The Deaf Mutant

By Raven-_S

222K 4.9K 1.1K

Y/n is a new Avenger, but she has her differences. She is deaf, Completely deaf she uses ASL to communicate... More

Author notes
Loki return
I guess she does have a voice
Overheated I think?
Loki's room
The sickness
Our little secret
Her Snuggle Buddy
Loki's New Beginning
Trust me love
No Promises
Good Night My Child
Scars Are Forever
Does It Look Bad
1k reads
Blue Button
No Ordinary Mortal
It's Cute
Girls Day Out
Secret room
Author's Bestie's😱😏😜
Come On Prince
Do They Know
Trip Down Memory Lane
Time you know...
I Can Braid It If You Like
Our Little Avenger
Did I Kill Anyone
You can speak
I'm Not Going To Die
See No Evil-Hear No Evil
I'm not a good person
Possibilities Of Tomorrow
I Should Choke You With This
She Wasn't Alone


2.2K 64 32
By Raven-_S

AN: Quick authors note there is one scene in this chapter that made me cringe while prof reading, it's a lovely scene between y/n and Loki. So if your read that scene then enjoy my lovelies but if not that means I deleted it so I am sorry. Well, enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 27


After Cap finished explaining what he would be doing Loki went over to one of the bars that Steve set up the first one he went to weigh about 430lb grabbing the bar he picked it up without a struggle. He put it down and went to the next one which was about 600lb he picked it up without a struggle. He did this with every bar until he got to the one that weighs 1000lb.

"Hmmm, where did Steve find all of these weights?" Y/n thought

"Okay, You can stop that was the last one," Steve told Loki, with a confused face.

"Okay, next we are going to see how many push-ups you can do in under a minute." Loki looked at Steve confused but got in the stance anyway. 

Thor was secretly watching y/n planning something for this exact moment. S or quickly moves behind y/n and picks her up. She just hung there and didn't try to fight.

"Thor put her down," Clint says. Walking over to Loki he places her on his back.

"Brother what in Odin's name do you think you're doing," Loki says as he adjusts to the new weight added to his back.

"Oh brother we did for warm-ups on Asgard"

" yea Thor but we are not on Asgard you idiot." He responded, rolling his eyes.

 "Are you okay with this y/n" Y/n reached down to where he could see and gave a thumbs up? Crossing her legs and getting comfortable she got ready for Loki to begin.

"Okay. Go" with that Steve started the timer and Jarvis begin counting. Going a steady pace y/n lightly grabbed onto a piece of Loki Shirt to steady herself.

'If they do this for warm-up then what do they do for actual training. 'She thought. The buzzer went off and Loki came to stop. Everyone looked at the holographic screen where Jarvis was counting. Everyone's mouths feel open except y/n andThors. Who already expected the outcome. The screen read 547 push-ups in just a minute.

"Jarvis is glitching out because this cannot, is not humanly possible," Tony says. Y/n carefully made her way off Loki's back and sat on the floor Beside him.

"Well, stark I am not human unlike you weak mortal's ." Loki responded, y/n looked back and looked back at Loki, with slightly glowing eyes.

"Oh not you darling, and lady of spitters I'm not even entirely sure if you are human" Loki quickly said, correcting himself. Taking a seat beside y/n he looked around the room while everyone tried wrapping the head around his results.

"Wait, did you just call her darling?" Tony asked, y/n looked at him daring him o say something.

"Do you have a problem with it? " she asked. She is more than glad to settle this on the mat. Tony simply shook his head no.

"Last thing for today is a run around starks tower. I usually do six but today we only have to do one." Steve stated. Before Tony could protest Steve was already out of the room.


Standing outside waiting for Steve to tell them to start. When Steve said go they started in a jog Loki and y/n keeping the same paste ahead of the rest of the team. With Sam catching up, he sprinted to be beside y/n.

"So is he your boyfriend or something?" he asked her, trying to discrete. Coming out of nowhere Steve runs past all three of them yelling. "On your left"

"You gotta be kidding me with this guy "

Speeding up his pace Sam ran in front of both of them. Loki sent y/n a look and she nodded her head both of them taking off into full sprint running ahead of Sam and Steve, as she ran she could feel her heart beating the vibrations of her feet hitting the ground. 

The team went in a full sprint to catch up to them but couldn't get in front of them. Stark stopped running and just started walking while everyone else was ahead of him. Pushing herself more she ran faster, and soon began to slow down when she saw where they stared at the front door. When she came to a full stop she lay on the ground while everyone else caught up.

"What the-I uh never mind," Sam said not saying real words. Everyone out of breath just stayed there quietly. Y/n got up off the ground and brushed herself off now that her breathing was finally regulated. Stark walked up to the team, not out of breath mainly because he walked.

"Well that was it for training we can all go inside now" with that everyone began walking towards the building y/n could feel extra vibrations that weren't there before. When the doors aromatically opened they were met with people talking over each other. 

Y/n quickly moved and hid behind Loki. Steve and Tony stepped in front of the team as the people began bombarding them with questions.

