Who Knew

By mps1791

26 0 0

Carmen's life was turned upside down when she found out about her ex and her sister slept together. 3 years l... More

The beginning
Is this for real
The change
New Beginning
Rehearsal to the Wedding

Friend or Foe

2 0 0
By mps1791


I really wanted to know what story that Megan told her. I kept searching in my memories but was coming up blank.

We were all lounging around waiting for the party bus to arrive to take us to Atlantic city. Tonight the girls and the guys would be separated for a while. We were going to meet up at the Borgata around midnight

After the boat adventure we got back to the house and were greeted by Shelly and Kevin. Shelly must have started drinking when they got there because she was super friendly and handsy. I think she pinched my butt.

"Don't mind her," Kevin said to me on the side. "She had a rough weekend so far. I am just glad that we are here so she can just relax and have fun."

I smiled, "No worries man. Good to see you both, but I am beat. Catch up with you later?"

"Sure." Kevin turned away from me. "Shelly let go of Carmen."

I turned to see Shelly hanging on to Carmen as if she was her own child.

Carmen was laughing. "It's ok Kevin. She is just excited to see me." Carmen glanced at me and smiled.

"I'm going to take a nap." I mouthed to her. She nodded and I headed upstairs to my room.

I didn't even bother taking off my swimsuit, I passed out on the bottom bunk and slept. It was a dreamless sleep, I was awoken by Dereck coming in to grab his stuff.

"Sorry bro." Derek said, opening his suitcase.

"All good." I rolled back over and grabbed my phone. It was about 6:30, the bus was going to get us at 8. I saw that I had a text from Carmen. I opened it immediately.


Hey sleepy head. Hope you napped. Come downstairs when you are ready. I made everyone a little snack. ;)

I smiled. This girl was making me smile harder than I have in my life.

"Showers free if you want it." Derek said before walking out of the room.

I got off the bed and gathered my clothes for the night. I headed into the bathroom and showered.

I was downstairs in the kitchen about 15 minutes later dressed and ready to go. Carmen made everyone some homemade pizza rolls. Of course they were delicious, everything she made was good.

After I ate, I sat next to Carmen on the larger couch. She looked great. Carmen was wearing a orange Polk a dot dress and white heeled sandals. Her hair was pulled back in a messy bun and she had on some white earrings to match. I pushed some of her hair from her face. She turned and smiled at me.

"You look handsome. " She said, looking at me. I had khaki pants, with a dark blue button up shirt with some sort of design on it, I picked the shirt up from Target. They always had interesting things. Besides my shirt I had on my white Adidas sneakers. This was not my usual look, I was basing it off of the picture from Target.

"Thanks. You look beautiful. "

Carmen beamed at me. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I think this was our thing for now, that was until she was ok for me to kiss her around everyone.

Carmen released my hand and leaned her head onto my shoulder. I put an arm around her touching her side. The fabric of her dress was a silky feel. When women wore stuff like that it drove me wild. Something about feeling their bodies through the fabric. My mind was drifting and my pants were getting tighter. I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"You alright?" She asked, looking at me.

I smiled, "Yeah, I'm good." Carmen turned her head away from me and back at whatever show was on the television.

I focused on the show. That way my mind could be off Carmen's body on my body in that dress. Fuck! Ok blonde lady show, what was this and why did it seem familiar to me.

"Full house?" I said, realizing that my thought came out of my mouth.

"Fuller house." Teresa responded. She was sitting on the smaller couch with Adam. "The girls are all grown up."

"I see that." I was looking at the screen. "Is that Stephanie?"

"Yup." Teresa responded.

"Let me guess you had a thing for Stephanie." Carmen said into my neck.

"How did you know?" I turned our faces inches apart from each other. I could just kiss her.

"Because who didn't!" Carmen lifted her head off my shoulder.

"I had a thing for Kimmy." Kevin said, walking into the room.

I heard Carmen laughing, "Did you really?"

Kevin took a seat on the other side of Carmen. Further away from her than I was sitting. "Yeah. Something about her, she was quirky."

I could see Kevin liking Kimmy. Shelly was quirky and strange so it made sense.

"Is Shelly alright?" Carmen asked.

"Yeah she was just a little stressed with the kids. They really didn't want to go to my parents house and gave us a hard time. I get it my parents aren't as crazy and fun as Shelly's mom, but they had to go somewhere." Kevin took a sip of his beer.

"Shelly's mom alright?" Carmen asked.

"Yeah, she just has a bad sinus infection right now. I know it's strange for the summer time, but she has really bad allergies." Kevin took another swig of his beer. Kevin looked like James but a more rugged version. He let his beard grow and worked out on the regular. His motto was work for your beer. I had to get back to running. Carmen has been spoiling me with all this good food.

"So what's going on here?" Kevin nodded towards Carmen and I.

Carmen turned and smiled at me. "Well we are just hanging out."

Hanging out? What did that mean? Wait, don't overreact.

"Yeah." I replied. What were we doing?

We watched another episode before everyone gathered in the kitchen to take a shot.

"Cheers" Everyone clinked their shot glasses together.

