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By Angsty0Vibes

80.1K 3.3K 817

[ON GOING]/HIATUS] "๐˜Œ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ช๐˜ง ๐˜ช๐˜ต'๐˜ด ๐˜ซ๐˜ถ๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ช๐˜จ๐˜ฉ๐˜ต...๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ด๐˜ช๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด... More

Before We Begin
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34.5 (New Year's Special)
No Chapter (UPDATE)

Chapter 8

2.4K 124 10
By Angsty0Vibes

Authors note: I do not own the original story line or characters, just my added plot line.

Takemichi POV


'Draken is going to die on August 3rd...and I'm stuck here doing a puzzle.' I couldn't help but smile though, after all...

   "I finished it! All 2,500 pieces!"

"Takemichi? So you really are out of the hospital!" Yamagishi said startling me, watching my four friends walk into my room. Akkun and Takuya made their way over to me with serious looks on their faces.

"Did you find out anything about the two?" I asked them, both looking down.

"Things aren't looking good at all between Mikey and Draken." Akkun admitted. "Rumor has it that their relationship is beyond repair and it won't be long till Toman is split up." His serious nature made my stomach drop.

'Damn it! Am I already too late?' Panic set into my mind.

"Why hasn't (Y/n) done anything? He's supposed to keep things like this from happening isn't he?" My mind wandered back to a few days ago in the hospital.

   'Maybe Emma actually struck him more than he let on?'

"(Y/n) couldn't do anything...its even beyond him." Akkun sighed. The silence in the room was killing me till everyone looked in my direction and started giggling which turned into full on laughter.

"We're sorry, we were joking Takemichi ." Akkun reassured me, my heart finally slowling down from the anxiety.

"It apparently happens often, they are pretty close after all, it's only normal." Takuya explained.

'I guess he was right, that kind of stuff does happen when people are so close.' I smiled, the anxiety from earlier had mostly died out.

"It's not like those two would have a real fight!
(Y/n) wouldn't let them get close to that." Yamagishi explained.

"That does bring up the question though...Does  (Y/n) only intervine in certain conflicts?" Not knowing if they'd actually know the answer.

Yamagishi and Akkun looked at each other while Yamagishi spoke up. "Well it depends. He stops internal conflicts and assists in ones that can be dealt with between gangs..." He thought for a moment. "But he also picks and chooses his battles when it comes to those two. He'd never let anything truly bad come between them but he won't fix every disagreement they have. It wouldn't make it a healthy relastionship."

'Ah, I guess that would make sense. (Y/n) seems like a reasonable guy. Maybe he knows nothing bad will come from this conflict and that it'll pass.'

My thoughts ended once someone opened the door. "Who do you think you're talking about?" Draken said, leaning in the door frame to fit in. "It's hot in here, too many guys in one place. But lets stop standing around." He lifted his hand up to reveal a watermelon. "Lets eat!"

After we ate, the fun ended, the atmosphere turned serious. " Pah will be stuck locked up for a year at the least." Draken explained to the group.

"How is Osanai and Moebius?" I chimed in.

"Osanai is alive, if he had died then Pah would be locked up till he was an adult." Draken finished.

"Oh good! Then how is Mikey-" Draken's response was slamming his fist onto my puzzle, shattering the pieces.

"Fucking asshole." He stood up, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'm done with him, Toman is over."

"What do you mean over? What did (Y/n) say about all this?" My questions were ignored as Draken left down the stairs and then out of my house.

"Wait Draken! I-" He stood still, looking in front of him at Mikey who stood their equally confused at the situation.

"Eh? What the hell you doin here?" Mikey asked only for Draken to ask the same question.

"Me? What about you?"

"I'm here to see Takemichy and check up on him." Mikey responded.

"Well so am I." Draken hissed back.

"Why though? Takemichy is my friend right?" Mikey asked me, leaning towards the side to make eye contact.

"Huh? I-"

"Oh? Well actually he's my friend, right Takemichy?" Draken  questioned.

"Hey!" I interviened, standing in between them once I noticed the pure irritaion radiating from them. "I'm not really sure what happened but fighting isn't going to help! You need to relax!" Before I knew it Draken reached out and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, bringing me close to his face.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to punk?" Grinding his teeth in an intimidating smile.

'How does (Y/n) do this? They are terrifying!'

While I was being threatened, Mikey started to walk away from us. 'Maybe he figured it out?' But that thought was thrown out the window along with my beloved bike that was directed at Draken.

"What the hell!?" I shouted, being let go by Draken finally.

"You serious right now?" Draken taunted, grabbing ahold of my bat and snapping it in half, throwing it at Mikey.

And that was it, all of my belongings were being thrown left and right. All of them being damaged in the process with no care from the culprits.

"Wanna settle things here?" Mikey said when they ran out of items to throw. He stood tall against Draken who in turn puffed out his chest more.

"Might as well get it over with."

My anger was boiling at this point. They had just destroyed so many precious memories of mine without any consideration of what they were doing.

   'Those assholes!' I stomped up towards the two now that they stopped, but right as I opened my mouth to yell at them, someone else did.

"Oi!" The sound of the shout collecting everyone's attention.

The voice belonged to the guy strolling over, his hands in his pockets and an irritated looking smile on his face. (Y/n) took his time making his way to the three of us, then stopping in the middle, opposite of me.

"You dip shits done wrecking somone's property?" (Y/n) said, getting up in Draken's face first, causing him to take a few steps back. His attention was then brought to Mikey who had a surprised look on his face. "Don't act so surprised, you two have been acting like children and boy am I tired of it." His voice laced with venom in each word.

"I was just on my way to check on Takemichy only to find the two leaders of Toman throwing a hissy fit." He got out of Mikey's vicinity and back to the middle.