"What are you doing right now"

"Will Loki be joining the team"

 "are you all coming back from a mission"

 "and who is the girl that ran behind Loki we didn't see her face do you think we could get a photo" with those questions asked there cameras began going off?

"One THEY are my intern and No you may not have a photo. Two, what are you doing here, and three. You have five seconds to leave willingly before I call security" Tony responded

 "And NO photos on your way out" Steve added.

As they begin gathering their stuff the team moves out of the way so they can walk out Loki turns around to face y/n who was hiding behind him. The team moved to shield the two from the people that were leaving. Loki summoned a green hoodie and handed it to her.

She smiled and quickly put it on, placing the hood over her head.

Steve stepped forward making sure all of them were out. The team begins walking into the building. Y/n walked beside Loki, when she walked in something caught her eye.

 It was a teenage boy in the corner of the room, slightly frightened but looking her age. When the boy saw Tony he ran his hand through his hair nervously, he walked over to Tony and tapped his shoulder.

While the rest of the team began walking to the private elevator Tony walked the boy to the elevator with the team.

"What are you doing here kid"

 " I have a question for you" as everyone gathered in the elevator y/n moved close to Loki. She was getting weird vibes from the kid Tony so trustingly let into the tower's private elevator. Loki noticed what she did and placed an arm around her waist protectively.

 Tony, Bruce, and the kid got off on the floor that lead to their lab, which is pretty high up. While Sam and Clint went to the common room, Natasha got off on Steve's floor with Steve and Thor got off on his floor. Which just left y/n and Loki.

Loki looked down noticing he was still holding on to her and let her go, taking a step away. "My apology," he told her. She looked at him smiling, there wasn't anything planned today. Lunch was soon so there were about two hours to spare.

"Want to hang out with me until lunch," she asked Loki, he looked at her and nodded his head. pressing four different buttons on the elevator the keypad opened and the scanner popped out. Gently placing her hand on the pad it began to scan her hand.

 It soon finished and the scanner disappeared. The elevator began moving and then the doors opened. 

"I'm never going to get used to that," she hear Loki say from beside her. They walked out and she grabbed her book that she was previously reading from off the coffee table and sat down, Loki soon joined.

Loki POV

As I sat down on the couch, I opened the book and began reading. But I couldn't help but glance every so often at her. There is something about her that I can't quite place, nor understand.

"y/n I have a question?" I say placing the book down and turning to face her. Placing her bookmark in her book, marking her place she turns to face me.

"Do you trust me?" she looked at me confused and nodded her head yes so I continued.

"If it's okay with you I would like to have a mind-link with you" she looked at me with the same confused face. " A mind-link is where we share a mental connection with another being or person," I explained after a while of silence she placed her book down on the coffee table and nodded her head yes.

I moved over on the couch crossing my legs. I sit in front of her staring into her eyes.

"So what to do I have to do '' she signed " nothing but let me into your mind" as I placed a hand on top of hers I looked at her.

 " Are you sure you are okay with this, I don't want to pressure you into anything." she smiled at me, which made me smile right back. 

"I trust you Loki," she said in response. I placed my forehead against hers and she closed her eyes, I soon closed my eyes and remembered how mother taught me to do this spell. Now that I have her consent I continue with the process, letting my magic work and making sure not to look at anything in her mind. I just stayed focused on creating the link.

I soon finished, and opened my eyes, and moved my forehead away. Her eyes were still closed. "You can open your eyes now love," I said through the newly found mind link, when she heard my voice I could see her body slightly jump at my voice and her eyes opened. Another good side to this mind link is that it doesn't give me a headache trying to talk to her in her head. I can also talk to her anywhere.


I opened my eyes and looked at Loki who was looking at me. I smiled and did something I did not expect that I would do. I jumped on him and hugged him. He seemed very surprised by what I did and his body stiffened.

 "What are you doing?" he asked in the mind link. I got off him and started playing with my thumbs. I'm a little embarrassed by my actions.

 "I was just hugging you" I responded after a while of silence he finally said something. " can you do it again," he asked, not exactly sure how to respond to him, so I hugged him again and he wasn't stiff. I could feel his heartbeat change, he wasn't stiff this time.

 Soon he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me in. I've hugged people before but this felt different, I don't know if it's the chilling cessation that rushed through my body. Even Though I'm immune to the cold, his touch makes me shiver. He is something I don't want to let go of, I could feel his heartbeat speed up so I hugged him tighter I closed my eyes praying this moment won't end.

 I felt something wet fall on my shoulder, I began to pull away to see if he was okay but he just held me tighter. " Are you okay?" I ask. He nods his head. Pulling me to lay down with him not letting go. 

" just, just don't let okay" "okay" I responded, and did just that I didn't let go.

Loki Pov

When she opened her eyes she jumped on me and wrapped her arms around me. I am surprised that she did this, I'm not quite sure how to respond to this but I know I don't want her to let go.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, she let go and sat back in her seat playing with her thumb. Good going Loki you scared her.

 "I was just hugging you," she responded. She hugged me, she trusted me, she didn't think I was disgusting. For once I'm not worried about my past or what she will think about me.

 "Can you do it again?"

