Help me. | l.s. (mpreg) [Book...

By LoveLou__

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Harry is innocent. Louis is not. Louis is a dom and a part of the BDSM community. Harry is not. When Harry m... More



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By LoveLou__

"Hey guys." Liam grinned as he plopped down on the couch next to Niall and Harry who were watching tv. They were sharing a flat near campus for two years now, because they all didn't want to live in the dorms with possibly strange roommates. All three boys went to high school together and were now studying at London University. They had decided to go there together when all of them got accepted and after a lot of convincing their parents; they rented the three bedroom flat. It had been the best decision they had made because they never got tired of each other and a big part of that was thanks to their schedule. They were all studying different things so naturally they had completely different classes so they rarely were home at the same time except from the evening, but even then Liam was mostly with his boyfriend Zayn and Niall was over at his girlfriend's Angela the majority of the time and Harry...he was busy with studying.

Harry had always been a bit nerdy, he didn't look like it but he deeply cared about his grades and a good degree, so he studied every free minute. It wasn't like he had anything better to do anyway when his best friends weren't around. Sure, he had a few other friends, but it was enough for him to see them during his time on the Campus or on the weekend when they all went out together. Sometimes he wished he had a partner like his mates, but he was too shy to speak to people he didn't know so it wasn't quite easy to find himself a boyfriend. Apart from that he would be too embarrassed to admit that he never had sex in his life even though he was twenty already. He gave a random guy a blowjob in the washroom of a club once but that was about it really and to be fair he had been wasted. Apart from that he was the definition of innocent.

"Hey, Li." Harry smiled and Niall just grunted, his mouth was stuffed with chips. "Aren't you supposed to meet up with Zayn?" He wondered as he took a look at the big clock on the wall. It was already four in the afternoon.

"In half an hour actually. But I was wondering if you wanted to tag along?" Liam said smiling slightly as he looked at his best friends quite nervously. He wanted his friends to get along with his boyfriend and even though they knew Zayn already, they didn't know him that good and he was hoping that they could all spend time together at some point.

"Sure. Sounds good." Niall grinned after he had swallowed his food down.

"Yeah, why not?" Harry shrugged. He remembered that he had a bit of homework to do, but he could also do that in the evening.

"Great! Thanks guys." Liam beamed.

"I should go take a shower when we go out then." Harry laughed and got up to go to the bathroom.

He stripped out of his clothes and got into the shower. He turned on the water and waited for it to get warm and when he was sure he wouldn't freeze his balls off he stepped under the jets, the hot water soaking his skin and he let out a content sigh. His muscles were tense because he had a long study session yesterday and because his desk was broken he had to study on the floor making his limbs stiff. He lathered himself with his favorite strawberry shower gel and cleaned his hair with the coconut shampoo and rinsed it out. After ten miutes he was done and stepped out of the steamy shower cabin and into the comparable cold bathroom. A shiver went through his spine and he quickly snatched a towel and dried himself. When he was done he exited the bathroom and went to his bedroom which was next to the bathroom thankfully.

As he stood in front of his dresser he decided on a plain white v-neck shirt and black skinny jeans and his favorite brown chelsea boots. As he got dressed and put some of his favorite cologne on himself his hair was still damp and he quickly blow dried it so it looked fluffier and softer. When he was done he joined the boys in the living room again who were also ready to go.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked curiously as they got in Liam's car.

"We're just going to Nando's. Do you guys want to accompany Zayn and I for the movies later?" Liam wondered as they drove the short distance to the fast food store.

"I would, but I'm at Angela's in the evening." Niall said.

"I have to study." Harry declined.

"Ugh, Haz. You really need to find a boyfriend. You can't spend all day fucking studying." Niall groaned and Liam hummed in approval.

"It's not my fault that no one has caught my eye yet." Harry huffed, but he knew as well as Niall and Liam that it wasn't because of that but because of his shyness.

"Harold." Niall sighed. "We all know that's not true." He said.

"I just can't talk to people." Harry huffed and crossed his arms in front of his chest leaning back in his seat.

"We could help you." Liam suggested.

"We barely see each other." Harry argued. "How does this supposed to work out?"

"Maybe someone catches your eye today." Niall wiggled his eyebrows.

Harry didn't say anything to that he just looked at his two best friends sceptically. They arrived on the parking lot and exited the car and went inside where Zayn was already waiting.

"Hey, baby." He smiled as he took sight of Liam who was quick to slide into the booth next to his boyfriend and placed a kiss to his lips.

"Hi." Liam blushed. Harry and Niall sat down opposite of them.

