Supreme Hybrid God (Rewriting)

By LordMidnight5

60.4K 692 216

I'm rewriting the story and will be releasing three chapters at once. The story that will take it's place is... More

Midnight's Bio
Ch 1 Supreme Hybrid Awakens
Harem pt 1
The Student Council & Familiar Forest
Giving Sona A Break & Hunting A Stray
Midnight New Bio
Pls read this it's important
Going to school & KFC!!
Training And Catching Up With Grayfia
Halloween Special!!
A day with Millicas & Some old friends
Kobayashi and Tohru visit & teaching Asia new magic!!!!
Reviving The Saiyan Race
Midnight's Heat & Going Home
Roasting A Chicken
A Racist Alien & A Date With Sona
Older Brother & Full Past Revealed!
Stolen Excaliburs & Midnight's Rage
The Kai Of Time & The Time Patrol
A New Warrior! A Shine In The Darkness!
A World Of Heros!!
Villain Attack and The Power Of Dragons
Go check out the rewrite this version is discontinued

In A New Dimension With Kobayashi

1.4K 20 1
By LordMidnight5

3rd POV

Midnight and Kobayashi are floating through darkness. Midnight still hugged Emily close to his chest not letting her go. She also hugged him tighter not wanting to lose her friend and protector. Midnight wounds were slowly healing. They floated for a little while before another portal opened up. Light shined through the portal. They were sucked into the portal. Light shined in their faces. When their eyes adjusted they found themselves on a crew ship. Midnight looked around they were surrounded by a group of people. A blue-haired woman started to approach them.

(Bulma Briefs)

Bulma: Hey there I'm Bulma, I know we're new, but we won't hurt you.

Midnight: I don't give a damn who you are! Stay the fuck away from us.

Bulma: please we just want to talk

Midnight: Everyone of you stay away. Don't come near me or her.

Bulma: hey calm down we don't want to hurt you.

Midnight: like hell I trust that.

Midnight held Kobayashi closer. He summoned Nokoribi in sword mode and pointed it twords Bulma. Midnight looked around identifying everyone.

The man with spiky hair wearing armor Midnight identified as Vegeta started to walk up to them. Midnight gripped Nokoribi tighter.

Vegeta: I'd watch my tone brat do you have any idea who your talking to.

Midnight: I already said I don't give a damn. BACK THE FUCK UP!!

Midnight slashed the air twords Vegeta. Vegeta didn't have any time to react as it cut his cheek. Vegeta looked in surprise. Everyone heard the waves move behind them. They looked back in shock as Midnight parted the sea. Midnight leaned down to Kobayashi and whispered.

Midnight: I'm going to put a hellhound in you shadow to keep you safe I have a feeling things are going to out of hand. Now go over there to that table away from them.

Kobayashi: okay

Kobayashi left to table away from the group to sit down.Vegeta was enraged at himself getting cut. Midnight stud up as Vegeta turned super Saiyan and dashed at him. He punched midnight. Midnight took the hit, all that was his head moved. He turned his head back to Vegeta with Vegeta's fist against his face.

Midnight: you call that a hit? Now it's my turn.

Midnight started his assault on Vegeta. First an elbow to the back. Second a barrage of punches to the stomach. Then tell punches to the jaw. He then kicked Vegeta away beaten.

After a purple cat walked up to Midnight who he identified as Beerus. Midnight got ready for another fight. What he didn't notice was Beerus's attendant Whis walking up to Kobayashi.

Beerus: hmm your interesting, but who exactly are you?

Midnight: I'm not telling you shit.

Beerus: such foul language, I guess I'll just have to beat the answers out of you.

Beerus rushed at Midnight and threw a punch at him. Midnight blocked it but it still sent him off the boat. Midnight stopped himself and floated above the water.

Midnight: (as I thought he's a god but his power is more on the side of destruction.)

Midnight straightened himself and rushed at Beerus. He performed the same combo he did on Vegeta on Beerus. When he kicked him up he sledgehammerd him words the ocean. He teleported in front of Beerus and kicked him in the face.

Midnight's assault wasn't done. He gathered energy at his finger tips of one hand. They shaped into wolves he then shot them twords Beerus. The got bigger as the went. The wolves looked like the were running. Midnight shouted the name of the move.

Midnight: Wolf's Hunt!!

The wolves bit into Beerus and exploded. Midnight thought that was enough to knock him out but he was wrong. Beerus was tougher than he thought. Beerus can out the blast with only a few scratches. When Midnight saw this he lost his anger and got more pumped fighting Beerus. Beerus smirked at Midnight.

