Hero of Hope: Dekiru (HIATUS)...

By DekiruTheNine

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In this story Izuku was born 2 years earlier and one day he meets his favorite hero and gains his quirk for s... More

Chapter 1 : Beginning
Chapter 2 : Training
Chapter 3 : Control And A New Arrival
OFA Info
Chapter 4: OFA Message
Chapter 5: UA Entrance Exam
Chapter 6: First Day!!
Chapter 7: New Friends
Chapter 8: Classroom Change And Battle Training
Chapter 8.5: Classroom Change And Battle Training (part 2)

Chapter 9: Sport Festival

939 17 3
By DekiruTheNine

Two days later after their battle training both hero classes where sent to the USJ (Unforeseen Simulation Joint) were all students trained on how to act through a disaster situations if it happen in their future as full pro heroes

Through the next two weeks for our heroes, Aizawa had announced that their first year Sport Festival was finally coming which hearing this our three misfits joined up together training as hard as they could until the day arrived, and so the two weeks pass and the next day the day for the sport festival finally came

It was 8am on Thursday morning, millions of people had came to the Sport Festival Stadium to see the future coming heroes in action and after the whole stadium was finally filled in a voice from a multiple megaphones which were stuck through walls everywhere a familiar voice came out which many recognized from the radio show "Put Your Hands Up Radio" the Pro Hero Present Mic

Present Mic- ">Morning Ladies And Gentlemen!!, Please Welcome UA's The Heroes Classes Of Class 1-A and 1-B!!!<"

Just as the long banana hair man said from the walls of the bottom floor of the Stadium two doors out of the ten doors opened up releasing out the students of said classes but what caused a confusion on the crowd was that instead of the 20 students coming out of both door only 3 students came out one and while the other 20, but all that confusion came to an end until Present Mic gave them their answer

Present Mic- ">Please Also Note, Yes There Are Only Three Students This Year On Class 1-A!!, We Only Want Those That We Believe Give Their PLUS ULTRA!! And These Three Have Shown It Through Their Determination And Will!!<"

Hearing this the crowd cheer for them and many found it amazing that only three people were in Class 1-A, that had to mean they were very strong students in their own right!!, soon afterward all the other course student were standing on the stage from General Studies through the Support Couse and the Business Course every class separate from each other, some after came out the Pro Hero Snipe talking out a microphone and began to speak through it

Snipe- "Welcome Everyone! Let's start now with the Athlete Oath!, this year Representative is Izuku Midoriya from Class 1-A Hero Course!!"

Hearing his name called out froze in fear our poor broccoli boy, the boy couldn't even move a muscle from how nervous he was feeling but than from a small but quickly push from Hashou and Nanao made him move forward he looked back to see his friends smiles at him giving him the thumb up

Nanao- "You got this Midoriya-kun!"

Hashou- "Don't worry bro, you'll do fine"

Izuku- "A-Ahh..O-Okay"

Soon the boy took a hard step and made his way the the front were Snipe was at but a lot of people left out a chuckle out of their mouths due to how funny the boy was walking similar to a Minecraft game character everyone played but after a few second the boy made it to the hero who took his hand out to the boy handing out the microphone to him

Snipe- "Good luck"

Izuku- "T-Thanks"

The boy looked at everyone class in front of him sweeting even more due to his getting even more nervous than before but after a quick look at his friends who were still giving him a thumbs up calmed him down a bit, and so the boy took a deep breath before opening his eyes giving determine gaze came out which for every looking at him gave them a quick chill through out their spines, and so the boy finally spoked

Izuku- "Welcome everybody and thank you for coming here today, as you all notice I'm one of the three student of Class 1-A we survive the expelled purge of our sensei and we continue to push forward since we aim to light the flames of hope into those that we will go on to protect, we are all heroes even if we belong to other courses like the support course, without these people the heroes of today couldn't do their jobs, even the great AllMight on his early time needed them, everyone needs support from someone else, and it's our goal of UA to go on and be the support of our society, And So LETS GO BEYONG!! PLUS ULTRA!!!"

The boy said as he shouted the last part many people began to cheer out saying the last part with him too, while the school staff which were in a private room only for the teacher, were all happy with the speech which was all well received among the other students

Back with our hero, finally finished with his speech he gave the microphone back to his teacher and when back to his group while receiving some compliments of other classes aswell which made the boy embarrassed but still made him happy, Snipe after seeing Izuku reach his group began to speak again

Snipe- "Now let us look forward and see what the First Event Is!?"