"Hi, boys." Zayn smiled at them and they greeted him back also smiling. Zayn looked intimidating with all of the tattoos that were coating his arms, but actually he was really nice. Him and Liam had some kind of special relationship, but only Niall and Harry knew about it. They were in a BDSM relationship, but it was not only that, they were also an actual couple and loved each other, it wasn't just the dom/sub relationship. It went deeper. When Liam had confessed it to his best friends about three months ago he was scared shitless what they would think of him, but they took it easy, at least after Liam had explained everything to them because they didn't know shit about it until then.

"So how's Uni going?" Zayn asked casually as he placed an arm around Liam protectively.

"It's alright, exams are coming up soon so it's a bit stressful but other than that I think we can't complain." Harry shrugged.

"Yeah, thankfully we have our Harold here who helps us wherever he can." Liam laughed.

"You should be more responsible and study more." Zayn said casually, but with a strict undertone in his voice.

"But then I can't spend so much time with you." Liam pouted.

"Well, after you graduated we have plenty of time to spend together and I won't be happy when you fail because of me." Zayn said matter of factly and Liam nodded his head in defeat.

"You're right. I'm sorry." He slightly bowed his head, but Zayn was quick to lift his chin. He pecked his lips and smiled.

"It's alright, darling." He said before turning back to the boys.

"We should really do more." Niall wondered abstintently. "What Harry does too much, we do too less." He laughed.

"True." Harry snickered.

"Should we go ordering?" Niall wondered, of course he was eager to eat.

"Sure." Harry attempted to stand up, but froze when he saw him.

He was standing in the line to order and Harry had to admit he had never seem someone as beautiful as him. His light brown hair was styled upwards, every strand in place, his stubble of the same color as his hair rounded his face perfectly. It was accurately trimmed and looked like he was just coming from the Barber. Even though he could only see his side profile he could make out his striking facial features, the incredible sharp cheekbones and jawline that was poking out under his beard and his nose had just the perfect shape. He was wearing a dark grey suit which looked like it cost thousands of pounds and it hugged his curves perfectly. Harry almost fainted because the man was incredibly beautiful, but what made him choke was his arse. He had never seen such a perfect round ass especially on a man and much to his dismay his cock twitched in his pants.

"Earth to Harry?" Harry snapped his head over to Liam and away from the angel that was standing a few feet away from him only to see that Zayn and Liam were smirking at him.

"W-what?" Harry stuttered. He looked to his right where Niall was also grinning at him knowingly.

"Didn't you want to stand up?" Zayn asked still smirking as he glanced past Harry.

"Wha- y-yeah. Sure." Harry gulped visibly and clumsily stood up without looking up. He made a step forward and collided with someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry I wasn't looki-" Harry's breath got stuck in his throat as he looked at the person he just ran into. Piercing blue eyes were staring down at him and only now did Harry notice that he walked into the guy he just stared at for god knew how many minutes. His mouth was still open from stopping mid sentence and he couldn't bring himself to close it, he was hypnotized by those gorgeous eyes.

"You alright?" The stranger asked and a smirk made it's way to his face slowly. Harry wanted to scream because of his beautiful voice. It was slightly high but raspy at the same time. Harry slowly closed his mouth and opened it again wanting to answer but nothing came out. He wanted to hide under a rock when the guy's smirk only grew wider and he felt beyond embarrassed. He cleared his throat to get rid of the lump in his throat, but it didn't help.

Just now Niall decided to save his best friend from the humiliation, or so Harry thought.

"Come on, Haz. Let's get you something to eat and drink before you faint." He cackled and pulled Harry's arm. He could hear Liam and Zayn bursting out laughing and he just wanted to disappear. He didn't dare looking at the stranger again he just rushed past him, but apparently he was too fast and stumbled over his own feet sending him down on the ground with a thud. Niall spun around to see what was going on when he saw Harry laying on the floor.

"What the fuck, Harry!" He laughed loudly and that caused half of the store to turn around to them. Harry was quick to stand up and he made the mistake to look around. He was met with the stranger's amused face and now he was sure to pack his things as soon as he got home to take the next flight to China. He wanted to get away as far as possible.

Harry quickly turned around and went to order his food with Niall behind him still laughing.

"I want to die." Harry cried out with a deep red head.

"I can't blame you mate. You made a proper fool out of yourself." He cackled.

"Shut up!" Harry hissed.

"That guy's fine though. If I was gay I would've reacted the same way. Okay, probably not as bad as you, but you know what I mean." Niall grinned and Harry just groaned. They ordered their food- thankfully the line wasn't that long- and waited for their food to be done. Harry wasn't that hungry anymore so he just ordered a burger.

When they turned around and walked back to their table Harry froze. The stranger was still standing in front of the table talking to Liam and Zayn casually.

