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80.3K 3.3K 817

[ON GOING]/HIATUS] "๐˜Œ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ช๐˜ง ๐˜ช๐˜ต'๐˜ด ๐˜ซ๐˜ถ๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜จ๐˜ฉ๐˜ต...๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ด๐˜ช๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด... ะ•ั‰ะต

Before We Begin
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34.5 (New Year's Special)
No Chapter (UPDATE)

Chapter 14

2K 107 66

Authors note: I do not own the original story line or characters, just my added plot line.

❗️Implied Suicide Attempt❗️

Takemichi's POV

October 20th 2005

   I waited at the shrine for hours. I didn't expect (Y/n) to take so long to come out. I suppose he really wanted to make sure everyone was gone. I'm sure he knew I was here with Mikey after the meeting. I don't think many people came here very often aside from meetings held by Toman. I sat on the top stairs of the shrine in wait.

   The sky was clear and the moon shined beautifully. It was such a peaceful night despite what happened and what was to happen. I thought back to what Draken said.

   'I saw the signs and I did nothing. I kept quiet like he asked and look where it got us!?'

   'What was going on in (Y/n)'s life that caused him to take such a permanent action? (Y/n) was a put together kind of guy, he didn't cry in front of others, he smiled all the time, he mediated everyone....Without knowing his reasons, how am I supposed to convince him otherwise?'

   My thoughts were interupted by the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs of the shrine. My attention directed towards the sound, I looked there with a stern expression.

   Up came a (hair color) boy. His eyes were set on the ground below him, in his right hand he held a smooth rope. It was obvious he didn't notice my presence as he walked up, that was until he saw a pair of shoes and his attention shot up to me. Both of us instantly making eye contact with his new discovery.

   (Y/n)'s eyes went wide, I could see fear in them. It was clear he wasn't sure how to react, I could bet his mind was coming up with excuses as he looked at me. I wasn't quite sure how to approach the situation either in all honesty, how do you start a conversation when you are trying to avoid the subject at hand?

   "(Y/n)! What are you doing back here so late?" I said in my cheeriest voice as if I didn't know what was happening.

   (Y/n) didn't move, he just stared at me for a long moment before moving the rope behind his back. I could tell he wasn't sure why I was here and that his plans were thrown into the drain at the moment.

   "I-uh." He tried to speak but no excuse was willing to form in his head. "I was just..."

   "Well since you're here why don't you take a seat with me for a little and we can chat!" I offered hoping he'd take my bait. He did as I asked and sat next to me, trying to hide the rope behind him but I clearly noticed it. His eyes went back to the ground as he slouched over, a dead look in his eyes.

   "The meeting today was pretty intense wasn't it?" I said making small talk. "Kisaki got promoted to third devision captain, I met Baji, and now I'm part of Toman!" I was hoping the last part would peak his interest but it didn't even make him blink. "But ya know, I guess it was time anyways since I'm always hanging around you guys. So hopefully you'll accept me-"

   "What are you still doing here?" (Y/n) cut off.

   "Huh? Well I was just-" I was cut off again.

   "There is no reason for you to be here at this hour. Hours after the meeting ended. It's one in the morning Takemichy."

   I gulped, now I was being interrogated. "I was just waiting..." I couldn't come up with an excuse now either.  I paused for a long moment. "(Y/n), why are you here then?" I guess it wasn't the right question to ask. (Y/n) wouldn't look at me or answer for a long time, we sat in silence, nothing happening between us which was driving me nuts.

   "Don't act like you don't know, there is no use in acting dumb." (Y/n) finally spoke. I was surprised he was being so direct now.

   "So how did you know? There was absolutly no way you could know. I didn't tell a soul, nobody even knew I would be out of my house tonight. Did you follow me?" He accused harshly.

   "What? No! I just...I don't know how to explain it but I just had a bad feeling..." I felt ashamed for my poor plan and execution. I'm sure (Y/n) felt so lost and confused now.

(Y/n) didn't seem to buy it but he couldn't back anything else up either. "Then what if I told you you are misinterpreting the situation? Would you leave and act like nothing happened?" He asked, sounding more desperate than anything.

   "(Y/n)..." I think he could hear the pity in my voice because I saw him clench his teeth.

   "Please Takemichy...It's only one request. Go home and stay home." He begged now. "Go home and keep your mouth shut."

   I shifted closer to him and wrapped an arm around him, I could feel him tense under my arm, but I couldn't help but pull him into both arms and hug him. I felt tears well up in my eyes and pour down my cheeks. He didn't hug back, in fact he didn't move.

   "(Y/n)....don't do it, please." I began, sniffling. "Do you know how many people you'd hurt by doing this?"

   "Hurt?" He said after a minute. "Hurt the people who bitch at me and threaten to murder me?" I could instantly tell he was refrencing at least Emma and Baji. He pushed my arms off of him, a glare making its way to his eyes.

   "I mean like Mikey and Draken, Toman in general. Your family, friends, what about them?" I continued on with my explanation. (Y/n) let out a breathy laugh.

   "Ah yes, people that give such a shit about my well being..." He smiled sadly. "Takemichy do you even know what it's like to live in a world where you're replaceable? Someone who you can beat down and use until they aren't worth anything anymore?"

   His words surprised me. "What do you mean? Everyone needs you-"

   "They do? Tell that to my dad, tell that to Emma, tell that to everyone who shits on me constantly." His smile never faded. "I've never been important, I can tell you that right now. I'm only here because Mikey thinks he owes me something..."