Getting everyone attention as the pro hero looked towards a giant TV screen which carried by a rolling tv cart behind the hero it rotated through many event till it finally stopped on one

Snipe- "And the First Event Is Obstacle Course Race!!, A race between all course classes the course is a four-kilometer lap around the stadium itself everything counts as long as you don't go off the course so anything is fair"

Another pro hero came out the bottom which was no other than the Concrete Hero: Cementoss, doing a favor to Snipe and moving the giant TV out of the way, he than when towards the wall and touched it before making a big straight narrow path to the outside the stadium everyone began to take their position mostly all wanting to stay in the front to gain a better advantage

Nanao- "Come on guys! We gotta get to the front will get some advantage on the other"

Izuku- "Wait Nanao-san let's start on the back instead okay?"

Nanao- "Why?! Will be on last place and I'll be harder to get position for the next event?"

Hashou- "The path to narrow will get stuck with the rest if they catch up but staying on the back will have to work harder to get a higher position"

Izuku- "Don't worry about that guys I got a plan to get pass through this without getting stuck with the other so will you trust me?"

Both Nanao and Shun looked at each other before looking at their green hair friend with a smile on their faces telling the boy that they did trust him, this made a smile on the boy to come and so they placed themself on the very last to the confusion of the audience and students either way Mic began the count down

Present Mic- ">Alright Everybody Ready?! 3..2..1..START!!<"

And so everyone began running and so just like Izuku and Shun predicted everyone began to get squish with each other except some from the top, and so Izuku grabbed one of each hands of his friends activating OFA %10 and began to run towards the path but before he could reach the other jumped up onto the narrow path wall and jump again and again on the wall passing ontop everyone before reaching and passing the people on the front who were almost reaching the exit of the path but being beaten by Izuku and just as he reach the exit of the path started spinning while still on the air and throw both Nanao and Shun letting have a higher position on the race

Present Mic- ">Would You Look At That The Three Students Of Class 1-A Are Working Together!! Oh? But Looks Like Class 1-B Are Catching Up Aswell <"

Landing on the ground and hearing Mic words took a glance to the back while running seeing a lot of student catching up to them mostly being Class 1-B and does being close to him being Shichi who was flying with a small tornado around her gaining more speed at the second, Asahiko who with his four wings fly through the air at great speed, Nicorvo who was constantly teleporting and sometime passing beyong the last two mension and Yamashiro who was sliding through the ground while having water come out of her feet and with Hasano who was levitating through the air while a lime color aura surround the boy aswell, and so Izuku power up to 15% with this it didn't take that long to catch up with his two friends which after reaching them power down back to 5% but before they could continue they had finally reach the first obstacle of the race

Present Mic- ">Finally Reaching The First Obstacle Of The Race!! The First Barrior Robo Inferno!!<"

Multiple, Multiple zero pointers were the first obstacle of the race which the students had to passed but not only that but a small amount of 1-pointers were there aswell which the trio of misfits were able to deal fair easily but because of it some of the student were almost catching up to them, Izuku began to think for a way to passed through with his friend but little to no idea came only one with his using 100% but that wasn't a good on and so some students were now caught up with them mostly all stopping after seeing the zero pointers except one that being Shichi who ran passed Izuku who was finish destroying a 1-pointer

Izuku- "Shichi-san Wait!!!"

Not listening the girl continues her way towards the zero pointer, while still on her tornado she placed both hands infront of her before she began to create a sphere the size of a volleyball which was made out of air but than she began to place him flames into it which filled in the wind sphere and just as she was done she thrust it forwards between two zero-pointers before a huge shookwave of flames exploded between the two burning the zero pointers and pushing them away from each other creating a gap where they could go and so Shichi passed through it taking first placed on the race and soon some followed her example passing the zero pointers on their own ways, Izuku soon followed after passing the zero-pointers with Shun only due to Nanao being corner by some remaining 1-pointers, the two wanted to help but the only respond they got from the girl was that she would caught up to them later and so trusting her words the two left her alone, the two kept running until they finally reached the second obstacle of the race with some students already going through it with Shichi still staying in first placed

The second obstacle was a humongous pit with some big stone pillars all connected by tightropes some of the student were making their way through the obstacle while some were about to finish, Izuku knew he could easily reach the rest but with Shun here was another story and so the boy was about to reach for Shun arm but the boy moved it away before he could grab it

Izuku- "Shibasa-kun?"

Hashou- "You go Midoriya I'll only be a weight on you I'll catch up to you later so go take first place will ya"

Izuku- "Heh Right!"