"Calm down (Y/n), you're making a big deal out of this-" Draken was shot a deadly glare once again.

"You're telling me to calm down?" (Y/n) looked straight up pissed at this point.

"Ken-chin's right (Y/n)-chin, you're letting your gross side show." Mikey defended Draken this time, surprising me.

"My gross side, eh?" (Y/n)'s smile appearing manic at this point. Due to all the commotion, Akkun and the others ran down the stairs.

"(Y/n)! Stop! You'll get yourself killed!" Akkun shouted trying to bring the boy back to reality.

"Like hell I will!" He turned to face the boy. "Make up already before I beat the shit outta the both of you!" (Y/n) threatened, huffing from all his yelling.

That's when Draken and Mikey exchanged glances and nodded. Draken swiftly took ahold of (Y/n), holding his arms behind his back and steadying his body. Mikey then walked up to the pair, his serious look scaring the hell out of us all.

   'Shit! He's going to destroy (Y/n)! I thought he'd be better at this.'

(Y/n) glared at Mikey as he struggled against Draken. "Don't you dare Sano." (Y/n) growled.

   'Even now he's acting tough!'

We all braced ourselves for (Y/n) to get punched when Mikey brought up his hand, some of us closed our eyes while the rest watched in horror.

"Too late, you brought this upon yourself." Mikey said coldly before taking (Y/n)'s cheeks and squeezing them with a goofy smile. "Now tell us how much you care about us in front of all these guys."

(Y/n)'s face immediatly heated up, Draken then putting his head on top of (Y/n)'s and resting it there.

"What? You talk big game about beating us up but when your feelings are exposed it's over the line." He teased, both him and Mikey smiling at each other now.

"Huh?" I said aloud, causing the two to look over at me.

"What?" Mikey asked, tilting his head.

"You're not going to beat him up!? After he just threatened you?" Yamagishi shouted in confusion.

Draken and Mikey both ended up laughing causing (Y/n) to grow redder. "(Y/n) wouldn't dare touch us in that senario." Draken called out (Y/n).

"He's too much of a lover than a fighter." Mikey mocked playfully, patting (Y/n)'s cheek. "Go on
(Y/n), the guys are waiting." The pair turned (Y/n)'s face to the group.

"I'm sorry okay!? Let me go and we'll talk this out like usual!" (Y/n) tried to negotiate.

All of my friends behind me couldn't help but burst into laughter at the turn of events.

"Shut up!" (Y/n) yelled out at them, Mikey and Draken laughing as well, finally releasing him from his grip. (Y/n) wouldn't make eye contact with anyone, opting to stare at the ground and walk away. But was pulled back and had Draken drape his arm over him.

"Calm down, lets all go to the park and then we can talk it out okay?" He reassured, calming (Y/n) down a little, at least his shoulders relaxed at that point.


"You guys know better than to involve others into your fights." (Y/n) started, Mikey laying next to him and Draken sitting next to Mikey while I sat on the otherside of (Y/n).

"You need to realize how it affects others when you guys fight. You need to be mature with how you handle situations. Splitting up Toman because of a single disagreement?" (Y/n) sighed before continuing. "Pah getting arrested was awful, and we will all miss him greatly. But it was his choice to face his actions head on instead of leaving it in the past. It doesn't matter what any of us think, it was up to him. His actions were his own and so were his thoughts and feelings."

Mikey and Draken just seemed to listen, never interupting or even sending dirty glances. They seemed to fixate on what was being told to them.

"Imagine how Takemichy felt? You brought him into it by wrecking his stuff, what if those held importance to him? He looked like he was about to burst a blood vessel he was so upset, and that would have just made the situation worse." He glanced over at me before staring back at the ground. "But as a 'punishment' for embarassing you guys." He said seemingly to playfully mock them. "I'll tell Takemichy ." (Y/n) turned to me with a serious expression. "Mikey and Draken mean the world to me, I'd do anything for those two. I'll do everything in my power to keep them alive and happy." He turned back away from me and two the two boys he was talking about. "That's a promise."

There was only silence that followed afterwords. 'Wow, (Y/n) was able to get them to stop fighting and actually made them sit down and listen to his reasoning.'

"Sorry Mikey." Draken said first.

"It's okay, I am too." Mikey responded, sitting up from is laying position.

"So...does this mean you guys are back on good terms? Toman won't split up?" I asked, a hint of worry still present in my tone.

"Pfft, like Toman would ever split up!" Mikey assured me, confusing me at the same time.

"Yeah, don't doubt us so much Takemichy." Draken added in.

The two looked at each other and smiled. Getting up and stretching, Mikey told us one more thing. "When Pah gets out, were going to throw a huge celebration."

"Wouldn't have it any other way." (Y/n) responded in agreement. Draken only silently agreeing with a smile. Draken followed Mikey out to the field that everyone else was playing in. I stood up to go join them but noticed (Y/n) hadn't moved.

"(Y/n)?" He was smiling, just looking ahead at the group that played some sort of game of football.

"Yeah?" His attention now turning to me.

"Thank you. You really saved them..." I look back at the group as well. "But can I ask you a question?" (Y/n) only tilted his head. I took a moment to form my words. "Why do you care about them so much? I know they are great people but I've never heard someone seem so dedicated to a person or people."

(Y/n) stayed silent, his smile never faltering. "I don't think it's time to hear that story..." Finally the boy stood up with me. "Maybe one day I'll tell you..." He stepped down the stairs, looking back at me. "Let's go, I don't want us to be left out!"

Authors note: Thank you for reading so far!!! It means the world to me that people are taking the time to read my story. Seeing the favorites and comments makes me burst with joy. I hope I can continue to make people entertained with my work!

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