Kidnapped in Italy

By kae_bae2

310K 4.5K 401

First-time publishing- Bonnie Davis is a sweet innocent girl. She has friends that get her into a lot of shit... More

Introductory/ Author's warnings!
The beginning
Being a mother of two is hard
Seeing my angel
Greek God
I'm too young to die!
My fallen one
The interrogation
You won't be shown this type of mercy
Or what?
I'm just tired
Mr. Bossman
I'm a billionaire, neonata
Nerf gun war!
What punishment?/ aesthetics
The deal
Why me?
I am a grown ass woman
I knew you were dying!
Why the nicknames?
Wrapped around his little finger
Who the hell is Jessica?
I'm going to kiss you, okay?
I'm going deaf, mane
You as in you
I zdon't like youwa britcha
Then, let me fulfill your hunger
This is my fault
Hashtag, virgin bitch out
After one fucking argument, Enzo!
What? Cat got ya tounge?
They betrayed us!
Lies, lies, and more fucking lies
A fucking nightmare
Sorry for hurting you, biggie
I can't live without you, baby
I'm back, bitches!
Mr & Mrs, Dickhead
You are my perfect queen
The Set Up!
Your friend was a mouse?
Now, let me taste you
My Punishment
You didn't love her
Everyone's favorite Stripper
Oh, Boohoo, bitch!
The Devil & his Demon
Let me relieve your pain
A bad bitch's party!
The security tapes
Loving a monster
Our breakup date
Suck, fucked, and bucked
Girls and Ty night!
The betrayal
Im the bait?
Just friendly?
Queen Bonnie & King Enzo
Sexy Santa
Manipulative and controlling
Please! God, no! Not my baby!
No, please! Please, stop!
I don't want to let her go
My man, My man, my man
Good girl
Baby Sven
I love my little family
Spoiled brat
Amore, please
Girls day
No, I am not your mother, remember?
You're still my good girl
What did Antonio do?!
Dad's leaving?
Happy Death Day, Bitch!
Queen Aurora
Live life, fuck, & have fun
Knock Knock, Bitch!

Want to play a game?

1.3K 19 1
By kae_bae2

Bonnie Davis

I took the week to rest from the pain I was in, but really after three days, the bruises had faded. I wasn't really hurt it's just the fact that I always get attacked, but it makes sense speaking that I am the closest to Enzo.
I haven't left the room, because I can't face Lexi and Antonio. Hearing Antonio's name brought tears to my eyes, I can't stand to be with him.

"Bonnie, hey!" Elijah greeted me as he walked into my room. I put my phone down and greeted him back.

"So, umm...I heard about the Antonio and Lexi mishap. You don't actually think that Antonio would betray us, do you?" Elijah asked me. He seemed as though he didn't, but I don't know what to believe.

"I don't know...I thought it was just Lexi, but when Enzo said his name it didn't make sense. Antonio is my "Elsa" so no, I don't think he would actually hurt me, but you really never know a person because you're not them." I said. He nodded in agreement and handed me the water from the stand.

"Just stay hydrated...Zuri has been sick all morning, so she won't be coming up here-

"Oh, I can take care of her," I said as I tried to get up from bed, Elijah pushed me back down and shook his head "no".

"No, you will rest, and if-

"It's funny that you think you have control over me, and yes, I will be helping you take care of Zuri. She has an anger problem...I mean unless you want to handle it alone?" I asked. He instantly shook his head "no" and I nodded.

"Then, it is decided...did she eat?" I asked as I stood up and grabbed my phone.
"She didn't want to eat, she keeps throwing up," he stated as we walked downstairs to the second floor.

"Well, she needs to eat, go get the bowl of fruit out of the refrigerator and a glass of water. She needs to stay hydrated, Oh, and grab her leftover food from last night." I demanded. He nodded and left for downstairs as I entered their room.

"Hey, Z!" I greeted as she watched tv. She waved and smiled at me, before signaling for me to come there. I climbed into bed and laid on her breast as I drew circles on her stomach.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked her. She nodded her head "yes", but I could see right through her.
"Don't lie to me, Zuri...are you tired? Do you want me to call a doctor?" I asked. I sat up and she started crying, I pulled her into me as she laid on my breast.

"These always make me feel better!" she cried as she felt my boobs. I laughed and nodded before wiping her tears.

