its real pretty????

Error 404: Is that an pokemon???

Fatal: What is that!!!!


Crystal: Ooo what animal is that! :O                 Allie: grrrrrrr  

Rita: U h           w h a t s         t h  a t  ----          Kita: ???? 🤨🤨🤨

Fandom: WOAH! That looks so cool! :O

Viance: What time of animal is that!!!!!!!!!!!

Nick: P o k e m o n     l e  g e n d ?

Odd: The what? 👁👄👁

Nova: S o          u m         i s         t h i s            a n          c a  t c h a b l e              p o ke m o n ---

Rea: W h a t             i s              t h a t 


Nightmare gets to schlap (tm) everyone and anyone whenever they say something stupid for next two chapters (with his tentacle by honk42069

(I didn't really get schlap so I thought you possibly meant slap?)

Nightmare: Perfect.


Dream: Hey brother- 

Nightmare: *slaps Dream with tentacle*

Dream: Ow- q-q

Nightmare: >:(

Nightmare: Stupid!

Dream: What did I say that was stupid brothe-

Nightmare: *slaps Dream with tentacle*

Dream: Q-Q


Blue, I pray for you. Ink has even more fangirls- by chij66

Blue: Oh no.


I dare Ink to sing 'good for you ' from Olivia Rodrigo by random_person_slopii

Ink: OH YES! >:)))))


Ink: *inserts Ink singing some of the song*


Error 404: What is going on?

Blue: How much blue vial did you drink----

Fatal: ?????? what the f*ck is he singing for.


Ink: Maybbee I amm too emotionallllllllll


Shattered: Ok. Your right about that one. 

Outer: I mean.. 


Ink: Maybe I am to emotionalll, your apathy is like a would in salt.


Horror: *processing*

Dust: *complete confusion*

Killer: Wha?


Ink: Mayyybeee I am to emotionalllllllll or maybe you never care at alllll


Dream: Ink I care :((

Reaper: Hey who said I didn't-

Cross: Who said that?


Ink: Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy! 


Nightmare: do i?

Ccino: O-o

Fresh: I mean I am happy right now but now I'm um-

Epic: bruh---


Ink:Not me, if you ever cared to ask


Fell: your right I don't care.

Geno: O-O'


Ink: *proceeds to finish the song*

Lust: *clapping* Great singing skills! :D


I have been sick for a week now so I wanna get revenge I dare the star sanses to go on the side of the road tied up in a chair with the bad sanses behind them saying CLOWNS FOR SALE HAVE THESE RANDOM CLOWN GO IN YOUR HOUSE TO SCARE YOU AT NIGHT by random_person_slopii

Blue: U h ?----

Dream: How do we go there tied up in an chair-----

Ink: W h a -

Star sanses get tied up to an chair and are teleported on the side of the road.

Bad sanses get teleported to the side of the road as well.



Killer: SCARE YOU AT NIGHT!!!! >:D

Nightmare: And they'll cost 100 bucks each. >:)

Dream: Q-Q

Ink: ovo

Blue: o-o


I dare Ink to lock the sans aus to lock everyone in a room and scream at everyone WHERE IS MY PHONE while he is holding it on his hand by random_person_slopii

Ink: I just noticed something.

Ink: Are you making me loook dumb 😭😭😭


Ink: *locks everyone in an room*

Ink: *inhales*

Ink: Theres something important.. I need to know...

Ink: WHERE IS MY PHONE!!!!! *has phone in hand*

Error 404: Your the most best dumba** in history.

Fatal: Are you serious?

Dream: Its right there----

Blue: You locked us here just because of that..... 😭

Lust: ....

Dust:...You gotta be f*cking kidding me.

Shattered: Blind a** mother f*cker---

Horror: What.

Killer: Are you blind----

Outer: Isn't it right there----

Fresh: Bro its in your hand my dude.

Epic: Bruhhhhh

Cross: Wow.

Classic: I don't know!--

Fell:  I don't know! Where is it?! *sarcasm*


Reaper:...Had you ever checked your hand---


Nightmare: So you brought us all here and locked the door all because of this sh*t?! *grabs Ink's phone with tentacle and smashes it*

Ink: NOO-


I dare the sans aus to a an a zombie apocalypse by random_person_slopii

San au's get teleported to zombie apocalypses.