Hearing this the boy power up to 15% the boy than jump from the starting line and reached down into a pillar and once again repeat this multiple times in a great speed catching up the leaders

Going back with the White hair and bicolor eyes, Shichi had finally finish the second obstacle of the race after Izuku had reached it with Shun, she continued her way till she finally reach the third and last obstacle of the race but after seeing nothing stopped herself just as Mic began to speak

Present Mic- ">Finally The Leader Had Reach The Final Barrior, The Minefield!!<"

Now knowing what the obstacle was began to levite with air around her once more and made her way while the other students were starting the obstacle, and just as she was half the way to finish multiple explosive closer and closer to her were detonating and so her curiousity overcame the girl mind and so she took a quick glance before opening her eyes wide a little due to that was causing it

Going back with our green hero the boy was able to finish the second obstacle fairly easy and in great speed having caught with the rest into the last obstacle which the boy knew what it was, but just as he saw Shichi half way finish the boy determination grew as he saw he could catch up to her and so the boy power to 20% even though this was surpassing his limit he felt his whole body being in a small pain but he push off the pain off and rush forward without stopping being followed by the bombs detonating and in a few seconds the boy had already passed a shock Shichi who at the moment reacted back and followed soon after

Present Mic- ">Finally The One Who Made It Back To The Stadium First Is...<"

Everyone was quiet waiting for the end result and from the tunnel the student had came out a familiar green hair followed after a white hair girl just behind his tail

Present Mic- ">Izuku Midoriya!! From Class 1-A!!, Followed after Kanna Shichi From Class 1-B!!"

The crowd began to cheer loudly for the end result, Izuku just as he passed inside the stadium felt down to the ground having his body exhausted while Shichi was taking small breaths of air, after a few minutes more students began to arrived back to the stadium until 15 more minutes passed where now every participant had come back

Nanao - "Midoriya-kun You Did It!!

Hashou- "You took first placed congratulations Midoriya"

Izuku- "Nanao-san, Shibasa-kun!"

Nanao- "First Placed Though I'm So Jealous!"

Izuku- "*face red* I-It's Nothing..(I was jus lucky, the real test of skills starts now..)"

After another five minutes now that everyone was here, Snipe can back to the center with Cementos help brought back the big TV screen before showing the result of the participants who would continue on the next event

1. Class 1-A: Izuku Midoriya
2. Class 1-B: Kanna Shichi
3. Class 1-B: Kaito Asahiko
4. Class 1-B: Noah Nicorvo
5. Class 1-B: Kiyo Yamashiro
6. Class 1-B: Genshi Hasanom
7. Class 1-A: Hashou Shibasa
8. Class 1-B: Chiyoko Hisakawa
9. Class 1-B: Miles Hisakawa
10. Class 1-B: Camaran Pierce
11. Class 1-B: Kalla Smith
12. Class 1-B: Alejandro J. Mendoza
13. Class 1-B: Koneko Chisai
14. Class 1-B: Akeno Mamoru
15. Class 1-B: Shiko Hagane
16. Class 1-A: Nanao Yuikera
17. Class 1-B: Junko Uehara
18. Class 1-B:Ongaku Sonado
19. Class 1-B: Faye Windsor
20. Class 1-B: Akene Ito
21. Class 1-B: Kenji Okada
22. Class 1-B: Arthur Carnell
23. Class 1-B: Ginger Kitsunebi
41. ???
42. ???

Snipe- "Alright those in the top 42 from this qualifying round will move on, but for those who didn't make it we got other games for you so wait a bit, But Going Back To The Main Events The Second Event Is.."

Going back and looking towards the giant TV screen again, it the screen it began to rotate through many event till it finally stopped on one

Snipe- "And the Second Event Is Capture The Flag!!, Participants Will Form Teams Of Two To Four Each Contester Will Have A Flag The Objective Of This Game Is To Atleast Acquire 7 Flags From Other Teams The First 4 Teams to Get Them Will Moves On To The Next Event, Also The First Place Participant Flag Equals 7 In Total!!"

Hearing Snipe last words everyone looks back into Izuku with hunger on their eyes which only caused the boy to dramatically sweet a lot

Izuku- "(M-Mine Equals 7 Flags!!)"

Snipe- "Yes! Everyone Heard Right And Due To This Who Ever Joins Him Will Only Have To Worry About Protecting One Flag Instead Of Four"

Going back to the teacher in their private room we could see a familiar looking homeless man on his usual yellow sleeping back watching the TV they had to see the students, the teacher of 1-A felt a little bit of pity for his broccoli student but all of this was due to a reason

Aizawa- "(Sorry Midoriya but this need to be done for your growth, it guarantees whoever gets that flag, a guarantee win, It forces everyone to think, do they fight the student who would at this point in the games, be considered the strongest and get your flag, potentially guaranteeing a victory but then making them a target, or work on the other flags for second and third.. this is done to test the students strategy and focus so good luck to you guys)"

Going back with the event participants, Snipe continued to explain other details of the event, the match would last about 15 minute with it being a team free for all, he also told them that even if they lost all their flags they were still on the game until the time was over or the first four teams got their 7 flags needed, after saying that he told everyone had 10 minutes to form their teams and so everyone began to look

Izuku- "(E-Everyone Is Ignoring Me!) H-Hey would you like to Join my t-team?"

