Steven Universe: Twin stories

By pika1043

141 1 0

You guys can't even see the gems on the cover can you? Anyway this is a random story that I made up with the... More

Meeting each twin!

141 1 0
By pika1043

(Tetra's POV)

I was in a dark cavern, trapped within the sphere known as a Tetradymite gem. I felt another gem right next to me, I heard him within my mind, 'Hello? Is anyone there?' I felt shocked, 'Um, yes. Who are you? How are you doing this?' He responded, 'I don't know who I am, I was hoping you knew. I'm talking to you through telepathic waves from my mind and you can do it too! That's cool!' 'I guess so. Huh? What's happening?' I felt myself being moved and then released from the earthy prison. I took in a large amount of air as I formed from my gem and another gem came to my aid with a familiar voice, "Hey, are you ok?" He helped me up and I said, "Yeah, are you?" He nodded, "Yeah, don't worry about-!" He was interrupted by a large, orange gem, "Alright new gems! In line now! You'll be fighting me one on one in turns, got it?" Everyone nodded and got in line only to be knocked down by the large gem. "Come on! You guys should be able to fight, none of you should be overcooked like this!" I grumbled, "Maybe we wouldn't be so bad if someone isn't having us fight in the first 5 seconds of our lives." However she heard me, "Fine then, Tetradymite, you can go next." I looked around as every gem, besides the one that helped me, backed away. I pointed to myself, "Wait, am I Tetradymite?" She nodded her head and charged at me, "Well duh! You are the Tetradymite gem so why wouldn't you be?" I pushed the other gem away before I jumped over the charging gem. I landed on my feet and turned around as the orange gem said, "Yes! That's what I'm looking for in a fighter! Unlike you runts! Now let's see if you can do that again!" She charged at me again, only for me to side step out of the way. She performed a spin-dash, shouting as I dodged again, "Is that all you can do? Summon your weapon!" I stuttered, "W-w-what? H-h-how do I do that?" She shouted again, "Like this!" She summoned a helmet-like weapon, hitting me in the head with it, "Ow! That hurt!" "Tetradymite!" The other gem ran towards me and I yelled at him, "Stay out of this!" He froze and the orange gem then said, "Oh, so you care for Tyrolite, huh? Heh, twin gems are so funny. Let's see if this works, Tyrolite's turn!" She quickly lifted Tyrolite and started crushing his hand, "Ow! Stop it!" I glared at the large gem, "Hey! Put him down!" She turned to me, "Why? What are you going to do about it?" I felt the gem on the upper part of my left arm start to glow, "I'm going to take you down, that's what I'm going to do!" I summoned a small, blade-like weapon. "You think a puny blade like a tanto can take me down? Ha! I'd like to see you try!" I ran towards her and managed to slice at her arm, causing her to let go of Tyrolite, "Don't just sit there! Run now!" He did as he was told but that distracted me, causing me to get hit by the helmet again. She put her foot on my back so I couldn't get back up, "Good job, runt. You actually got a hit on me. I'll give you some points for that. But I'll just have to get my revenge now." I saw Tyrolite run toward us, with his gem, that was placed on the opposite arm of mine, glowing, "Hey! Let my twin down!" She put her foot down harder, "Ha! I know you can't do anything to me! Just go away and you'll live!" I squirmed and saw Tyrolite summon a chain-like weapon with a blade on each end. "What?" I asked myself as the large gem let me go from under her foot. "A chain scythe huh? Well I think we've had enough fun today, let's go back to Homeworld. Which is where each of you will be living for the rest of your lives. By the way, I am your commanding officer, Jasper. Got it?" I nodded and two other gems helped me up along with Tyrolite. One of them was a dark color similar to space who exclaimed, "That was amazing! How did you summon your weapon already?" I let my weapon disappear and the other one, who looked like the sun, said, "Yeah! You were so cool, even if you did lose! How did you do that?" I shrugged as we got on the warp pad, "I don't know. I just saw Tyrolite was in trouble and I really wanted to help him." Tyrolite spoke up, "Same with me when I saw that Tetradymite was in trouble. What are your names anyway?" The blue one then said, "Oh yeah that's right we didn't introduce ourselves. My name is Moonstone." The bright one spoke up again, "And I'm Sunstone!" Moonstone coughed, "Yes, that's right. We're twin gems like you except we didn't get to fight Japser. Thank Diamond..." As Moonstone talked to Tyrolite, Sunstone talked to me, "So was it