Nightmare: *proceeds to throw all the zombies away from him*

Shattered: *proceeds to throw all the zombies away from him and Dream*

Dream: *throwing arrows at some zombies*

Ink: *pretending to be an zombie*

Blue: *hiding*

Lust: *hiding*

Error 404: *on an building as he watches the zombies try to get up*

Fatal: *screaming as he kills all the zombies*

Outer: *in the sky floating* How easy.

Killer: *stabbing all the zombies*

Dust: *using gaster blasters as he kills every zombie*

Horror: *shopping heads of the zombies* Headdogs!!

Fresh: *riding is skateboard as zombies chases him*

Epic: bRUHHHHhHHhHhHhhhhhhHHH *running for his life as zombies chases him*

Cross: *proceeds to run with Epic running for his life*

Reaper: :) *zombies dying easily as they touch Reaper*

Geno: O-o *Behind Reaper*

Fell: *using red magic as he kills the zombies*

Classic: *using blue magic as he kills zombies*


I dare the star sanses to meet the dreamswap version of themselves by random_person_slopii

Dreamswap version of star sanses appears

Blue: Hi Dreamswap Blue again! :D

Ds!Blue: O-o ?!

Blue: :)

Ds!Blue: Why am I here--

Blue: Taco? :D

Ds!Blue: No thank you Swap. Appreciate the offer though;

Blue: :')


Ink: :D Hi edgy me!

Ds!Ink:... >:/

Ink: Sooo how's your life in dreamswap B))

Ds!Ink: Thats none of your concern. 

Ink: B( are you sure about that.

Ds!Ink: yes now stop trying to be an snoopy b*tch.


Dream: Hello Dreamswap me! :D

Ds!Dream:.. What am I here for.. I thought the ask & dare en-

Dream: Aye we have the event. Anyways um what would you up want to talk abou-

Ds!Dream: Nothing. 

Dream: What-

Ds!Dream: Nothing. I don't want to talk about nothing.

Dream: Qwq


*Nick what's your question by BunnyKittyGirl

Nick: My question is tell me everything about Crystal.

Crystal: Why are you trying to get information out of me--


*What is everyone's opinion of the LGBTQ+ by BunnyKittyGirl

Fandom: I like it I think its cool! :D

Odd: Its nice! :) Though it could be confusing when it comes to pronouns on which I want to be called---

Rita: Its nice! I'm bi as well! ^^          Kita: :)

Nick: Its pretty uh cool?

Crystal: I'm part of it and I love talking to people who are in as well! :D They're awesome to hang out with!

Rea: Its cool! :D

Nova: Its awesome! :D

Viance: Its nice B)


*Who would everyone kiss, marry, punch by BunnyKittyGirl

(I'm gonna do an randomizer. Yes I have cards based on an character well except the oc's but I'm gonna do random on what they get for their kiss marry punch. :)  I think what they get is gonna be funny )

(So basically all the results are just for fun)

Error 404-   Kiss Ccino, Marry Error 404, Punch Dream.

Error 404: Well damn right I will marry my self.

Fatal- Kiss Nightmare, Marry Cross, Punch Ink

Fatal: Who the f*CK is Cross again.

Ink-   Kiss Classic, Marry Geno, Punch Reaper.

Ink: 👁👄👁 Ya Reaper I'm gonna steal your man

Dream- Kiss Bill, Marry Dream, Punch Ccino.

Dream: I------- I'm sorry Ccino 😭

Blue- Kiss Ink, Marry Unlust,  Punch Error 404

Blue: Oh toriel---

Outer-  Kiss Gin, Marry Dust, Punch Nightmare.

Outer: So random haha

Killer- Kiss Nightmare, Marry Horror, Punch Error.

Killer: I don't know what to say.

Lust-   Kiss Ccino, Marry Unlust, Punch Outer.

Lust: I----

Dust-  Kiss Nightmare, Marry Ink, Punch Fell.

Dust: Ew.

Horror- Kiss Horror, Marry Ccino, Punch Ink.

Horror: Who is Ccino again.

Nightmare-  Kiss Nightmare, Marry Ccino, Punch Error.

Nightmare: Wow.

Shattered-    Kiss Dust, Marry Gin, Punch Horror.

Shattered: I have no words!!! I didn't know I can marry an dead person!  😀😀

Fell-  Kiss Shattered, Marry Ink, Punch Killer.

