Undefined (CoTE x Male Reader)

By Crandeline

44.7K 1.2K 355

Did this on a whim, it's also helpful as I can improve my writing skills while writing this. More

Chapter 1 - An Undefined Student.
Chapter 2 - All Kinds of People.
Chapter 3 - Class Scouting.
Chapter 4 - Countermeasures.
Chapter 5 - Abilities of the Undefined.
Chapter 6 - Afternoon For A Friend.
Chapter 6.1 (SS) - Monologue.
Chapter 6.2 - P.E Escapades.
Chapter 7 - An Incompetent Leader.
Chapter 7.1 (SS) - A Rundown.
Chapter 7.2 - Another Friend.
Chapter 8 - Fruited Labors.
Chapter 8.1 - Ichinose's Trial.
Chapter 8.2 (SS) - Overcoming.
Chapter 9 - All According To Plan.
Chapter 9.1 (SS) - A Genius.
Chapter 9.2 - Friends.
Chapter 10 - Reflection.
Chapter 10.1 (SS) - Hypocrite.
Chapter 10.2 - Midterms.
Chapter 11 - (SS) Ichinose's Improvements
Chapter 11.2 - Head First
(Present) Student Profiles: 1st Years
Chapter 12 - Ayanokōji Kiyotaka
Chapter 12.1 - Karuizawa Kei is a good friend

Chapter 11.1 - End of Midterms

793 39 12
By Crandeline

"Prefer to be defeated in the presence of the wise than to excel among fools."
-Dogen Zenji


"I should've realized it much sooner..."

Her statement could pass as murmurs at best. While I'd like to just sleep and rest instead of listening, I still had some decency to take responsibility.

Besides, the tests didn't really take much of a toll.

"At least you know, now."

Taking my words into further consideration, Ichinose put her empty cup to the floor in tranquil silence.

It sounded a lot like an older sibling lecturing the younger one.

People, or in this case, students, value benefit most of all. Now that they knew of the dangers the school gives, they'd look to stick with those that give them additional value.

No matter how smart or physically excelling one is, if their attitude isn't one that those around one likes, they're immediately bound to be isolated.

Kamuro and the basketball redhead from Class-D was a perfect example of that.

"... I learned a lot, really. I don't know how I'd ever repay you." Quite a dilemma.

"No, your development is enough. And I haven't done much but give my thoughts, it was really up to you to put things into action."

I may have been a bit too blunt, but that's the truth. She may have been stubborn, but once you break that shell down, it's only a matter of time before she learns.

Though... I'll admit Ichinose's improvement is nothing short of commendable.

"I insist!" She firmly nods to herself.
"Since there are tests ongoing, how about I treat you to something after this?"

"You're not really going to listen, would you?"

A resigned sigh escaped my mouth.


After the midterms

True to her words, Ichinose really did invite- or rather, dragged me out from our classroom to Keyaki Mall exactly after our tests ended.

I still don't know where she gets this energy, the midterms may not have been that hard for myself, but it still took some of my mental capacity.

"Do you really have to drag me by the hand?" I tried shaking her hand off, to no avail.

How the hell is she so strong...?

I wanted to say that I was just holding back, but Ichinose's grip really wasn't loosening up.

"Hehe... You'll probably run away if I didn't."

How does she know? I really just want to curl up to a ball and cry.

This is embarrassing, in more ways than one. I'm like a kid being dragged against my will.

"Here we are!" Voilà, she had me turn my attention to the cafe.

"It's packed." Very much so.

Pallet cafe, in front of us, is so packed that I don't think we'll have somewhere to seat anytime soon.

We would likely have to wait for a few hours before even getting to order.

Perhaps expecting my reaction, Ichinose turned towards me with a scary but nonetheless, cute grin.

"That's why I booked a schedule,"

She swung her phone to the air repeatedly, clicking on the screenshot of her- our schedule.

"Ah, wowie... I'm so excited." Someone end this embarrassment.

I might be half-joking, but I can't think of anyone holding a candle against an excited Ichinose.

"Welcome! Did you two book tables?"

A woman, which I'll assume to be a waitress, addressed us both at the entrance.

There's a huge line just besides me and Ichinose, what I expect to be students that didn't schedule their tables.

"Yes, it's number..." Ichinose then showed her a photo of our schedule.

