Idris Academy: Clace Shadowhu...

By KatShadowClace

1.1K 2 0

The gang had been living their daily lives at the NYC Institute, (Magnus and Simon shifting between their own... More

Not important! Just if you're curious:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 13

39 0 0
By KatShadowClace

Published: 1/1/22

No one's POV

As they got outside the cold breeze hit Jace and Clary like a slap. Hard and fast taking them slightly by surprise. "Hey do you wanna get a jumper or something from your cabin." Clary asked Jace as the light wind tickled her hair. "I'll be fine." Jace said. She hugged his left arm and leaned up and gave him a quick kiss. "I'll keep you warm." She said confidently planting her feet back to the surface. He laughed and took back his arm wrapping it around her shoulder instead. They walked around the town hall and Clary finally took it all in. It was absolutely magical, she thought. The town hall was massive, decorated with a large beautiful stone fountain, it was rounded and had a tall stone statue of the Angel Raziel holding the mortal sword in one hand and the mortal cup in the other, he stood in the water symbolising the mortal mirror. Water overflowed out of the mortal cup and poured down into the fountain. It was about 8 in the morning and small white clouds danced in the blue sky while birds lightly chirped in song. The two saw a few council members preparing in the distance and a few shadowhunters and downworlders mingling as they walked around breathing in Idris's beauty. The floor was featured with grey squared stone tiles, and buildings outlining the town hall were finished with long glass windows, mat black framing and white or grey concrete walls. She looked up and saw an apartment building, glass windows and balcony fences shimmering and twinkling with the sunlight. "Wow!" Clary gasped. "Izzy was right. It's so beautiful!" "Don't be fooled by it's beauty Clary. There's a lot of ugliness beyond their glamour." Jace said his tone serious. He tilted his head down to look at her as they walked, she looked lost in thought, she opened her mouth to say something but then shut it, unsure of what to respond, but after a moment more of thought she did. "Yeah, but so are a lot of things right." She said quietly and hopeful. "Not like this. Some beautiful things acknowledge and or accept their ugliness within. But the people and places of Idris either hide behind the law finding their crimes to be justified, or either truly believe their wrong doings is good and fair." Jace said taking his gaze off of her and looking ahead of him at the mantra of leaves violently clashing with the rising wind. "Ignoring or unaware of the difference between right and wrong is much worse than acting of knowing your doing wrong, because at least they or it knows the difference." Jace stated. "Singing with the angels at day, then dancing with the devils by night." Jace mumbled. It had been something Valentine had once quoted to him as a child. "What?" Clary asked confused. "It means, acting one way in front of certain people, giving them hope and pride when everyone can see but then demolishing any chance of that joy they sell to their citizens for their own personal gain or self worth when no one's able to see." He whispered. "The Clave is ruthless and unjust-" "but their changing it, slowly their making it better, catching up for lost time-" Clary said interrupting Jace. He interrupted her saying "they can't change Clary. They don't know how and." He said taking a pause. "And even if they did they can't bring back lives of innocent people killed under their order or under their foul decisions. They can't heal scars and bleeding hearts. They can't make up for what they've done, they'll be back into their old habits they were brought up by." He shook his head at his last part, stopping her to face him. "I suppose your right." She agreed. "Once you've danced with the devil you can never undo it, you can't help the things and people that got hurt from it. But I believe some people can change." She said taking his right hand in hers and rubbing it. Memories of what she did with her brother when they were connected zoomed into her mind. He shook his head, "Valentine, Jonathan, Aldertree, Consul Malachi, my own grandmother have they changed?" "No. But Maryse and Lydia did, they changed. That means there's got to be hope." She said just above a whisper. "Maryse was never like that, she was just strict. And Lydia went back to her original upbringing." He spoke gently. She bit down on her tongue to stop her from what she would have said next about him changing after being under the influence of Valentine and but she came to a realisation that that was totally different.

They kept walking around a few more minutes in a peaceful silence before a patrolling official assigned by the guard to prevent people from leaving or causing chaos came up to them and told them to start to make their way back and gather their bags as they'll be gathering in the town hall to discuss and split people into their chosen or requested academy. Clary started getting butterflies as her nerves slowly crept in. Jace brought her to his cabin first. They walked down a dark stairway hand in hand, which lead to a long lit up hallway similar to hers. They walked past about 10 doors before they reached his. The cabins were hidden underneath Idris's town hall. They were primarily built in case of an emergency lock down.