Fell: What the f*ck is this-

Classic- Kiss Lust, Marry Fell, Punch Outer.

Classic: :^

 Reaper-  Kiss Ink, Marry Reaper, Punch Geno


Geno- Kiss Geno, Marry Error, Punch Ccino.

Geno: Oop.

Bill-   Kiss Error 404, Marry Bill, Punch Geno.

Bill: Damn right I'm so perfect I could marry my self.

Ccino-    Kiss Bill, Marry Blue, Punch Gin.

Ccino: owo??

Fresh-   Kiss Cross, Marry Bill, Punch Fresh

Fresh: Aw come on I punch my self?

Epic-  Kiss Epic, Marry Fresh, Punch Geno.

Epic: And I oop-

Cross-  Kiss Ink, Marry Cross, Punch Nightmare.

Cross-  I won't complain about marrying my self.


(For the oc's I used an randomizer wheel thing in google and stuff)

(Again please don't take this serious its just for fun. It means nothing)

Fandom-    Kiss Rita, Marry Nova, Punch Nick.

Fandom: Rip Nick.

Nick-   Kiss Nick, Marry Nick, Punch Viance.

Nick: This is nice. How I love marrying my self.

( I got Nick two times somehow 😭😭😭)

Rea-  Kiss Rita, Marry Nova, Punch Rea.

Rea: Um.

Odd-  Kiss Crystal, Marry Odd, Punch Odd.

Odd: Wow I punched my self 😭😭😭

Rita-  Kiss Fandom, Marry Crystal, Punch Nick.

Rita: ..This is cursed.         Kita: *angry ghost noises*

Crystal-  Kiss Fandom, Marry Viance, Punch Odd.

Crystal: I don't even know any  of these people 😭😭😭

Viance-  Kiss Odd, Marry Viance, Punch Viance

Viance: Bruh what the f*ck-- 😭😭😭 

Nova-   Kiss Viance, Marry Nova, Punch Viance.

Nova: How would an self marriage work then... 🤨🤨🤨


*Fell who do you hate the most by BunnyKittyGirl

Fell: I hate. Um. Dream cause he's too happy.


*Nightmare did you know that there are people shipping you with dream and themselves? I almost puked when I found out. by BunnyKittyGirl

Nightmare: Who thought it was an good idea to ship and king of negativity with a ball of positivity 

Ink: Unless their looking for angst! :D

Nightmare:.. *slaps Ink with tecnacle*

Ink: OOF-


*Blue by the power of favoritism you can now magically summon tacos for two chapters. by BunnyKittyGirl

Blue: *gasp*



Lust: What?! 


Hey everyone how have you adjusted to the whole asks and dares thing ? How were they convinced to do it by honk42069

Error 404: I joined cause I wanted to see what as going to happened. And I'm not pleased due the stupid-ness of someone.

Fatal: I joined cause everybody seemed to join.

Fresh: I thought it would be fun. I think.

Epic: I joined cause I thought we might get some fun stuff like memes and stuff.

Cross: I joined cause Epic said we should.

Ink: I joined cause why not! Who knows what will happened!!!! :D

Dream: I didn't want to deny sooo---- Yea. :")

Shattered: Dream forced me to join.

Blue: I thought it'd be nice. And it is. *eating tacos.*

Lust: Uh I joined for no reason.

Nightmare: F*cking b*tches wouldn't stop begging me and it was annoying as hell.

Dust: I joined cause why not?

Horror: I joined cause everybody seemed to join it?

Killer: I joined cause I was told to.

Outer: I joined cause yes.

Classic: Idk I joined cause they said I'm the original and it would be weird for my au's to be here but not me so?

Fell: I joined for some sh*t I can't remember. 

Reaper: I joined because Geno joined. 🙂😌

Geno: I joined cause everyone seemed to join.

Bill: idk? 

Alpha: I'm not exactly in.. ':D


Geno what's your opinion on things like dustale by honk42069

Geno: I don't like Dusttale. The dust reminds me of what happened at my au..


Everyone (ocs and aus) what has been your least favorite question to answer by honk42069

Classic: People asking me why I have no hair. 😒

Fell: I have many least favorite questions.

Error 404: Dumb questions.

