My little superstar (GlamRock...

By Agent_storys

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art by: Selyn on twitter Description: Your a 23 year old worker who's been working at the Freddy Fazbear's p... More

A/n before we start
Chapter 1- A special day!
chapter 2- big day!
chapter 3 - uh oh..
Chapter 4 - New things
Chapter 5- first night
Chapter 6- Good news...and bad news
Chapter 7- realization
Chapter 8 - Smooth play
Chapter 9- New member
Chapter 10 - Good to bad
chapter 11 - suspicious
chapter 12 - Danger
Chapter 13 - Confessions
Chapter 15 - what a coincidence
Chapter 16 - Lovey Dovy
QnA - A/n
QnA #1
Chapter 17- Brother Sister hang out
Chapter 18 - Glitch
Chapter 19 - putting a end to this.
Chapter 20 - First time
Chapter 21 - Old Pal
Chapter 22 - Love issues
Chapter 23 - Cold hearted
Chapter 24 - Emotional damage
Chapter 25 - Love and Lust
Chapter 26 - Day 1
Chapter 27 - Day 1 pt. 2

Chapter 14- Getting closer

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By Agent_storys

It was the afternoon and the show was over and you was actually hanging out with Davina

"Girl what happened last night with you and mister bear?" Davina asked

"Girl when I got in the room he was walking twords me and I fell on the couch and he pins me to the couch and was talking about this song I started listening too and then he said he overheard my conversation and he said I can tell him if I like him" you told her

She gasp a bit

"Oh my god no way" she said

"Yeah! It happened man I don't know if I pissed myself or what" you told her

You both started laughing a bit

"How about you and Gator boy?" I asked

"I got his massage talking about how we was gonna help Freddy's with ya so we had to act like we was gonna do something but we was only helping Freddy" Davina giggles

"Woooooow and you didn't just come help me?!" You said jokingly

Y'all two kept laughing and giggling

"Ok ok let's go to my rink since I actually gatta be there and introduce my rink and everyone is getting ready to get there"

We rushed off to the rink and we both went back stage the others was there putting there skates on and trying to skate tho they had time

"How do you do this?" Monty asked

"It's easy sugar how about I talk y'all to the small area to help y'all skate" Davina said

We helped them get to a little training area

"Alright ladies and gentlemen we got 30 mins first you learn how to stand in them first to get comfortable"

They stand it took them some time but they got the hang of it

"Great! Now you push your self with your foot"

She moves her foot to the side and she rolls forward

They try doing the same they about fell but did it

"Then you do the said with the other foot"

She did so with her other foot

They did the same

"Now you just push your feet to the back side then you should be able to move"

She started skating a bit

They others tried it out tho Monty had a hard time

Davina got Montys hand and arm making sure he won't fall

"Take your time sugar" she told him

He started to get the hang of it and she slowly lets him go and he started skating on his own

"Ha! I did it" he said

"Aww good job sugar"

"Now lets test y'all's skating out on the main rink"

She hops on it and skates off and we skates around a bit to get used to things

" do we stop" Chica said

"Since you have normal skates you put your toes down and stop and if you had rollerblades like me I have to put my heel back to stop" Davina explained

Chica puts her foot forward and she stops

"Oh cool!"

"Alright Gregory since I got big baby gator going let's get ya some skates to help ya out" Davina said

"Hey!" Monty yelled

She laughs a bit and got him some skates and helps him skate around some

You was just skating just getting used to it tho you had to stay near Freddy who was just doing it like if it's nothing and you grab his arm

"Jesus Christ this is kinda hard to turn" you said

"Well just to a criss cross with your feet then you'll do a good turn" Freddy said

He got behind you a bit and looks down

When you turn you try to do a cross turn

"Foot should push but go somewhat close to behind your foot like it your walking but with a little turn" he explained

You done what he said and you did a good turn a little hard but you did it

"Yes I did it!" You said

"Good job superstar, I knew you could do it" Freddy said

He skates next to you

You got the hand of it so you didn't really need to grab him anymore

"There you go you got the hang of it" Freddy said


"Y'all are doing amazing! Now y'all got the hang of it we got 10 mins before kids come in and I have to introduce my rink" Davina said

We skates around for 5 more mints before leaving and getting ready for the show here

There was kids coming in and parents they all got to the stage area and more and more came in

The lights went out and the spot light was moving around

"Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to the new Owl Skate house our new Skating rink Now put your hands together for the one and only Davina the owl"

Davina went out and waves at everyone

"Welcome everyone!" She said holding her mic

"So before we start off How is everyone feeling today?"

