Male reader as Rimuru in High...

By AndrsFernando1

735K 12K 4.7K

A man who got reincarnated in the DxD world as Rimuru Tempest.And what he what's is a family that he been wan... More

The Void Dragon God
The Rise of Rimuru Tempest
The Familiar Forest
The Tempest Family
Rimuru new subordinates
The Beginning of the Anime
The Boosted Gear
Rimuru new subordinates Part 2
The Twilight Healing user
Battle between the Fallen Angels
Return to the Familiar Forest
The Fire Chicken Riser
Rimuru vs Riser
New Characters
Excalibur Arc
The Two Exorcist
The Mask Twins
A Day on the Beach
The Three Factions and Tempest
Battle in the Labyrinth
The Reward Ceremony
The Reward Ceremony Part 2
Veldora vs Great Red
A Visit in Kyoto
New Characters Part Two
A Trip in the Underworld
The Party
A Family Reunion
Talk Between Siblings
The Trihexa?
Everyone meet Kumoko the Spider Goddess
Family get Together
The Mask Heroes
Attack from the Underworld
Juggernaut Drive
Ciel the Truth First Wife
The Fifth Mask Heroes
The Land of the Vampires
Black Numbers
Rizevim Livan Lucifer
The Wedding between a Reaper and a Nekoshou
The Rimuru Verse
The Mirror
The Sixth Mask Hero
Kunou visit in the Labyrinth
The Mother in law
Hunting down False Shadow Hero
If anime characters become Power Rangers
Rescuing the Yokai Leader
The Hero Faction strikes again and familiar faces
The Destroyer Milim Nava
The Lizardman and fighting off a Demon army
Power Up! Mask Heroes
Power Up! Mask Heroes Part 2
Agent E
The Fall of Cao Cao and the Rise of the Void Dragon Emperor God
The slime assassin Melona
The Jura Tempest Federation
Helping a fellow Spider out
Spider Goddess vs Spider Queen
Charybdis and the Magma Dragon Emperor
Charybdis and the Magma Dragon Emperor part 2
The Rimuru Verse 2
A Faded Encounter
If anime characters become Power Rangers part 2
The Rising of The Shield Loli
Explosion Empress
New Members of the Family

The Storm Dragon Veldora

16K 220 81
By AndrsFernando1

Hexer/Sheou: We would like to meet Veldora!

When they said that I froze in thought are I knew they would ask me that question one of these days.

Rimuru: Really you two want to meet Veldora?

Hexer: Yes we would like to meet him and we want to ask him if he can be our mate.

Sheou: Hexer and I have agree to share Veldora as our mate so you think you can please bring him here.

I thought about for a moment and I spoke to Raphael about this situation.

Rimuru:(Raphael is it possible that I can bring Veldora here?)

Raphael:(Yes master you have the Ultimate Skill Summon Storm Dragon Veldora.)

Rimuru(That's great but even if I summon him how am I suppose to explain to him that I am not Rimuru himself.)

Raphael:(You do not have to worry about that master you can leave that part to me.)

Rimuru:(Really already I should probably summon Veldora but here I'm going to tell Hexer and Sheou the good news.)

Rimuru: All right I'll bring Veldora here just wait here and tell Tiamat I am going to bring someone here. I want this to be a surprise for everyone especially my daughters to finally meet there uncle.

Hexer: Alright thank you Rimuru.

Sheou: We won't tell anyone about this until you bring him here.

I nod and I teleport to the Dimensional Gap the place where I first started my new life as Rimuru Tempest. I had visit this place a couple times and I had been getting along with Great Red and Ophis the  two of them were like siblings of my but they still fight each other. I put on a barrier making sure the both of them will not sensed Veldora when I summon him. I would like to see Great Red and Ophis but right now I am in a hurry.

Rimuru: All right it's time to summon Veldora I am a bit nervous but I can't wait. Ready Raphael?

Raphael: Ready master.

I start the summoning a circle appear at the middle of the circle it had Veldora dragon form. The magic circle started to glow brightly and out came a man with blond hair, about two meters tall. This was none other than Veldora in his human form.

Veldora: HA! HA! HA! I am the Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest I have been released! Anyone who opposes me will be slaughtered!

Rimuru:(Wow it's actually him Veldora in all his glory.)

Veldora then look down and he seem to be happy to see you.

Veldora: Ha ha so you must be the reincarnation of my great friend Rimuru that Raphael tell me about.

Rimuru: Reincarnation? (Raphael what exactly did you to tell him about?)

Raphael: I simply just told him that you're the reincarnation of Rimuru Tempest since you were reincarnated as Rimuru that makes you as his reincarnation.

Rimuru: (That actually does make sense.)

Raphael: Also Veldora was not the only one I told about this.

Rimuru: (What! Who else did you tell?)

Raphael: All those you have name. Ever since you named them I've had gave them their memories about Rimuru Tempest and I have told them to keep this as a secret until you will know.

Rimuru: (So that explain why they call me lord Rimuru ever since I gave them their names and I didn't even tell them my name after I name them. So it really was something to do with you Raphael.)