 She slowly came and wrapped her arms around me. This is something I couldn't find in Asgard, something only my mother showed me. I warped my arms around her waist and held her, and held close. I came to earth as a punishment, I didn't want to be here, I was finally starting to believe that I couldn't change and never will, but she did it. 

She saw me for me and made me her...Friend, my vision began to blur, what is happening to me, my face is wet. As my breathing quickened she began to pull away, but I just pulled tighter.

"  Are you okay?" she asks me, I nod my head yes as I begin to lay on the couch still holding her.

"Just, just don't let go, okay" I whispered as she began adjusting herself so she was comfortable "okay" she responded. 

We laid here as I looked up at the ceiling, smiling as these disgusting water droplets fell from my eyes soaking my face and shirt. "Curse you Odian" I closed my eyes never wanting this moment to end...


"Mis. sapphire, Mr.Stark is calling you down for lunch I suggest you wake up." I open my eyes confused about what Jarvis is talking about. I look up and see Loki, sleeping. "Okay, I'm coming" I respond softly to not wake him. I noticed how Loki's arms are still firmly wrapped around me. I noticed how strands of his dark raven hair had fallen in his face, slightly framing it. His face isn't brooding or showing some kind of angry expression. But soft, wrinkle-free, not that it wasn't before, but what I'm saying is he looks happy.

"You know it's rude to stare" I hear him say in my mind, still not quite used to that. I look back at him and his eyes are open, staring right into mine.

 "Come on, it's for lunch," I tell him while getting up stretching. I can feel his eyes linger on me while I stretch. I look back at him, picking up a pillow and hitting him in the face. I look at him smiling.

 "Get up," I tell him again, rolling his eyes as he gets up and we walk to the elevator.

As the elevator door closed I pressed the floor where the team was. The elevator begins to move, glancing over to Loki and looking away I smile to myself. 

"You might want to fix your hair," I tell him as the doors open and I walk out. Loki soon walked out with fixed hair, probably using his magic.

 I rolled my eyes at the thought. Loki walked and sat at the table while I walked over to Natasha who was in the kitchen with Clint and Steve making lunch. But at the moment Steve and Clint were arguing whether to add more salt or not.

"Look who diced to join. I have been calling you down for the past 10 minutes." I looked towards Tony who was by the coffee machine refilling his cup of coffee probably for the tenth time today.

"I apologize I was doing something, Next time I will make sure to use my super speed and run up the stairs so you won't worry." I signed. He rolled his eyes at my sarcasm and then narrowed his eyes at me.

 "Can you do that?'' he asked curiously, I just turned around ignoring him. I walk and stand beside Natasha leaning my head on her shoulder.

 "Are you okay" asked while she stirred the pot of pasta, I just smiled and nodded my head.

I walk over and sit in my usual spot at the table with Loki sitting on my left. Noticing that I still had on the green hoodie from earlier. 

"Hey, is this hoodie yours," I ask, as he turns and looks at the hoodie that I have on. His face shows no emotion as always he nods his head yes. That would make sense why it doesn't fit very well. Clint came and sat in the free seat close to me pouting.

 "Natasha kicked me out of the kitchen," he whined

"NO, I kicked you AND steve out because you wouldn't shut up arguing" she Snapped back at Clint. Well, this is going to be one eventful lunch. "Lunch Is ready, come fix your plates."

When everyone fixed their plates and sat down we all started eating and having a conversation amongst ourselves. Surprisingly there wasn't any awkwardness after early after Loki cried in my shoulder. Or what I was really hoping was tears falling on my shoulder.

 "What are you thinking about," he asked me, I looked up from my plate of noodles I was violently stabbing. 

"Why do you ask" 

"well um you have just stabbed your plate of food to death"

Yeah, I guess I did do that. Placing my fork down on the table, I smile. Tony is throwing this party for Steve's birthday and I don't want to go. Taping my hand on the table I got Tony's attention. He looked at me giving me his full attention, awe how sweet. 

" How do you expect me to go to this party and keep my identity a secret?" Tony began thinking oh that's never a good thing.

" So far the media only knows you as my teenage assistant, they also aren't sure whether you are a female or male according to some of the recent headlines. Some of them say you're one of my missing or abandoned children or your Steve and some mystery lovers kid. I don't quite understand how they came up with that one." Steve choked on his drink hearing what Tony said. The team stopped there talking and turned their focus to Tony.

"Look kid, I will figure it out, they don't know who you are and the goal is to keep like that for as long as possible. Don't worry." Everyone looked at Tony as soon as he said don't worry.

 "I will figure something out," he added, trying to reassure everyone. I picked up my fork and continued eating my chopped-up noodles.

As I took another bite of my food Clint begin speaking.

"Hey Y/n who hoodie is that," he asked. Natasha looked at me examining the hoodie. 

"It's not her because it's huge on her," Natasha responded. I looked up at them chewing my last bite of food. I swallowed my food and smiled. I got up and walked and put my plate away. Some things they don't need to know about.

As the rest of the team finished eating they all put their plates away, seeing Tony on the elevator I ran and caught up to him. Walking in the elevator I look at Tony, as he presses the button to his lab.

 "What floor?" he asked me.

