By EzealaChristine

688 397 238

"What are you reading?" Harry asked taking a seat by her. "My Bible." "What story is that?" "It's not just a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 17

16 13 5
By EzealaChristine

Sarah's POV

I walked down the stairs, still in shock after the phone call.

I can't believe Queen would make her parents do such a thing. I know she wasn't really a fan but she knows what I went through.

As if on cue, my phone rang and I looked at the caller, she really needed a piece of my mind.

"Hey Sarah," she said all happily and I scoffed.

"What? You happy after what you did?"

"What did I do?" She asked like she didn't know.

"I know everything Queen. All thanks to your parents, James and his sister were taken to an orphanage."

"What! I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh really? You didn't tell your parents that they're living under the care of no one in particular? Stop it Queen! All thanks to you they were taken to an orphanage and now his sister's missing."

"But why would I do that, I know what you went through."

"That's exactly what I thought, but I was wrong, I'm really disappointed," I hung up and quickened my pace and went outside the door.

Luckily my dad's not here, I walk out the door, but what do I do? Where do I start looking for her?

Something told me I should just walk, so I did. I really can't believe that Queen could do such a thing even after knowing what I went through for two years in an orphanage.

After mom died and dad was arrested, I was taken to a foster home and orphanage. I was pretty rebellious and I really regretted it.

Queen's family was doing a charity donation at the foster home and that's where I met her.

We became friends and once I got out this year, she helped me cope with the fact that my dad would get my custody.

The truth is that the care taker at the foster home was mistreating everyone and due to my bad attitude, I got the worst of it.

It got to a point where she burned my back with hot water as a punishment for coming back late.

I was relieved to leave that place, but at the same time, I was even more stressed about staying with my father.

I reached coffee and comfy, but I didn't feel like going in so I continued walking, I know it was late, but I needed to get things off my mind.

I was walking down the empty street when I heard a voice.

"Hey little girl, what you doing?"

I, for some reason followed the direction of the voice.

"Do you want a piece chocolate?"

"No, sir, please leave me alone," I recognized the voice. It was my little sassy for Jesus' voice.

I ran much closer when the man tried to grab James' sister, whose name I've forgotten and she screamed so he'd get away.

I grabbed her hand and moved a safe distance from the creepy man.

"That's my daughter, girl!" He growled at me and I moved her behind me.

"Oh yeah? Well then that means you are also my dad, cause I'm her sister!" The man looked a little confused.

"You two don't even look alike."

"Oh, so are you saying that a black skinned girl can't have a white skinned sister?" I asked in a fake annoyed tone.

"Give me the girl!" He said moving closer and I stepped backwards.

"You move one step closer and I will scream and everyone in this neighborhood will be out," I warned.

"I don't care, give me my child!" He screamed and moved closer but I was quick and hit him in the stomach and kicked him down.

He groaned in pain and I took out my phone and dialed Henry's number, still making sure the man stayed down.

It was rejected twice but he finally answered, shouting at me for calling.

"Don't hang up, please," I begged.

"What do you want?" I could tell he was annoyed.

"I found Marilyn."

"What where are you?"

"Down the third street after coffee and comfy."

"Kay, we're coming."

He hung up and I turned to the man and used my scarf to tie him to a pole before turning to Marilyn.

"Baby, you okay?" She just hugged me and I stroked her hair.

"What happened, why are you on the road alone at this time?" I wiped her tears.

"I didn't want to stay at the orphanage and when Jamie was talking, I ran away. When I felt bad I tried to go back but I got lost."

"Never do that again. Your brother and Henry must be really angry about this."

"I didn't mean to be bad, even God will be angry with me."

She sneezed and I took off my jacket and put it around her.

I wonder what was talking them so long, after sometime they finally arrived.

James ran out towards us and wrapped his arms around his sister twirling her around and kissing her face.

"Are you alright? I hope nothing's wrong?" He said checking her.

"I'm alright, Queen saved me from a man."

He looked at me for a while before giving me a smile.

I turned to tell the police about the man I tied up.

They handcuffed him and he kept shouting, "where are you taking me?"

"Jail for attempted kidnapping."

"But she's my daughter! Give me back my daughter!" He kicked and shouted but it didn't help. He didn't seem mentally stable.

"Wait!" Marilyn walked up to the man and held his hand.
"God loves you," was all she said before coming back.

The man became quiet for the continued time.

Henry walked up to me and I could see he was nervous.

"Uh, thanks, for everything..I'm sorry for the accusations I placed on you."

"Thank God, I know you were just frustrated."

"Wow, it's surprising you just said that, but what was the first reason you called?"

"Oh nothing, just wanted to tell Christian boy that I finally gave my life to Christ, no biggie."

"What!" He looked towards James who was playing with Marilyn. "Dude, Sarah's given her life to God."

James smiled, "I guess I won the dare."

"Wait, what dare? This was a competition all along?"

"It was, but it was mostly what our spirits tasked us to do, trust me Sarah, you won't regret your decision."

"I know."

Henry's parents gathered around, the police were still there and so was the social worker.

"For sure, God is a great God."

"Yeah. Can we sing promises?" Marilyn asked Henry's you said," Henry joined.

"Though the storms may come and the winds may blow, I'll remain steadfast, and let my heart learn when you speak a word it'll come to pass." Marilyn added her beautiful voice.

"Great is your faithfulness to me. Great is your faithfulness to me. From the rising sun to the setting same I'll praise your name. Great  is your faithfulness to me."

"God from age to age, though the earth may pass away, your word remains the same. Yeah," I turned to see Alvira with some other people and most of the neighborhood coming out."

"History can prove, there's nothing you can't do, your faithful and true," alas I joined.

"Great is your faithfulness to me. Great is your faithfulness to me, from the rising sun to the setting same, I'll praise your name. Great is your faithfulness to me," the entire neighborhood was singing, even people I never thought believed in God. Then my eyes fell on him, my dad.

Isaiah 12:5
And in that day shall ye say, Praise the Lord, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.

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