๐˜ผ๐™‡๐™‡ ๐™๐™Š๐™Š ๐™’๐™€๐™‡๐™‡ | Kate...

By _peachiigloss_

6.8K 218 122

โ๐˜๐จ๐ฎ ๐ซ๐ž๐ฆ๐ž๐ฆ๐›๐ž๐ซ ๐ข๐ญ ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ญ๐จ๐จ ๐ฐ๐ž๐ฅ๐ฅโž ยฐยฐยฐHawkeye Series AU Things seemed normal between Kate... More

All Too Well


1.1K 37 35
By _peachiigloss_

-One day we're going to marry, and I'll buy this huge, HUGE house, where we could live with our families, and with many puppies!


-Yeah! And we'd eat candy everyday! And, and, we would throw parties to all of our friends! Not those boring parties we have to go, but real fun ones, with toys and a carousel!

-That is so cool!

-So, Rowan, answer me-She looked at him with a huge bright smile and sweet eyes- Will you marry me?

Rowan looked at her, and the most kind, innocent, and softest of the answers was said:



-Master Rowan...-A voice waked him up- Master Rowan, it's time.

He blinked one, twice, as his sight adjusted to the light that came from the windows of his high, expensive mansion in Paris.

-Am I late?-He asked still a little daydreaming, observing the rest of his room, already tidied by the maids.

The employee by his side, an already advanced age woman, with little white strands on her perfectly brunette hair in a bun, explained with patience to him:

-Not yet, sir.

-Right...-He standed his muscular arms to both sides and stretched.-Thanks Márie. I'll go downstairs soon.

With only those words the maid accepted, nodding with her head and leaving in silence, already busy with another tasks on that residence.

It has always been like that, born in a rich family, Rowan was surrounded by employees who pampered him to the maximum, that helped to build a lot his confidence, even though he never acted soberb and superior towards anyone.

The bed clothing was still warm, seductively begging for him to stay longer. For a moment he liked the idea, but, still preferred to say no. He had more important affairs to do. And that day would be crucial.

Outside he could watch the vision of the garden, a mix between contrasting colors like purple and pink, while a crescent green standed like a carpet for meters of distance.

The sky was heavily blue, no clouds, and a shiny sun.

That would be a perfect day to only hang out arond the city, stop by a café, order a croissant, and maybe shop an expensive perfume.

But today, he was leaving Paris.

The flight would be in 2 hours, with that goal in mind, Rowan hushed to the bathroom, and after it, to his closet. And what a closet, someone could even get lost inside of it from how big and full of stuff it was.

From Armani to Gucci, the collection was just a tiny prove of how much Rowan had.

Preapared to go, he stopped by the mirror, a crescent fear inside of him appeared, wich he tried to ignore.

"It's been so long" he thought.

10 years to be exact. The last time he was in the USA he was only 11. Now, he'd be back, a young and promiscing entrepeneur of France.

After a deep breath, and the poor tentative of freeing the butterflies inside his stomach, Rowan went downstairs, where all of his preparatives would be awaiting for his trip.


-The limo will soon be here, master Rowan.-One man announced as he waited outside.

-No problem.-He replied, as the man leaved.

Thr air was fresh when he received tgat call. The sudden voice of his uncle through the line was rigid, cold, and imponent as ever.

-Yes.-He confirmed- i'm waiting now.- The man continued- Don't worry, I won't distract myself. Leave this with me.-And with some last words, he finished the call.- I promise.

The car had arrived, the dark limo with a serious driver awaited to take him to his private jet.

Before going, Márie stopped the young man.

-Rowan.-She spoke with kindness- Fais attention mon chérie.

She touched his shoulder, even though her desire was to give a strong, motherly hug, but that wouldn't be possible woth the other employees around.

-Ne t'inquiète pas.  Je peux prendre soin de moi.- He replied with his sophisticated french.- Be safe Márie.

-You too, Rowan.

Three steps and he entered the limo, a silence that continued as he observed his home more and more distant, as Márie waved at him, her figure disappearing with the landscape as well.