   "Owes you something?" I asked.

   "I saved him from getting hit by a truck a few years back...He wasn't paying attention and I pulled him out of the road in time to avoid the collision." (Y/n) frowned again. "Since that day he's been acting like he needs me to repay me for my action."

   I couldn't believe what I was hearing. (Y/n) actually believed that Mikey was just pitying him? Did he not see the love in Mikey's eyes and his actions when he was with him? Draken too, both of them loved (Y/n) to death even though the didn't say it directly. I wanted to mention how Draken kept his promise for 12 years even after he passed because he cared that much.

   "Do you not notice how much he cares?" I asked, (Y/n) tilted his head.

    "What about the night Draken got stabbed, I saw how Mikey kept you by his side the whole night we were at the hospital. Not once did he let you go. Does that sound like someone who was just pittying another?"

   "Mikey just-" I cut him off, growing frustrated with his lack of sense.

   "Mikey cares! He's not just owing you something. He gives a shit about you! What about Draken? Does he not care either? Why would he owe you anything?" I gritted my teeth as I spoke. "Why is it so hard for you to realise people give a shit about you? What is blocking out your reason right now? Do you always feel this way or are you having a moment?" I shouted as I continued to speak. "I also care, (Y/n)! So many people do! Even if you have a bad home life, you have a home with Toman. You are needed here, you keep the peace between everyone. You make people know they matter and are needed. You make me feel that way, automatically you took me in as if you had known me forever!" Tears started to build up again.

   "I know that wasn't a lie, I can see it in your eyes when you are talking to people, the amount of passion you put into taking care of those people is amazing." I clenched my eyes shut as tears fell like bullets. "I can't watch you throw away your life! If you need support than you have it, I can guarantee you have several people if not more that would help you in a heartbeat. Why not be honest with them? Tell them your pain-"

   "It's not that simple!" This was the first time I noticed tonight that (Y/n) was crying. "This is my own battle, I'm not burdening anyone else with it." He said. "Why won't you let me end this treacherous battle Takemichy?" He began to weep, big tears streaming out of his eyes. He covered his face with his hands.

   'Maybe I had taken it too far.' I sat back down and pulled (Y/n) into another hug, letting him cry now.

   "I won't let you, and I won't apologize for it. If you die then Mikey will lose it. You may not notice but you are keeping him together. Without you everything will go down hill and the future will not be one anyone wants to live in."

   (Y/n) continued to cry for a good 5 minutes, slowly it turned into sniffing. "I don't understand you..." He said softly, now gripping onto my arms as if it were his only way to stay grounded.

   "Just trust me, I care about you. So even if it's just for tonight...reconsider this. I will do everything in my power to save you. Even if it is a million times over." I didn't notice (Y/n)'s eyes grow wide, his grip tightening on my arms. Silence enveloped us now. No words were exchanged and after awhile I felt    (Y/n) lean into me. His eyes were half lidded and he looked calmer now.

    "I'll reconsider." He finally spoke out, my racing heart finally having the chance to slow down.

   "Good." I held him tighter until he decided to pull away. His tear stained cheeks were dry now and he looked more peaceful I guess you could say.

   We sat together for a little longer before I stood up, reaching a hand out to him. "Come on, I'll walk you home. It's late." I smiled as brightly as I could, the look in his eyes as he grabbed onto my hand made me shiver in fear and happiness. 'I saved him for tonight. In the next few days he won't be found dead.' I was engulfed in a hug once more, catching me by surprise.

   "This stays between us. If you tell a soul I'll never forgive you and that'll offically be it." He threatened. I gulped, I felt I should tell Mikey and Draken. After all, they were closest to him and would be better at keeping him safe than I would be. But after what he just said I think it'd be best if I didn't, I know Mikey wouldn't keep it a secret if I told him.

   "Alright..." I said accepting the terms, a bad feeling in the back of my mind at the thought.

   With that I walked (y/n) home, him walking his motorcycle alongside us. He had offered to drive us but with his current mindset that made me too nervous to trust him to be safe. The trip was silent but my mind wouldn't stop running. 'I have to keep an eye out now that I know his intentions...' The thought stressed me out, layering another worry onto my other thousand I currently held on my shoulders. After about half an hour we made it too (Y/n)'s apartment, I hadn't even noticed where we were walking this whole time. As (Y/n) turned to thank me I caught my eye on something in his hand.

   "Thanks for walking me ho-" I yanked the rope he held in his hand once again, ripping it out of his hand to his surprise.

   "Of course, now get some rest. I'll see you soon. I want you to visit Mikey and Draken tomorrow okay?" The fear that he might do something in the back of my mind if I didn't take the rope. He looked down at the item before making eye contact with me once again and nodding.

   "Great! Good night (Y/n)! Stay safe." I reiterated as I waved to him while he made his way up to his apartment. He sent me a small smile and waved when he entered his apartment.

   'One mission complete.' I smiled to myself. 'Now to hope he keeps his promise...' I turn back in the direction we came, making sure I knew where I was going. 'Next is to get Baji back...'

Author's note: Mission success! Next chapter is probably going to be a bit more intense so be prepared. I want to clarify something that was touched on in this chapter and another. When I mention a character loving another it does not automatically make it romantic feelings. I wrote them as platonic feelings but if you interpret them differently that's fine too. I think it's important to love your friends especially during their hard times. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!

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