The tequila shot hit the back of my throat burning a little on the way down. I bite my lime feeling that twinge in my jaw. It's been a while since I have drank tequila. Carmen on the other hand seemed like a champ. She down that shot like it was nothing. Didn't even make a face.

"What?" She said, looking at me smiling.

I shook my head. "Nothing."

"Hmmm.... Ok." She smiled.

"The bus is here!" Someone yelled.

We all headed out to the bus and chose our place on the bus. Carmen sat next to me and this time Megan sat next to her. Derek was passing out some beers before he took a seat. The drinking continued. I was having a chat with Megan and Carmen. I was happy that this just felt normal.

It was a pretty long drive down, but I think all the alcohol that was flowing we hardly noticed. Carmen smiled and squeezed my hands a couple of times. More people were starting to notice, but Carmen didn't seem to mind. I put my arm around her at one point and brought her body close to mine. Her head was under my chin and I smelled the coconuts in her hair again.

"MMM you always smell like coconuts." I smiled at her.

Carmen lifted her head and turned towards me and smiled. "I've been using the same shampoo for years. I guess more people noticed than I realized." Carmen put her head back on my shoulder.

I smiled. I always remembered that coconut smell. I sat back and relaxed with Carmen still in my arms.

The bus made a sharp turn and then stopped. We arrived at the first place of the night. The girls were going to go off to this one place and the guys were going to gamble and then hit up a strip club. Well the guys didn't tell the girls that, but they didn't need to know that detail.

"You owe me a dance." Carmen whispered in my ear before she took off with the girls. I felt myself smile.

"Gentleman. I suggest we walk around the casino,get some free booze and then head over to our destination." Derek began walking into the casino.

Kevin, James and myself headed for a black jack table. I wasn't much of a gambler, but I did enjoy black jack.

I won a few hands, took my winnings and cashed them out. I had extra money for tonight.

Kevin, James, Adam and Derek were at a poker table now. I stood by and watched. Derek seemed to be winning, he quickly lost and then gained some of his money back. I looked at my phone, it was about 10:30. I figured the guys would want to get going soon, turns out that I was wrong. The strip club idea quickly went out the window. I stood by for another 20 minutes before aimlessly walking around the casino floor.

I took a seat at a slot machine and texted Carmen. I figured I would see what she was up to.

After about 5 minutes Carmen replied with a picture. She took a selfie of herself in some club. A second text came in after that. 

Carmen: Dancing at this club. Hope you are having a good time! ;)

"Yo Vinny, let's go!" James was waving towards me.

I got up and walked over to James. The strip club was back on and we were heading there next.

About an hour later we were making our way back onto the bus. The girls were already waiting for us to head over to the Borgata.

"Baby!" Megan ran up to James and threw her arms around him.

"Hi babe. You ok?" James asked, releasing Megan from his grip.

"YESSSSS!!!" Megan smiled, "I'm havcing the best time! We went to a club that was playing Latin music and danced." Megan began to Cha Cha. "Carmen killed it on the dance floor!"

Megan turned towards Carmen who was sitting and drinking a beer. "Right Carmen!! That guy who was a dance instructor wanted to hire Carmen for his studio."

I looked towards Carmen. "No, come on Megan you are exaggerating. Come sit down so the guys can get on the bus."

Megan grabbed James's hand and dragged him with her to sit next to Carmen. I took a seat across from them since Shelly was sitting on the left side of Carmen. Megan leaned forward and grabbed a bottle of tequila out of the bag. "More shots!! It's time to get this party started!"

"Megan, don't you think you should have some water." Carmen looked at Megan.

"No. Pass me some shot glasses."

Shelly reached into a bag next to her and passed Megan a bag of plastic shot glasses.

"Really Megan, maybe you should slow down. We are going to that other club...."Carmen was pleading with Megan.

Megan opened the bottle of tequila and proceeded to chug half the bottle.

The look on James's face, I did not envy him. It was either going to turn out to be a very good night for him or a very bad night. Time would tell.



I looked across at Vinny. He was talking to Kevin who was sitting next to him. I didn't think he noticed I was looking at him until he turned and smiled at me. Fuck that smile.

The liquor flowing through my body was giving me some very dirty thoughts. I couldn't deny that I am physically attracted to Vinny, but I also just kissed him last night. I couldn't move that fast with him, it just didn't feel right and yet I really wanted to.

I looked away and back towards Megan. She was already pretty drunk. I told her to slow down and she chugged a good majority of the tequila bottle that she was still holding. Tonight was going to be interesting. Last time Megan drank this much we found her passed out on the front lawn.

"Carmen, you are such a good dancer." Shelly leaned onto me. "Like you should be on one of those dance shows."

"Thanks." I smiled. I wasn't sure what to say.

"Did Carmen tell you that she was part of a thropel!" Amy, who was pretty loaded herself, shouted towards me.

"What?" Shelly looked at me. "Like with two guys?"

"NO!!!" Amy stood up. "A man and a woman!"

I shot a look towards Amy. What the fuck?! Why was she bringing this up?

"Amy, why don't you have a seat..."Peter stood up to help Amy. "TELL THEM CARMEN! It's such a hot story." Amy was shouting and almost fell over. Peter was able to get Amy to sit down.