Soon, the french aesthetic would be replaced with the modern and wild, United States' one.


It was possible to hear many sounds at the same time. High heels echoing in the polished floor, different conversations, employees with plates, while a polite orchestra continued in a syncronized rythm.

The saloon was decorated softly and luxuriously as she walked in, blinded by the high illumination and bright long dresses.

An event like those wasn't Kates' favorite to be honest, she'd rather be anywhere else actually, specially at home, maybe watching Friends with a bowl full of salty popocorn.

Instead, she was surrounded by rich, manipulative bussiness people, who looked at her up and down, disrespectful until they'd listen to her last name, at this point the treatment changed.

-Bishop? Are you from Bishop's Security company?-They'd ask.

In events like those, Kate would smile, be polite, answer to simple questions, sometimes avoid others, and stand on a corner, eating apperitives the whole night until the whole thing was over.

At that night she'd expect nothing less besides it, after all, it was just another one like the others.

But not this time.

-What wedding?-She asked as Armand told her the news.

-You don't know? -He looked across the saloon- Eleanor and Jack. Oh! Those secretive little love birds!

Kate, in her dark, stunning suit, looked at the other two subjects of the chat, her mother, Eleanor, and her actuak boyfriend, Jack, wich now, for her surprised, could be labelled as her fiancé.

Those were actually very astonishing and moment changing news to the Bishop family. Kate couldn't pay much attention to the rest of Armands talking, as soon as he left, she hushed to talk with her mother, she almost couldn't believe at the current situation.

She was there, side by side with Jack, tall, a little bit older than her mother, his hair perfectly brushed on a grey to white wave, along eith the mustache across his face.  A pleasing appearance, even though she couldn't stand him.

-You're engaged? -Kate approached her.

-Oh, well, I guess the beans are out of the bag.- Eleanor joked in an extroverted speech, probabky an effect caused by the alcohool.

-Can... Can we talk privately, for a second?-She asked.

Eleanor glanced at Jack, who just gave a kind smile, appearing to have no problem at all with it.

-Sure, sure.-She replied and walkes away with her daughter.

As the two were alone and could stare at each other, Eleanor noticed the current frustration of her daughter through her eyes.

-Babe, I'm sorry, I'm sorry you found out this way. -She attempted to apologize.

-I don't know, Mom, this is just like...- Words ran out of her.


-Yeah, yeah, it's fast, yes. But, you know, it's kind of nice being swept up in the romance of it.

-Is there a part of you that could be happy for me?

-Yes. Yes, Mom, of course. I'm sorry.

-I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you first.

-I'm sorry. I'm going to get some air, Mom. I understand. Yep.

-Come back and find me, okay?


Kate walked away, still a little dazzled, lost by the sudden news. She wanted to support her mother, she really did. Even though the idea of another man there, in the apartment her father used to live, with the love of his wife, seemed to painful and life changing to accept now.

Specially if she is the last one to know.

She was so immersed in her thoughts that the voice by her side woke her up fastly, chilling by the sudden meeting:

-Is it just me or this event is so boring that I'm almost falling asleep?-The young male spoke by her side.

-Oh trust me, there's plenty of emotion for just one party already.-She lifted her shoulders.

-Well, there's always emotion wherever you are, Kate.

She finally looked at the voice's owner surprised by how they knew her name.

It almost felt like a dream, an illusion by her side, dressed in a fancy dark salmon suit, holding a champagne glass with elegance as he smiled at her.

He was so different but yet so familiar, no matter how many years passed she could always recognize him, recognize those eyes full of tenderness towards her and only her.

-...Rowan?-She was trying to speak the fact more to herself then to him.- Rowan Ledger?

-That's me.-He chuckled and his smile made her tremble- Long time no see Kate, I must say, your fashion sense is way better.-He pointed to her suit- You look mesmerizing. I'd never be able to pull out a style like this.

-T-Thank you.-She stuttered and her cheeks felt hotter than usual- How...When....You're back in New York?

-I arrived today.-He said while grabbing another glass from a waiter and offering to her.