Beerus: your pretty strong, but it's that the extent of you power?

Midnight: not even close.

Midnight pulled out the pyramid he got from Evelyn. He turns the top and it opens. When it opened it released a wave of power. The power covers the whole planet. It looked like a Galaxy Midnight began to absorb it. When he absorbed it all his power skyrocketed.

Midnight: now I'll show you some of my true power. HAAAAA!!

Midnight screamed as his power grew even bigger. Her got a gold aura around him. His hair began to float up. On the boat the girl with black spiky hair identified as Goki looked at Midnight. She said something to the group that shocked them and the awaking Vegeta.

Goki: He's going Super Saiyan.

The bald one known as Krillin spoke up.

Krillin: Are you sure Goki?

Goki: yes

At a table away from the group sat Kobayashi and Whis. When Whis approached a hellhound came out of her shadow. It growled at Whis. Kobayashi looked at Whis he radiated a calm energy so Kobayashi told it to calm down. Whis say down in the chair across from Kobayashi.

Whis: hello there ma'am I only wish to talk.

Kobayashi: okay and you are?

Whis: oh my how could I forget my name is Whis. My I please get who you two are I doubt the boy will give it to me.

Kobayashi: well Whis my name is Kobayashi the other one is Midnight. Midnight is just protecting me he should calm down. May I ask how we got here.

Whis: the reason you two are here is because Lord Beerus came to this planet to fight a Super Saiyan God. The dragon Shenron couldn't find one but he told of a ritual to become one. Goki over there became one but as soon as she did Shenron said he found a Super Saiyan God. He teleported you two here.

Kobayashi: I see

They're conversation was cut off by Midnight's power up scream. The looked over to him. They could feel his power skyrocketing. Midnight got surrounded in a blinding gold light. When it died down Midnight stood there as a Super Saiyan.

Beerus: Super Saiyan huh, do you really think that's going to be enough.

Midnight: oh it's more than enough.

Beerus: cocky are we.

Midnight: no just telling the truth.

Midnight teleported to Beerus and elbowed him in the gut. Beerus coughed up spit. Midnight then proceeded to kick Beerus rapidly. He ended it with a backflip kick. He sent a large energy ball. When the energy ball made contact it exploded. Beerus came out of the explosion damaged.

Beerus: quite impressive, you've given me quite the challenge.

Midnight: I'll give you props not many survive this long when I turn Super Saiyan. Let's end this shall we.

Beerus: agreed

Beerus clapped his hands together. He channeled a Sphere Of Destruction larger than any other. Midnight also clapped his hands together. When he brought them apart there was a large rainbow colored energy ball in front of him. He put his hands to the back to the ball and prepared to fire it.

Beerus: Before creation comes destruction!

Midnight: Stardust Big Bang-

Before the both could fire their attacks thet were knocked out. Whis teleported and knocked both of them out. He grabbed them and flew back to the boat. He sat Midnight next to Kobayashi and Beerus in a chair away from them. Kobayashi began to check Midnight's body for injuries. After she was done Kobayashi put Midnight's head on her lap. She let him rest there. Bulma walked up to Kobayashi. They began to talk to each other. After 5 minutes Beerus woke up. He looked around for Midnight.

Beerus: where's that Saiyan our fight isn't done yet.

Beerus spotted Midnight in Kobayashi's lap. Midnight wasn't awake he continued to sleep. As Midnight slept his situation got worse. He began to twist and turn. He started to breathe heavily. Marks started to appear on his body.

Whis: oh my I wonder what's happening?

Kobayashi: what's happening?

Whis put his staff over Midnight's head. It glowed and a screen was projected. Midnight began to cry as the screen showed the death of his family. It began to show his whole past. The experiments, the torture, the killing all the way to fighting Great Red. Everyone almost threw up well expert for Krillin and Yamcha they actually threw up. The women covered the eyes of the kids. Midnight woke up sweating and panting. He looked over to the screen displaying his past. He stood up his hair covering his eyes. He spoke in a dead tone.

Midnight: how much did you see?

Bulma: all of it

Midnight: You weren't supposed to know. Come on Emily we're leaving.

Midnight picked up Kobayashi and began to hover. Kobayashi looked at Midnight in worry. She opened her mouth and asked in a caring tone.

Kobayashi: do you wanna talk about it?

Midnight: No, not now maybe later. You just keep being the cute doll you are.

Midnight kissed Kobayashi forehead. Kobayashi blushed and buried her face in his chest. He smiled at her and flew off. The group known as the Z Fighters watched Midnight fly away. They were to shocked at his past to stop him.

