Date A Live: Alternate Chroni...

By colossal_saiyan

21.6K 418 377

After Season 3 of Date A Live, an unknown individual makes it into their world. They are unsure of his origin... More

Episode 1: The Visitor
Episode 2: Continuation
Episode 3: Devastator
Episode 4: Patching Holes
Episode 5: Peace and The Looming Storm
Episode 6: Duo
Episode 7: The Arrival
Episode 8: Intermission
Episode 9: Lore
Episode 10: Relaxation
Episode 11: Tengu Cow
Episode 12: Flowers Candy and Games
Episode 13: Miku's Concert
Episode 14: Bond
Episode 15: The Fallout
Episode 16: Mixed Messages
Episode 17: Doppelganger
Episode 18: The Truth
Episode 19: Disturbance
Episode 20: Judgement Unshackled
Episode 21: Date A Bullet
Episode 22: Date A Bullet II
Episode 23: Turnaround
Episode 24: The Blunder
Episode 25: Date A Dance Off
Episode 26: Growth
Episode 27: The Secret Time Chamber
Episode 28: Training Begins
Episode 29: Transcending Beyond Doubt
Episode 30: Growing Tails
Episode 31: Power Display
Episode 32: War Begins
Episode 33: Fear and Faith
Episode 35: The Devil Trigger
Episode 36: Comeback for Revenge
Episode 37: The Final Struggle and The Decisive Conclusion
My Final Message Before Moving Forward..

Episode 34: Awakening

216 8 3
By colossal_saiyan

After a unified clash of powers between good and evil, Akio is now more than prepared to fight Demigra in his Ultra Instinct Omen, the form that he has been working towards the whole time he's been trying to refine. Now that he has the omen of the true transformation, he is ready for a devastating Round 2. Shido and Co. are watching the two of them staring off at each other after Akio punches Demigra away before he assumes Ultra Instinct Omen.

Shido: I.. I feel like I shouldn't be witnessing this happen..

Kotori: W..What happened to him? Did he change again?

Mana: I don't know.. The aura around him is different but his hair is still the same color as his base form.

Natsumi: I also feel an intense heat coming from him. It's not like the red form or the blue one. This pressure is on a completely different level.

Miku: I have no idea what's about to happen in this fight..

Kurumi: At this point, this isn't a fight. This is a deathmatch.

Kaguya: A deathmatch, huh?

Yuzuru: Acknowledgement. We are about to witness the unknown battle we never thought we would see.

Demigra has his teeth gritted while looking at Akio while the heat is reeking off of his body while his aura whispers.

Demigra: I absolutely refuse to believe this.. How can someone like you have that power?!

Akio: ...

Demigra: That strength is exclusive to the gods only!! I've worked for years to try and reach that level only for you to achieve it casually!?

Akio: ...

Demigra: Silence treatment is it? Very well, either way... I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS BLASPHEMY!! THAT POWER IS MINE AND MINE ALONE!

*DBZ Dokkan Battle INT Ultra Instinct Omen Goku OST by PokeMixr92 plays*

Demigra charges at Akio and they both clash, breaking the land. The force of the combat is so supreme that the area is covered in high speed winds that makes everyone look up in the air. Demigra dashes in for an attack but Akio catches his punch. Demigra starts a combination rush of melee attacks. As they come towards Akio, he parries and blocks with a faster response time and sharper strike. Demigra gets hit in the gut with a kick and he goes flying, soaring through the air. Demigra recovers and summons an entire plethora of Ki Blasts from his sides and sends them towards Akio in a heartbeat. As all the homing blasts zoom towards Akio, Akio dodges most of the high speed level blasts that are coming at him. As the last few blasts make their way towards him, he swipes the air to make a shield that blocks the blasts. Akio vanishes behind Demigra to kick him at the back of the neck downwards.

Demigra: How the hell does he already have such control?!

Akio zooms down on him to follow up his attack with a punch but Demigra moves out of the way. Demigra is behind Akio about to land an arm swipe strike. He barely dodges it and it almost scratches his cheek but a hair. Akio grits his teeth as he dodges the blow in slow motion. It transitions back into real time and Demigra pushes Akio away with a shockwave sending him away. Akio recovers and he sees Demigra him at light speed. Akio responds with a punch making a shockwave across the land making rocks float in the air after the strike. Akio clashes with Demigra in the air as others watch this unfold before them in silence.

Shido: Could it be..?

He recalls back to the times Akio has been temporarily automatically dodging blows during their training.

Shido: That's what that's been building up to, huh? He was able to bounce back from death and break your limits to unleash a more powerful form you've been working up to.

Mana: Is that the case..? I guess it is.

Origami: Yes. It makes sense now. It is a great transformation that allows such a technique.

As they clash, Akio closes his eyes and recalls back to being on a planet with a certain someone and training as this person throws their staff and Akio dodges it with his eyes closed in his base form. He does well dodging them but then the Angel comes and hits him on the side. Akio grunts and the person speaks to him.