"Please tell us! I want to know!" Shelly grabbed my arm.

Megan leaned in to me, "You had sex with a woman too? Man, I thought you were a prude!" Megan started laughing. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I looked up towards Vinny. He was rubbing the back of his neck. He was feeling nervous, did my story get him hot and bothered last time?

A part of me didn't want to say anything especially in front of my sister and my ex but the booze was flowing so I went for it.

"Yes, I was in a thropel with a married couple."

Megan grabbed my arm, "FUCK! They were married! CARMEN! You're a vixen!"

"It wasn't like that Megan. I met the guy first and well he seduced me. I fell into their lifestyle. They treated me well and helped me move on from there you know."

"JAMES!" Megan looked towards James. "She slept with two people!!!" Megan was intoxicated. "Soooo do you have a picture of these people? I got to see them." Megan was staring at me.

"Yes! I want to see what they look like." Shelly was leaning into me. "A thropel sounds so exciting! I wouldn't mind that."

"Hey!" Kevin said, looking at his wife.

"What lightened up Kevin, I never said it would happen.Besides...." Shelly stood up and sat on Kevin's lap. "You're all the man that I need." She leaned in and kissed him.

Vinny took this opportunity and made his way to me. I was looking in my phone for a picture of Miguel and Isabella.

"You alright?" He whispered into my ear. His breath was hot on my ear making me feel a tingle.

I couldn't look at him, I knew I would kiss him right then and there. Not that it mattered, I am sure everyone knew that something was going on between us. It was pretty obvious. Instead I nodded and kept looking through my phone. I found a picture of Miguel and Isabella.

"Here." I gave Megan my phone.

"Holy shit! They are so hot!" Megan looked down at my phone again and then back at me. "Fuck Carmen! I'm so proud to be your sister."

I looked at Megan, "Um....ok." I didn't know what else to say. What did she mean by that?

"Look at how hot they are." Megan showed James.

James looked up at me. It was an awkward look for sure, but he smiled. "Yeah, really good looking Carmen."

'Yeah you know just the two people I fucked to get over you. No big deal right' I thought to myself.

"DAMN!" Shelly was now looking at my phone. "They are gorgeous! I mean I'm not surprised, I mean just look at you, you are so beautiful no wonder you attracted such movie star looking people. Look Kevin." Shelly put the phone in Kevin's face.

"Damn, they really are good looking." Kevin looked towards me. "Nice job Carmen."

My phone was then passed to Mel, "I've seen them before." She passed it Derek, who had his arm around Mel. They were getting cozy. Mel told me before that she was trying to avoid him, but something happened while we were on the boat that she changed her mind. She was trying to give me space with Vinny, after I told her she was kind around too much.

"Damn, she is hot." Derek passed the phone to Adam. Adam looked quick nodded and passed the phone to Teresea. Teresa looked quick and passed it back to James. He looked one more time and passed it back to Megan.

"Wow. Carmen, what happened with them?" Megan handed me my phone.

"It was fun while it lasted, but I wasn't made out for their lifestyle. They also wanted to bring another in, and I wasn't too pleased about it. I had more of a relationship with Miguel anyway. Isabella wanted someone to be her own. So after Greece we parted ways. I don't regret it. I had a great time and was able to just be me."

"When was this? I thought you were dating that guy from Japan." Megan asked.

"Jung? He was from Korea. Jung and I dated briefly. We were more friends than anything. I think we kissed once." I chuckled to myself. Jung was cute but we just did not click. After Jung I just didn't date anyone.

"He was the guy that you took to your friend's wedding right?" Megan asked. "I saw the picture of you and a guy kissing....."

"That was not Jung. That was Marisol's cousin Ceaser. He kissed me, I did not kiss him."

"Oh....so you and Jung....."

"Ok Megan lets talk about someone else's personal life...."

Just then the bus stopped. I was thankful because I was hoping that Megan would shut up about my love life.

I chugged my beer, grabbed my handbag and walked out of the bus. As we were walking into the Borgota Vinny whispered into my ear "Are you sure that you alright?"

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Yup." I said out loud.

We made our way through the casino floor and to the club that Megan was dying to get into. We had our own VIP area that Mel arranged and was led to our area. I plopped down onto the cushioned seat and fixed my dress. Vinny took a seat next to me, his body next to mine was again making me feel something.

The waitress brought over a bottle of champagne, with some glasses. We placed our other drink orders before James popped open the champagne.

James carefully poured out the champagne to everyone. He held up his glass, "Megan and I just want to thank you all for being here. This has been a great weekend full of many surprises" James looked at me, "But I am glad that we all can be together. I love you Megan. To us!"

"Cheers, Salud..." Everyone chimed in unison clanking our glasses together.

The champagne went down the back of my throat quickly. I placed my empty glass on the table and looked at Vinny. "Don't forget you owe me a dance." I smiled.

"How could I forget?" He smiled back at me.

I felt good, I felt happy, I felt that whatever was happening between us was just right. So right that I leaned in and kissed him in front of everyone. Vinny was taken back at first but continued the kiss before breaking it off.

