My little superstar (GlamRock...

By Agent_storys

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art by: Selyn on twitter Description: Your a 23 year old worker who's been working at the Freddy Fazbear's p... More

A/n before we start
Chapter 1- A special day!
chapter 2- big day!
chapter 3 - uh oh..
Chapter 4 - New things
Chapter 5- first night
Chapter 6- Good news...and bad news
Chapter 7- realization
Chapter 8 - Smooth play
Chapter 9- New member
Chapter 10 - Good to bad
chapter 11 - suspicious
Chapter 13 - Confessions
Chapter 14- Getting closer
Chapter 15 - what a coincidence
Chapter 16 - Lovey Dovy
QnA - A/n
QnA #1
Chapter 17- Brother Sister hang out
Chapter 18 - Glitch
Chapter 19 - putting a end to this.
Chapter 20 - First time
Chapter 21 - Old Pal
Chapter 22 - Love issues
Chapter 23 - Cold hearted
Chapter 24 - Emotional damage
Chapter 25 - Love and Lust
Chapter 26 - Day 1
Chapter 27 - Day 1 pt. 2

chapter 12 - Danger

2K 54 104
By Agent_storys

"Um....we should make a run for it" Chica said

We looked behind and there was tones of them looking around and crashing into things and breaking nearly everything

"Oh god..." you said

Freddy pulls you close to him gently and he moves back along with Chica and Roxanne

"We have to leave as quiet as possible" you whispered to them

They nodded and crouch walking behind the creats being quiet as we can of course Freddy was trying to cover you up so he was really just holding you the whole time yall are trying to sneak out or try to find what's doing this chaos

"Stop" Freddy whispers and we stopped

We listened around and looked around some where moving passed so we had to be really careful

"Just speed walk to the other side of the back storage then there's a door way that can lead to the security office" you whispered to them

They nodded and we speed walked passed them and try to get to the back door after yall make it to the door you opened it and run as quickly as possible up the stairs tho Freddy was holding you still

"Take a left first then a right then another right" you told Freddy

He went to the first left then a right and right again

"Straight ahead!" You said

They got to the security room and the girls closed both doors and Freddy out you down

You got on the computer and try to see what was going on but it was glitching

"Fuck! Nothing works!" You said

You was getting upset and stressed trying everything to get it working

"Y/n do not panick its alright I can call Davina and she can maybe explain what's happened while her and Monty are out" Freddy said

"I'm so glad your around Freddy your such a big help" you said

She smiled and calls them

~Davinas pov~

I had Monty over my shoulder and I was making a run for it

I heard ringing and I picked up


"Davina are you and Monty ok?" It was Freddy

"Yes we are tho there's too many robots for us to handle there's even endo skeletons coming out from the storage and testing rooms" you explained

"Come to the main security room I'll send you the location and come as quick as possible please be careful"

"Gatcha covered" you said before it ended

"Davina when will you put me the hell down! I'm fine!" Monty said

"Hahah stop whining sugar I'll put you down when we're in a safe spot, Freddy sent me there location to the main security room" you told him

He sighs

So I kept running tho I too some short cuts to get there then I saw the location spot and I got to the door and knocked

The door opened and you went in and put Monty down

"I'm so glad your both alright" Chica said

"Well I'm glad you all are safe" I told them

~your pov~

There was banging on the door and it was the robot the made it to us

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" you said you was getting stressed

You looked around and found the map and looked through it

"UGH! NOW WE'RE STUCK IN THIS FUCKING OFFICE" you said and you sat down and covered your face

Freddy came to you and he picks you up and hugs you

"Hey hey relax your self your getting Overstreet and need to calm down we can think of a plan"

You kinda did calm down..tho he was really soft and his touches on your back and his nice voice trying to comfort you..made you better

"I have a idea but yall have to listen to me especially you sugar" Davina said pointing at Monty

"Fine" he said

"I'll take y'all to the control room" she said

She puts Roxanne over her shoulder than Chica then Monty then Freddy but making sure you was on top

"What the hell Davina!" Roxanne yelled

"Trust me ok!" She said panicking

I'm guessing this was her panicking thing to do

She opens the door and she rushed through the robots and made a run for it

"How are you even carrying us-?" Freddy asked

"Well I am strong and it is my thing but please don't move too much it is a bit heavy" she explained

She hits her heels and turn into skates and she went faster tho I was holding on to Freddy making sure I won't fall