"Wait." Clary said softly, "I know you keep telling me your fine but, Jace." She said in disbelief, he signed as she made a face gesture for him to turn around, so he did and she lifted his top revealing his tanned back with a rune here and there. "It's like it never happened." Jace said, she signed "but it did, so tell me honestly does it hurt?" "No, it's healed why would it still hurt Clary?" She signed again "you know what I mean." She dropped his top from her hands and he turned around and opened the door to his cabin. They both stepped in and Clary saw 9 male shadowhunters all Jace's age walking around shirtless wearing only socks, shorts or trackies, or one guy who wore only his underpants. They all howled, whistled and growled at Clary, they always did that when they found a girl attractive. Jace growled back at them and went to grab his bags. "I didn't realise this was a zoo." Clary said under her breath after listening to their noises and smelling their bad body door. Considering Jace was always running around, training, and doing many things that would require almost every person to shower afterwards, Jace always smelt good.

A tall, lanky, toned shadowhunter with black messy hair that finished at his ears and brown eyes, jumped off his bunk and towered over her. He took a deep breath breathing her in and she suddenly felt uncomfortable. She could have gone to Jace or called out to him but she felt frozen in place and she didn't want to sound threatened or weak. "Something tells me your the zoo animal hot stuff. Going wild with Jace all night." He said icy. "Excuse me!" She said her tone showing only anger and disgust. The boys circled her giving no escape.  "We know he didn't spend the night here. So tell me was he with you?" "I don't have to tell you shit." She said fiery. The boys trapping her made a warning noise and laughed as the boy before her grabbed her upper arm. She looked at him deadly. "I'm sure he was giving you a real good time last night wasn't he, princess. He's gonna have to learn to learn to share, because we all want a taste of you." He spat out, his mouth hovering over her ear. "Your not going to say a word about this to Jace. You got that!" He warned. She felt his minty warm breath breath down her ear and neck as he laughed. Jace came back into the room and she slapped the boy hard across the face. He touched this cheek with the tips of his fingers and grunted. He pushed her back, she stumbled to catch her self and Jace yelled. "HEY! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" He fumed. He pushed through the circle as it started to spread and walked up to the boy moving Clary behind him. Jace pushed him back hard and he grunted as he hit the metal bars of the bunk. "What in the angels name do you think your doing Hayden? Huh?" Jace aggressively spat out scaring him. He didn't respond so Jace smashed his arm into the bar near his head and Hayden flinched. "ANSWER ME!" He roared, his veins popping out. "Are you serious right now man? That bitch slapped me." Somehow Hayden's mouth moved before his brain could register what he'd just said and how he said it. The rest of the boys in his room watched from a far in fear. Some hid in the bathroom. Jace chuckled. "I get it. Sorry man I didn't see that. But did it hurt?" Jace said sarcastically misleading the boy. Hayden's muscles relaxed slightly, truly under the belief that Jace forgave him. "Yeah man. Someone should teach her some manners cause that hurt like hell." Hayden said his voice relaxed. Jace nodded. "Good." He said. Hayden suddenly felt confused by Jace's answer. "But this is gonna hurt a whole lot more." Before he could register the trap he'd just fallen into, Jace's fist smashed into his nose sending his head flying back smashing against the metal. Red blood flowed down Hayden's now broken nose and Jace grabbed his shirt with his left hand keeping him from falling to the ground. He sent his right fist smashing right under his bare chest cracking his ribs. He repeatedly punched him in the ribs and face until he dropped him, blood all over his pale body. "Let that be a lesson and a warning to all of you. You touch her and I'll kill you, making your last seconds of life a miserable agony!" Jace said his voice getting deeper and deeper. He smashed his foot into Hayden's genitals before telling Clary to wait outside. He grabbed his bags and called a guardsman over who came straight away. He took Jace's bags and brought them to the town hall. Jace grabbed Clary's hand and started their way to Clary's cabin. Halfway there Jace stopped her and pulled her to a near by alley way. "What happened in there?" "Nothing. Can we just drop it please I don't feel like talking about it." She said staring at the ground. He pulled her in for a hug and told her that he'd wait until she was ready.

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