Random Student- "Sorry.."

Izuku- "(Nobody want to be on my team..they must figure it risk to only have one flag, if it gets stolen from us will be having to start from zero)"

Nanao- "Midoriya-kun! Team Up With M-WHOA!"

Izuku- "Nanao-San!!"

The boy was crying a river into Nanao who in defense could only cover her face with her hands until a few seconds later the boy calmed down a bit

Izuku- "Y-You Mean It?! Everyone Might Come After You If You Join Me"

Nanao- "That's fine! So Who care About That! Teaming Up With A Friend Just Seems Righ-WHOOA What's Wrong?! You Got All Ugly"

And in fact Izuku looked ugly due to having clench his face but that went away as quickly as it came

Izuku- "Alright! now we just need two more people!"

Nanao- "Don't worry I already got someone with me!"

Izuku- "Huh?"

Behind Nanao was a girl with short red hair having a orange color skin with some animalistic characteristics of a pangolin 

Uehara- "Hi!"

Izuku- "Your Junko Uehara right?"

Uehara- "Yep! The only one"

Izuku- "But why join us? wouldn't it be better if you joined someone you know from your class instead??"

Nanao- "The thing is after separating from you and Shun on the first obstacle of the race she helped me get rid of the 1-pointer that were surrounding me and we decided to team up till the end of the race but we quickly became friends while at it!"

Izuku- "Well thank you for joining us Uehara-san"

Uehara- "No problem Midoriya-kun, but we should still try to look for someone else don't you think?"

Izuku- "R-Right let's go try to look for Shibasa-kun (he was here a moment ago?)"

The trio than left the spot they were looking around trying to find their lost friend but it didn't take that long after hearing a couple of yells and so the three headed to the origins of it

Nanao- "There he is!"

The boy looked towards the direction Nanao was pointing at his lost friend who was having a duel of forehead with the water quirk user Yamashiro and both looked pissed as hell as a tick mark show on the side of their heads but for some reason the two of them were having a smile on their faces

Hashou- "I'm Gonna Destroy You!! On This Event!!"

Yamashiro- "Ha!! Think Again Chicken Wings Your The One Going Down!!"

Hashou- "What Did You Just Call Me!?!"

Yamashiro- "Chicken Wings Got A Problem With That?!

Hashou- "Not A Problem Wet Ass!!"

Yamashiro- "What!!"

Alejandro- "Damn he just call you nalgas miadas you gonna let him call you that?"

Yamashiro- "I Don't Know What The Hell You Said But I Ain't Letting This Dumbass Call Me Wet Ass!"

Alejandro- "That's what I said.."

Hashou- "What Did You Called Me!?!"

Izuku- "Shibasa-kun! Join Our Team!?"

Hashou- "Huh Midoriya? Yeah I'll join your team but let me fin-"

Snipe- "And Time Up! It's time to get started"

Without the students knowing a big amounts of cement was spreaded on the ground taking each teams in a sphere like ball which than move into a corner of the stadium, after separating the nine teams the pro hero made the field into a more like rocky field, filled with boulder of cement from big and small which would block the view for the contestants on the field and once satisfied with his work Cementoss quickly let the students go releasing them from the concrete sphere and somehow behind every team was 4 flags stuck to the ground except Izuku being only one with a seven written on it while the other were one's

Present Mic- ">Alright! The Match Will Last 15 Minutes!! The Four First Teams To Get 7 Flags Or Have More Than Others Before The Time Over Pass To The Next Round!! Are You Guys Ready!? START!!!<"

And so the second event finally started and as many predicted everyone was looking to where Midoriya team was located and those with flying capabilities like those for class 1-B were easily able to find where they where and told their teammates and just a few seconds everyone was rushing towards Izuku team

Nanao- "Midoriya-kun! There Coming Quickly!"

Izuku- "I Know! Uehara-san Will Be Counting On You Okay!?"

Uehara- "Hai!"

Hashou- "Midoriya!!"

Izuku- "Just a Little More (One For All..15%!)

And just as the moment came every team finally reach team Midoriya Location

Okada- "Were Coming For That Flag!!"

Yamashiro- "I'm Gonna Make You Eat Dirt Chicken Wings!!"

