Infinity (BNHA x (Gojo) Reade...

By AshleyLea9

265K 7.4K 4.2K

Gojo Y/N who was born as a part of the powerful gojo clan inherited the sacred clan quirk along with her brot... More

Author's Note
~ Gojo Y/N ~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Please read this!

Chapter 5

11.5K 344 117
By AshleyLea9

Everyone in the room except Nezu looked shocked. Nezu however, had already guessed this throughout her explanation.

"Damn, so you are the main and only target of kyomeru organization." All might said with a frown.

'She might be powerful, even than us but a whole organization is after her for god sake! she needs more protection. I already have the perfect idea for that. I don't know how others will react. But hopefully, someone will agree. I have to discuss it with them after Y/N left. ' Nezu thought and the room got filled with chatter as others talked about her safety too. Nezu saw that Y/N getting uncomfortable because of the loud chatter which was about her.

"Now, now everyone. Please be quiet. I already have the perfect idea to make her safe. Let's move on from that topic. It's time to put Y/N through some tests and see her quirk in action."


The UA staff and Y/N gathered inside Gym Gamma. Y/N glanced around slightly awed by how big and spacious it is.

"Welcome to Gym Gamma. UA students use this as their training space to train their quirks as well as hand-to-hand combat. Today we are going to test you to see how capable and strong you are."

Nezu said with enthusiasm. After hearing Y/N's explanation about her quirk, others were very excited to see it in action. Nezu nodded in Aizawa's direction gesturing him to continue.

"Well then brat, for the first test we are going to come at you at the same time to capture you. What you have to do is use your quirk to immobilize us before that."

Y/n rolled her eyes when he called her brat but nodded after he explained the test.

"Woah Shouta, isn't that a bit too hard?" Midnight asked Aizawa in a low voice.

"This is a principal Nezu's idea andare you seriously think that this will be hard for her after seeing her fight with me? We have to check her full potential too. Don't underestimate her." He grumbled, glancing at the girl who seemed to be deep in thoughts.

"You have high expectations from her don't you?" All might asked while bending to get near to Nezu's height.

"Of course I do. After hearing everything how could I not? "


After Aizawa's explanation, I sank deep into my thoughts.
'They are all pro heroes. Even if they don't use their quirks they are physically strong and fast. They all will come at me from different directions at once. I could dodge and run, then I will have to deal with them one by one which is not a good method. I have to immobilize them all at the same time so that way I can finish the test without spending a long time. I obviously can't use limitless since it will hurt them and cause damage to the gym too. What about freezing them by freezing the ground? No, they might have already predicted that I will do that, and they will dodge it. That leaves....., using a cursed technique with ice manipulation. I think I got an idea of which one I'll be using. Oh, I have something to confirm first........'

"Excuse me, Mr. Aizawa." I was surprised to see that he was already staring at me with Midnight.

"When everyone trying to capture me, are they going to use their quirks? "

"No, we will be only using our physical strength for this one."

I nodded and they all gathered around me in the distance except Nezu and Recovery girl.

' Even though I explained to them about cursed techniques, they have never seen it in action. I bet they have no actual idea about it. '

Nezu gave a signal and they all dashed toward me. All might came towards me at an insane speed and Aizawa threw the corners of his weirdly thin grey scarf at me. Others also ran toward me at different speed ranges. But they never got to get that near to me. I crossed my wrists pointing all my fingers to the front and said,

"Cursed technique: Ice web."

Straight thin ice poles appeared from my fingers and they divided into more ice poles and again they divided more trapping every one of them making them even unable to move. The ice poles were in a web-like structure which barely missed their bodies. They all looked dumbfounded by the sudden ice pole web which restrain them from moving.

"Good job Ms. L/N! You successfully immobilized them."

"Damn, is this actually ice? Why is it so freaking hard?" All might asked while continuously trying to break it by wiggling his body. Ice that was around his hand, broke making his arm free. However, others failed to do this, only being able to crack it. I did the opposite of my quirk making ice turn back to water vapor and vanish into the air.

3rd POV

"I presume that was a cursed technique used with ice manipulation, wasn't it?"

'She immobilized all of them in one single move. That was amazing! This is beyond what I expected. What she did is a very smart move. She must have guessed that if she didn't do something quick All might or Aizawa will probably get her. I'm excited to see more of her power. ' Nezu's thoughts went wild after seeing that.

"Time for the next test. This one is going to be a bit different."

Aizawa handed Y/N a tape roll.

"This is called a capture tape. What you have to do is wrap this around each and everyone before any of us was able to wrap this around you. If you wrap this around any of us that means you have captured them and they won't fight you further. This time we will use our quirks against you, but not at full potential. Got it?"

