Murder at Driftwood Palms

By MythicalApologies

125 3 1

Jessica Black is emerging into adulthood and decides to invest in a timeshare in after being suckered into i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

6 0 0
By MythicalApologies

"I think I'm in love." I stared at the trio of tacos on my plate and looked up at my fellow murder suspect across from me. Andrew stared back with exhaustion on his face but despite this, he was still able to dawn a smile as I sloppily picked up a carne asada taco and bit into it. I was extremely grateful to have pushed for a meal rather than a coffee for our little meeting.

I wiped my mouth and asked between bites, "How'd they get you?" 

"Security camera footage of me leaving the scene." His answer left me with with more questions. It was clear that my face gave away my confusion when he elaborated, "From what the police told me, Archer was killed between the hours of 7 and 9 last night. He was found in the pool's maintenance room. "

There was a silence between us as I digested the information he just gave me. The pool's maintenance room... That's where we had our argument when I stupidly followed him, a stranger, into the backroom of a place I'd never been to before. 

"That struggling we heard..." I trailed off. Andrew and I had sat in terrified silence that night listening to the murder of his brother. I gave Andrew a look of sorrow. 

"Yeah," he answered quietly taking a bite of his food. "After our argument, I left through the exterior doors instead of through the hallway door you took. There aren't any cameras in the hallway." Silence filled the void between us once again and we sat quietly eating our food before he continued. "My family isn't talking to me right now and the family lawyer is taking their side." Andrew buried his face in his hands and let out an exhale. "I'll have a hard time finding someone to properly defend me if I can't clear my name."

I took a sip of water to clear my throat. "I'm sure you can find some good lawyers in this area. You can defiantly afford them."

Andrew looked away and rubbed his eyes. "The thing is... I can't. My family cut me off and Driftwood Palms is the only real thing to my name. Let's just leave it at I made some poor business deals and I'm in the red. Bailing you out was cheaper than a lawyer and the only type of defense I can afford."

"Wait," I paused. "What do you mean 'defense you can afford' I'm not a lawyer." 

"Yes but we're the only ones who can clear each others' names." Andrews tone changed. It is more urgent and pressing. "Think about it. It was only us, Archer, and the killer in that room. We are each other's alibi. If we can come up with a way to prove that we were merely witnesses to the crime then we'll be in the clear. It's a win-win." He looked at me with pleading eyes hoping that I would buy his argument.

"Be your alibi? I can barely remember last night. I drank way more than I should have. I don't think that would be advantageous in court."

"Oh, I'm aware," he said. "I watched you all night getting drunk off my tab at the bar when I got back to the restaurant. I had to stay to make sure that you wouldn't cause a scene and ruin Driftwood Palm's reputation. I found it particularly funny when you tried to explain to Penn Morton why math is green." 

I felt the red flush my cheeks. I could not believe how irresponsible I have been in the last 24 hours. I really took "living my best life" and ran with it on this vacation. Mortified, I say to myself, "How did I even make it to my room last night?"

"Believe me,  you were clearly struggling. I had to escort you out of the club and walk you back to your hotel room."

I shrunk into my shell and take a second to absorb the retelling of my events last night. Who let me come here on my own? Pushing aside my embarrassment, I ponder what Andrew just told me. How was I supposed to believe that he escorted me home out of the kindness of his heart? Especially after brushing me aside the second we met? No way. He had access to my room. How do I know he didn't plant the murder weapon in my room last night? How do I know he isn't trying to hoodwink me and set me up for the blame?

Playing my cards carefully, I put on my best poker face and stared Andrew down. "You walked me all the way to my room?"

Unsure of the shift in our dynamic he sifted the food around on his plate and slowly answered, "Yeah, I'm not a shitty person. My parents raised me to be chivalrous. You were in no state to walk home by yourself." 

I watched him take another bite of his food. "What, did you tuck me into bed too?" I asked a bit aggressively. 

"No, I just made sure you got back safe. Nothing happened I'm not that kind of guy if that's what you're thinking. I just walked you to your door. Letting you leave the beach club in the state you were in could have been a law suit waiting to happen if you got hurt," he retorted matching my aggression.

I shot him a scrutinizing glare. "Tell me Andrew, do you walk all of your intoxicated guests home?"

"Only the charming ones," he replied with tone dripped in sarcasm and a fake smile. 

I swallowed hard and bite the bullet and ask, "How do I know you weren't the one who planted the wrench in my room?" 

Andrew rolled his eyes and took a breath. "I suppose it's only fair that you still don't trust me after I've paid for all your drinks last night, walked you home, and bailed you out of jail." He paused to chuckle to himself and continues, "You know I wasn't the one who planted the wrench because you know that I didn't murder my brother. You were with me the whole time. I thought you would've pieced that together by now." 

Frustration flashed in his eyes before he quickly calms himself down. He looked at me directly, softened his demeanor, and in earnest tells me, "If you haven't guessed it, I'm desperate and I'm also truly sorry that you got roped into this mess. I know that you got a little more than you bargained for as a tourist." 

All logic within me told me to mind my business, to go our separate ways and deal with this on our own but the same voice that told me to agree to this meeting is the same one that overpowers my thoughts now. I have to help him. Ulterior motive or no, he helped me when I was in need and I really do owe him a kindness.

I looked up at him and see that I have left him waiting for an answer long enough to induce worry. His brow begins to furrow and his warm brown eyes hold my gaze. I sighed knowing that I might be making a huge mistake with my next sentence. 

"We'll have to set some ground rules first but I'll help you." 

Those same eyes that held sorrow were now lit and filled with relief.  "Of course! Absolutely, Jessica, thank you." Andrew said taking both of my hands in his and gives them a warm squeeze. His whole body relaxes and he leans back on his side of the booth we are in. "I promise I will do everything I can to clear our names and I hope you'll do the same."

A blush that crept across my face when he held my hands faded as quickly as it came once the mood between us lightened. "That's the plan," I said with a small nervous smile.

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