Raphael: Indeed it was I do apologize for not telling you about this master.

Rimuru: (It's fine but next time don't hide any secrets from me. Also can you telepathic link to all that I have name they no longer have to keep this secret from me.)

Raphael: Very well master I will send the telepathic link immediately.

Raphael send the link to everyone that I have named now I will talk with Veldora.

Rimuru: Sorry for making you wait I was talking with Raphael. So what else did Raphael tell you?

Veldora: She told me that we are in another world where there is supernatural being and some of our friends are here as well.

Rimuru: Yep Zegion, Apito, Kumara, Ranga, Beretta, even the Primordials are here.

Veldora: Ah Zegion my disciple I can't wait to see him and everyone else.

Rimuru: Yeah they will be happy to see you.

Veldora: Kuahahaha! They will. Also you may not be my friend Rimuru but you are still Rimuru. So pleasure to meet Rimuru Tempest my BFF.

Rimuru: Ha ha BBF that's how old dude how about you call me brother. Since the both of us are True Dragon we are basically siblings.

Veldora: Kuahahaha you're right we are siblings then I will call you big bro!

Rimuru: Big bro you're basically older than but if that's what you want than fine. It is great to meeting you Veldora Tempest my little bro.

The both of us did a fist pump together and this really does remind when Rimuru and Veldora also did the same when they seen each other again.

Rimuru: Oh yeah I should probably tell you I have a family a wife two daughters and one son.

Veldora: Really you're marry and I'm a uncle.

Rimuru: Yeah I even named my son after you his name Vel.

Veldora: Kuahahaha I am so honored you name your son after me.

Rimuru: And not only that Zegion has training my daughters using your technique the Veldora Killing Art Style.

Veldora: Kuahahaha Now I really want to my nieces and nephew and it is great that my disciple Zegion is teaching my nieces my techniques. Well what are we waiting for let's go I really want to meet your family.

Rimuru: Already let's go.

I teleported me and Veldora in front of my home Veldora was impressed I live in mansion. I am knock on the door it open revealing Tiamat wearing an apron and she was finished preparing the food.

Tiamat: Oh darling you're here Sheou told me you were bringing someone here so who is this?

Rimuru: Well this is actually my brother Veldora.

Tiamat: Wait Veldora you mean one you have been telling stories to our daughters about their uncle that's him?

Rimuru: Yes that's him.

Veldora: You must be my brother Rimuru wife it's a pleasure to meeting you.

Tiamat: Well it's nice to meeting you Veldora I am Tiamat the Chaos Karma Dragon or I am now known as Tiamat Tempest.

Veldora: Kuahahaha! Well it's nice to meet another dragon who happens to be my brother wife. Thanks for taking care of Rimuru for me.

Tiamat: Hi hi you're welcome by the way Rimuru why did you bring Veldora here all this time?

Rimuru: Well you see Hexer and Sheou have asked me to bring Veldora because they want Veldora to be their mate.

Tiamat was surprise about this but she understand that her two friends been wanting to have a mate rather Veldora was froze what he just heard.

Veldora: W-wait mate?

Rimuru: Oh I forgot to tell you two of Tiamat friends who are dragons ask me to bring you here if you want to be their mate.

Veldora: Really I never had a relationship before.

Rimuru: Well Hexer and Sheou who are Tiamat friends seem to like you and they really want the great Veldora Tempest to be there mate.

Heading this Veldora laugh and he agreed to be Hexer and Sheou mate.

Veldora: Kuahahaha! Very well then I shall be there mate and if I ever have children with them I will teach them my Veldora Killing Art Style technique. I will be a very proud father seeing them learning my techniques.

Rimuru: Okay then we should probably head inside and see everyone.

We went inside Tiamat lead us to the living room where everyone and my children are here as well. Everyone from the labyrinth are here Rin, Ruby, Colopl, Kuroka, Mittelt, Beretta and the Primordial demons Diablo, Testarossa, Ultima and Carrera. Zegion and the other's that I have named notice Veldora and they kneel down leaving the rest confuse.

Zegion: It is great to see you again master Veldora.

This led the rest in surprise that this individual is Veldora. Falfa and Shalsha they we're happy to finally meet their uncle rather Hexer and Sheou are blushing and couldn't stop looking at Veldora muscular body and they really want to mate with him.

Veldora: Ha ha it is also great to see you again my student Zegion and everyone.

Falfa and Shalsha walk forward with Vel looking how cool Veldora look in person.

Falfa: Wow it's really him it's uncle Veldora!

Shalsha: He looks so cool and awesome!

Veldora: So you two must be my nieces and this must be my nephew I'm you're uncle Veldora Tempest it is great to meet the three of you.

Falfa: It is great to meet you to uncle Veldora I'm Falfa Tempest.

Shalsha: And I'm Shalsha Tempest and this is our little brother Vel Tempest.

Vel wave at Veldora with adorable smile that made me and Tiamat happy seeing how adorable our son is. Veldora pick up Vel he was giggling.

Veldora: Hello there little Vel I'm you're uncle Veldora.