"FUCKING FINALLY!!!" Peter yelled.

I started laughing, I was expecting that to come out of Megan. Besides, Peter already knew that we kissed. He saw us on the boat. I was wondering if he was making a big deal to act like he didn't know.

"Peter...." Vinny began.

"What the fuck ever dude! I am just happy to see that you finally grew some balls. I owe you guys dinner."

"Huh?" I looked at Vinny.

"Don't worry about it." Vinny smiled, "Just take the free dinner option."

I smiled, "Ok, I'll make sure to cash in my free dinner then."

The waitress came back with our drinks. I took a couple of sips of my drink and heard the song change. Megan shot a look at me. It was one of our favorite songs. Before I knew it she was dragging me out to the dance floor.

The song continued as we broke out into our dance. "Youngblood" By 5 seconds of summer was such a hit this year. Megan introduced me to the song on the way to get my dress fitting. I declared it our new favorite song.

I danced and kept dancing till the song was over. Megan and I were laughing towards the end of the song. I was really enjoying myself.



I watched Carmen dance for a little bit. I wasn't going to go out and dance quite yet. I needed more booze for that.

I was standing by the railing by myself until Kevin joined me. We were the only two that stood back for now. James, Derek,Mel, Shelly, Adam and even Teresa were out on the dance floor. Shelly and Carmen were grinding to a Britney Spears song. I couldn't deny that I was getting turned on watching Carmen.

When she kissed me back there I was surprised at first, but I felt such a carnal urge. I wanted to rip that dress off and just....

"I haven't seen my wife have this much fun in awhile." Kevin said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah, glad she is enjoying herself." I looked towards Carmen and Shelly. The song was over and they broke apart. Another song, Katy Perry's "I kissed a girl" began blaring over the speakers.

Kevin and I both watched as Shelly leaned in and kissed Carmen.

The kiss lasted a little longer than both of us expected. Carmen broke the kiss and playfully stepped back from Shelly.

"Damn...."Kevin cleared his throat. "I gotta get down there."

"Yeah," I decided I should go down too. I followed Kevin down the stairs and out onto the dance floor. Kevin made his way right to his wife and scooped her petite body up into his arms. She squealed as he kissed her before putting her down.

Carmen looked to the right and must have caught me looking. She gestured to me to come over to her. I made my way over to her.

She threw her arms around me and screamed into my ear. "Shelly just kissed me."

"I saw." I replied to her softer in her ear than she did in mine.

Carmen smiled at me. "Dance with me!" She yelled before turning around and pressing her body on mine. What was this woman trying to do to me?

Carmen began gyrating against me. I responded with my own body. Before I knew it I was dancing. Eventually she turned around and faced me throwing her arms around my neck Her body even closer to mine as we kept dancing. I felt myself smiling. I leaned in an kissed her again. I could get used to this. 

I must have danced to five more songs before Carmen was tired enough to go back and sit down. We were the only ones back up in our section. I looked out towards the dance floor and everyone was still out there except for Kevin and Shelly. I had a feeling they may have sneaked out somewhere.

Carmen and I ordered a couple more drinks and sat back together.

"Are you having fun?" I asked, looking at her.

"You know what, yes. I am glad I came back." She smiled.

"Yeah, why is that?"

Carmen leaned towards me, "Because I can finally do this." Carmen kissed me again. Instincts took over and she was straddling me. I felt her dress tighten around me. My hands couldn't help themselves, they went straight to her ass. She was definitely wearing a thong. I felt the straps. Fuck, this girl was going to make me explode.

I heard some people clearing their voices, "Sorry to interrupt." I heard James's voice first. Carmen climbed off my lap. My pants felt tight, I let out an unintentional sigh. Not to brag but I used to get women left and right. The past 8 months I haven't had sex and was starting to realize how pent up I actually was.

"All good." I heard Carmen say, "I was getting a little carried away." Carmen smiled at me.

James, Megan, Mel and Derek took a seat. I felt my body begin to calm down as we kept talking about other things. I felt my phone vibrate at one point and looked down to see a text from Carmen.


We should try that again sometime.

I felt myself smile. My phone vibrated again.


Come to my room tonight. I'm going to let Shelly and Kevin have your room. ;)

Fuck! This girl was a tease. I couldn't wait to leave now.

I sent her a text agreeing to spend the night in her room. What was I getting myself into? I knew we were both drinking, but this was something we both wanted right? She definitely wanted it.

My phone vibrated again.


Stop worrying about things. I have always liked you. I have thought about what we just did for a while. These are not drunk thoughts, but sober intentions.


Good to know. I typed back.

Tonight was getting even more interesting.



"You seriously texted him that?" Mel asked me in the bathroom.

"Yup!" I felt embarrassed. A part of me really meant what I said to Vinny, but the drunk part of me sent it. Like I do have sober intentions of being with him, sexually. The booze was giving me liquid courage.

"Damn girl! You get what you want with no apologies." Mel smiled at me.

"Yeah, what about you and Derek? What the heck happened with you two? You were pretty annoyed with him." I looked at myself in the mirror. I had to adjust my hair and my dress. I didn't realize how disheveled my appearance was.