Krillin: should we go after them?

Goki: no give them time after a week I'll go talk to them we don't want a repeat of what happened so only one of us should go.

Chi-Chi: Goki is right we should wait.

With Midnight and Kobayashi

Midnight flew through the air Kobayashi tightly in his arms. After 5 minutes of flying he found a city. He didn't want to be in the city so he flew to the planes a little bit away from the city. He landed and gently put Emily down. He began to broke their house. Midnight being Midnight went overboard and made a mansion.

Kobayashi: did you really need to make a mansion it's just going to be us.

Midnight: I guess I did over do it.

Midnight and Kobayashi walked in and went to the living room. They sat down and watched a movie. Kobayashi laid her head on Midnight's shoulder. At the end of the movie she looked up at him.

Kobayashi: Midnight I've been meaning to ask something and I'm hoping you have an answer.

Midnight: hmm

Kobayashi: where are we?

Midnight: I think we're in another dimension.

Kobayashi: will we ever get back home?

Midnight: I got information that time stopped in the our dimension. Don't worry I'll find a way home for us.

Kobayashi: ok I trust you now let's go to bed I'm tired.

Midnight: ok we should decide what rooms we want.

Kobayashi blushed and began to fugit with her fingers. She looked away from Midnight. He eyes darted back to him as she spoke.

Kobayashi:I was actually wondering if we could sleep together and share the same room?

Midnight: if that's what you want I mean I don't mind.

Midnight and Kobayashi walked into the master bedroom. It has a king size bed and was fully furnished. They both laid on the bed. Midnight hugged Kobayashi as she hugged him back. She buried her face in his chest.

Midnight: goodnight Kobayashi.

Kobayashi: goodnight Midnight

Midnight closed his eyes to go to sleep. He heard one last thing before he went to sleep. Kobayashi spoke in a soft voice hoping midnight wouldn't hear.

Kobayashi: I love you.


It's been a week since Midnight and Kobayashi were teleported here. Midnight created a copy of Kobayashi's Birth certificates, ID, and social security number. They went and got a job because even though Midnight can create anything they want to work for stuff. Midnight is a famous singer that lots of people love, Kobayashi had the same job she has in their dimension. Midnight and Kobayashi have done a lot together over the week. They cook together, he helps her with her work, they watch movies and everything. Midnight had help Kobayashi get over some of her habits like heavy drinking, and keeping to herself and convincing her to actually talk with her co-workers They started dating as well. Right now Kobayashi is cooking lunch while Midnight woke up from his nap. He went into the kitchen and hugged Kobayashi from behind. She giggled and turned around to him.

Midnight: what are you making

Kobayashi: I'm making katsudon you'll love it.

Midnight: I love you more~ maybe I should just eat you instead~

Midnight kissed Kobayashi, she quickly melted into it. She put her hands on the counter to keep her balance. They broke the kiss for air. Midnight moved down, he began to kiss and suck in her neck. She moaned as he did all of this. Before they got any further, they heard a knock at the door.

Midnight: I'll go answer it

Kobayashi: ok I'm going to finish cooking.

Midnight went to answer the door. When he opened it he saw Goki from a week ago. He leaned on the door frame looking at her.

Goki: hey there

Midnight: yes is there something you need?

Kobayashi walked up behind Midnight wiping her hands off from cooking. She looked at the door and saw Goki.

Kobayashi: Goki right? Come on in I just finished making lunch and I made extra anyways.

Midnight: but-

Kobayashi: Midnight be nice.

Midnight: fine

Midnight walked into the house. Goki and Kobayashi followed in after him. They all say at the table and began to eat. After lunch they moved to the couch to talk.

Kobayashi: so Goki What are you doing here.

Goki: well I wanted apologize for bringing you here. I also wanting explain why we brought you here. And could you come with me to Capsule Corp.

Kobayashi: I already know why you did it's okay and of course we'll go. Right Midnight?

Kobayashi looked over at Midnight who was floating in the air on a pillow. Midnight didn't care about the situation.

Midnight: I don't care

Kobayashi: Midnight be nice

Midnight: No

Kobayashi: Midnight I'm warning you.

Midnight floated on front of Kobayashi. He had a teasing smile on his face. He flicked her forehead. He ignored the dark energy coming from Kobayashi.

Midnight: oh yeah what are you gonna do about it.

That was the last straw. Kobayashi began to pull Midnight's ear. She pulled him down to her size.

Kobayashi: I will make you sleep on the couch and I'm the next lemon I could always make you wait.

(A/N: oh come on we got 7 chapters of actual story content we were doing good. Why now this is fucking bullshit.)