 "Your lab" I responded. I needed to check up on some things and I wanted to know about the very frightened-looking mystery boy. As the elevator moved up to Tony's lab we stood in silence waiting for it to come to a stop.

 "Why are you coming with me to my Lab," Tony asked, turning to face me. As the doors opened me and Tony walked in. Walking over to one of his many desks I stood and watched as he began to tinker with one of his suits.

 "Stop staring at me kid," he told me while not taking his eye off his suit. Thinking about suits I wonder about mine.

"Can we take a look at my suit?" I signed to get Tony's attention. Placing his tool down he looks at me. 

"Sure kid" he says getting up and walking over to one of the clean desks in the lab. It was a hallagrab tabel. As Tony taped the table files popped up in the air, swiping past files trying to find my suit I saw a new file I haven't seen before. I swipe back and look at Tony,

 "what's that one " I ask, looking over to him. The name of the file is Spiderling, Tony looked back at the file then back at me. "It's a project I'm working on for S.H.I.E.L.D," he said, rolling his eyes. 

He was lying, I could tell he was because his heart rate changed right after I asked the question. I wasn't going to admit or tell him that I knew he was lying but I will find out what's in that file. As he swiped past he opened my file, The suit popped up and stood in the air. As Tony looked over some of the designs that I did sometime before, he began mumbling to himself.

"It looks good, for your first suit," Tony said proudly. How many suits am I going to get?

 "What do you mean by the first suit?" I signed, rolling his eyes.

 "It happens a lot with Natasha, and bartons sometimes even Steve suits. During missions they get pretty worn out and messed up so they either get their current one replaced or I end up designing a new one" he said while walking over to another holographic table. I followed close behind.

"I have also figured out the solution to the party, we will design you a dress with a hood and other accessories to hide your identity doesn't that sound fun," he asked me enthusiastically, all I did give a scared smile as respoce 

We started desing the dress and pulling up dress ideas from Pinterest. The color of the dress is going to be blue of course. But I honestly don't understand why Tony wants me at this party anyway. I'm only going because it's Steve's birthday.

"Are you sure we can finish this by tomorrow?" I ask Tony, he just smiles to himself and nods his head. What does that mean?


It's been some time and we are almost done with the dress. I think it went wrong when I asked Tony if we could finish it before Steve's party. I have had twelve cups of coffee and it is now four in the morning. Tony has had five and he seems wide awake. Sitting down we wait for the system to load, resting my head on my hand I yawn.

"So are you ready for school?" Tony asked me, I slowly turned my head to face him. Honestly, I'm just trying to get through today. I'm too tired to sign, or talk, or blink, without knowing I reach for the cup of coffee.

"Okay kido how about we take a break from the coffee," He says standing up and taking my cup. I'm too tired to even try and take it back.

"Alright get up" taking my hands he leads me into the clearing of the lab where we weren't surrounded by things that could set you on fire.

"JARVIS ACDC" he yells Jarvis then begins to play music, Tony smiles at me and begins dancing and playing air guitar. I smile at his antics

"Come on kid wake up, we still have work to do and I can't have you sleeping on me," he says while he grabs my hand and twirls me around. I give in and dance with him, even though it's been a while since I last danced. I watched as Tony got up on one of his chairs and danced, Knowing something was bound to happen, I mean it's Tony.

The chair began to tip over and so did he. I quickly used my powers to stop him from hitting the ground, and slowly placed him on the ground. I walked up to him and sat down.

" Are you ok?" I signed. He just erupts into a fit of laughter. As the music ends the only sound left is the humming of machines and the sound of Tony laughing. As he sits up I playfully push him on the shoulder.

"You're a total idiot. I hope you know that." I tell him, smiling.

"You smiled, your face can do that," he says acting surprised, I only rolled my eyes in response. Shaking my head I get up off the floor.

"So who was the kid you were talking to early today after our run?" I ask him. Getting up he walks over to one of his tables.

"He is my intern on a stark industries scholarship," he says smiling while flipping a wrench.

"Wow so you're replacing me with another assistant," I ask trying to sound hurt

"Sir It is finished" JARVIS announced we both walked over to the table and saw the holographic version of the dress, it looked amazing. It's an off the shoulders midnight blue tulle A-Line dress, with an attached dress cape that was large enough to hide my face.

"Would you like me to continue the process sir?" JARVIS asked

"Just push that button right there and we are done," Tony told me, A smile grew on my face. Finally, I pushed the button and Jarvis began completing the process of finishing the dress.

" good now we have to sew it together" I looked at him and I thought I was going to pass out.

"I'm just kidding," Tony said while walking towards the lab door.

"Now we can leave" As we both walked out of the lab the lights turned off automatically. Walking to the elevator Tony pushed the floor to the common room. As the doors opened we both walked out. I walked over to the couch and sat down, now that we were finished I wasn't as sleepy anymore. Grabbing the remote I put on a movie, Tony walked out and I began watching the movie, soon I felt him sit down on the couch throwing a blanket on me.

Fixing the blanket to fit my body I glanced at Tony who had his attention on the movie playing. Getting comfortable, I began to watch the movie. As childish and irresponsible Tony is, I know this. I can count on him to run and save the day. Or at least my day.