"Well he was sweet. I thought I stepped on something and he helped me back to the boat to inspect my foot. I think I miss judged him." Mel smiled.

I smiled back at her in the mirror.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing. You just seem happy."

"Don't look too far into it. I'm sure it's the end of a summer fling. Besides, he lives in New York and I live in Jersey. Further away from New York."

"Derek doesn't live in New York." I replied


"No, he lives in Jersey."

Mel stared at me through the mirror. "Doesn't matter."

I nodded. "Sure."

"Sure what?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if you dated after the wedding and beyond."

Mel nudged my arm, "Oh whatever Carmen. I know one thing for sure, you will be back here before we even get to miss you."

A part of me wondered about that. Would I really be back that soon? Was I going to come back? I shook my head. I didn't want to think about that. I wanted to enjoy my night.

"Maybe." I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and turned away from the mirror. "I'm going to try and get some water for the table and another drink. I'll meet you back in our area."

"You sure, I can find the waitress...." Mel looked at me.

"Yeah I'm sure." I smiled and walked out of the bathroom. The club was really packed and our waitress was nowhere to be seen for the past half and hour. I figured going to the bar wouldn't be bad. Apparently someone else from our group had the same idea.

"Are you having a good bachelor party?" I asked, leaning into James.

James turned and looked at me. He smiled, "I am. So uh, you and Vinny are really doing this."

I felt myself blush. "Yeah." I stopped smiling, "Oh my god. I'm sorry, is it...."

"No, Carmen, don't apologize. Honestly I am happy for you both. I saw this coming for a while. I just figured the two of you were too stubborn to actually do anything about it." James smiled.

I let out a breath. "Thanks, again this is still weird for me. I mean we spent so much time being angry with each other. It feels good to have my friend back."

"Carmen, I am so glad that my friend is back."

I leaned in and hugged James. I don't know why I was compelled to do it, but I was glad that I did. We were really letting it all go.

"Of course this is the reason why you actually came back." A familiar voice said behind me. James released the hug.

"What the fuck! Why are you here?" James' face turned sour. I turned to see Dr. Reichard.

"Dr. Parker?!" I was dumbfounded. I couldn't call him Tom anymore, not after everything. 

"Carmen, you look hot. But of course that's what you do right? Show up and ruin people's marriages. My wife is still so upset." Dr. Parker shook his head. I looked at him and could tell that the good looking man that I used to see was replaced with a haggard old looking man. He looked like a mess and the alcohol coming from his breath made me realize he was less than sober. 

"What is he talking about?" James looked at me.

"Oh so he doesn't know. This is great...." Dr. Parker smiled like the Grinch. It was a shame that I didn't see this side of him sooner. 

I looked at James, "I met up with Dr. Parker's wife. She didn't know what was going on. So we decided to have Dr. Parker caught in the act. Now she is divorcing him, as she should. You got what you deserved." I felt the last part spit out of my mouth like snake venom. I wanted it to hurt. 

Dr. Parker laughed, "I deserved? I had a good thing going for years. You came back and fucked it up for me. Well now I am single, you want to fuck me now? That was the problem right because I was married? Didn't stop you from letting me kiss you." His smile made him look like the joker now. I was beginning to see why James hated him. 

"You were a smooth talker that's for sure. I will admit that a part of me was attracted to you, but this was never going to end with me and you in bed. I don't think I could ever bring myself to that."

"Sure, if I were a single man, or as I can see a soon to be married one." 

"No! Not even when I was convinced you were divorced. Leave James out of this. You're problem is with me. Don't worry Tom, I have seen you for who you truly are. Your lie has caught up with you." My stomach was churning. The night that Amanda and I devised our plan was the night that I saw Dr. Parker for who he truly was.

Tom laughed like a mad man. "Glad my lie spread so quickly. I've been using it for a while. There was another like you who wouldn't, but the second that she heard I was getting divorce she was all over me. Just like I thought you to be when I heard from this bozo you were coming back. To think I've waited a long time to see whats under these clothes." Dr. Reichard took a step towards me. 

I stood my ground. "Why me?"

"You're a hot piece of ass. You used to walk around the ER teasing me all day. The things I thought about." Dr. Parker reached for me. 

"Back off!" James yelled getting in front of me. 

"You put a hand on me , and I get you fired. Wouldn't that be a nice wedding gift for your blushing bride?" Dr. Parker's smile was even more vicious then before. I pictured him as a cartoon villain laughing in the face of the hero. 

"Just leave us alone! She doesn't want you, if she hasn't made herself clear already, " James remained standing in front of me. 

I stepped to the side of James, "Just leave! I'm sorry that you are a lying bastard who got what he deserved. And to think I admired you."

"HA! Right, you admired me." Dr. Parker looked at me, his eyes looked mad. 

"I did. You really showed me my path that I wanted to continue in medicine."

"Well you can kiss that recommendation goodbye. I only give that to the nurses that actually sleep with me. All that advice came with a fee, and you didn't pay it," Dr. Parker paused "But we still can arrange something." Dr. Parker lunged towards me. 