There was lots of goods and bad

"Well glad to hear it kiddos But welcome to my Skating Rink I'm glad y'all could come by and check it out! Now who's ready to get Rolling!" She said

Everyone started screaming and getting excited

"That's what I like to hear! Now lets get this show on the road!" She said

The lights came back on and everyone went to get skates and skated around some where training in the training corner and some kids in the kiddie area

We got out from back stage and we got to her

"Nice one Davina" you told her

"Thank you I also have my own personal skating rink so y'all can join me if you like" she said

"Yeah let's go!" Gregory said

We followed her to her personal rink

We got on and skated around it was really fun while Davina was just showing off and having way more fun with her crazy tricks

"Show off" Monty said

"Aww someone impressed with my work~" she said and skates off laughing

"Woooooow I see how it is" he said

He started skating faster trying to catch her but she was too fast for him

"Hahaha your so silly Gator boy but try to catch up if you can!" She laughed and went faster

He did try to catch up to her but he went too fast and he fell

Davina got to him and picks him up

"Maybe just stick to normal speed before Turing to catch me sugar" she kisses his cheek and pats his head

"Fine but when I get used to it I swear it's the end of you" Monty said

They just laughed

"ooooo there flirting gross" Gregory said

"It's not gross it's nice" you said

"But loves gross especially kissing" he sticks his tongue out and you laughed

"One day you'll find a little someone in your life you're gonna love you'll see" you told him

"Eewww" he said

You laughed again and rubs his head

"You too cute Gregory I hope you stay like this forever" you said

You picked him up and kisses his cheek and just hug him

(No it's not in a incest way it was a sisterly kiss she does see him as a son but keep that in mind plz)

"Eew kisses" Gregory said giggling

You smiles and you just skate with him and Freddy was looking over with a smile

"Hey..make your move dude" Monty whispers to Freddy

"I don't know..I wanna wait" Freddy whispers back

"Well maybe Al's her out doing the week you been liking her for a good long while I'll help you out on it" Monty said

Freddy just nodded a bit

"Guys y'all stay here I'll be back" Davina said and she left

~Davins piv~

I was skating over and I saw and kid and a mother at the skating pick up

"Hey I got a message y'all needed help?" I asked

"Oh hey I called because kid is def and they need help" the mom said

"Well you called the right girl I know sigh language" you said

You tap on the kids shoulder and they turn around

(If the words are bold and slanted with (') then that means she's using sign language)

'Hey Im Davina did you need help?' I did in sign language

The kid nodded

I smiles

"Thank you so much ma'am I coudltn get my ASL helper to come but could you also teach them how to skate?" The mom asked

"Of course I can" I told her

'ima teach you how to skate alright we can go as slow as you want'

The kid smiled and hugs me and I hugged back

"Thank you again Davina do I have to maybe pay you back with something?" The mom asked

"No no you don't have to pay ma'am please this is on me I'm open any time to help and translate to anyone I have a space for them if they like to be alone with robots who can do the same Incase I'm busy" I told her

"Wow this place is amazing thank you again for helping them"

"your welcome I'll take y'all to the personal training corner"

I took the kids hand gently and took them and the mother to the personal training area

I help them get on the rink

'hey what's your name kiddo?'

'im Jayden, Thank you for helping me'

'Your welcome now lets get you started Jayden'

The kid smiled and we got started on training

~Your pov~

"I didn't know she new Sign language" you said

"She knew that?" Monty asked

"I guess so she's over there helping a kid out in the special needs"

" that I'm thinking about it...she was doing something like that before she got her upgrade that one night" Monty said

"Really?" You asked

"Yeah she was doing something like that before she entered rest mode"

"Huh..that's odd" you said

"Hey sis can we get something to eat?" Gregory asked

"Oh yeah we can" you said

"Did someone eat!" Chica said

"Yep let's go get something to eat on" you said

Y'all went to the food bar that was in the area and you and Gregory went up front to get some snacks and took the food to the table of course getting chica her own box of pizza

We started eating

"Hey guys I'm back I had to take care of a kid" Davina said and sat down next to Monty

"Hey uh Davina I gotta asked before you got a update on that one night was you using sign language to tell me something?" Monty asked

"Hm..oh yeah I remember that part I was I was asking if I could stay in your room tonight" she said


"I didn't feel like talking since I was tired and work up by you near me"

"Well that kinda explains things" Monty said eating the Natchos

Davina steals one out of Montys hand and ate it

"...why" Monty said

And we started laughing

"That was my Natcho!"

"Haha I'm sorry I'm sorry" Davina said

"Every time you get food I'ma do the same to you"

"Hehehe if your fast enough to"

"Don't test me" Monty said pointing at her

She just had a smile like if she wasn't gonna do anything else knowing damn well she would do something else

"I mean it with your little evil smile"

She just laughs

"Alright I'll stop" she said and ate one of his Natchos

"Quit taking my Nachoes girl! Get your own"

"Hehehe no" she said

We just started laughing and Monty was trying to eat it fatser and Davina trying to say some and they started laughing

"Hahaha stoooope" Monty said

"Just one more!" She trys grabbing it but Monty just put his hand in her face and pushes her back some

"Girl go get your own damn Natchos!"