-Um, thanks-She accepted and tried to drink, even though she was too surprised for that.

Rowan wasn't just grown up, he changed completely from the 11 year old boy she saw for the last time. There was something new about him, maybe the classy but yet fresh way of his gestures, the charming smile that captivated others, or just his presence in general that was already a blessing to many due to his good looks.

-And how are you? We didn't maintain contact-He continued- I hope you're doing well.

-Oh, yeah, yeah I am.-She nodded fastly- Well, things are kind of different but I am fine, I think.

She was so distracted by looking at him that she almost couldn't speak.

-Kate Bishop...-He chuckled- I'm so glad to see that you're still the same.

She loiked at him confused:

-What do you mean?

-The same sweet smile, the thrilled personality full of enthusiasm and joy. Even when sad.-He noticed.

-I-I'm not sad.-She shaked her head.

-I know you way too much.-He lifted one eyebrow-Let me guess, family problems.

She looked at him, with their conspiratory looks like when they were kids.

-As always.-They spoke at the same time.

He laughed at the response. In a room full of people looking for power and money, there, in that little corner, were two people who truly understood and appreciated each other's presence.

-And you?-She asked- Your uncle's here as well?

-No, he sent me instead.-He replied.- And you know, I'm glad he did.-He smiled at her.

The music seemed to stop for a moment, the loud and multiple sounds of the saloon were softened and the beat of their hearts never seemed so sharp, so perfectly noticeable.

The butterflies in Rowan's stomach came again, a man so confident like him had all his guards down next to Kate. In front of her, he wasn't the bussinessman people believed him to be, in front of her he was just a scared little boy, drowned in emotions and anxiety.

Kate instead, towards all the drama, didn't know how to feel. The sudden happiness of meeting Rowan again filled her chest, and for a moment she could forget about the "Coming Soon Stepfather" across the saloon talking about swords. The presence of her friend there, once again, made her feel like she belonged there. That this was the right moment and the right place to be.

It just felt right.

-It's so good to see you.-Rowan spoke again, making her heart flutter.

The hand where he held the chamlagne was tighter around the glass, if he applied more strentgh to it, there was the risk of breaking. He found himself nervous, observing every inch of her soft, but yet original traces and the dark night hair around her shoulders. Along with the slightly blushed cheeks, sparkling brown eyes, and quickly looking at the pinky heart-shaped lips.

There was no way to deny what was happening, the unspoken truths in the air and this missing feeling that was found again just by a meeting.

No such words could express how Kate felt, how mortified and daydreaming  way she looked back at him, impressed by the size of his shoulders and how tall he was now, even though he was shorter than her in the past. The eyes were that beautiful and deep green like emeralds, a slight, but not complete beard around his face, as a sharp jawline shaped even more his appearence.

But the moment was interrupted by no one less than Jack, approaching the couple with that goofy, friendly smile, but also suspcious aspect, tapping Rowan's shoulder.

-Oh hey there, didn't know Kate had a boyfriend.-He spoke.

-He's not-She tried to speak as her glance met Rowan's, her cheeks completely red.

-I'm Kate's friend. And you are...?-Rowan replied.

-Jack Duquesne-He shaked his hand.- Eleanor's fiancé.

Rowan lifted his eyebrows surprised, but already figuring out the reason of Kate's frustration.

-Oh, her fiancé...Congratulations to you both.

-Thank you, thank you.-He nodded with his head.- Ah, by the way, Kate.-He looked at her- Have you seen Eleanor? She left in a while and didn't come back yet.

-No.-She replied confused.-I can look out for her.

-Thank you.

-Then, excuse me.-she spoke to them, but specially to Rowan.

She was leaving, taking slow steps by the desire to stay there, the whole night by Rowan's side, but still walked.

-Kate-The friend spoke and she turned around.- Let's meet again soon.

She smiled at him.


And with that, Kate went after her mother, wich lead her to a new discovery involving threats towards Armand, a suspcious auction and, the meeting with her greatest idol of all time: Hawkeye.

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