Fatal: I least favorite one is people asking me why I glitch so much. Obviously I glitch a lot.

Nightmare: Dumb questions.

Dream:  Um people asking me why I'm so nice? Positivity is literally my job. -^-

Ink: People asking me if I'm an creator. The amount of times I had to say that I'm an protector:

Blue: Why do I like tacos so much. Because Tacos are yummy!!!!

Lust: Uh why am I so um weird. You know what I mean.

Shattered: Um. Now when was the last time I was asked an question: 

Outer: Hm How do I float? Just ignore it my dude no need to question its magic.

Dust: Do I use an knife? No I use my blue magic.

Horror: Am I an cannibal ? I only like the blood. If I were an cannibal I would be eating their bones I don't eat bones.

Killer: um. Idk if I have an least favorite question.

Cross: Am I an oreo?  I'm not an Oreo :((

Epic: Why am I memey? MEME IS LIFE!!!!

Fresh: Um. People asking me why is there an heart in my eye? Its personal theres no need to question it.

Reaper: I don't think I was questioned that much before hmm....

Geno: I don't know.


Viance: Why am I weird. :( Every bodies weird. 😔😔😔

Fandom: Why am I um. Why do I have wings? Its asked a lot of times when I meet new people. Its starting to get annoying.

Odd: Hmm. Now what questions have I been asked...    OH! What happened to my pet turtle. :( We don't ask about what happened to him :'((

Nova: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Nick: Why am I so curious? Its an personality its not my fault why I get so confusing. 

Rita: .. Um..     Kita: :(

Rea: ummmmmmmmmmm 

Crystal: .. Uh..


Ink what's your daily routine by honk42069

Ink: Hmm lets see. Wake up check au's,  eat, do ask & dares, Do um annoying stuff, visit some friends, then eat, sleep.

Ink: I have another schedule which is what has on when I fix the au's.


Dream try and be mean I dare you by honk42069

Dream: Uhhh----

Dream: Oh dear.

Ink: :) Hi-

Dream: Shut up!!! >-<

Ink: owo

Dream: Uh-- Your annoying----

Shattered: I'm surprised!!

 Nightmare: Stay like that. Your better that way.


404 what's your "first world problem" mister can carry and I quote from the wiki "up to 229,000 TONS" stronk boi by honk42069

Error 404 Um my first world problem? Well I guess it would of been  um chaos and all that drama like Dreamtale. And I don't know what you just said.


Bill you get to travel to a different multiverse of your choice for two chaps which one by honk42069

Bill: Oh nice!!! I might go visit some au I heard of. Um GravityFalls.

Bill is now unavailable for 2 chapters.


Dust act in a play... in front of the bad and star sans by honk42069

Dust: Sh*t thats gonna be embarrassing.


Dust: NOo! BETRicE!!! PleasE don"t DO thIS!!!!

Horror: ?????????

Killer: Who are you talking to.

Dust: I BEG YOU! It Will End My LIFe!!!!!

Dream: Uh..?---

Ink: 👁👄👁??

Blue: Um.

Nightmare: And I will end your life. *has tentacles about to slap the sh*t out of Dust*

Dust: WA-


All oc's must kiss a tree (do this after Crystal is added pls) by BunnyKittyGirl

Viance: Ok... hm- *looking at tree*

Viance: Mwah. U3U *kisses tree*

Viance: *spitting crazily* Ew I hope there wasn't any bad stuff on the tree. O.O


Fandom: *kisses tree like its no big deal * Mwah U3U

Fandom: :)

Odd: *mwah* B)

Nova: *kisses treee* :)

Nick: Um. *kisses tree*

Nick: >:p *sticks tongue out*

Rita: *using microphone to kiss the tree* 

Rita: There its kissing!!! :D That counts right---- It counts-- No ones stopping me. 

Rea: *kisses tree*

Rea: bleh.. :p

Crystal: *kisses tree*

Crystal: ppfppPPt *sticks/spits tonuge out*



I'm sorry if this was an late post. :(

I was supposed to post it tommorow but of course school.

I got back at school so I'm realy busy and stuff and I might post once an week once again. :'(

I have some ask & dares that will be saved for next chapter by random_person_slopii

And if there's any forgotten ask & dares please let me know!-

Ask & Dares opened!

Have a good day my fandoms! 

(3518 words! Whoo!!!)

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