Opening her eyes she lifts her head from what she assumed was Tony's shoulder. Tony was sleeping. Standing from the couch she noticed she didn't have on the same clothes she fell asleep in. which was odd. Looking around the room everything looked the same but something seemed different.

"Hey stark" she called out but no answer

"Stark, come on, stop playing," she said, turning around. Then she saw it, Tony was covered in bruises and it looks like he wasn't breathing rushing back over to the couch she snatches the blanket off of him, she saw a stab wound actively bleeding. Before she could touch him someone grabbed her shirt and pulled her away from him.

"Stay away from him." a familiar voice said firmly. Looking up she knew who the person was.

"Natasha?" she asked, confused. Placing a hand on the ground to steady herself she tried to get up. As Natasha kicked her hand her arm gave out causing her to fall to the ground.

"Stay down," Natasha Told her as she pulled out her gun. Looking around Natasha she notices steve and some of the team silently crying

"What are you doing, someone help him" y/n yelled as she stood up.

"What do you mean help him, you're the one that killed him,"Steve said as he walked towards her.

"No-no I, we were just " she studded, looking down at her hands she noticed how they were covered in a crimson color as they carefully dripped from her soaking the rug. Looking down she noticed a knife that lays at her feet, drenched in Tony's blood, but it wasn't any knife it was the one Loki gave her. She looked up at Natasha with pleading eyes.

"I didn't do this," she said as hot tears filled her eyes.

 "You have to believe me," she told her as she dropped to the ground. Putting her gun down Natasha kneeled to her level wrapping her arms around her. As they pulled from the hug Natasha looked her in her eyes. Lifting her hand she gently wiped the tears from y/n eyes.

"Oh you poor, poor pathetic child, I hope you don't think we cared about you. SHIELD is on its way to come get you, and you are going to get exactly what you deserve. " Natasha said as she put her gun to y/n head. As tears fell from her eyes she looked around the room at the team she once called a family.

"I'm sorry though I'm sure one day someone will adopt you, that's if you manage to survive," Natasha said as she took the safety of her gun.

"No I'm sorry," y/n said

Quickly getting up from the floor she grabbed Natasha's gun and kneed her in the face causing her to go unconscious. Using her powers she took everyone's weapons. Before they could retaliate she quickly increased them in ice.

Walking over to Tony she looked at him.

"Stark come one wake up," she says as she places her hands over the wound to stop the bleeding


"Come on Tony, please I'm sorry. I didn't-" closing her eyes she leans her head against his shoulder trying to block out what just happened

"I didn't mean to hurt you"


"y/n wake up," A voice said quietly as they shook her.

" Tony, how long did you have her up last night?" another person asked. Slowly opening her eyes she sees some of the teammates around her, not fully awake her eyes start to glow and she places a shield around her and Tony.

Creating a dagger she looks at the team that is kinda surprised by her reaction. Another figure walked into the room ignoring everyone. Walking past him he noticed an aurora of power and a blue force field. Stopping in his tracks he turned around walking past the rest of the team that was trying to talk to the freaked out girl holding a dagger and glowing eyes.

"y/n what's wrong with you, y/n '' Natassha asked, walking towards the shield. Standing in front of the shield he looked at her.

" Oh dear," he mumbled to himself, turning around and looking at the team of superheroes he looked at them and smirked, no one was truly in danger. He knew that y/n truly could not hurt them, they were her family. She wasn't moving, she was holding on to Tony with one hand and the dagger in the other hand. Her eyes glowing a bright blue, if they didn't know her they never would have thought she was protecting him, and they never would have hesitated when attacking her.

" Loki, if you're going to help then do it. If not then move out of the way before for I move you" Natasha told him aggressively

" hey can we work on getting me out of HERE" Tony yelled breaking up the conversation.

" Man of iron, I assure you that you are safer in there than out here," Loki said, turning around to face him.

" Can you get to the point so we can get her out of there?" Sam said, stepping up from the back of the group.

 Nodding his head Loki grabs Sam and shoves him into the shield. As he hit the shield pushed back by the shield making him fall back but before falling he was caught by a sapphire blue wisp surrounding him placing him on the ground. Everyone looked shocked except Loki.

"She is simply sleeping, no one is in any danger, all you have to do is wake her up," Loki said while easily walking into the shield and sitting on the couch beside her. As soon as he sat down y/n quickly shifted her body and moved the dagger to his throat.

"Well, half-asleep maybe," he said, correcting himself. Ignoring the knife

" Well hurry up and wake her," Clint told him as he ignored the knife to Loki's throat. As the dagger touched his skin he looked her in the eyes


Looking at her in the eyes I searched for her, but she looked hollow as if she wasn't there. She was sleeping and waking her up in this state could put the lives of the people in this tower in danger. But there are only really two people in the tower I truly care about. Placing my hand on top of hers I gently grabbed the handle of the dagger slowly moving it away from my throat. Placing my free hand on her cheek I see her shield slowly fade away.

" Tony go and I'm going to wake her," I tell him he stands up and rushes to the other side of the room. Removing my hand from her face the shield comes back up.

