Night Terrors

By Aurorasilverthorne

777 21 6

Esteban's reunion with his beloved familia is suddenly cut short when Elena & the abuelos are stuck down by a... More



35 2 0
By Aurorasilverthorne

Things changed at a slow, steady pace in Avalor over the next six months. Shuriki, surprisingly, didn't ban magic, dancing, or music as Esteban had expected. She'd agreed to let people keep their holidays and celebrations as long as they stayed away from the royal palace whilst doing so. She didn't want to hear the noise or see the nonsense if and when any of it happened.

She'd given Esteban and Isa permission to participate in the festivities as long as they both took time out for her and each other. Shuriki didn't seem to enjoy being separated from him or Isa for any length of time. If they were gone too long or out too late for Shuriki's liking, she'd quickly send out her guards to retrieve them, or go looking for them herself.

Either way, they'd be brought back to the palace, and kept there for a few days until she felt that it was safe for them to once again venture out into the city or villages. Sometimes she went with them, but those occasions were rather rare, as Shuriki believed the palace was both the safest and the most comfortable place to be.

Esteban was coming back from his office after a rough day of meetings and stacks of paperwork when he stepped into his private apartments to find all the rooms empty. He ran down the corridor over to Shuriki's apartment only to see servants placing his things in one of the two large private apartments adjoining hers. She was barking orders telling them where to put everything as Esteban stopped to catch his breath.

He was panting and dabbing his temples with a handkerchief when he noticed all of Isa's things being set up in the other apartment. "What's going on?"

One of the servants paused and turned to answer him. "La reina ordered us to move all your and la princesa's things into the apartments adjoining hers."

Shuriki appeared at his side as if merely speaking the witch's name or thinking it could summon her. She smiled and put a hand on his lower arm as if to comfort him. "Calm yourself, Esteban. I'm simply setting things in order."

Esteban frowned in confusion. "I...don't understand..."

"What's so difficult to understand? I'm your wife, Esteban. We're married now. It isn't proper for us to reside in separate parts of the palace."

"And Isabel?"

"She's family, and my ward, thus her place is here with us," Shuriki replied matter-of-factly.

Esteban couldn't help noticing the unusual, cheerful undertone in her voice as she took him into her own rooms where Isa and supper both awaited them.

Isabel looked up from what she'd been working on. "Hola, primo. How was your day?"

"It was fine," he replied finding it odd how normal their conversation was considering the circumstances. "And yours?"

Isabel shrugged. "Bueno. Shuriki made the guards help clean up my workshop. She's been assisting me with some of my latest inventions."

Esteban turned to Shuriki and raised an eyebrow. "You have?"

Shuriki smiled. "Not so much assisting as supervising to make sure Isa doesn't get hurt."

"Shuriki let me try out my inventions on her."

"Isabel's a genius," Shuriki declared. "I've already made arrangements for several of her best works to be put to use for the good of the kingdom. She even came up with new irrigation and sewer systems for the city and larger villages."

"I'm still working on ones that'll fit the outer villages better than those they already use," Isa added.

"You've been busy," Esteban noted.

"Which is why it's important for us to rest and replenish ourselves," Shuriki said, passing him a plate of reineta and a bowl of cazuela de llama with some hot pumpkin picarones.

Isa tried to eat her picarone first, but Shuriki put a hand over the tray. "Nice try. Eat your veggies and meat first, then you can have your dessert."

Isa sighed. "Okay..." Then a smile broke out across her face. "Can't blame a girl for trying, right?"

Shuriki chuckled. "I suppose not. Better luck next time, little princess."

Esteban rubbed the back of his neck. He felt odd-guilty even- sitting with Shuriki and Isa, conversing and sharing a meal like a real family. It felt wrong, or right in the wrong ways? Esteban bit back a frustrated sigh. He didn't know how to feel about the entire situation or what to think anymore. He was more confused now than ever and growing tired of his own wariness.

Isabel, on the other hand, seemed to be thriving. Her health was better than it'd ever been and she'd been exhilarated by Shuriki's decision to move school classes into the palace.

Señorita Marisol, Professor Ochoa, and the students had been nervous at first, especially when Shuriki had begun showing up to sit in on lessons from time to time, but they grew used to it after a while. It didn't bother any of them anymore once Shuriki got into the unexpected habit of bringing treats for everyone.

