Zombies 6

By Meloetta246

27.3K 458 590

It's been 4 years since the Lupus pack rejoined the Lykensen's, reuniting their packs after 100 years of sepa... More

Wedding Bells (Prologue)
A New Adventure
Rise and Shine
Life's Little Moments
Descendants News
When Nightmares Become Reality
The Long Road Ahead
The Proposal
Mal and Ben's Royal Wedding!
Bitter-Sweet Moments
Bitter-Sweet Moments Cont'd
Severing Ties
Moment of Truth
Catching Up
Reality Comes Crashing Down
Family Reunion
New Life Brings Great Joy
Baby Steps
Precious Moments
Bundle of Joy
Meet and Greet
Welcome Home
Little Wolves: Part 1
Little Wolves: Part 2
Descendants 4 Announced


942 18 14
By Meloetta246


Zed couldn't wait to go home. To get back to his life. To where he could finally start to feel normal again. That's what he needed, to feel normal.

He could already see it now. They'd have a nice dinner, cuddle on the couch, watch a movie, and just enjoy each other's company. It would be a perfect night.

Addison pulled into their driveway, but immediately Zed noticed something that hadn't been there before. A ramp that led to their front door had been installed. He shouldn't be surprised, it was something they needed. But it still bothered him.

Addison turned off the car before stepping out and making her way to his side of the car. She slipped his wheelchair out of the back seat as he opened his door and unfolded it beside him.

"Do you need help?" Addison asked.

"No." Zed replied, grabbing the handle attached to the roof of the car with one hand and the arm of the chair with the other. Carefully, he pushed himself up and out of the car then into the chair. Zed lifted his legs into the stirrups, then grabbed the wheels.

"Move back Addison, I need to back up so I can shut the car door."

Instead of moving, Addison grabbed the handles on the chair. "Let me help you. I can pull you back a bit and shut the door."

"No." Zed replied more forcefully. "I can do this on my own. Just move back. Please."

Addison was reluctant, but she moved back, giving him the space he needed. Zed wheeled his chair back before turning out and pulling up next to the door. He gave it a push, shutting it firmly before wheeling himself towards the house. "See? I got this."

Addison nodded. "Alright, but if you need help, let me know."

"I will." Zed sighed, propelling himself up the ramp.


Addison watched him go, her heart sinking as she began to follow him. This was supposed to be a happy day. A day to celebrate the beginning of this new chapter in their lives, but Zed didn't seem to feel the same.

Addison unlocked the door, following Zed as he wheeled himself inside. She placed her purse and keys on the table, taking a breath before turning to face him.

"Its lunch time." Addison told him. "Would you like something to eat?"

Zed shrugged, looking anywhere but at her. "Sure."

"Anything in particular?" Addison questioned, trying to grab his attention.

"Just surprise me, Addy." Zed sighed, wheeling himself into the living room.

Addison frowned as she watched him leave the room. She knew this was going to be hard, but she never thought it would be this bad.


Zed put on his brakes once he got into the living room. He sighed heavily, running his hands over his face. He'd seen the lift that was now installed on their staircase. Seeing the changes to their home just made it all more real. He was going to to be stuck in this chair, his ability to walk was really gone.

Zed looked up at the mantel above their fireplace. His eyes wandered over the items on display, memories that they had wanted to remember for years to come. A picture of them at Prawn, wrapped in each other's arms smiling widely for the camera; his football MVP trophy from his first year as a pro player; another picture from the Christmas they'd spent with their friends, all of them squished together with goofy grins and ugly sweaters; Addison's College Cheer medals from countless competitions, tied together with a ribbon and laid in a neat pile; and at the end, a new addition Zed hadn't noticed before.

Zed wheeled himself forward, grabbing the picture frame from the mantel. It was one of Addison's sonograms, showing their daughter growing in her womb.

Zed ran his fingers over the image, guilt sinking into his gut. What was he going to do now? Addison and little Kemzie needed him to be there for them, to provide for them. But how could he do that like this?


Addison walked into the living room carrying a tray with two sandwiches and two glasses of lemonade. She saw Zed staring at the sonogram and carefully placed the tray on the coffee table before walking over to join him.

Addison gently draped her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder. "You okay?"

Zed sighed. "Just thinking."

"Talk to me." Addison replied gently. "We're in this together, remember?"

She felt his shoulders droop as he closed his eyes. "I'm scared Addy. I'm scared of letting you down, of letting Kenzie down. Like you said, we're in this together. But how can that be when I can't even pull my own weight?"

Addison moved around so that she was standing in front of him. She wrapped her hands around his and pressed her forehead to his own. "Zed, you are one of the strongest guys I have ever met. I know that you are going to do everything you can for me and Kenzie, despite the challenges the accident has put in front of you."

Zed removed his right hand from hers, using it to run his fingers through her hair. "But what of it turns out that I'm not enough? That I can't give you everything that you want? What then?"

Addison kissed him softly before pulling away. "Zed, I have you, I'm carrying our daughter, I couldn't ask for anymore than that. Buy I also want you to remember that you are more than my husband, you're my best friend. You will always be more than enough for me."

Addison took his hands and placed them on her stomach. "And Kenzie will be the luckiest little girl in the world because she will have you as a daddy. Kenzie is going to love you as much as I do, and I know you are going to love her."

Zed kissed her stomach then wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap, holding her close as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. "I love you Addy. I love you and our daughter. I just want to be the husband and father you both deserve."

Addison wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his embrace, a soft smile on her face. "You already are Zed. You already are."

Author's Note

Wow guys. It had been a long time since I've updated. I am so sorry. I have had so much going on its not even funny. I appreciate your patience and to those of you who have been holding on and anxiously awaiting an update, here it is. I promise more will be coming soon!


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