This time someone grabbed him from behind. I looked up to see Vinny.

Dr. Parker was laughing, "I see that your lovers triangle still exists. You come back just to mess things up for everyone I see." 

"Shut up!" Vinny released Dr. Parker.

"What sad to see that your girl is back with him? I saw the two of them here clinging onto each other. I wonder what his bride would say." Dr. Parker was laughing loudly. Some of the people around us were looking towards our way. I felt like I was in a bad sitcom or movie. This was not happening? Right?

Just when I was about to say something I heard Megan's voice.  "She would say she is glad they worked through their shit you asshole!!" Megan stepped in from, I don't know where and decked Dr. Parker right in the face. He let out a loud yell. 

"BITCH! YOU BROKE MY NOSE!"Dr. Parker had his hand over his nose. He looked up towards us and lunged towards Megan. He was quickly apprehended by the security guard that caught on to the tension. 

"Everyone alright here?" Another security guard asked.

"Yeah, he was causing trouble for my sister." Megan replied. She was holding her hand.

"Can we get some ice!" I yelled towards the bartender. I walked up to Megan. "Oh my gosh are you ok?"

"Yeah, but my hand hurts like a bitch."

"FUCK ALL OF YOU!" Dr. Parker spat in my direction. Security was still restraining him.

I took a step towards him. I wanted to punch him myself but I felt someone put a hand on my shoulder. I looked to my left to see Vinny shaking his head no. I stepped back and turned away from him.

"CAN WE GET THAT ICE!" I yelled back towards the bar.

"Miss we are getting it for you " One of the bartenders said. "Can I get you some water?"

"Yes please. I'm sorry. I appreciate it."

"Miss, we do not tolerate violence here. I will allow you to get some ice, but I will have to escort you out." The security card was talking to Megan.

"I understand." She said, nodding her head

The bartender handed me a plastic zip lock bag with ice. I turned towards Megan. "Here, I'll go with you."

"No, I'll go with her." James took the ice bag from me. "You guys stay to enjoy the rest of your night. I am going to get us a room." James held the ice on Megan's arm. "You alright Carmen?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine." At least in that moment I thought i was.  

James smiled towards me. "She got this from you, you know."


"Her being a bad ass. Sticking up for those she loves. Something she always admired about you."

I looked at Megan, "He's not wrong." Megan smiled.

I walked over and hugged Megan. "I love you sooo much. Thank you."

"Eh, you punched enough people for me." Megan laughed. "I love you too."

I released the hug.

"Besides, I get to spend a night alone with James in a hotel room. Besides a house full of people." Megan winked.

"We always had a room for tonight. I was going to surprise you a little later." James kissed Megan's cheek.

"Alright miss please come with me." The security guard gestured towards Megan to follow him.

We were all too distracted to know that the other security guards took Dr. Parker away already.

Once James and Megan were gone Vinny turned towards me. 

"Are you alright?"I looked at him. I could see the concern in his eyes. I truly knew that he cared for me. 

"Yeah. Let's get back to the table and let the other's know that Megan and James are staying the night at the hotel. I don't want them to know too much about my business. I guess I will see what they want to do from there."

Vinny nodded. "Alright."

I was appreciative towards Vinny that he didn't want to press the issue any further nor tell everyone what happened. Maybe they saw, maybe they didn't. We would figure that out when we got back to our section.



I saw Dr. Parker, or Tom whatever we are calling him before James and Carmen did. I was walking from the bathrooms and saw him making his way towards the bar. I decided to follow him.

That's when I saw James and Carmen hugging. I didn't want to disrupt their moment. James said that they reached a milestone. I was glad to see that they finally were able to forgive each other.

I snapped back to reality when I heard Carmen yelling.

That bastard was going to try and touch Carmen or take her. I couldn't let that happen.

Lovers triangle. What the hell did this guy actually know? How did he know where we were? James didn't invite anyone from the hospital besides Peter. My suspicions of Dr. Parker being at the party and now here made me wonder if he was keeping tabs on Carmen somehow.

I wanted to punch him, but was glad and surprised when Megan did it. She hit him good too. I heard something crack. The booze had a different effect on Megan than I thought. Gave her some sort of super strength.

After James and Megan left Carmen and myself made our way back to our group. Everyone was back in the area. We explained that Megan and James got a room for the night. People assumed that Megan just drank a little too much and didn't ask any other questions.

No one brought up the fight so we figured we were in the clear. The club vibe was dying so we decided to venture out to grab some food before getting back on the bus to go back to the house.

We grabbed some food at the sun-room, ate and then headed back to the bus. It was about 3:40 then. I knew I was feeling pretty wiped and from the looks of Carmen so was she.

The bus ride back was quiet. Most of the people slept except for Carmen and I.

"Dr...ugh Tom I can't bring myself to even call him doctor anymore. How did he know where we were? Like he was at that 90's party and now here? What the fuck?" She put her head onto my shoulder.

I stroked her hair. "I don't know Carmen." I didn't want to tell her that I was thinking the same thing. I was beginning to wonder if things were told to him or if he overheard.

Carmen sat up and looked at me. "He must have been following someone's posts or overhead someone talking about the plans."

