My Little Pony: Friendship is...

By The_Rainbow_Element_

20.7K 422 228

These are the deaths in my future series, My little Pony: Friendship is Tragic. These deaths may or may not a... More

Rainbow Dash
Princess Celestia
Shining Armor
Octavia and Vinyl Scratch
Pinkie Pie
Granny Smith
Author's Note
Sweetie Belle
Diamond Tiara
Sugar Rush
Midnight Blast


1.2K 27 9
By The_Rainbow_Element_

Scootaloo was heartbroken. She lost Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Sweetie Belle's sister was murdered.
Who would be next? Scoots decided to go to Sugarcube Corner to eat off her sorrows with ice cream.
Pinkie Pie was there, hair flat.
Her hair poofed up when she saw Scootaloo, and her smile widened when she saw the glum look on her face. Pinkie pie handed Scootaloo a cupcake with a huge grin on it.
"Smile!" She grinned.
Scootaloo couldn't share her enthusiasm. She looked at the cupcake without even the slightest smile. "Pinkie, can I have a chocolate milkshake, please?" She asked, handing the pink Earthpony three bits.
Pinkie Pie gave her a medium chocolate Milkshake. She smiled a fake smile. "Here, Scoots." She said sadly.
Scootaloo faked a smile and hugged her. Pinkie smiled and hugged her back. Scootaloo drank the shake and left. Later, she felt really dizzy and lightheaded. She felt a painful feeling in her gut. She fell over under a tree and passed out.
When she woke up she found herself under the tree. She felt awful, and she didn't feel like getting up, but she flew up into the tree anyways. She didn't want to do anything but lie down and sleep so she wouldn't feel the pain.
She lied down an closed her eyes, but sleep wouldn't come. Instead, the pain got worse. She was miserable! She flew up and landed on a cloud, which she wrapped herself into and tried once more to sleep. She tried and tried in vain, the pain worsening.
She tried everything, but the pain kept increasing. She tried to eat some apples, but she vomited all of them back up. She drank some water, but that wouldn't stay down either. She tried doing nothing, flying laps, running laps, takin a cold bath and shower, a hot bath and shower, a warm bath and shower, and she ended up feeling weaker and more miserable than ever Blood trickled out of her mouth and eyes. She knew it was a disease.
The orange Pegasus couldn't go to the doctor, she didn't have enough bits. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom and the others were mourning Rarity, and Sugarcube Corner was closed because of Pinkie being leaving early to go to her friend's funeral.
Scootaloo stayed like that for two days, and on the third day, she felt like
her gut was being burned and cut open! She lied under the tree, and her eyes crossed in pain and her stomach began twisting and churning. Her whole body shook, her eyes rolled back in her head and her heart collapsed, killing her instantly, as her brain shut down too.
Applebloom was walking around, thinking about the recent tragedies, when she saw Scootaloo.
"Sc-sc-Scootaloo?" Applebloom said.
"What are you doin' here?" She asked.
Applebloom froze.
"Sc-sc-.....Scootaloo." Tears welled up on her face. " SCOOTALOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Applebloom wailed.
Applejack raced over.
" Applebloom! What's wrong?" She asked. Applebloom looked up at her, eyes full of tears.
" Sc-Sc-Scootaloo is d-d-deeeeeead!"
She sobbed. Applejack looked at the body.
" dead."

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