This made Midnight look at Kobayashi crazy.

Midnight: you can't do that this is my house. I'd like to see you try.

Kobayashi: watch me.

Midnight: fine I'll go

Kobayashi: see was that so hard. Goki we'll be coming please show us the way.

Goki: ok thank you for giving us a second chance.

Goki, Midnight, and Kobayashi left the house. Midnight locked the door afterwards they took to the sky. Goki flew in front Midnight was a little bit behind her. Kobayashi was on the pillow Midnight was on earlier flying next to him. Kobayashi looked over at Midnight as they flew.

Kobayashi: Midnight she's trying to be nice and apologize. Talk to her.

Midnight: fine

Midnight and Kobayashi flew closer to Goki.

Midnight: Goki how has your day been going?

Goki: oh it's going ok I guess.

Midnight: Goki what about your husband how is he?

Goki looks down as her hair covers her eyes.

Goki: my husband left after Goten's birth. I cought him cheating in me with other girls. We got into a fight he said I wasn't good enough.

Midnight and Kobayashi felt bad for Goki. Midnight may not be happy right now but he believes no one should be treated like that. In all honesty he wanted to kill the bastard.

Midnight: Goki no one should be treated like that. What is his name I'll kill the bastard.

Goki: it's okay that was years ago. Can't focus on the past. I have my friends, my kids and Chi-Chi helps me out with the boys so it's fine.

Midnight: well you just got me in your corner.

Kobayashi: me two

Goki: thank you both. Midnight if I may request that you try to be nice to the others when we get there.

Kobayashi: it's almost as if I've been saying the same thing.

Midnight: *sigh* fine I'll try but I can't guarantee that.

Goki: that's fine.

After a few more minutes of flying the group made it to Capsule Corp. The landed in the back yard because it was very big. Midnight looked to see all the people from the crew ship there. They were having a barbeque. Goki dashed off to the food

Midnight: ok we're here so what now?

Kobayashi: now we talk to people and get on good terms. Why don't you start by taking to her.

Kobayashi pointed to Android 18 who was sitting away from the group reading a book.

Midnight: fine

Midnight walked over to 18 and sat by her. They didn't actually make eye contact. Midnight started at the sky enjoying the passing clouds. 18 continued to read her book but they acknowledged each other's presence. Keeping their respected boundaries they began to talk.

Midnight: so how your day? Why are you over here all by yourself?

18: my day is going fine, I'm over here because I don't like parties. The real question is. What are you doing here? why are you talking to me?

Midnight: Kobayashi wants me to apologize for what happened on the boat and get along with everyone.

18: oh the crew ship thing. Yeah I don't care about that. I however don't appreciate you scaring Marron.

Midnight: Marron she's the little girl with blond hair right. Is she your daughter.

(A/N: 18 is not married to krillin in this.)

18: no she's Krillin's daughter I'm more like her Aunt.

Midnight: I see oh like she's coming towards us we'll more towards you.

Marron runs up to 18 not noticing Midnight yet. 18 stand up and crouches to Marron's height.

18: yes Marron?

Marron: Auntie 18 why don't you join the party.

18: Marron you know I don't like big parties

Marron: please Auntie 18

18: no Marron

Midnight: hehe seems like you have your hands full.

Marron looked over at Midnight. When she saw him she hides behind 18. She peeked out from behind 18.

Marron: Auntie 18 isn't that the bad man from the boat.

18: yes Marron but he isn't bad

Marron walls out from behind 18 up to Midnight. Midnight gets up and crouches down to her height.

Marron: do you promise your not going to hurt anyone?

Midnight: I promise I won't I was just a little mad on the boat.

Marron: pinky promise?

Midnight: pinky promise.

Marron sticks her pinky out to Midnight. Midnight like his pinky with hers. Midnight crates a rose and put it in Marron's hair.

Midnight: why don't you go play with the other kids. Ms.18 seems to want some alone time.

Marron: okay bye Auntie 18 and Mr. Midnight.

Marron runs off to play. Midnight and 18 sit back down. 18 releases a sigh as she sits down.

Midnight: 18 you okay? You seen stressed.

18: I am a little you know work, bills, buying things, helping Krillin with Marron.

Midnight: I can give you a shoulder massage if you want.

18: nah it's fine you don't have to.

Midnight: I don't mind I've taken a liking to you, so it's fine.

Midnight gets up and walk behind 18. He behind to message he shoulders. It started to feel really good to 18. When Midnight came across the part where her muscles where really tight he applied more pressure to get loosen them. 18 let out a soft surprised moan she quickly covered her mouth.