Y/N nodded and just like before everyone gathered around her in distance.

'I don't think this is going to be hard. Did they forget about my infinity?'

Once again, they came at her at full speed. She made a hand sign by connecting her finger tips. (Just like Uraraka does to release her quirk.)

"Cursed technique: Shattered ice"

Aizawa POV

Nezu gave the signal. I saw her bringing her finger tips and saying something. She's using a cursed technique again. Damn it, if it's a cursed technique my quirk is useless against it.

Just then something weird happened. It seemed like the air inside the gym gramma shattered.... Like a glass? No, it shattered like ice, exactly. As weird as it sounds, all I could see was,

It was like I was inside shattered glass or ice. It was quite beautiful. I glanced around but there was no point. I couldn't see others.

'Can I move?' I took a step forward and the shattered ice parted joining together after I moved. 'That girl's power, it's insane'

I moved around trying to find someone. Everyone should be trapped in whatever this is. 'I wonder what the brat planning to do....... Oh no, not like us, if she can see through this-'

From the corner of my eye, I suddenly saw a hand coming through the ice and the capture tape going around my wrist. I snapped my hand away but it was too late. The capture tape was already tied around my wrist.

'Dammit! I couldn't even hear her coming.'

3rd POV

UA staff was utterly confused. Some of them walked till they crashed into someone or something. They tried to use their quirks against it but, it didn't work in any way. All might punched his surroundings causing them to shatter into more pieces. present mic sent loud sound waves causing the same.

Y/N could see clearly through it. She teleported near every one of them and wrapped capture tape around them. Some sensed her moves and were able to avoid them a few times but, got captured in the end. After a few minutes passed and Y/N felt that she couldn't hold it any longer. Shattered ice disappeared leaving the captured and confused UA staff.

"You surprised us once again Ms. L/N. That was amazing! First I -"

Nezu didn't get to finish it as Ectoplasm came toward Y/N in full speed with a capture tape but, suddenly got stopped inches away from her because of her infinity.

'Wait, didn't I capture him?' From the corner of her eye, she saw another Ectoplasm standing and he vanished making the tape around him fall onto the floor. 'Oh, his quirk must be cloning or something. He tricked me.'

"HUH?!" They shouted seeing Ectoplasm stopping right in front of her.

"I can't reach her," Ectoplasm said turning to their side.

Y/N got the advantage of his distraction and teleported behind him. Ectoplasm turned in her direction again to see the girl was gone. A tape wrapped around him from behind.

"I can't believe you forgot about my infinity. You can't reach me till I turn it off."


(Outside Gym Gamma)

"Ms. L/N, for the third test you have to beat these villain robots. Use your powers freely. Don't worry about causing any damage since we are outside."

There were about 30 villain robots in front of her. Y/N sighed feeling tired. Now all she wanted was to flop on her hotel bed and have a good sleep.

'It's better to finish this quickly so I can head back soon'

"Let's get this over with." She said tiredly and lifted her index finger.

"Cursed technique reversal: Red" A red orb appeared on the top of her fingertip which held so much power. She unleashed it and the whole surrounding glowed in red. Robots that came towards her, blasted back destroying half of the trees that were in front of her. A blast of wind hit the Pro heroes that were standing in the back almost making Nezu fly.

They stared at her mouth wide open. Villain robots were completely destroyed only leaving a few smoking pieces of them that were scattered on the ground.

All the pro heroes who were standing around was shocked to the core, staring at the fully destroyed robots in front of the girl with utter disbelief.

'She barely moved her finger, and all was gone.....!' All Might thought with his mouth hung open. 

Aizawa narrowed his eyes, his hand subconsciously placed on his chin. He was amazed just like others, but the sight also made him concern.

'This power of hers is not just amazing, it's actually  more terrifying.... I can't imagine what will happen if it went to wrong hands. Most likely, we won't stand a chance against her......'

Meanwhile Nezu glanced at his staff knowingly, just as he knew what they were thinking.

"I think you get now why this interview was so important. "


"That was amazing. You passed all three tests, Ms. L/N. Congratulations! You showed us your potential and your capability to be a UA student." Nezu said beaming.

"Thank you.....I guess. But, I don't get it. I obviously can't attend UA yet, cause I'm still 13. What am I supposed to do for 2 whole years all alone here in Japan."

"Oh, don't worry about it, dear. Like I said before I have the perfect plan for it."

Everyone bid goodbye to Y/N and she left for the hotel after thanking them. UA staff gathered inside Nezu's office to hear about his plan for her. Nezu eyed everyone and spoke.

"I want one of you to adopt her"





(Finally, I revealed Nezu's plan. Who do you think will adopt her? Thank you for reading! Please vote and comment. See you guys in the next chapter!)

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