???: You're overthinking your movements instead of just moving. Let your body develop its own mind and just be. Remember, just be.

As the person speaks to him, he catches the high speed staff in an instance.

???: Well done.

The flash back ends and transitions back to the fight in the present. Akio focuses his strength as Demigra clashes with him angrily. Demigra fires blasts at him and he dodges them. Demigra sends his staff at him and Akio flips in the air like Sonic and hits him on the top of his head with a powerful downwards axe kick.

Tohka: Yeah! That's it!

Shido: Don't give him time to recover!

The kick sends Demigra to the ground and rocks fly up everywhere. As Demigra goes up in the air, Akio vanishes towards Demigra and lands a powerful punch sending him away. Akio lunges up in a stance and shoots towards Demigra. As they clash, the strikes become so fast that they become unreadable at the human eye. As Demigra throws his strikes at Akio, he dodges and parries all of the attacks with his eyes closed in extreme focus. As he soars and chases after Demigra, he dodges all of the blasts thrown at him. As he still has his eyes closed, he is in a stance dodging an attack and his aura gets bigger. Akio breaks Demigra's flailing with an immensely powerful eye glare, becomes invisible and pummels Demigra in a quick bombardment of attack rushes. Akio finishes the rush with an open hand palm force push sending Demigra through mountains.

*DBS 2 Ultra Instinct Vegeta Theme by Friedrich Habetler Music plays*

Akio feels the surging energy in Omen being transformed into a true energy the more he fights in it. As the form starts to transcend in strength, the heat reeks even more with his aura expanding even more as he stands still with his eyes closed.

Demigra: ...DAMN IT!!!!

Demigra charges out the hole and he and Akio start clashing. Demigra roars and portals open up and shoot many homing staff at Akio. He dodges all of them and redirects one of them to hit Demigra in the chest. Akio charges in and starts a fierce attack rush and lets out the ghostly roar again by punching him in the chest fracturing one of Demigra's ribs. He groans in pain and Akio kicks him away. Shido cheers him on as he fights.

Shido: Go on Akio! Keep dealing damage to that bastard! Show him not underestimate you!

Demigra: Tch..! This has gone on long enough!!

Demigra summons portals from his side to fire beams out of the portals. Akio is coated in his growing blazing aura with his eyes closed.


The beams soar down at the warrior as his energy towers. Akio's hair glares white and his aura rises. The beams hit him with the expanding energy mixing in and everything instantly stops. Everyone's eyes are glued onto the battlefield.

*Music cuts*

Demigra gets shocked and he sees Akio in front of him in the Pre-Ultra Instinct colors holding both of the beams in his hands. He crushes them simultaneously in front of Demigra. He points two fingers at him like Granolah and sends a ultra godly shockwave that pushes him into a mountain within seconds.

Kaguya: Whoa!! What was that?!

Natsumi: He did that instantly!

The Pre-Ultra Instinct colors crack and float off of him revealing white silver hair and silver eyes like Gogeta's Transformation in Fusion Reborn. Demigra is in the mountain in pain with blood coming out his mouth.

Demigra: No.. No...

Akio is seen in the True Ultra Instinct with white hair and tail looking at his hands. Demigra charges at Akio with rage and anger. He tries to punch him and Akio dodges at lightspeed, too fast for the eye and could be seen in front of Demigra again. Demigra gets pummeled, staggers back and fires a blast at Akio. He catches it and crushes it. Demigra gets elbowed and gets sent flying back. Akio turns around towards him with the white silver hair and tail with the eyes of seeking combat.

Origami: He changed again..

Kotori: I thought Spatial Quakes were the pinnacle of danger.. But the sheer power and strength coming from Akio is enough to strike fear and then some.

Kurumi: I couldn't agree more. Whatever this form of his can do, it's definitely out of this realm of any power we have ever seen.

Tohka: What we are about to witness is something beyond any story that can be told..

Demigra: ...It may make my soul cringe when I say this.. but you do appear to have some skill for a mere mortal. That power you have is not something that anyone can contain and manage so well.

Akio: ...

Demigra: However..

Demigra opens his eyes and unleashes his aura again.

Demigra: It still eternally angers me to see someone like you possess that power exclusive to the gods.

Akio: ... I really feel like I don't need to explain to you how corrupt your oozing entitlement is. Instead, I'll just reduce that immensely swollen ego back down to its size!

*DBZ Dokkan Battle AGL Ultra Instinct Goku OST plays*

Ultra Instinct Akio and Demigra both clash into each other and exchange blows. Demigra growls in frustration as Akio dodges his blows. He goes in for another strike with his staff but Akio does a gesture with his hands and becomes intangible. He phases through Demigra as he gets shocked. Akio pulls his elbow in and hits Demigra in his back. Akio kicks Demigra down to the ground. Akio closes his eyes and he expands his aura in a wide radius across the battlefield. Demigra panic blocks but then drops his guard.