hard to summon your weapon? I still don't know what mine is!" I rubbed the back of my head, "It was at first but I guess I'll get the hang of it." Jasper reported to a green gem, who yelled at her, "YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO FIGHT THEM, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BRING THEM TO HOMEWORLD SO WE COULD INSPECT THEM! WHAT IF YOU CRACKED THEIR GEMS!" Jasper yelled back, "WELL I DIDN'T! I WAS DOING MY OWN INSPECTION SO WE WOULDN'T HAVE ANY WEAK ONES! PERIDOT!" Peridot then said, "Ok, just stop yelling. You'll scare them. So what gems do we have left." Japser sighed, "The only ones that actually followed me were the two sets of twin gems. Tetradymite actually put up a fight and her brother gem, Tyrolite, was going to but I thought it was time to go. The other twins are Moonstone and Sunstone." Peridot nodded, "Ok, I will have one of our Pearls scan them in." A tall, pale gem with a perfect sphere on their forehead approached me and Tyrolite and scanned us with a light blue beam, "Gem scan complete. Twin Gems: Tetradymite and Tyrolite. Hatched on April 4th. Tetradymite weapon: Shinogi Tanto. Tyrolite weapon: Chain Scythe. Registration Complete. New uniforms being are created as we speak." Another perfect Pearl gem scanned Moonstone and Sunstone, "Gem scan complete. Twin Gems: Moonstone and Sunstone. Hatched on April 4th. Both weapons are unknown. Registration complete. New uniforms are being created as we speak." Sunstone looked unhappy and the two Pearls turned to Peridot, "Do you need any further assistance, Peridot?" The green gem shook her head, "No, that'll be all. You two can go do whatever you were doing beforehand." They nodded their heads and walked away to a warp pad, leaving us with Jasper and Peridot. After Peridot was done typing on her device, she said, "Ok, let's show them to their personal quarters in the twin station." Jasper leaned down to my short height, "Lucky you guys. We rarely get twin gems and now you practically have a huge quarter of a Homeworld station to yourselves." I grinned nervously at her, "Yay. Lucky us." She shrugged as she went back to her taller height, easily towering over me, Tyrolite, Moonstone and Sunstone. They brought us to another warp pad that was actually an elevator, a clear one too. I saw a large area filled with rubble and I thought I saw one of the Pearl gems in it. I asked no one in particular, "What's that area over there?" Jasper looked over and grinned, "That's the area where we destroy the weak gems! It's called Broken Gem. It's a pretty cool place because any gem can go down there and kill whatever is there to kill. Or practice on the rubble, which ever you prefer. Pretty neat right?" I nodded my head to lie to her, "Uh yeah. Sounds cool. Maybe I'll go down and kill some rubble." She patted my back, "Now that's what I'm looking for in a soldier! Strong and aggreable!" I giggled as she patted my back, "Yeah, well, that's me. Good ol' Tetradymite!" Peridot dighed as Jasper laughed at my little joke. The elevator stopped and Peridot lead Moonstone and Sunstone to a different room, leaving me and my twin with Jasper. "So this is the room for you two. Even though we don't need sleep, it's always good to have some privacy so there is a seperate room over there to your left. You can use this room anyway you want and your uniforms are right there, see ya!" She walked out of the room as we looked at our uniforms. Mine was a gray one piece with a secondary gold color. There was also a yellow diamond in the middle of it. I quickly put mine on in the second room and ran out. I saw that Tyrolite was wearing a matching one except his was brown and blue. I looked outside the room, I heard Tyrolite, "What are you doing?" I quickly answered, "I'm going to Broken Gem." He looked confused, "What?! Why?" I walked out the door, "I want to see what's in there, I think I saw a Pearl gem." He followed me, "Are you nuts? It might be a broken gem!" "So?" "So?! It could be dangerous and we barely survived Jasper!" "Yeah well we survived so that counts for something." He groaned, knowing there was no way to talk me out of this, "Fine, I'm coming with you! Twin gems have to stick together!" I nodded, "Ok." I heard a voice behind me, "Hey guys!" I turned and saw Sunstone and Moonstone in their new uniforms that matched their gems, "Oh hi." Sunstone then said, "We heard you were going to Broken Gem, can we come?" I shrugged my shoulders, turning to Tyrolite, "Sure, why not?" They cheered and we poured into the elevator. Tyrolite pushed the button to go down as I thought, 'This might be a longer day than I thought...'

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