Letting my hand turn blue I touch her face causing her lips to turn blue because of my cold skin"

" Loki what are you doing," Natasha asked stepping towards the shield

" How did you turn blue" Tony asked, ignoring the questions I focus on y/n

"Wake up darling," I tell her in the mind link. I watch as her eyes slowly fade out of the bright blue they were.

" You're safe here" her grip completely loosens on the dagger and drops to the ground along with her shield. Her eyes returned to their beautiful E/C color, she looked at my eyes, and slowly tears filled up her eyes clouding her vision. I smile at her and look towards Natasha and nod my head indicating it is okay.

 She quickly comes and kneels in front of y/n. I watched as Natasha gently placed a hand on top of y/n, and looked her over. It reminded me of Mother, she would look me over every time I and Thor came home from battle.

Natasha began standing up, which caused y/n to flinch, Natasha moved forward and hugged her. Standing up I moved out of the way as Sam, Clint, and Tony moved over to make sure she was okay. Walking over to the kitchen I sit at the tables and watch them cry and hug her.

Maybe I should go back to Asgard to see mother, tell her that Odin was wrong and that everyone was wrong. That I can change, she and Thor have always been my biggest supporters. They never gave up on me even when I gave up on myself. One kind act, one girl, changed everything.

"Loki, thank you" I hear her say in the mind link, I turn to look at her and smile.

" It was my pleasure darling," I told her. Maybe there was one thing Odin did right and that was sending me to earth with Thor.


" Come on time to get dressed," Natasha said walking, not even bothering to knock. Loki and y/n were sitting on the floor, legs crossed in front of her bed staring at each other.

"y/n" Natasha called out again by the door, but she didn't respond, just focused on Loki.

"Fine we will get dressed in here," Natasha said as she walked out of the room

Flashing her eyes she reached out to touch Loki's hand that rested on his leg. Without blinking Loki reached out and grabbed her wrist, she smirked at him as his wrist and his whole body began to turn blue revealing his jotunn form.

"That's cheating," he said to her

 "Is not, it is called using my imagination" she responded through the mind link. As blue wisp slowly began to float around them, her powers slowly lifted them off the ground. 

"Okay then," Loki said, soon another color was added into the mix of the sapphire blue wisp, making a beautiful eye-catching aurora. Taking her attention off Loki, she looks behind him in awe at the amazing creation floating around them. One that they created. Quickly looking back at Loki she smirked.

"It's beautiful" closing his eyes Loki nods his head in agreement.

" Ha I win," she says

" No you cheated," Loki said while letting go of her wrist.

" don't be a sore loser, pretty boy. What never lost to a girl" she says while lowering them back on the ground.

"I have lost too many people of the opposite gender but you distracted me," he said while standing up. Getting up she looked at him.

" I did not do such a thing, all I did was say it's beautiful," she said while gesturing to the colors floating around.

As the colors faded y/n eyes returned to their normal color. Loki watched the glowing color in her eyes fade as his form returned to his usual Asgardian one.

"Are you ready now?" Natasha asked from the door, nodding her head as she walked behind Loki and began pushing him out of the room. Getting to the door she gives one more push as he slightly trips over the threshold of her room.

"Out I have to get dressed for Tony stupid party, and I'm sure the boys will be here any second to come to get you." as if it was planned the elevator doors opened revealing all the men walking down the hallway. Loki turned and saw them walking towards them, turning back to her he gave her a slightly terrified look,

"Wait this isn't entirely fair," he said while walking back into the room and hiding behind y/n, Natasha just smiled.

"I'm going to go get the clothes and tell Pepper we're getting dressed in here," Nat said as she left the room.

"Good evening my lady, I am here to fetch my brother. Don't worry we will return him without a scratch." Thor explained while bowing

"He is lying" he whispers while pointing a dagger at Thor from y/n shoulder sounding as if he lost his voice.

"That's only if agrees to come willingly" clint added. smiling at the men she stepped aside

"He's all yours boys" Thor quickly rushed in and grabbed his brother, throwing him over his shoulder.

"Thor put me down or I will stab you" he yelled at Thor, using her powers she took away Loki's daggers. He looked back at her with a hurt face.

"You traitor" walking out of the room she smiles as she hears Loki yell at Thor for carrying him. Walking over to her bed she sits down and places the daggers she took from Loki on her nightstand. grabbing her phone she laid down and waited for Nat to come back.

Scrolling through social media she began to feel vibrations she could tell one belonged to Natasha but the other she could not make out. As the footsteps got closer to her room her eyes began to glow. Natasha walked in the room dragging a cart with bags hanging on it by coat hangers. Assuming it is the dresses.

"y/n what's wrong," she asked, walking up to her. As the person walked in, y/n looked at Natasha.

"Whos that" she signed. Natasha looked back at the door, noticing Pepper.

"That's Pepper Tony's girlfriend, she's going to the party with us" Natasha signed back to her. As her eyes returned to their normal color y/n got up and shyly walked over to the beautiful woman.

" you must y/n" y/n nodded her yes. Before she could say anything she was brought into a hug, hesitantly she returned the hug. Breaking up the hug they went over to the rack to grab the dresses. Each bag had its name on it.

y/n grabs her bag and goes to her closet hanging the dress on a hook closing the door she begins getting dressed.

