By delulugirliesunite

12.7K 316 614

ON HOLD! āš™‡š™¤š™«š™š š™Øš™©š™–š™§š™©š™Ø š™–š™Ø š™– š™›š™šš™šš™”š™žš™£š™œ, š™—š™Ŗš™© š™©š™¤ š™˜š™¤š™£š™©š™žš™£š™Ŗš™š š™žš™Ø š™– š™˜š™š™¤š™žš™˜š™š. š˜¼... More

āœ§ W E L C O M E āœ§
PR ~ betrayed
PR ~ a friend
PR ~ hogwarts
Y3 ~ dancing together
Y3 ~ layra
Y3 ~ sisters
Y3 ~ magical
Y3 ~ flirty much?
Y3 ~ edith
Y3 ~ detention with diggory
Y3 ~ sirius black
Y3 ~ quidditch
Y3 ~ father?
Y3 ~ christmas
Y3 ~ jealousy
Y3 ~ kissing a grandma
Y3 ~ prophecy
Y3 ~ truth
Y3 ~ love, dad
Y4 ~ reunion

Y3 ~ together

591 19 24
By delulugirliesunite

"We'll do it together, alright?"

Daylight - Taylor Swift
Wordcount - 2507


Y/n was currently walking down the street of Diagon Alley. The sun lightened up the crowded Alley and the birds were singing further away. Harry and her was supposed to meet up with Ron and Hermione now since they had gotten their school suplies.

"Where are they?" Harry muttred, more to himself than Y/n.

"Hopefully somewhere near," Y/n replied either way. "I'm starving."

"You ate breakfast an hour ago!" Harry pointed out.

"So what? I don't decide if I'm hungry or not, my stomach does." Y/n protested as her stomach let out a growl.

"Told you you're weirder." Harry grinned.

"And I told you to look in a mirror." Y/n replied moodily.

Then she spotted a girl with brown, bushy hair and a tall ginger boy further away who Y/n  immediately identified as Ron and Hermione. They seemed to be bickering about something as usual when Harry and Y/n made their way over to them.

"Herms, Ronaldino, over here!" Y/n waved at the two friends.

Hermione turned around first, in her arms she held a fat, ginger cat who Y/n thought were extremely cute.

"Cute cat," Y/n complimented and stroke the cat in Hermione's arms. "What's its name?"

"Her name is Crookshanks," Hermione smiled. "I felt so sorry for her, she had been in the shop for so long, she was misjudged!"

This made Y/n grin. "Hermione Granger, always saving the pets." She mocked and Hermione laughed.

"I just felt sorry for him," Hermione sighed. "But Ron hates her, says she'll hurt his stupid rat."

"Just ignore him," Y/n smiled. "He's an idiot and his rat is just an old, ugly piece of shit."
This made Hermione laugh again.

Truth to be told, Scabbers and Y/n had never gotten along. When she first held him in first year he bit her for some reason, almost as if he was scared of her and since that day Y/n had despised the rat, she'd always despised rats and Ron was simply overprotective over his stupid rat.

"Good to see you too, Ronald." Y/n said warningly, fully aware of the rat in his arms.

"Same to you Willy." Ron said, a grin made its way to his face, knowing that Y/n hated the nickname which he'd given her based off her last name, but she couldn't hit him since he had stupid Scabbers in his arms.

But,Y/n took her chance and jumped a little to hit him hard on the back of his head, making Ron loose his balance slightly.

"Don't call me that." She warned.

Hermione and Harry exchanged amused smiles in the back. Ron and Y/n had a sister/brother like relationship. Bickering, fighting and joking but still close.

Hermione and Y/n was also like sisters as well as Harry and Ron was like brothers. They were extremely close and had been since first year. Hermione had helped Y/n study the past years and were always there to talk to.

Y/n was protective over her best friend, she even punched Ron in the face once in first year when he had made Hermione cry in the bathroom, but forgave him when he and Harry saved them from that troll and took the detention with Hermione, not wanting her to be alone.
Harry on the other hand was different. Him and Y/n were close, like sister and brother. But there was something in both of them that told them otherwise, though, neither of them could figure out what. It was strange, but it was true.

Walking there, over the cobblestones in Diagon Alley made Y/n think about it. Why didn't she see Harry as a brother? She had known him longest of him, Ron and Hermione, plus he would live with them during short periods. Y/n sighed to herself and pushed the thoughts away, her and Harry would always be friends, period.

The quartet entered Hogs Head where they would be staying for the night. The place was old and musty, but homely.