Demigra: Did.. Did he just expand his energy around us? Is it possible that he's trying to manipulate my presence for his own sake? No.. even with that strength, I'm still objectively stronger than him!

Demigra charges in for an attack entering Akio's Ki Control Domain. Akio breaks the clash and manipulates his energy to control Demigra, commanding him to walk towards him forcefully.

Demigra: W..What?! He's making me move?! My strength is greater than his by default!!

Kaguya: Look! He's making him walk towards him in his own field of energy as he gets pummeled!

Tohka: This has to be part of this form's ability. I've never seen anything like this from any other transformation he has.

Origami: It also could be that Akio's control over his own exclusive power has gotten so great that it doesn't even matter if you're stronger than him, it doesn't even matter. If the domain catches you, it's only Akio's turn.

Mayuri: And this transformation he has undergone just amplified his ability over his energy manipulation even more.

Kotori: ....I'm so glad I'm not fighting that...

Akio crosses his arms with a powerful eye glare attack that pummels with a bombardment of invisible strikes.. As he recovers from the blows, Demigra charges at him and Akio starts walking towards him. He hits him with an invisible attack, Demigra takes damage while staggering. As Ultra Instinct Akio is walking, an Ultra Instinct Omen Aftermage Akio is seen attack rushing Demigra. It's an illustration that Akio is moving so fast in his own Domain Expansion that his movements are too quick to see. Akio puts a hand out to push Demigra away. He makes more Ki Blasts summon from the side and they all fly into Demigra in all directions. While that's happening, Akio glares at Demigra and hits him with invisible punches while the Ki Blasts explode and bombard Demigra. A huge explosion could be seen after all of that and Demigra shows some fatigue after the smoke clears.

Demigra charges at Akio in anger and they both punch each other breaking and distorting reality. To Shido and the others, as they hit each other a flash of light is displayed and they are confused as to where they went. Akio and Demigra are now fighting in outer space amongst the planets in the Solar System exchanging blows. Akio breaks the exchange by powering up in his aura and he becomes a slash swipe left and right from Demigra staggering him. Akio comes out of the slash towards him and like the beginning of Gogeta's Soul Punisher he pummeled Demigra and knees him twice and does the final backflip kick sending him away. Akio teleports to him and sledgehammers Demigra down with a ghostly roar. He teleports again and does Heavenly Mark, the modded move from XV2. The final blast sends Demigra into the Earth crashing down making a colossal explosion. Shido and the others block the intense debris and as it calms down, Demigra comes out and looks up to see Akio darting towards him from the sky and kicks him into the ground. They both explode from the ground and Akio could be seen running as giant Ki Arms try to grab him while blasting him at the same time. A giant hand goes in for the grab but Akio effortlessly dodges it. Demigra instantly vanishes behind him but Akio closes his eyes and punches Demigra in the face without even looking. Akio turns around and knees him in the side, punches him and Ki Blast Cannons him away.

Demigra is flying amongst the mountains and Akio teleports above him and punches Demigra to the ground. Akio lances up and charges in with a elbow and a series of kicks backflip kicking Demigra away and just like Godly Display he summons a huge sphere of endless white energy and he throws it Demigra. The white sphere consumes Demigra whole. Akio changes his stance and looks at the blast exploding just like in Xenoverse 2. The debris clears and everyone looks at the battlefield. As Akio floats down on a piece of land, he looks down on the debris with a serious face. A heartbeat could be heard and Akio groaned with his teeth gritted.

Akio: Tch.. yeah. I was expecting this to happen.. As much strength you possess in this form's mastered state, it is very taxing on the user's body for the first time and I'm afraid this first time will be the last because he's definitely not letting me undergo this form again. I can feel this form slowly fading away. I need to get harder and try to end this before it runs out or something bad happens to my body.

*Music cuts* 

*Ultra Instinct Theme by PokeMixr92 plays* 

Demigra comes out of the debris in a heartbeat and Akio is instantly ready to attack back. They both rush into each other with a white and pinkish red light crashing and bursting into each other. Akio and Demigra both clash elbows like FighterZ characters then Akio backflips away from him as he fires Ki Blasts towards his direction in a line. Akio is soaring through the beams. He dodges all of them but as Akio goes in for his attack, everything slows down and Demigra uses a Ki Shockwave to block Akio's attack. Demigra is about to use his staff to cast a spell on Akio but he's too quick to react and he expands his aura to trap Demigra in his domain trap once again then sledgehammers him down to the ground with an extreme potent strike that makes Demigra groan in pain. Akio charges a devastating blow above his head with a tense face. Demigra crashes down to the ground Akio releases the white stream of Ki down on top of Demigra while screaming.

Akio: You're going down!!!

As he lands the attack, the beam hits the surface of the ground where Demigra is, the blast absorbs him and explodes breaking the land making debris fly along with a white flash.

*Music cuts* 

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