"Alright listen when we get to the control room we have to get something that helps shut the robots down but we have to make it fast"

We nodded then she went downstairs but she started to gonna a bit slower

"Davina you need to put us down and let us run there" Monty said

"no we're about there i can keep up i swear" she said

We was close we just had to squeeze in the door and we surprisingly did she threw us down and she leans on the door way

"God yall way heavier than 10 whales" she said

You let go of Freddy and try to look for the control to stop the robots then you pulled the switch it should have helped but you just did random shit untill something happened

"But it was impressive how you carried us here" Roxanne said

"Well it's in my program if anything danger and we're trapped I pick up whoever is in the same danger as one of them I have to pick them up and make a run for it" Davina explained

"Well your not doing that no more because you about fell and died on us" Chica said

"Don't worrie sugar it wasn't even that big of a issue"

"Did you figure it out yet y/n?" Freddy asked

"I hope so..." you said

Davina peeks out the door and left to see

"Yep! It worked!" She souted

We left the control room and they where shut down

"My lord I thought we was never gonna leave this hell hole" you said

"Well at least we did it y/n" Freddy said

"Finally...tho I'm not sure how we're gonna tell boss about this"

"Well I'm sure he would...maybe understand"

"Well...we do have 30 minutes before night shift..Davina no more crazy shit like that and your taking your ass to bed" you told her

"Aww sugar don't get mad at me I was trying to get there quick for everyone since I have speed skates on and we save the day so we're good besides I like crazy shit" she said crossing her arms and having a confident smile

"No more crazy shit Davina" you said

"Aw ok fine I won't do no more crazy shit"

"Anyways yall take you asses to bed and Freddy give me my brother back please" you said

He let Gregory out and you grabbed him

"Ugh man that was a rough ride" Gregory said

"I know I'm sorry miss crazy ass decided to just carry us to the control room quickly" you explained

"It worked!" She said

"But deadass tho it was kinda fun" Monty said

"Aww sugar I knew it was fun"

"And it was Hella uncomfortable" Roxanne said

"Im sorry ladies but it was a panicking move I had too"

"Everyone to your rooms and Monty let Davina stay in your room she's not aloud out untill night shift is over" you said

"Aw damn" Davina said

Everyone started laughing

And we left off Davina did go in his room and I locked her in there so she won't come out to do more crazy shit that about killed everyone

"The rest of yall just do whatever you need to do because ima take a 20 minute nap" you said and left

You went into freddys room which was more closer to you and you flopped on his couch and slept

~Freddys pov~

"...but wasn't i suppose to going home by now?" Gregour asked

"Um...well I guess you're stuck with us for the night then" I told him

"I guess it'll be boring wouldn't it?" He asked

"Yep just roaming around making sure no one brakes in"

"Lame.." he said

"Well what can we do now?" Chica asked

"I don't know we only have 17 minutes left so.." Monty said


We didn't know what to do really so we just played with Gregory while the time passes even tho there wasn't much to do


It's been 3 hours and y/n haven't woken up yet and I had Gregory in my chest hatch since I had to take him everywhere with me anyways

Tho nothing much happen anyways othernthan Gregory just talking about his sister and just anything cool to him

Of course I listened to him and learned a few things thobthe one thing he told me about y/n is that she listens to "In Tokyo by Studio Killers" recently

( I saw this shit on tic tok I had to add it in the idea of this part was from bluerasbubblegum but if you know the already know)

"Hey what is this song you talk about y/n listens too?" I asked

"Oh I don't know it talks about robots or lovey stuff with a robot it was odd and lame sounding"

I just froze

"....lovey stuff with robots?"

"Yep I'm not sure why but she listens to it recently" he said

...what could this mean?

Well I didn't let it get to me too much so I just kept patrolling

Then I saw something run pass so I followed it

It stopped and turns around it was the rabbit this who Davina was talking about?

My view started to get glitchy and she disappeared

"Freddy! Did you see that!" Gregory said

"The rabbit lady?" I asked

"Yes! She was right there but she just disappeared" he said

I just went down to see if she was around but I didn't find her anywhere it was vary weird so I reported it to the rest and y/n Incase she woken up by now

We continue looking around and see if there's any tracks or any signs of her but no luck at all

'but what was she doing there?'

(Hello I hope this one wasn't too extra since I got bored and wanted to be extra but I hope you enjoyed see ya!)

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