As soon as she stepped inside she was pulled into a tight hug by Mrs. Weasley.

"Oh Harry, Y/n, how wonderful to see you again!" She beamed. Y/n smiled at the plump little woman in front of her whom had become almost like a second mother to her.

"Nice to see you too Mrs. Weasl- WAHH"

Y/n was dragged off further away and stumbled into Fred's arms who caught her. She looked up to see the twins, both wearing mishievous grins.

"Hello troublemaker." Fred said.

"Nice to see you again." George chimed in.

"Oh god, what are you two up to?" Y/n questioned, knowing they had something in mind which probably included herself.

"You see," George said.

"Percy has become Head Boy, very annoying if you ask me." Fred continued.

"Not that we would ever want to be Head Boys, or Prefects, but," George spoke.

"We need your help." They finished together.

"Alright, I'm in." Y/n smirked, always up for helping her favorite twins with a prank.

"Perfect," George grinned.

"What we need you to do," Fred started.

"Is to steal Percy's Head Boy badge and give it to us." George finished for him.

"Okay, so that's it?" Y/n asked. The twins nodded together. "We'll handle the rest." They said.

"You'll love it." George promised.

"By the way, the badge is in his left pocket." Fred winked.

"Alright, wait here." Y/n said and walked up to Percy and sat down to the left.

"Hello Percy." She said, trying to sound polite.

"Oh hello Y/n, it's nice to see you." Percy replied. Y/n fake smiled, knowing this conversation was gonna be a bore.

"How are you? I heard you want to work at the ministry after you graduate this year."
At the mention of the minsitry, Percy's face lit up.

"Oh yes," He nodded importantly. "I look forward to it, you see..."

Percy continued talking about the ministry. He was so caught up in his own conversation that he didn't notice when Y/n snuck her hand into his left pocket and snatched his badge.

"Interesting, Percy," Y/n cut him off. "But I've got to leave now." And with that she left, taking Percy by surprise. He sighed loudly and muttered something that sounded awfully much like 'Kids'.

"There you go." Y/n said, handing the twins the red badge saying Head Boy.

"Perfect." George said.

Y/n simply nodded and made her way over to the others. She sat down on a old wooden chair next to Hermione while Ron and Harry were seated in front of them.

"So, how was Egypt, Ron?" Y/n asked, knowing that the family had been in Egypt over the summer. "Any hot mummies?"

"Oh, it was amazing!" Ron started, ignoring Y/n's later question, but got interrupted by the twins who had overheard him.

"Don't get him started!" George shouted to them.

"He'll never stop!" Fred finished, but got cut off by Mrs. Weasley.

"You two, keep quite or else I swear I will cut your ears off!"

Ron ignored the twins and continued telling then about the trip.

"I think even Percy enjoyed it," Ron admitted. "But Scabbers didn't seem to like the warmth." He spoke, motioning to the rat in his knee who seemed to be dead.

"Anyway, we were visiting the pyramids once, Fred and George tried to lock Percy inside of one, unfortunately mom catched them. She was furious." He said.

Y/n snorted. "What a shame."

Hermione simply rolled her eyes at the childish behavior, but she had to admit it sounded rather amusing.

Mr. Weasley walked up to the quartet and nudged Harry lightly.

"Could I talk to you?" He asked and Harry nodded, following Mr. Weasley further away in the pub so no one could overhear them. Y/n watched them curiously. She noticed how Mr. Weasley wore a serious expression and Harry frowned.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Y/n asked Ron and Hermione who had gone back to their normal bickering.

Hermione followed her gaze and watched Harry and Mr.Weasley.

"I have no idea." She admitted. "Hopefully it isn't something too bad."

Y/n nodded, but she could still feel her worry building up inside of her. There was always something when it came to Harry Potter. He had almost died in their both past years at Hogwarts and Y/n couldn't imagine loosing him.

She remembered the time in first year when they had prevented Voldemort from getting the Philosopher's stone. Harry had almost died and he was in the hospital wing for a week. Y/n, who sacrificed herself along with Ron in order to win the Wizard's Chess had recovered quicker and had watched over Harry the whole week, refusing to leave his side.

Hermione seemed to notice her worry and placed a light hand on her shoulder. "Hey," She spoke. "I'm sure he'll be okay. He survived the past years, right?"

Y/n  nodded. "Yeah." She said. Hermione turned away to talk to Mrs. Weasley about something and didn't hear Y/n mutter 'but barely'.

Harry returned later, sitting down on his chair beside Ron again, wearing a troubled and confused face.