She just started laughing more

"Oh my god alright fine I'm done I'm done" she said

They calmed down

Monty had one left and Davina took the last one and ran away

"HEY!" Monty said runninf after her

"Hahaha! Oh my god!" You said

"Monty gonna beat her up after this" Freddy said drinking his drink acting like if he didn't see nothing

You guys started wheezing along with the girls and Gregory

"Oh my god I hope not" you said wiping tears

Davina came back and Monty jumps on her and he ate the last Natcho

"HA! GOT IT!" Monty said

"Damn you cought me sugar" she said

She sat up making Monty fall off her and getting up

"But sugar don't jumpe me again or I won't go gentle on you" she said fixing her hair

"OOOOOOO" we said and started laughing

"i-" Monty looking dumb founded

"She did not!" Roxanne said

"Oh I did!" Davina said with a confident smile

Monty grabs her by her arms and she just started sweating

"Are you trying to test me or are you trying to get cocky with me?" Monty said

She just had a shocked smile ( her rn:😀)

"Whichever one you wanna believe" she said

He picks her up

"REEE NOO!" she said

"I'ma go beat the fuck out of her I sick of this shit" Monty said and left

We all started laughing harder


"Nah bro I'ma lock you up in my room untill I feel like your behaving better"

We all started wheezing and laughing way too hard

"Oh my god Monty don't actually lock her up" Freddy said laughing in-between

"Please dont!"

"Man your lucky that there saving you next time I aint giving no mercy at all" Monty puts her down

And we kept laughing having a fun time we gotten more closer than ever


(⚠️ WARNING⚠️ Flirting twords your way so be ready and some hot intestines! So be ready ladies)

You and Freddy was just walking around while the others played around well having to take Gregory home early so you won't be late for your night shift and you also made him a little Nanny robot at home so he wouldn't be lonely yay

"So y/n got any plans tonight?" Freddy asked

"Well I was gonna join the girls tonight" you said

He leans against the wall Infront of you blocking your way

"Why not hang out with you big teddy bear?~" he said staring at you

You blushed a bit and looked away a bit

"Oh uh..i-..uh.."

He pulls you closer to him and he brushes the hair behind your ear

"You're cute when your embarrassed~"

You got hotter and you smiled and trying to keep calm

"Uh..." You tried to think of something to say

"How about we take this to the room?~" he said sitting up

You nodded a bit

He took you hand and takes you to his room letting you go in first before her went in

You turned around and did the same thing that happened last time you fell on the couch and he pins you to the couch but he was more closer this time

You looked at him

"How about we try this again~ you explain to me what your hiding from me~" he growled a bit not in a mean way...but in a flirty way

You looked away

"Whaat- I'm not hiding nothing from you I don't know what your talking about" you said nervously

He grabs your face again and makes you face him

"I know your a dirty little thing for robots~ so you mines as well tell me what your hiding or I'll make you say it myself~" he said looking dead at you

Your eyes couldn't keep focus on him and he making you nervous

You arched your back a bit and move around some

"W-well uh...I don't know what you m-mean" you told him

He got closer to you and you leaned back and you look up at him and he put his leg In-between your legs and you squeaked a bit and getting flustered

"Y/n I know you like me~" he said

He moves your hair back some

"I know you love my touches on your soft skin~"

He moves his leg and he slowly touches your back and making you arch your back a bit more so you can be closer to him

"You love it when I'm close to you~ making you have butterflies in your stomach and getting you all flustered up~"

He gotten closer

"You love it when I please you~" he whispers in you eat

His breath hitting your neck and his leg moves in closer in-between your legs and you arched your back more and


You grab his shoulders and you breath gotten heavier

"F-freddy~" you whimpered

You was fan girling on the inside getting butterflies and getting so flustered and so weak in his touch

He gently tilts your head and he gave you little kisses on your neck

You gasped a bit and you moved a bit

You watch went off and he stops with his ears moving up

You looked at your watch and it was time for your night shift

"Night shift time already?" Freddy asked

You was broken and you was really red

"Y-yeah..."you said

You was really weak too and he got up

"Well I'll let you get to work y/n I don't want us getting in trouble" he said

You got up but your legs where shaking a bit and your breath hitched

"U-uh y-yeah Freddy" you said

He looks at your legs and he smirked

"Have fun trying to walk baby~" he said

You stopped and you felt your heart die and get butterflies

"..t-thanks" you said

You walked out of the room all flustered and coudlnt walk right and you can yourself

'holy fuck..I thought he was more pure and innocent like..guess innocent nice guys are the most freaky and flirty'

"Hey y/n- ooo-..." Davina said

You looked at her

"....please done tell anyone!" You said

"Damn he did you good didn't he?" She asked

You nodded a bit and walked off well trying too but Davina helps you

"I think he broken me~" you said

"Hehe I can tell" she said

"But uh I hope you can do the rest of your job like this-"

(Hello simps had to cut it here plz tell me if I made any mistakes and you already get the lemo see ya!)

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