I thought about it. I was pretty sure that he followed Amy, maybe he got his information from her but not directly.

Carmen sighed. "Thanks for protecting me too."

I smiled, "At least I could stop him, even though Megan came and saved the day.. Damn can she throw a punch."

"Yeah I taught her that."

"Remind me never to piss you off." I chuckled.

"Hey I was a girl living in New York I had to know how to defend myself."

"This is true."

"It's over you think?"

"For sure. The man has lost more than just his wife tonight." I smiled at Carmen.

"Thank you Vinny."

"Eh, no need to thank me."

Carmen leaned in and kissed me lightly. The rest of the bus ride was silent since Carmen and I both eventually fell asleep.

Carmen opened the door to the house for everyone. She let Shelly and Kevin take over the downstairs room since James and Megan weren't there. 

Adam and Derek were told that they could use the room I was staying in. I saw Derek sneak into Mel's room when I was coming out of the bathroom, but didn't say anything about it.

"Everyone is situated." I said walking into Carmen's room. She was laying on her back with her eyes closed. She was wearing a pair of shorts and tank top with some writing on it.

I walked over and sat on my side of the bed. She opened her eyes and rolled towards me. I carefully laid down and turned towards her. Carmen kissed me softly. I responded.

Our bodies eventually were entwined and we were just kissing. It was great. I was too tired to really put in a real effort for sex. Carmen stopped kissing me and looked at me.

"So Megan told me an interesting story." She smiled at me.

"Yes you told me eventually you would tell me about it." I smiled, just holding her like this I felt like the luckiest guy in the world.

"So," Carmen blushed.


"So, Megan told me that after your divorce that you spent a night at their apartment. When James went to bed, Megan mentioned my name."

I looked at Carmen searching my memories. I really couldn't remember anything. I didn't even remember getting to their house. I was so drunk.

"And..." I replied.

"She said for about 2 hours straight you would not stop talking about me. You eventually told her how you had feelings for me and how you fought them because you were a married man. You told her that they were less sexual and more like true love feelings. She also said you treated me like a jerk because it was easier to push me away. But of course I'm stubborn and was still there standing up to you. Which I'm sure made you want me more."

"There was that yes. I did because I had feelings for you then and I have stronger feelings for you now." I smiled.

"Megan also mentioned that your wife knew something about me. You, ah must of had a dream about me and said my name."

Shit I felt my heart sink. I didn't want her to think that I was thinking about cheating on my wife with her. Like those other guys.

"Vinny, its ok you are not a jerk. I was just as guilty having dreams about you. I tried to suppress them. I thought it was because you were a jerk and sometimes women have sex dreams about jerky guys."

"You had sex dreams about me?" I smiled, rolling my body closer to Carmen.

"Stop it." Carmen laughed. "Well obviously you had one about me and said my name."

I felt my face flush. "Well there's that, but I don't remember it. I don't even remember saying your name. I made it very clear to my wife that I was not sleeping around. When you left it was easier for me to convince her, especially since we began trying for a baby. But like I said she was taking her birth control and lying to me about it. Not to mention that after the divorce about 3 months later I heard she had this boyfriend. Apparently she might have been seeing him right before we decided to get divorced."

"Shit Vinny. I'm sorry."

I leaned in and kissed her. "Don't be. All that led us here."

Carmen smiled, "Megan thinks we're soulmates."

I wasn't sure how to respond to that. I didn't want to ruin the moment between us, but that sounded serious and a part of me panicked.

Instead of saying anything I leaned in and kissed her.

We talked for about 10 more minutes before I noticed that Carmen was drifting off. Eventually I closed my eyes and slept. The word soulmates clinging to the forefront of my mind.



It was nice having Vinny hold me as I slept. The shit that went down with Tom was just freaky. I didn't like that he knew where to find me. It still bothered me but I was trying to let it go. I felt like that chapter was finally over, and that villain was finally put to rest. I was going to message Amanda tomorrow just to check in. I was hoping that she was ok.

I rolled over and looked at Vinny. He was still snoring away. Earlier this morning I told him that Megan thought we were soul mates. I think I freaked him out a bit. I mean I know we knew each other but there was so much more to learn especially since we were finally honest about our feelings.

I felt a panic come over me. Knowing that I was going to be leaving again soon. What was I doing? I began to feel a little bit overwhelmed.

Vinny must have sensed my panic because he rolled over and pulled me close to him. "Stop worrying." He said into my hair.

I felt myself smile. I let my body relax into him. I felt his morning wood poking my lower back. He began to softly snore again.

I slowly reached for my phone and was able to grab it without disturbing Vinny. I opened my phone and began scrolling through my pictures last night. Vinny and I took some cute photos at one point in the night. Damn we were a good looking couple. I scrolled to the video and pictures from the first club. Megan took a video of me and the dance instructor dancing. She quickly panned to the crowd and sure enough I saw Tom. My heart started beating faster. He was there too!

"What the fuck...."I whispered to myself. Vinny must have felt me panic again.

He sat up, "Carmen? What's wrong?" His dark hair was tousled, his honey brown eyes were full of warmth and his body. Let's just say I was a lucky girl.