After confirming it, the waitress then cocked her head to take a good look at me. Wearing a smile that didn't reach her ears.

"It's confirmed, please follow me for your table." Is it my imagination?

For some reason, she kept her eyes fixated even as we ascended the stairs for the second floor.

Here you are, gesturing as such, the waitress handed us both a menu list.

As she turned to leave, I let out a sigh. I'm finally able to ask Ichinose some questions.

"So, what was that?" Clearly, something's up.

"That?" Ichinose thought for a second, "Oh, I saw on the site that there was a fifty percent discount after midterms for couples."

Reasonable enough.

"Neat." Did I miss a chap- page? When did Ichinose grow to be like this...?

What have I done...

"As I expected,"


"You don't seem to be affected by nearly anything." Saying that, she giggled to herself.

Did she do that just to see a reaction?

"You and I both know that a lot of students would do that, it's a little surprising to see you do that, but it's understandable if we can save money without doing anything that bad." Out of 10 students, the majority of the socially active people would, without a doubt, get that discount.

"I feel like a bad girl now..." Ichinose mulled before putting on her smile again.

"Yes, yes, you are-" I was stopped more than halfway through my sentence.

By the sight of two Class-A girls.

I lifted my left arm unconsciously and gave her a proud thumbs-up.

She replied by crossing both her arms to make an X.

"Oh, hello!''

Ryōko Nishikawa, Kamuro Masumi.

I've never felt this proud for anyone else before... She, Kamuro finally made a friend!

"Hello there, Ichinose-san!" Nishikawa replied with her equally cheerful tone.

"Good day." Kamuro was... well, Kamuro.

"Would you like to seat together? We still have two extra spaces." Ichinose happily recommended without considering the other party's opinion.

"We'd be intruding on your date, is that fine with you?"

Before Nishikawa could reply, Kamuro unexpectedly cuts in.

I've been imagining a lot of things lately, and I wish it's also an imagination that Kamuro's voice had traces of anger in it. Anger is a strong word, should I say irritated?

"No need to worry, Kamuro-san. We're just discussing some things, and besides... I don't stand a chance against you, do I?" What do you not stand a chance against?

I could clearly see the sparks appearing around us, as these two had a staredown for reasons undisclosed.

Ichinose smiling like that would forever be engraved in my memory.

"We'll take you up on your offer then,"

"It'd be better to leave it at that,
I agree." I added.

I was already starting to like Nishikawa. What a brave girl, ending the argument between the two behemoths.

"Okay, then."

Thankfully it didn't escalate further...

"I'll seat besides Ichinose."

She read the mood perfectly. It would be a bad idea to have Kamuro and Ichinose side by side, maybe I'm just being paranoid but it's still better than nothing.

"How'd your tests go?"

As she pulled on her seat, I started the conversation.

"Perfect," Kamuro smugly replies, "What about you?"

"So-so. Probably second in the entire year." You already know who got first.

Sakayanagi is sure to get the highest out of all the first years. Her intellect paired with her genius capabilities is really beyond most people's understandings.

"Hee~ you two sure are close,"

Kamuro's friend seems to have some ideas behind her cheeky smile.

"They sure are, anyway, what do you guys want to order?"

That's weird... I viewed Ichinose as one of those people that liked to hear some juicy details about students' lives, so why was she changing the subject?

"I'll get iced coffee." I think I lost my appetite.

"I'll take the same, plus a little note for more sugar."

Girls really do like sweet things.
I should invite Hiyori sometimes.

"What about you Nishikawa-san?"

"Hmm... Latte it is."

"Alrighty," Ichinose then waves to a waitress.

As she went to get our order, I felt a stare fixated on me.

Now, what does she want?

"Is there a problem?" I asked the girl in front of me.

"No, nothing. You're pretty popular, aren't you?"

Nishikawa laughed it off as a light joke. I got that she was trying to tease me by being close with numerous popular girls.

Be that as it may, it's merely connections and friendships, so her teasing kinda proved ineffective.

"Infamous, maybe?"

After all, Sakayanagi already made her move and spread rumours about my fight with Ryūen.

Just to increase the pressure from every first year, she used up some cards on her arsenal. The most damaged class was Class-C, where unrest and distrust to Ryūen's leading was slowly spreading.

