"Pillow Buddy" βœ”

By Cjessie1230

1.9M 69.2K 10.2K

❝Your heartbeat is like a lullaby❞ he mumbled 𝘚𝘰 𝘡𝘩𝘒𝘡'𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘩𝘦 π˜₯𝘦𝘴𝘀𝘳π˜ͺ𝘣𝘦π˜₯ π˜ͺ𝘡 I grabbed... More

What an A-hole
Graduate with Honours
Like Morticia
Shut it Cloud
We Look Hot as Hell
We Argue Like Husband and Wife
100 Donuts In A Minute
Emo Kid
Childhood Friend
It's Me
Sophisticated Type
My Feet Hurt
Did She Slap You?
What Approval?
Whatever, Night Night
Can You Do That Again?
Chef's Kiss
Guys Would Fall And Girls Would Be Gay For You
Deal With The Devil
Curse Too Much
I Slept For 4 Hours
No Pain No Gain
Get In The Car
Dear God He Is Petty
A Bunny
Runaway Girl
These Immature Idiots
I Went Full-Blown Angry French Woman At Him
Big Heart
He Is An Ambivert
Snow White
Heart-Shaped Birthmark
It's Been 13 Years Already
He Was Right
Darn It
He Is Instant Popular
Pretty Dragon
Tell Me About It
What's A Dudette?
My Eyes It Hurts!
Who Took My Eyeliner!?
60 People
A Picture?
I Better Purchase Some Locks
So Technically Any Food
You Guys Live Together!?
The Four Idiots
You Will Be Fine
Follow Through With Your Anger
Mild Fever
That's A Fact
Mom Of The Group
Kiss Cam
Good Actor
Secret Special Project
A Greek God But With An Attitude
That Hotdog Pillow Is My Lifesaver
Red String Of Fate
So Bored
All Of It
Natural Beauty
You Don't Put Pasta In A Vegetable Soup
Eat Up Loser
Mrs. Worldwide
He Didn't Deserve It
She Was Being A Sore Loser
Newbies First
Angel With A Shotgun
Rubbing Shoulders With Chef Ramsay
One Bit
Plant Box
Indirectly Kiss
Ever Seen The Slipper?
Kiss Me First
Penelope's Alarm
Better Common Sense
Lavender Scent
He Knows
How Do I Repay You?
Absolute Fool
Friend's List
End Of Me
Laziest When It Comes To Mornings
Not Classical
Extra Seat
No Doubt About It
It's A Fetish
Lake Louise
Sweating Waterfall
Egotistical Butt
Not Deep Enough
Price Clan
Hot Nurse Guy
Cottage Core
See You All
A Bit Better
Penelope 2.0
Luck Must Have Come With A Price
Micro Radio
Ninja Skills
5 Days
He Is Already A Troublemaker
Born For The Job
Green Tea
Huge Slap
So Strong It Was Unstoppable
Goodbye Kiss
Yellow Hibiscus
I Guess I Still Love You
Who You Calling Heavy!?
Crazy In Love
It's Too Early!
Full Of Energy
Stop Being Too Humble
The Guy With The Golden Boy Image
Traumatized People That Needs Therapy
I Love Surprises
The Starry Sky And You

I Declare War!

11.3K 515 63
By Cjessie1230

Chapter seventy-three: "I Declare War!"

"Shane, why are you being such a sore loser? Alice got the title of team captain fair and square through her hard work" I asked her as I took long strides to stand beside Alice and held her hand to prevent her from doing anything that might take the title away from her

Shane's hands formed into a fist and glared at the both of us "You guys don't seem to even know the term hard work so what are you going on about Dumb Penelope?" She scoffed

I was a bit puzzled along with Alice, we looked at each other to try and understand what Shane is saying to us. Shane made a smug smile and leaned forward to whisper "I heard from Danny that you are a slut, Penelope, while for Alice, even if she used to be a slut you know what they say. Old habits die hard"
You know what? Let's beat this chick

I gave Shane a huge fake grin and put my hand on her face and shoved her down to the ground "You don't have the confidence to say it out loud, what a coward" purposely saying it out loud made more people in the gym give us the unwanted attention that I need to embarrass Shane

She strutted away after she growled at us in a threatening way, Alice gave out a sigh of relief with her hand rested on her chest "Thank goodness, I thought she would never stop"

Aiden gave us a little clap, Cloud gave me a small nod, and the rest of the people smiled that she was not in the gym right now. It felt like something heavy has been lifted to her whole teammates, Alice returned them all to practice and we watched her in all her glory of being amazing in basketball