"I told you that they would always be here for you or Ty whenever you need to cry," I said, She laughed and Elijah came in with the food. He frowned and put the food on the stand.

"What wrong?" he asked. Zuri got off of me as Elijah sat on the bed and she climbed onto him.

Damn, him over me...I see how it is.

"She's three months pregnant and is coping differently now, she needs to eat she is going to her second trimester soon. Now, you need to eat and if you don't, I will force it down!" I told her as she shook her head, repeatedly.

She is twenty years old and acts like a fucking baby, who would have thought?

"Eat!" I demanded while holding her food up to her. She rolled her eyes and took the plate as she laid on Elijah's chest.

"She said she doesn't-

"You can't let her get everything she wants, Elijah, or she will never eat and she will run all over you." I said. she slowly ate her food and Elijah smiled and mouthed "thank you" and I mouthed "you're welcome" to him. I gave her the water and she drank it without any fuss.

"Here, I'm tired now, you can leave." she said to me as she pulled me up from the bed and got into her spot. She closed her eyes, but then reached her hand out for Elijah, but when he grabbed it she pushed him away.

"Bonnie," she said. I pushed Elijah out of the way and got back into bed, I then got under the covers to cuddle her, she snuggled onto my neck as I smirked at Elijah and he flipped me off.

"Good luck! I'll be back after awhile," he whispered before leaving the room. I heard Zuri snore a few minutes after he left and I decided that I'll watch tv until she awakes.

Enzo Romano

Elijah came into my office and sat down while lighting his cigar.
"I see Zuri has you stressed," I said while laughing. He exhaled the smoke and flipped me off, I chuckled a little then sipped my drink.

"It's harder than it looks, okay? It's like being with a child who throws temper tantrums, but I thank Bonnie, seriously," he said. I raised my brow in confusion and he laughed.

"Bonnie is with my love, I told her to stay in bed, but she insisted because you know how stubborn she can be," he said. I sipped some of my drink while agreeing.
"So, My Amore hasn't been eating, but Bonnie made her and sit there until she cleaned the plate. Then, when My Love was about to lay down, she chose to cuddle with Bonnie over me...can you believe that?! She chose her over me and I'm her love!" he stated. I laughed and put my drink down.

He is so whipped for Zuri, Zuri is his queen, his wife already, and they aren't even married. Elijah used to be a mean, tough man, that's how he was always my right and Raven my left.
After Zuri, he softened down, he listens to what she tells him always. He's very overprotective of her, he hates her doing missions, but Zuri is her own boss. What she wants goes, no matter what.

"All I know is that when it comes to Zuri, Ty, or Antonio, Bonnie will always take care of them first," I said.

"Yeah, same with Zuri, but instead of Antonio it would be Lexi," he said and I laughed.

"So, are you sure Antonio and Lexi are the ones?" he asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and sighed.

"They are the only two who are close to everyone, the only two who have been smart enough to hack their way around things," I said as I sat back in my seat and ran my hands over my face.

"But Bonnie is good at hacking as well, why didn't you keep her as a suspect?" he asked. I laughed and stood up to walk closer to him.

"Are you accusing my woman of being a traitor, Elijah-

"No, I'm just not sure that Lexi and Antonio are the ones behind it, just like you don't believe Bonnie is. Bonnie also agreed, she thought it was Lexi, not Antonio," he said while crushing the cigar. I sat on the desk and looked up why stroking my chin to think.

Why didn't Bonnie tell me that she doesn't believe that it's Antonio?

"But she never told me that...Antonio does always protect Bonnie at whatever needs, but so does Lexi! That leads me to believe that it has to be one of my fucking guards, one that is closer to her." I said. Elijah stroked his chin and thought about it, but I guess it clicked us both at the same time.

"Tony!" we yelled. I let Tony go awhile back, but he was to never let Bonnie catch sight of him and just watch her from a distance. Elijah stood from his seat and poured him some Scotch.

"Why the fuck did you let him go anyways?" He asked me.

"Because...I don't fucking know! He was one of my men and I just treated him like I did Rodger. He busted her head and could have killed her, but Rodger was messing with Ty, so I wanted them to be fair...I need them all to know that they were family-

"Well, fuck that family shit! Tell Tony to take Bonnie to the mall of some shit, we will track to see if he takes her to the vipers compound instead. As long as Bonnie doesn't know that it's Tony who is taking her somewhere, she will not put up a fight. Put her in the back of the car then put up the screen in the limo, she would never know." Elijah said.