Shichi- "That flag is ours.."

Pierce- "Not a Chance.."

Mamoru- "Let's Fight Midoriya!!"

Izuku- "(This Is Gonna Stink!, One For All 20%!!)

Just as everyone was making their way for the 7 worth flag our hero lifted both hand up in the air cupping his hands together and reeling it back before slamming it into the ground, and now due to the increase in power he put lifted up the part of the ground up stopping everyone from reaching them and blocking their view aswell due to some of chunks of the ground being up

Izuku- "Uehara-san Now!!!"

Uehara- "You Got It Boss!!"

A few seconds before while the four of them were on the concrete sphere Izuku had told his teammates his plan for escaping everyone since he knew aswell as the rest that they would be the first team to be targeted due to their flag being a one shot win pass, and so Izuku told them that they would wait for the other teams to reach their location and that he would make sure to block their rush and view for a few seconds just enough time for Uehara to dig their way out to somewhere else

Going back the plan was a success and the four were able to escape somewhere else with their flag on hand, going back with the other team some participants seconds later destroy the rocks and boulder blocking their view and way but to their surprised Izuku and his team had disappeared completely (their escape route was block by a boulder that was destroy by the others) seeing this some began to panic mostly that non hero-course students for leaving their flags undefended while the hero course students were calmed due to leaving two or one of their teammates with their flags protecting them from anyone that try to steal them away from them

Going back with Midoriya Team the four were finally away from the other by a pretty good distance, they took a few seconds to relax before they finally began to act Izuku told Uehara and Nanao to scout for some flags while he and Shun would stay to protect their flag they comply due to Izuku telling them they were the better option to get flags coming up with a plan that Nanao could act as bait and fight whoever was protecting their flags while Uehara could dig her way and silently steal their flags away and so the two left leaving Izuku and Shun to protect their flag

It's been about 3 minutes since the second event started and everything was chaos in the battlefield, explosions could be heard aswell as screams from other on the field, going back with our Hero and his friend, Izuku and Shun had been guarding their flag very well having scared a bunch of participants from other teams who caught glimpse of their flag but mostly ran away and never tried to go against them mostly only being students from other classes like general studies, or the support class

Hashou- "Ugh! What Taking Them So Long!?"

Izuku- "Calm down Shibasa-kun they'll be her-Hey! Someone Coming This Way!"

Our green hair boy points towards the directions where he see their enemies approaching there spot, as Shun takes a better look he remembered the names of the three due to their characteristics, the first he spot of the Tiger boy his friends had fought on their first hero training they had being Koneko Chisai, the other was a curly brown hair girl with two long fairy like wings that being Kalla Smith and the last one being a tall boy with dark brown hair with two bright purple eyes being non other than.. it took a bit longer for the boy to remember his name but he finally got it after a few seconds he remember his name which was Kenji Okada, the three mention didn't take long before arriving close to the two location stopping their tracks a few meters away from the two

Hashou- "Finally Someone Has To Guts To Challenge Us!"

Okada- "Will Be Taking That Flag Off Your Hands Now!"

Hashou- "I'll Like To See You Try!"

And so the hero course students began to battle, one team protecting their flag while the other team tried to steal it from them, their fight continued for a few minutes with the other team almost taking the flag due to their troublesome quirks mostly that of Okada quirk "Interference", the two protectors were able to withstand the effect of his quirk for the first time they got touched and the two made sure to dodge this guy at all cost but due to this the other team began to gain more territory, and once everything seem all lost finally the rest Izuku teammates came back with two flags on each other their hands and the two soon joined the battle now the other team had a numerical disadvantage but this didn't stop them from giving their all but at the end Izuku team manage to defeat them taking their flags which the three concidentally had with them and one the flags were placed next to their original flag a light flash on it giving the game host a message of the first passing contestants

Present Mic- ">And It Looks Like We Finally Have The First Winning Group! Midoriya Izuku team has pass into the next games!!"<

The group of four were than gotten out by cementos out of the game and the four were now watching the game go on but at the end the four team passing were

[Team 1]
•Izuku Midoriya
•Nanao Yuikera
•Hashou Shibasa
•Junko Uehara

[Team 2]
•Kanna Shichi
•Kiyo Yamashiro
•Akano Mamoru
•Ongaku Sonada

[Team 3]
•Kaito Asahiko
•Chiyako Hisakawa
•Miles Hisakawa
•Genshi Hosano

[Team 4]
•Noah Nicorvo
•Akane Miyo
•Faye Windsor
•Arthur Carnell

Now that the game was over Present Mic announced a 30 minute break so that the participants were able to gain back some strength back while the audience when to the restroom or got some snacks for the next games

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