Vel: V-Veldora! Uncle Veldora!

Veldora: Kuahahaha! That's right I am you're uncle Veldora ha ha ha!

Tiamat and I we're happy seeing Vel is getting along with his uncle Veldora. Hexer and Sheou both walk towards him and gree with him.

Sheou: Hello it's a pleasure meeting you Veldora I'm Sheou.

Hexer: Hello there I am Hexer.

Veldora: Oh hello there you two Rimuru have told me about you to want to be my mate.

Sheou: Yes we were really wondering if you please be our mate.

Hexer: We would like to have strong children with you.

Both Sheou and Hexer have lust in their eyes that they really want children with Veldora he was a bit nervous at this but I don't blame him he now knows how I feel.

Veldora: A-already you two will be my mates and I promise. I will give you two strong children.

They we're both happy to hear that. They wrap their arms around and hugging Veldora.

Tiamat: Well I am happy for the both of you finally having a mate but we should probably get ready for dinner.

They nod and we all went to the dinner table we're all the food Tiamat and my daughters have made look delicious.

We all began to dig in the food taste wonderful Tiamat and I we're feeding our son and we really couldn't help it he's just adorable when he is eating. Veldora been telling stories to my daughters from the many battles he had have and Sheou and Hexer. Ruby and Carrera are arm wrestling at each other Colopl and Ultima were cheering for the both of them. Mittelt was getting along with Apito and Kumara. Rin, Kuroka, Ranga, Beretta and Testarossa were chatting with each other. I use though communication and thought acceleration to speak with Zegion and Diablo privately.

Rimuru: (So you guys know that I am not Rimuru right?)

Zegion: (Yes we knew ever since you named and when we had our memories. We had sensed that you were lord Rimuru but you were also a different person that's were we realize you're his reincarnation.)

Diablo: (We do apologize for not telling you about this.)

Rimuru: (It's fine even though I am not Rimuru but I'm still Rimuru. I will respect the name Rimuru Tempest leader of the Jura Tempest Federation and the ruler of monsters in the honor of his memories.)

Zegion and Diablo they were happy to hear my speech about Rimuru by respecting his name and memories.

Diablo: (Well said truly marvelous.)

Zegion: (You are truly worthy to be our lord Rimuru.)

Rimuru: ( Thank you.)

I end the conversation and everything was back to normal. Everybody was getting ready to leave Rin, Kuroka, Ruby and Colopl have lift. Ranga, Zegion, Apito, Kumara, Mittelt, Beretta and the Primordial demons return back to the labyrinth. I told Ranga to go to the others Tiamat and I are gonna be busy all night he agreed went to the other.

Tiamat whisper to my ear with a sweet sexy voice that she is going to our room and has a surprise for me she kiss and head to our room I was deeply in love with her. Veldora is going to the 100 floor of labyrinth where he live along with Hexer and Sheou I said my goodbyes to them and I bro fist with Veldora.

Veldora: See you later Rimuru.

Rimuru: You to as well Veldora.

They went to the labyrinth I took Falfa, Shalsha and Vel to there bedroom. I say good night to them and I kissed them in their foreheads. I went to my bedroom we're Tiamat is waiting for me I knock on the door and she answers.

Tiamat: Who is it?

Rimuru: It's me Tiamat.

Tiamat: Oh come in darling I've been waiting for you.

I open the door and what I saw made me blush Tiamat was wearing a maid outfit and she looks sexy on it.

Rimuru: (My god she looks damn sexy with that maid outfit!)

Tiamat: Do you like what you see dear do I look attractive in this outfit?

Rimuru: Y-yes yes you do you look amazing and I can't hold it I want you right now Tiamat!

Tiamat: I can't hold it either I want you in bed now!

I lock the doors and put a sound barrier making sure our kids won't hear us what the both of us are about to do. Tiamat and I we're kissed each other aggressively she push me on the bed we remove our clothes off and we made love with each other for three hours.


???: Man he really didn't invite me to his victory party instead he invited someone else and what I overheard that's actually his brother. I'm just surprised that he has a brother and I can sensed he is strong just like Rimuru.

This individual had black hair, golden bangs and black goatee. He also have twelve jet-black fallen angel wings this person is Azazel leader of the Fallen Angel and the Grigori.

He was curious about Rimuru brother known also Veldora. A random fallen angel came report to Azazel about the missing Excaliburs that were stolen from the church.

Azazel: Really what else do you want to tell me?

Random fallen: The archangel Michael sent two exorcist to find the missing Excaliburs in Kuoh.

Azazel: I see I may have a feeling this has something to do with Kokabiel. He must be planning on causing a war between the three faction if he does then I'll send Vali. You can return back home now and thanks for the report.

Random fallen: You're welcome Azazel and thank you.

The random fallen left in a flash of light Azazel was was deep in though about Rimuru.

Azazel: I'm sure plenty of supernatural beings saw your fight against Riser Phoenix and I hope you can help out stopping Kokabiel for causing a Great War.

He fly to the night sky disappearing in sight.

To be continue

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