"Elijah, last time we used Bonnie as bait she got taken away from me-

"I know that, but we can make sure we get her before any harm comes her way. Let Tony take her to the Vipers compound and as soon as they pull up we will get Bonnie and ambush them. She will never get hurt." he said. I thought about it but shook my head "no"

"I promised not to lie, Elijah. I can't break her heart again...I won't!" I stated while throwing back the rest of my Whiskey.

"Then tell her...convince her! Let her do this and we will win the war, you do want to win, don't you?" he asked.

"You know I fucking do-

"Then, do the smart thing and use Bonnie as bait, but tell her so it won't ruin your relationship. Oh, and you should keep an eye out for Vincent," he said while sipping his drink and eyeing me.

"I know exactly what you fucking mean," I said as I ate a piece of candy off of my desk. He walked out of my office, leaving me in my thoughts.

Bonnie Davis

Zuri ended up turning over so I was just laying in her bed while watching "Truth Or Dare"

Elijah came into the room and rolled his eyes at me, I waved and drank some juice. Enzo came in shortly afterwards and I smiled.

"What are you doing here?" I asked while looking back at the tv. I jumped at a part and the tv cut off.


"You know I said no horror movies because you have nightmares." He stated. I rolled my eyes and took off my covers to walk over to him. He grabbed my face and checked on my neck and lip, he then smiled and kissed me, gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my forehead to his, to look into his beautiful eyes.

"Did you just finish working?" I asked and he nodded.

"Come to the room with me." He whispered and pecked my lips. I pulled away and looked at Elijah who cringed as he stared at us. I laughed.

"Make sure she takes her medicine-

"I thought you were going to stay here with her." He said. I laughed and so did Enzo.

"I can't watch her forever-

"Not forever, just until she has the baby!" he whispered yelled while signaling to her. We laughed but Elijah was so serious.

"I'll come back in an hour it's only six o'clock, I'll check her blood pressure and the other stuff as well." I stated. He rolled his eyes and sat in the bed.

"I'm a father who is in need of a break and his friend will not help! I see her true colors, now." He said while holding his head down and fake crying. Enzo patted his back and looked at me.

"Really! You too?" I whispered yelled at Enzo.

"He's my best friend and he needs a break, which I can give him." he said. Elijah grabbed his hand and said, "thank you, brother...for understanding!".

"I said I'll come back in an hour because Enzo and I have to do something." I said and smirked at Enzo, he pulled his hand away from Elijah and smirked.

"She will be back in three hours-

"But you just said you will help give me a break!" Elijah whispered while standing up. Enzo shrugged before wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Okay, fuck you two, I see she is-

Zuri groaned and jumped up to run to the bathroom. I ran after her and held her hair as she threw up, ew! That's disgusting! Elijah stood beside me while rubbing her back.

"Give me a wet towel, please," I asked Enzo as he stood in the doorway. He wet a towel off the rack and handed it to me and I wiped Zuri's mouth.
"Thank you," she let out before going to the sink to brush her teeth.

"Zuri do you want me to stay with you?" I asked. She finished brushing her teeth and nodded.

"Please, just until tomorrow!" she begged, I nodded and grabbed her hand, and led her back to bed.
"Take this," I said as I handed her the vitamin. Enzo stared at Zuri as if he was thinking about something.

"Can I get some chocolate and pickle juice?" she asked me. I gave a disgusted look before smiling and nodding.

"Go get it, Elijah!" She yelled. Enzo jumped and Elijah ran downstairs.

"Enzo, could you be a doll and massage my-

"No, I have to-

Zuri's lip started to quiver and her eyes watered over. I stared at Enzo and he shrugged.

"H-he doesn't care that I'm pregnant...he won't even massage my feet!" she said. I glared at Enzo and he groaned before sitting in the bed and grabbing her feet. Elijah came in seconds later with her weird snacks, and he gave a weird look to Enzo and Enzo glared at him.

"She would have cried if I didn't, here, she's your can do it!" Enzo said, then stood up. Zuri was too busy eating her snack to care about them bickering about who massages her foot.

"Boys! Enzo, you massage the left, Elijah massage the Right, Now!" I yelled at them. They whispered a string of curses in Italian before grabbing a foot and started massaging it.