"Oh this is going to be fun." Niall laughed.

"I just remembered that I need to pick up my clothes from the cleaner's." Harry rushed out ready to leave the shop but Niall quickly grabbed his arm.

"Don't be a baby now, Harry. Just act like nothing happened." Niall said.

"Are you mental? I humiliated myself and now you want me to step in front of him? No fucking chance!" Harry hissed, but Niall only rolled his eyes.

"Come on, now." Niall dragged him over to their table. Harry put his whole weight in the other direction.

"No, Ni. Please don't!" Harry whined, but it was too late. They were already standing in front of the table and Niall was quick to sit down again grinning.

Harry didn't dare to look up, instead he averted his eyes to the table as he slowly sat down with crimson red cheeks.

"Niall, Harry. This is Louis. My best friend." Zayn said amused as he introduced the stranger. Harry's eyes snapped up to Zayn with comically wide eyes, but Zayn only smirked at him. Liam had his hand in front of his mouth to cover up his grin, but it was still visible.

"Hi, I'm Niall and this clumsy one here is Harry." Niall chirped and extended his hand out for Louis to shake.

"Nice to meet you." The angelic voice erupted again and Harry sucked in a sharp breath as he dropped his head again. He felt four pair of eyes on him and he really overthought his life choices and he glanced up and looked at Louis again who still had this stupid smirk plastered on his face.

"Hi." He mumbled before he looked down again. He seriously wanted to cry now, being embarrassed enough for a lifetime.

"Haz, don't you want to make room for Louis to sit down?" Liam asked amused and if looks could kill Liam would be dead by now because Harry's head shot up to him and ideas of how he could kill him as painfully as possible ran through his head.

"Actually I need to run, so I see you guys around." Louis said smiling.

"Already?" Niall pouted. He had far too much fun with this whole situation.

"Unfortunately." Louis smiled at him before his gaze wandered to Harry for a split second and Zayn didn't miss that something flashed through his eyes.

"Okay, mate. Give me a ring later." Zayn said.

"Will do. Bye guys." Louis said and within a few seconds he was out of the restaurant.

"Harry." Liam said and Harry slowly lifted his head. He breathed out, only now noticing that he had held it.

"Don't." Harry snapped. "I hate you all." He grumbled and the other boys cackled.

"It wasn't that bad, Harry." Zayn reassured but by his looks he was lying.

"Yeah, sure." Harry said sarcastically.

"I bet he found it adorable." Zayn said smiling now.

"It was humiliating, Zayn! And why didn't you say that he was your best friend? Oh god, I need to move to another city!" Harry cried with his face in his hands.

"I only noticed him when you were staring at him for five minutes." Zayn laughed.

"Five minutes?" Harry exclaimed. He looked at the three shocked who all nodded knowingly. "Oh dear lord. At least he didn't notice, so it's all good."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but he did. After three minutes he was staring right back at you, didn't you notice?" Liam asked amused.

"W-what? No!" Harry called out horrified.

"Yes, bud." Niall cackled. "It was probably because you were drooling over his ass."

"Oh god." Harry mumbled and banged his head on the table in embarrassment. Niall, Zayn and Liam burst out laughing at that and Harry just wanted to go home und hide under his blanket.

An hour later Harry went home, while Liam was out with Zayn and Niall went over to his girlfriend. He repeated the day in his head and he couldn't believe that he really embarrassed himself of Louis several times. He didn't even know why it bothered him so much, he didn't even know him, but didn't want anyone to think wrongly of him- especially not someone who was best friends with a friend of him who he would most likely see again at some point.

Louis walked out of the restaurant after he had said goodbye to the boys and took a deep breath. Fuck, what was that? He almost got hard when he saw the cute boy staring him up and down and when he crashed against Louis' body tons of images flashed through his mind what he wanted to do to the boy.

He shook his head and entered his car.

"Took you long enough." Kyle muttered as he took the bag with food from Louis' hand.

"What did you just say?" Louis turned his head over to his submissive who immediately bowed his head. He grabbed his chin harshly and forced him to look at him.

"If you don't stop with the attitude you get another punishment. And I don't care if you're still sore from two hours ago, clear?" Louis said darkly.

"Sorry." Kyle mumbled.

"Sorry, what?" Louis snapped.

"Sorry, Sir." He said quickly. Louis let go of his chin harshly and pushed him back before he started the car.

The drive home was uncomfortably silent. Louis was getting tired of Kyle's attitude all the time. He didn't have respect and he couldn't seem to be a proper submissive and it was getting on Louis' nerves. He didn't know what was so hard about following simple rules, having respect and being obedient. He had contemplated for a while to get rid of him and terminating the contract and now that he saw Harry he was only confirmed in his thoughts when he couldn't stop thinking about him being his sub instead and his dick twitched in his pants. Harry seemed like the perfect submissive, he needed to get some information from Zayn as soon as possible.