"Pepper you can change in the bathroom I will change out here," Nat said as she handed Pepper her bag. Natasha finished getting dressed first and began setting up the area for their hair and makeup.

Pepper walked out of the bathroom smoothing out her dress, Looking at Natasha they smiled at each other. "I'm glad to see the dress fits," Nat says to her

y/n opens the closet door and slowly walks out holding the cloak.

" you look amazing," Pepper says to her ignoring her scarred arms

" You and Tony did a great job with that dress, it does suit you. But we are running short on time so let's get your hair and makeup done. Natasha said while she walked over to the chair in the room.

Y/n placed her cloak on her bed and sat in the chair. While Natasha did y/ns hair Pepper began doing her makeup. Doing a simple easy style she finished pretty fast. After she finished her hair she began

working on her makeup, she didn't need to do anything extravagant because she would be wearing a cloak to hide.

"All done," Natasha said, Moving on to Pepper while she finished up her makeup she began to carefully curl her hair.

While waiting for the others to finish, y/n grabbed her phone.

"Y/n Thors trying to kill me with a cloth," Loki says through the mind link

"What do you mean"

"Thor keeps trying to put this thing around my neck" smiling y/n begins explaining to Loki what they're trying to do, but out of nowhere she hears a scream over the mind link, and then everything goes silent.



Loki screams at Thor while pointing a dagger at him.

"Loki you are the last one that is not completely dressed," Tony says while he checks his watch. Loki turns around away from the group flipping his dagger in the air.

"It's like dressing a child," Clint says to the group.

"We have to go get the girls or we are going to be late so just bring the tie Thor, and let's go '' Steve said while heading towards the door.

Getting to the room the girls got dressed and Sam stepped up knocking on the door. Pepper opens the door for the men.

"Hello Pep," Tony says while stepping forward and kissing her.

"Put on your shoes now," Natasha says forcefully

"No" y/n respond, y/n was never a fan of shoes she only ever wore them when she had a mission with hydra.

"You have to put on shoes. When you go to school your going to have to wear shoes" Natasha said

"Well I'm not in school yet am I" she signed to her. Looking in on the situation Clint begins to laugh

"Uhh how long has that been going on," Clint asked Pepper

"About five minutes "

"I and Pepper have to go to the party now, see you guys down there," Tonys tells them as he leads Pepper to the elevator.

Finally, y/n agreed to put on the shoes, standing up and looking at Natasha. Natasha walks outside to wait for y/n.

"Lady y/n," Thor says, y/n turned around and looked at Thor.

"My brother wouldn't let me put the tie on him so I am hoping you could '' Thor asked in a low voice that Loki couldn't hear. Handing over the piece of cloth y/n nodded her head understanding of what Thor was asking. Thor walked away joining the group in the hall.

"Loki could you come and help me please," y/n asked over the mind link, Loki walked into her room holding one of his daggers.

"Yes," he said looking at her, y/n carefully took the dagger out of Loki's hand and placed it with the others she took from him earlier. Holding the fabric in one hand y/n wrapped her arms around Loki's neck bringing both pieces down. y/n begin gently tying the tie around his neck.

As she finished she made sure the tie was straight and walked to her bed to grab her cloak. walking out of the room she began putting on the cloak.

"When can I get my stuff back," Loki asked closing her door

"When you can learn to stop trying to stab people" she responds

"So never," Loki says as he helps her put on the cloak placing its hood over her head.

(You get to Pick hairstyle,shoes and makeup. I picked different styles bc not all hairstyle work with all hair types. If you don't Like any of theses or cant see your self wearing this kind of style please feel free to change it)


Walking to the elevator the team gets in and goes to the floor where the party is.

The doors open and the team walks out y/n makes sure she is the last one out so she is not seen with the team. Making sure her face is covered she walks around the party, grabbing pieces of food off the trays.

Staying in the distance she watches as the press bombards the team with questions, watches how Loki stays close to his brother while the press talks to him.

"So Loki, will you be joining the team?" the lady asks Loki but he doesn't respond, he just looks at Thor.

"He's camera shy," Thor says, Loki rolled his eyes at Thor's response and dragged him away.

"I didn't know that you are camera shy," y/n says in the mind link, Loki looks around for her, but couldn't find her.

The party goes on and y/n is feeling like someone is following her, while she is walking someone bumps into her.

"I am so sorry," he says to her, y/n nods her head and tries walking off.

"Let me buy you a drink as an apology," he asks her, the guy looks like he is in his mid-twenties, y/n doesn't respond and just tried walking off again but it didn't work.

'This dude is still trying to talk to me, I'm a minor and way out of league' she thinks to herself.

"The party's great, isn't it? How was your day?" he asked, obviously not catching the hints.

It was better before you started talking to me she thought

"Loki I need some help"

"I'm coming" he responds

"How about you let me take you out to dinner," he asked

What part of science does this guy not understand, he's disgusting she thought to herself again. Watching as he reached his hand out to touch her cloak

Loki grabbed the man's wrist, stopping from touching her.