After school finished I walked to the small kindergarten, Miss Flora was thrilled to see me enter the front lawn and into her front door. She welcomed me along with the children, she leaned sideways and whispered "Did you accept being my music teacher for the little ones?" She beamed

I nodded and gave her all of my information to get started, she knew I was going to accept because the room that used to be a storage room for toys is now remodeled to become a music room. My eyes went wide at how tiny size everything is since my students will be little kids
This is too adorable, holy shit

I sat and waited for them to come and the first one who came in was Sushi, she has her head poked through the door showing her bluebell eyes and some red hair that fell on her face. She was a bit chubby because their cheeks are more rounder than before

She waved shyly to me and I gestured for her to come in, she grinned and ran to sit beside me on the piano. The kids must be so busy they forgot about the music lesson, I taught Sushi about the basics of the piano. Her eyes were focused and her hands are ready to play
This girl has determination

5 minutes passed and the little kids started to run into the new music room, it turns out that Miss Flora said to them that they are not allowed to enter until the music teacher is here. Their cute little faces that have surprised written all over and their mouths turned into an 'o' is hilarious

They all gathered around me and sat on the baby-sized chairs and table, I introduced myself as Miss Angel, since they have my permission to use that nickname of mine

Only the kids get to have the privilege of using it unlike someone who uses it to annoy me

We sang together and I taught them nursery rhymes, I was having a jolly ol' time in the music room that I didn't notice that I can feel a set of eyes burning the back of my head. I assumed it was Miss Flora at first but I was wrong. Dead wrong.

Cloud followed me here and was watching the entire time, he was sitting on a kiddie chair along with the kids. While listening, he was drawing on a large sheet of paper with the kids using crayons

I pretended he wasn't there even though we met eye contact and continued the music class, it ended successfully and they all ran to the next class. I closed the piano before sitting on the kiddie chair beside Cloud "Why did you follow me here?" I asked him as I glanced at all of their drawings

Cloud drew a sun with a smiley face behind an apple tree that is drawn by a kid "Is it wrong to watch Angel?" He glanced at my face and stopped coloring the tree

"Don't you have a personal life to live? Like hanging out with Will or Peter? Or even the guys who looked up to you in school?"

He grabbed the red crayon and puts it in my hand "Color the apple first" he grinned at me cheekily

We were in the music room as we color the drawings they made during my music lesson, I gave the drawing to Miss Flora and she puts it in a frame and hung it on the wall
That's typical Miss Flora to you

Cloud befriended all of the kids and they were now playing with him on the sandbox making sandcastles, since their snack time came I helped Miss Flora prepare sandwiches and a small box of apple juice to give to the children. We were given some sandwiches and but this time iced coffee

Since Cloud was sitting beside the sandbox and was dusting his hands off I shoved the food in his mouth and he took a bite out of it "Your hands are dirty, I doubt your immune system can take a small bacteria from the sandbox" I said to him

He liked the sandwich that we made and opened his mouth waiting for me to feed it to him, I rolled my eyes and put the food in. I gave him the iced coffee and he finished it immediately

We sat in the sandbox and watched the kids eating their snacks while playing with the small toys they brought "Do you like kids?" Cloud asked me

I laughed "If I didn't like kids, I wouldn't be here teaching them music" I put my empty cup down on the grass, the kids started to run around again

"Have you ever thought to be a teacher?" Cloud suggested to me, I shared my head "No, I haven't"

"A kindergarten teacher sounds nice though, I could teach and play with kids" I dreamed about that life, it's simple but it would work for me. I would never have thought of being a teacher yet
So this is what a dream of having a career feels like, no wonder Cloud was so excited

"Hey" I took Cloud's attention when he turned to me, I gave him a small smile "Thanks for helping me find a career path I could take" I appreciate that he even suggested the teaching career because there was never a time I would have that career come first in my head.

If anything I might have taken the career as a professional chef if I don't have any idea what career I'm gonna take since I always hear people compliment my food, there was this little boy who walked up to me slowly and has something hidden behind his back. He showed it and it was small daisies that he picked from the garden

So we were just sitting there listening to the little guy profess his undying love for me which was hilarious and adorable

"Sorry Dude" Cloud pulled me into his one arm that it around my waist "She is taken" he smiled

The kid was not backing down though "I declare war!" He said loudly while pointing at Cloud

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