Midnight: hey it's okay for that to happen it's not uncommon. I'm done anyway.

Midnight stood back in his seat. Him and 18 begin to talk. They learned more about each other. 18 learns why Midnight doesn't want anyone to know about his past. It's because he's ashamed of what he's done. Midnight learns about the events of Majin Buu and when she met the Z Fighters and Cell. They kept talking until Kobayashi came up to the two. Midnight looks over at her.

Midnight: hmm what's up?

Kobayashi: It's nice to see you getting along with someone. Also I've thought of another way to get you to get along with the others.

Midnight: *sigh* what way?

Kobayashi: why not sings some songs it's help you get things off your chest.

Midnight: I guess.

Midnight walked to the stage Bulma had it she wanted to say something. Midnight picked up the microphone and turned it on. It made a load ping noise getting everyone's attention. He plugs his phone to a speaker.He begins to play a beat on his phone and sing to it.

I never lost hope (nah)
When the fire burned out, there was still smoke (yeah)
Dealt the worst hand ever, how could I choke?
Everybody looked at me like a fucking joke
Every time I spoke, turned it into notes, that's just how I cope
Now I tell 'em

No way
Now I rep the black flag, got my back crew behind me and we don't play
Everybody in my sights, now I used to trust, but I know they won't stay
I'll show you the power of nothing, I turned into something and now that I'm OK
Promise that I won't wait (nah)

Everyone begins to gather around the stage. Screens of all the hardships Midnight had gone through began to show up. The screens changed showing the good times he's had. It shows the people that brought joy to his life like Kobayashi, Tohru, Millicas, the ORC and all his family.

I can't lose hope
I'm the pеrson I wanted to be
No self control
Left to stop me from giving my

It then switches to the fights he's been through. Like when he had to fight Great Red. Keeping the barrier on Trihexa's seal. Also the time Trihexa almost escaped but he beat them and put them back.

Final breath, no regrets
I'd rather die than go through my life
Giving something less, fuck the rest
I love my life, but I'll never hide, no
I'm not afraid to die
So keep breaking me, breaking me
Nothing left inside
So keep breaking me, breaking me down

Everyone started to understand Midnight and everything he went through the more he began to sing. The screens changed again to a young Midnight over his parents dead body, his emotions loss, and endless wandering.

Everytime I reach the point of breaking, I remember way way back
Never had a father, never had a single fucking role model, I was just trash
Kept me on track, now I'm off topic, this ain't 'bout a story, it's about me
Thought I wouldn't last, burn me into ash, someday down the line when I OD

Hate the old me, FUCK
But I got a new path, don't know if it's ENOUGH
Half demon, half man, don't know how I breathe, Luck
Wanna know why I scream?
It's because the pain never leaves my brain
This isn't a gimmick, this isn't a game
It's my fucking life

Everyone listen closely to his words. Some almost brought to tears because of everything he's holding back. The screens played through Midnight's life over again. He continued to sing.

I can't lose hope
I'm the person I wanted to be
No self control
Left to stop me from giving my

Final breath, no regrets
I'd rather die than go through my life
Giving something less, fuck the rest
I love my life, but I'll never hide, no
I'm not afraid to die
So keep breaking me, breaking me
Nothing left inside
So keep breaking me, breaking me down

Breaking me, breaking me down
Breaking me, breaking me down
Breaking me, breaking me down

Breaking me, breaking me down
Breaking me, breaking me down
Breaking me, breaking me down
Breaking me, breaking me down

Final breath, no regrets
I'd rather die than go through my life
Giving something less, fuck the rest
I love my life, but I'll never hide, no
I'm not afraid to die
So keep breaking me, breaking me
Nothing left inside
So keep breaking me, breaking me down

At the end of the song Midnight's eyes began to water. Kobayashi went on the stage and hugged him. Midnight hugged her back. She rubbed his back telling him to let it all out. Midnight's eyes began to water more. Tears steamed down his face. Midnight for the first time in years-
He Cried


Next Time On Supreme Hybrid God

Midnight: Goki you and Vegeta are the last full-blooded Saiyans right?

Goki: yeah why.

Midnight: have you ever thought of just reviving them.

Goki: actually no.

Midnight: well Shenron grants wishes so let's just summon him and ask to revive them.

Goki: people say they take over planets though are you sure it's a good idea.

Midnight: I'll get Beerus's to help me do them there more like to listen to him because he is the God Of Destruction.

Goki: ok I trust you.

Midnight: great let's go!

Next Time Reviving The Saiyans

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