When they arrived at Louis' house he didn't wait for Kyle to exit the car instead he stomped up the marble stairs to his front door.

"In five minutes in the playroom." He called without looking back and entered the house. He went to his bedroom and ripped off his tie. He was frustrated and he needed release- now. He stripped out of his suit completely leaving him in his boxers and he didn't bother to put more clothes on as he exited his bedroom again and rushed to the playroom where Kyle was already waiting for him kneeling next to the bed with his head down.

"This is the first time you're doing something right today." Louis said darkly as he stood in front of his sub. He slowly walked around his kneeling figure watching him like a hawk before he stopped in front of him again. "Go over to the pole and strip." He said coldly before he sat down on the edge of the bed facing the giant pole that reached up to the ceiling.

Kyle got up from the floor and hurried over to the pole and started spinning around while slowly taking his clothes off. He looked at Louis seductively as Louis grabbed his dick inside of his boxers and started slowly jerking himself off until he was entirely hard, sensing that Kyle was struggling to make a show for him. He sighed and stood up, letting go of himself.

"Come here." He demanded and Kyle stopped dancing and walked over to Louis and stopped in front of him. "Kneel." Kyle did as told.

"I'm gonna fuck your mouth, you swallow everything I give you and don't you dare let one single drop hit the floor." Louis said harshly and Kyle nodded.

"Yes, Sir." He said already opening his mouth widely.

"You know your safe signs when you can't talk?" Louis asked now more gentle.

"One tap green, two taps yellow, three taps red." Kyle answered nodding.

"Good boy." Louis said before he grabbed his boxers and let them fall to the floor. He guided his hard dick to Kyle's mouth and wasted no time pushing inside. He held onto his head to keep him in place when he immediately started thrusting, his hips snapping against his face. After already ten seconds Kyle's eyes watered and he gagged every time Louis' tip brushed his throat. He gripped Louis' thighs tightly, Nail's digging into his flesh and that caused Louis to go even harder. He threw his head back in pleasure as he wrecked his subs mouth. Saliva dribbled down Kyle's chin and tears were running down his cheeks as he had trouble breathing but he didn't want to make his dom even angrier so he took everything Louis gave him.

After two more minutes Louis felt the familiar heat building up inside of him and a few seconds later he released with a low moan.

"You did amazing." Louis brushed his hand through Kyle's dirty blonde hair to calm him down.

"T-thank you, Sir." He stuttered, his voice sounded hoarse.

"Go have a bath." Louis said as he pulled up his boxers again and walked out of the room. He was still pissed and tense, but at least he had an orgasm so he couldn't complain.

He walked downstairs to his living room and plopped down on the couch and put his feet on the coffee table zapping through the channels of his tv. A football game was running and he sighed contently, but then he noticed that something was missing, so he got up again and grabbed a beer out of the fridge before getting comfortable on the couch again. Half an hour later Kyle appeared in the living room and sat down next to Louis.

"Sir?" He asked quietly. Louis averted his eyes from the tv and looked at him awaiting.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I'm sorry for having an attitude earlier. It won't happen again." He said and Louis' gaze softened.

"It's alright." He smiled slightly as he brushed a thumb over his cheek. Kyle instantly leaned into the touch and it wouldn't surprise Louis if he actually started purring.

He knew that Kyle was in love with him, but Louis was another story. He didn't love and he didn't do relationships. He didn't kiss his subs or cuddled with them, they didn't even sleep in the same room. It was always just what it was- a dom/sub relationship, not more not less. He never treated his subs wrong or like slaves or some shit and of course it wasn't just sexual pleasure, he cared for his subs to a certain degree, but he never fell in love with one. He spoiled them and gave them everything they wanted. Sometimes he even did things he normally didn't do like go to the movies or the fair with them, but that was about it really.

So his slowly rising mood was ruined when Kyle opened his mouth again.

"Can we cuddle?" He asked silently. Louis pulled his hand back as if he got shocked and his jaw clenched.

"You know the rules." He stated before he turned back to the game.

"But-" Kyle started, but Louis head snapped over at him again in a flash of a light.

"What did I just say?" He snapped.

"I know the rules, but I really need a hug right now." Kyle whined. Louis eyes darkened and he sat up straight and Kyle immediately lowered his head.

"Never, and I mean never try to argue with me again. Are we clear?" Louis asked in a dangerous low voice. "You know what? This doesn't work out. I can't deal with you anymore." Louis stood up without another word and left the sub alone whose eyes welled up with tears.

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