Esteban wanted to hope. He wanted to believe things could work out, that there was love-or at least fondness-for him in Shuriki's heart, but how could he after all she'd done? He was having trouble forgive himself let alone her.

Shuriki herself sat there oblivious to his inner turmoil. She finally paused when Isabel began to yawn and rub at her eyes. "Bedtime, princess."

Isa didn't argue. The sun had set and she was used to going to sleep at dusk unless working late on one of her inventions. It had become custom for Esteban to walk her to her room and for Shuriki to tuck her in.

Esteban rose from his chair and went to take one of Isa's hands in his while Shuriki held onto the other. Isa kept close to them and remained quiet as they escorted her through one of the side doors located in Shuriki's solar.

The rooms Shuriki had chosen for Isa were spacious and far larger than her old chambers. The witch had even set up a worktable for Isa so the prodigy could work on her quieter inventions without having to trek all the way to her tower. Shuriki had decorated the apartment in soft, calming shades of pink, yellow, and blue with hints of dark brown.

"It's beautiful," Isa murmured. "Much better than my old rooms." She turned to Shuriki. "Gracias, Shuriki."

Shuriki smiled. "You're welcome, dear."

She helped Isabel get ready for bed. Esteban stayed by the door averting his gaze so Isabel could have some privacy while she undressed and put on her nightgown. Shuriki gave Isa a good-night kiss on her forehead then stepped aside and allowed Esteban to do the same before they left the room.

Shuriki led Esteban through the second side door located on the opposite side of her solar. The witch had chosen maroon, turquoise, charcoal grey, and gold when decorating his new apartment. Her own apartment had been toned with emerald, dusty rose, and gold with subtle hints of coral and black. He knew because she'd insisted he stay the night now and then despite his failing to consummate their marriage.

Esteban gave her a polite bow. "Thank you, Queen Shuriki. This is quite lovely."

"It's no more than you deserve," she replied, "and the least I can do. I'm looking forward to spending time with you and Isabel. As I said earlier, we're a family, and families stick together, do they not?"

Esteban nodded. "They do."

"They grow too, don't they?"

Esteban hesitated. "I..."

Shuriki closed the distance between them to caress his cheek. "I'm trying, Esteban, but even my patience has its limits. We've been wed for half a year. How much longer must I wait for you to come to my bed? Or should I come to yours? Is that what you'd prefer? It can be arranged."

Esteban shook his head. "N-no, that's's just...I'm...I need more time..."

Shuriki frowned. "Is that so?"

Esteban nodded.

The woman sighed. "So be it." She then turned and headed towards her rooms. "Don't take too long, Esteban. You know what will happen if I lose my patience."

Esteban knew how she could get when someone made her wait. Shuriki didn't take rejection well. She'd never had to. Men flocked to her. Why wouldn't they? She was a beautiful, powerful woman in her own position of absolute authority. Being in the queen's favor had its perks, but losing her favor oft meant forfeiting one's life. He wasn't ready to die. Who'd take care of Isa and look after Avalor?

Esteban ran a hand through his hair. It was getting late. He needed to get some rest else wise Doña Paloma would run circles around him tomorrow. He had agreed to meet up with her to discuss arrangements for this year's festival of friendship. The magister tended to go overboard if left to her own devices. Esteban needed to be at his best if she got out of hand and he had to reign her in.

He stripped off his clothes and rinsed himself off using a clean cloth, bar of soap, and basin of warm water. Once he'd cleaned up, he put on a nightshirt and pants from his mahogany dresser and climbed in bed.

He was just starting to doze off when he heard footsteps and laughter drifting in from Shuriki's solar. The sound of a door opening and closing piqued his curiosity.

Esteban felt like a mischevous child tiptoeing barefoot through the solar. One of the doors to Shuriki's room had been left open just enough for him to peek inside. What Esteban saw made his blood run cold.

Shuriki was on her balcony in the arms of another man, his mouth on hers, with his hands exploring her feminine figure under the relatively tight confines of her vermilion gown.

Esteban clutched at his chest. He felt his heart shatter, all his hopes dying with it, the scant remnants hardening towards the witch. Esteban's blood began to boil as he turned on his heel and headed to Isa's room.

He couldn't believed he'd been so foolish. Shuriki didn't give a damn about him or Isabel.

Damn that wretched woman, he seethed.

The queen thought she could play with his emotions? Prey on his fears? Never again! Esteban was ready to prove just how wrong the old witch was. Shuriki had toyed with him for the last time.

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