"What happened?" Y/n asked, examinising Harry's expression.

"I'll tell you later." He assured her. Y/n shot him a smile along with a nod, hoping it was nothing serious.

"Where is my badge?!" Percy suddenly exclaimed, feeling his left pocket, which was empty.
Percy was panicking as Fred, George as Y/n broke into laughter.

"Here you go, big bro." Fred said, throwing him his badge which now read; Humongus Bighead.
This made Y/n laugh even harder as she saw Percy's ears turn into a bright shade of red.

"You two!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed. She walked up to them angrily, reaching up to their ears while dragging them outside.


It started to get late and it was time for them all to go to bed. Hermione and Y/n shared a room and Y/n put down her trunk and books in the corner. Hermione who was already reading Spells Grade 3 looked up.

"Y/n, there's something I need to tell you." She said. "And you have to promise you won't tell anyone."

"Of course." Y/n nodded, sitting down beside Hermione on her bed.

"As you know I'm taking all the extra subjects this year." She said and Y/n nodded again. She would've gone all the extra courses with Hermione, but she didn't think she would be able to handle it as she saw the normal amount of classes as way too much.

"Well, the truth is I'll use a timeturner to be able to make it to all the classes." Hermione admitted.

"Oh, fascinating." Y/n smiled to which Hermione's face lit up, happy that she didn't have to lie to her best friend at least. "Now, what the hell is a timeturner?" Y/n questioned.

Hermione laughed. "It's like a necklace." She explained. "You turn the houglass to go back and forth in time, that's why I might pop up out of nowhere to some classes." She chuckled nervously.

"Cool!" Y/n  said. "Don't worry, I'll cover for you." Hermione smiled. "Thanks," She looked at the time. "Oh, we better go to bed. It's late, you comming?"

Y/n nodded. "Yeah, I just forgot something outside, I'll be right back."

Hermione nodded and went to bed and Y/n carefully opened the door, knowing it was old and would probably let out a crack.

To her surprisement Harry stood in the corridor. He turned around in a swift moment when he heard her. He relaxed when he saw that it was only Y/n and motioned at her to be as quiet as possible.

Y/n snuck up to him. "What the hell are you doing?" She whispered, but Harry just put a finger over her mouth, making her shut up instantly.

Annoyed that he didn't answer her question she licked his finger, making him grimace and remove it instantly.

"What are you doing?" She repeated her question.

"I couldn't help but overhear Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's conversation and I heard my name." He admitted.

Y/n nodded understandingly and stood there quietly beside him, feeling slightly guilty about listening to a private conversation.

"Harry deserves to know about Black." Mr. Weasley said.

"He is only a kid, Arthur!" Molly protested.

"And what about Y/n? She has an even bigger reason to know about him!"

Y/n frowned at the mention of her name and shared a confused glance with Harry.

"They are kids, Arthur. They should let the adults handle it." Mrs. Weasley argued.

"But they have the right to know, they should keep their guard up, Molly. A serial killer is after them for gods sake."

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley continued arguing, but Y/n had stopped listening.

"What does that mean?" She asked Harry. "Did Mr. Weasley tell you anything?"

Harry nodded slowly. "He told me Black was after me,  but he never told me he was after you too."

"But why would Black want to go after me?" Y/n asked. She wasn't special, and for what she knew there was no reason to why Black would be after her.

"I don't know," Harry admitted. "But I'll make sure he doesn't get near you. You'll be okay, we'll be okay." He assured her, taking his her warm hands in his, squeezing them lightly. His mind instantly wandered to first year when Y/n had sacrificed herself along with Ron. He thought he had lost her for a moment when she layed there, motionless in the remains of the knight she rode.

He remembered how he had ran to her while Hermione had gone over to Ron. He remembered how he had sat down beside her, checking her puls which was barely there. He had told her to wake up countless of times. Begged her to come back to him, but she didn't and Harry couldn't bare to ever see that again.

"Don't think I won't protect you too, Potter." Y/n said seriously, breaking his thoughts.

"We'll do it together, alright?" His serious, emerald, eyes locked with her e/c ones. She took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

"Of course, what can go wrong when Team Mr. Dumbass and Ms. Dumber is in action?"

Harry grinned. "My thoughts exactly."


A/N: Cute moment at the end! I must say i'm surprised with myself, i've finished four chapters in two days! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for grammars :P

QOTD: What are your thoughts about the necklace?

Me: Write your theories ;)

Have a good night/day and please vote/comment if you enjoy the book :)

See y'all next week my fellow Harold P. simps🤺

- Clair Potter

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