"I've heard of some nasty rumours, too," Ichinose then joins in. "Me as well."

There's always a slight feeling of guilt when I lie, it only gets stronger, especially, when I have to pretend from my friend.

"Nasty rumours?" I played along with their conversation. Acting as if I didn't have the slightest idea of what they were talking about.

"Ah, well... I think I heard something about you beating the snot out of that Ryūen guy." With a hah! Nishikawa shook her chair whilst laughing.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but
I heard the same thing from my friends in Class-C," Ichinose said so apologetically.

"Is it that surprising?"


"What do you mean by that, Kamuro-san?"

"Ahhh, was it supposed to be a secret?" I'm not even surprised anymore.

Kamuro casually drops a bomb like that out of nowhere. I should get used to her antics, or I might find myself dying from shock.

"... Well, I kinda... did?" It just happened in the heat of the moment, after all.

Silence then ensued, though, unlike the other two, Kamuro still had her usual expression.

"Here's your order!"

Hopefully Kamuro's new friend stays as she is.


You can call me Ryōko

The waitress came for the rescue with our orders. If I could give out tips, I'd have handed her thousands of points for saving the day.

"You certainly fit the type to counter bullies,"

After that brief moment of awkward silence, it thankfully got broken once again.

I doubt it would've gone as easy as this if I were in another group, goes to show the peculiarities of the people around me.

"Does he now?" I don't know.

Unlike Nishikawa, Kamuro seems to have some doubts about it.

"He certainly has the right personality for it. Oh, I meant that in a good way!"

Perhaps weirded out by our stares, Ichinose then explained herself.

"By the way, what should I call you? Tōdo-kun? Tōdo?"

"Sadi is just fine," How many times have I said this before?

"Then, you can call me Ryōko, Sadi-kun~"

Was that little tone necessary?


"Ryōko it is." I watched as droplets of water came down on my ice cold cup.

Much like the sweat forming on my forehead.

The scary presence from my left was continuously growing, I'm trying my best not to look at it just so I don't fall victim.

"Then as proof of our friendship, we should all call each other by our first names." Yet again, another great recommendation from Ichinose herself.

"I'm fine with it, what about you?"
There goes my plan on not looking at Kamuro.

"I have no problems with it, too,"
Kamuro took a sip of her coffee and coolly brushed the intimate topic aside.

"I got to befriend both of Class-B's leaders!" Basically a jackpot? I don't know.

"Huh? Is it that rare?"

I could see where Ich- Honami was coming from. From what I know, Ichinose Honami was, and will stay to be the most popular student in the entire school. As for me, I was plenty social, not surprising that I'm in Class-B.

I don't understand why people would think it's weird to befriend both of us.

"Probably not. It's just some weird rumours coming from the girls in our class." And others too. Ryōko adds under her breath.

On hearing the subject, Kamuro... Or rather, Masumi visibly frowns. Her expression souring almost immediately.

"You look angry, is it that serious?"

While I wasn't worried much about the subject, it's a little off to see her look angry. Must be Sakayanagi's doing again...

"Hahaha! Masumi-chan is so cute when jealous isn't she?" Wahaha!

Ryōko continues to laugh like that, the two's expression was like day and night. One was laughing heartily and the other was upset.

"Eh, Jealous?" Honami took a sip as she curiously asked.

"It's so cute when the people involved have no idea!"

I never saw anyone who fit the description of an airhead so much, that is, before I met this girl from Class-A.

The table shook one time, and with an Ow! Ryōko stops her giggling.

With Masumi's glare, Ryōko timidly speaks up.

"There's been talks about you two having an intimate relationship... Y'know... Not the couple label..."
Her cheeks tainted pink, while her eyes darted around the room in clear embarrassment.

Damn, those rumours are wild.

"I don't quite get it."

"She's so pure! Can you imagine someone else so pure?!" Ryōko huddled up with her seatmate that's clearly bashful about hugging.

Two girls hugging so intensely, what a sight for sore eyes.

"Happy now? I told you those idiots were just talking nonsense."

Masumi puts the empty cup back down the table and spoke in a clear tone. She's a little firm about the topic, unlike her classmate.

"That's a relief right, Masumi-chan~?"
As she teased, the table shook once more.

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