
Av luton1983

934 65 11

What do these dreams that Caitlin is having mean? Who is the guy in them? Mer

14 part 2


32 3 0
Av luton1983

Caitlin was up and about. She was trying to resume her normal life, whilst trying to figure out what was happening to her. She was getting worried as it had been a few days, and he hadn't come to see her. The dreams had stopped. Caitlin needed them to restart, because if this was part of her life that she had forgotten, she desperately wanted to remember. Everyone at home was acting weird, with no one giving her any straight answers. She wanted to know who the guy was, and what he meant to her. If he was someone special to her, then where was he? Why wasn't he coming to find her? Why was she being told that someone else was her life partner?

Caitlin wanted to scream. Her life was such a mess, and yet nobody was helping her. It seemed like that they were all trying to hide things from her. But what had happened in her life, that was so awful? Why were they trying to hide it? Why couldn't anyone be straight with her? What was everyone hiding? Caitlin lay down and went to sleep, hoping that she could resume her dreams and that he would come and see her again.

She woke the next morning, feeling awful. He hadn't bothered to come and see her again. Caitlin was at her wits end. She had no idea what to do. She needed to unlock this part of her life, and what had happened. What was so bad that no one would tell her anything and that she was constantly being lied to? Caitlin, out of desperation, ran to the hospital 

"I need to come back"

"You can't. Your parents took you home"

"I think you were right"


"Everything. Now please let me be readmitted"

"But you need a reason"

Caitlin looked around and found a knife. She cut her wrist 

"Is that good enough?"

Caitlin lay in her bed. Hopefully now that she was back in the hospital, he'd come back. Caitlins parents rushed to her bedside 

"What happened Caitlin?"

Caitlin showed them her wrist


"I don't know"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. Nothing makes sense anymore"


"Look, can we talk tomorrow? I'm tired and need some sleep"

Caitlin felt awful sending them away, but she was becoming adamant that they were hiding something from her. What was it? And why? Why couldn't they tell her? She hoped that he would come, because she felt that she was getting closer to whatever it was, whatever was being hidden from her. She closed her eyes, and waited. Soon enough, she felt the familiar feelings and she was transported back there

It had been a few days and Barry was still hidden away in Caitlins other house. Caitlin wouldn't let him leave until the doctor had given him the all clear. Caitlin had to leave sometimes to get his medicine and other stuff, but she always came rushing back. She was determined to not leave him alone, as she was responsible for him, and would only let him go, when the doctor said so

"Why are you doing this Caitlin?"

"Doing what?"

"Taking care of me?"

"Do I need a reason?"

"Yes. I've been nothing but horrible to you"

"I've already told you Barry, I love you. You might not but I do. It's my job to look after you, no matter what"

Barry just stared at her 

"Now be a good boy, and lay on the bed. I need to change your dressing"

Barry lay down as Caitlin prepared everything

"Oh my goodness Barry, your burning up. Here, take these painkillers. I'll go get the doctor"

Barry took Caitlins hand 

"No. Just stay with me"

Caitlin changed Barry's dressings, and watched over him, as he drifted in and out of consciousness

"Caitlin, I love you"

Caitlin froze. What had Barry just said? She shook her head and finished wiping him down. He had a fever, he didn't know what he was on about. Early the next morning, Caitlin went to the hospital 

"Doctor, he's had a fever for a few days. It's not coming down. I think his wound has become infected. Please help him"

"Caitlin, if it's as your saying, we need to admit him here. I can't do much more there"

"Fine. Do whatever it takes. Please just help him"

The doctor admitted Barry into the hospital 

"Doctor, no one can know he is here. I think the men who did this might come back for him. Please take care of him. I don't know if I can visit everyday. I'll try as much as I can, but my parents might wonder what's up"

Caitlin snuck out, and went to see Barry as much as she could. She didn't let anyone know that she was coming, she snuck in, and watched him for abit, then disappeared. Every night she prayed for him

"Dear God

Please take care of him. You know how much I love him. If he doesn't love me, I'll have to live with that, just as long as he's ok. Please, if I've ever done anything good in my life, help him"

Caitlin fell asleep, but felt like something was wrong. She woke up screaming 

"Shhhh Caitlin. Don't scream. It's me Barry"

"Barry, what the hell?"

"I had to tell you something"

"And for that, you had to come into my room? Couldn't it wait until tomorrow?"

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come. I'll see you tomorrow"

Caitlin took Barry's hand

"Wait, your here now. You might as well tell me, even though you're being silly"




Barry stared at Caitlin 

"I what? Tell me quickly"

"I love you"

Duff duff duff. As always, feedback appreciated 

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