"Good boys!" I said and high fived Zuri. Enzo kept cursing under his breath, Elijah and him nudged each other back and forth. I rolled my eyes at their bickering and ate a pickle from the jar.

As soon as I realized what I had done, Zuri bit her lip to hold back tears.

"I am so so sorry!" I said then put the pickle back on her plate.

"What happened?" the boys asked and Zuri held up the pickle, so they could see it almost halfway eaten and they glared at me. Elijah hurried to her side and tried to soothe her.

"I don't even know why I am about to cry, it's just a pickle!" she said and wiped the tears from her eyes. I finally gave up and shrugged before grabbing the pickle and eating it. Zuri started crying and Enzo pulled me out of the room.

"Why the hell would you eat her pickle!" he whispered yelled to me.

"Because she was drinking pickle juice, not eating the pickle-

"That still doesn't give you the right! Go apologize!" he demanded. I shook my head "no" and he folded his arms.

"Fine!" I whispered yelled. I walked back into the room, but walked back out when Zuri threw a heel at me. Enzo nodded and said "never mind" then we walked back to our room.

"Oh, I'm definitely not going to act like that when I have a baby," I stated as I flopped on the bed.
"Yeah, because you will be ten times worse! You have an anger problem, and we all figured that out as soon as you started chasing Antonio around the house with a gun for eating your cake," he said. I rolled my eyes then shrugged.

"Yeah, probably," I stated causing him to laugh and sit beside me.

"When can I get you preg-

"Nah, I'm on that fuck them kids, level right now. Maybe, ask one of your other whores." I stated while shrugging. He wrapped his hand around my jaw and forced me to look at him.

"I don't have any whores, Bonnie! I dropped them so that I could be with you!" he said. I laughed and climbed into his lap to straddle him.

"I know," I said then kissed him. I wrapped my hand around his neck and kissed him harder, I bit his tongue and he groaned causing me to moan in his mouth. I ran my tongue over his bottom lip and he bit my bottom lip and slowly released it. I let go of his neck and wiped my spit off of his lips with my thumb, but he bit my finger.

"Ow! Let go!" I demanded and he bit harder as I tried to pull it out. He finally released my finger and I examined it while sucking on it.
I glared at him before biting his bottom lip hard causing him to flip us over.

I let go while I laughed and he sucked his bottom lip.

"You have to kiss it to make it better!" He said. I pecked his lip one time while smiling, and he wrapped his hand around my neck.

"That was short!" He complained.

"Yeah, just like your dick!" I complained as well. He glared at me before turning me over and just when I thought he was about to smack my ass, he didn't. He chomped hard onto my right ass cheek and I pulled his hair from behind.

"My dick is not short, amore! And you screaming daddy proves that every time." He said before flipping me back over. I rubbed my ass through the little shorts I had on and he smirked.

"Should have worn thicker and longer shorts."he stated. I flipped us over and placed my hands above his head to keep balance, he rubbed my ass as I was sitting on his lower stomach. I moved down some so that I was directly on top of his bulge and smirked at him.

"So, Romano, tell me, why are you so hard?" I asked as he bit his lip.

"I don't know, Davis, tell me why your heart is beating down there," he stated with a smirk.

My smirk fell, he can feel that?

"You can feel that?" I asked as he sat up and I held his chest, he laughed and nodded.

"Yup, and it's beating fast too, I can really feel-

"Stop!" I yelled. He laid back while grabbing my hips and forcing me to grind against, him and I felt him go hard against me since these shorts are so little.

"Enzo...No," I said as I forced my hips still.

"Why not?"

"Because you are a literal sex machine, we had sex a few days ago and I can still feel it," I stated.

"Well, maybe it's because you haven't let me eat-

"No, it's because you go deep, hard, and fast! And I need to heal!" I stated. He laughed and sat up with me on top of me. I thought of something that made my face light up.

"Want to play a game?" I asked him.

"Maybe, what game?" he asked.

"No sex, I want to see who can go without having sex the longest. You only can please yourself until you just can't take it anymore and you need to have sex. You tell me or i'll tell you and whoever didn't give up, wins!" I said. He smirked.

"Can we tempt each other?" he asked.

"Not physically, but yes, you can." he nodded. And held his hand out.




Let the games begin!

Who do you think is going to win?

Follow: Kae_bae2

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