"I think her silence gives enough away that she doesn't want to talk to you," Loki says to him. Letting go of the man's wrist he wraps his hand around her waist and leads her to where the Avengers are hanging out.

"Is he drunk?" y/n asks Loki when they see Tony

"I think so" It wasn't a rare sight to see Tony drunk, but sometimes it can be a funny one.

The Music begin to slow down, and the guest began slow dancing with their partners

"May I have this dance?" Tony asked Pepper, making it to the dance floor. Bruce danced with Natasha while Thor danced with one of the guests while the rest of the team sat and watched.

"Would you like to dance?" Loki asked, standing from his seat, reaching out his hand y/n carefully placing hers in his. Pulling her to her feet they made their way to the dance floor.

"Don't have too much fun kids" Sam yelled out as they left the group getting to the dance floor, Loki placed his hands around her waist while she wrapped her hands around his neck. Placing her head on his chest they begin swaying to the music, forgetting everyone around them at that moment it was just them.

"You know you're surprisingly good at dancing," Loki says as he spins her around and gently pulls her back into him.

"I have had practice," she says quietly, looking down she focused her gaze on the ground. "What's wrong?" he asks her, looking up at him she shakes her head. Laying her head on Loki's chest she focused on his heartbeat and the vibration it gave off.

"Sorry to interrupt but may I have this dance," Tony says to Loki, backing away Loki let Tony dance with her while watching from a distance.

"I'm not sorry for interrupting," Tony says while he places one hand on hers and the other on her waist.

"The dress suits you well"

"Thank you"

" I also had fun in the lab with you, so if there is ever a night you can't sleep or you're just bored you are welcome in the lab anytime," Tony says while spinning her off to the next person, opening her eyes she sees steve.

"Happy birthday," she says to him

" yea don't remind me"

" Alright old man," she says smiling under the hood.

"You have been hanging around Tony too much," Steve said, smiling.

"Alright I'm going to spin you off to the next person," Steve says before spinning you and letting you go. Meeting hands with the next person she smiled.

"Hi Thor," she says while dancing with him

" My brother is watching me closely from a distance so I quickly want to say this before he decides to come and stab me for dancing with you," Thor says as he dances with her y/n looked up slightly exposing her face to thor.

" I can tell my brother cares a great deal for you, I have never seen him care so much for someone like the way cares for you. But I must warn you I fear that-"

"That is enough bothering her brother," Loki said, cutting off Thor, letting go of y/n Thor back away from her.

"Of Course brother she is all yours," Thor said walking away leaving y/n confused about what he was trying to warn her about.


After everyone left the team all began settling down. y/n walked over to the couches where the team was and sat beside Clint, taking off her shoes she began fixing her dress to sit crossed-legged. Taking off her hood she looked at steve.

"So we finally got to see who was under the hood," Sam said, sitting down beside steve.

"What I'm surprised the press didn't try, and ask you question with you being the only person wearing a cloak at the party" sam added

"Someone tried talking to her" Loki mumbled looking at y/n

"What was that," Tony asked not quite understanding what Loki was talking about
"It was nothing" y/n signed giving him a look

"Anyway, Tony kicked the press out about thirty minutes into the party," Clint said while glancing between the two.

Walking into the room was Bruce and Natasha carrying a cake, placing it on the table in front of Cap.

"Happy birthday Rogers" shaking his head while smiling as he looked at the team.

"You guys didn't need to get me cake," he said to everyone

"It was Pepper's idea, I paid for it and the team came together to help pick out the design. Well, most of the team" Tony says while pouring himself a glass of whisky.

"Well how old are you," y/n asked steve

"Too old for me to think about it," Steve said to her.

"I forgot the knife, I will be right back," Natasha says as she starts to leave the room. Reaching Under her dress y/n pulls out a dagger she had hidden in her dress.

Throwing it at Natasha, she quickly turns around catching the dagger.

"How many times have I told you to stop carrying daggers with you hidden in your clothes?" Natasha says while looking at her.

"You had that hidden in your dress," Thor asked, not all that surprised. In Asgard, it was a normal thing. The valkyrie did it quite often, well maybe not the throwing daggers at the members of the castle.

"After washing the dagger, Steve cut the cake, giving everyone a slice. Everyone sat around talking and eating cake. Making jokes and laughing they enjoyed themselves, the life of an avenger was not perfect. But they enjoyed a stress-free day together.


Walking her back to her room, y/n carried her shoes and walked beside Loki in scilence. Getting her to her room she began to walk into her room but stopped herself. Quickly turning around to face him she looks him in the eyes and closes the door.

As she put her shoes down she took off her cloak and dress, placing it back on the hanger. Walking to her shelf she grabbed a pair of shorts and a shirt and put them on. Walking to the bathroom she took off all her makeup and washed her face, and took down her hair, and put it in a (whatever hairstyle you prefer going to sleep in).

Walking to her bed, she got under the covers and turned off her lamp, getting comfurtble.

"Good night Loki," she says through the mind link before drifting off to sleep.

"Good night darling" Loki responds to himself as he lays staring at the ceiling in his bed.

Word count: 8875

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