I handed him my phone. "Watch when Megan pans to the crowd."

Vinny was watching the dance and complimenting on how great I looked. His smile faded when he saw what I saw.

"Carmen, he was there."


"I knew something was weird when he was at that 90's party, hell when he was even at the bar in Jersey." Vinny's body was tense, I could tell he was mad.

"Well after last night I'm sure he won't be bothering me again." I replied.

"Why do you say that?"

I opened the youtube video that a bystander took of Megan punching him. "He is on blast talking about how he did favor's for the nurses that slept with him. I'm sure he won't have a job after this."

"When did you see this?"

"Last night when you were in the bathroom. I forgot that I wanted to show you. I fell asleep waiting for you."

Vinny smiled, "Damn." He relaxed and laid back down on his back.

I put down my phone and laid my head on his chest.

I felt him sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just glad you are safe."

I leaned my head up and looked at him. "Of course. I had you to protect me both times." I made my way to his lips and kissed him. I backed away and looked at him. Vinny leaned up and kissed me again. This time rolling on top of me. I felt his morning wood pressing on my stomach now. His kisses went to my neck. I felt myself gasp.

"You alright?" He asked, stopping suddenly.

"Yes." I nodded. He went back to my neck and I bit down on my lip. This felt amazing. Even better than I imagined in my dreams.

Vinny was making his way down my body. He got to my shorts and began to tug them off. Just as I thought he was going to kiss me further there was a knock on my door.

"Carmen! I think Peter broke the coffee maker." Mel yelled through the door.

"Ok." I replied.

"Can you come fix it or...."

"I said ok!" I felt Vinny sigh into my crotch. He made his way back up my body.

"Sorry." I said looking at him. His boxer seam started to push open showing me the head of his penis.

Vinny noticed that I was looking down at his crotch. "Fuck... I'm...."

I leaned in and kissed him harder. I wanted him so bad. Fuck the stupid coffee machine. I was straddling him this time when Mel busted open my door this time. Apparently I didn't lock the door.

"Oh shit!" She said, slamming the door behind her.

I collapsed on top of Vinny laughing.

"Carmen, it's fine. There are too many people in this house." Vinny gave me a quick peck. "Go check out the coffee machine. I'm,er...going to take a cold shower."

I kissed Vinny one more time and then left the bedroom.

Turns out Peter did indeed break the coffee maker. He offered to go get us some coffee from somewhere else. I decided that we should just go out for breakfast and then go to the beach as we planned.

I wondered what Megan and James were doing. Apparently he must have had a plan for them to stay. I did see extra bags on the bus. I just thought they were filled with booze.

I made my way back upstairs to my room. I paused in my doorway to look at Vinny. He was dressed in his swim trunks and white t-shirt. He was sitting on my bed scrolling through his phone when I walked back into my room.

"How was your shower?" I asked as I walked in.

"Cold." He smiled. "How is the coffee maker?"

"He broke it. I don't know how, I didn't bother asking. I decided we should just go out for breakfast and then we can hit the beach after." I walked over to my suitcase and began rummaging through for a bathing suit.

I chose my pineapple bikini. It was orange with cute pineapples on it. It wasn't a string bikini like my last one. Still cute though. I like the halter top.

"I'm going to use the bathroom and I'll be back." I grabbed my dress and headed to the bathroom. Vinny may have seen me in my bathing suit but I wasn't ready for him to see me fully naked. That would be for another time.

I quickly changed into my bathing suit. I brushed my teeth and then I brushed my hair. I threw my hair up into a ponytail and made my way out of the bathroom.

Vinny was just where I left him. I smiled at him.

"What?" He said smiling.

"Nothing." I smiled back. I grabbed my phone and saw that I had a missed call from Megan. I quickly called her back but got her voicemail.

I opened a text I had from her.

She said that James and her would be by later tonight. She was supposed to spend another night with me, just us tonight. James and Vinny had to get back to the city. They were working on Monday.

I sent her a text back telling her to have fun and that I would see her later.

Vinny and I made our way downstairs. Everyone was awake and in their bathing suits.

Kevin and Shelly were making out like teenagers on the couch.

"They have been like that all morning!" Mel yelled towards them.

Kevin and Shelly both stopped and looked at us. "Oh hey guys."

"Are we ready for breakfast?" I asked, grabbing my house keys. Mel could drive at least 4 of us including herself. Vinny or Kevin could take the other 4.

Kevin offered to drive. Vinny and I ended up going with Kevin and Shelly. Mel took Derek, Adam and Teresa. It was funny because I realized that we all coupled up this weekend without the intention of it. Besides the two couples that were already together.

Vinny held my hand and squeezed it gently when we got in the back seat.We smiled at each other God, I was falling for him even harder. I didn't know what I was going to do in the next week and a half. That nagging feeling that I was going to be gone after the wedding began surfacing again. What was I going to do? Was our relationship enough to uproot my whole life? Did we have a relationship? Or are we just going to hook up and that is it. I took a deep breath. The only thing I had to worry about at that moment in time is what I wanted to eat for breakfast.


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