Capricorn Season - Jimmy Page

By justangiem

6.7K 126 136

An American photographer living in London and burgeoning rockstar Jimmy Page are brought together through unl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Part 1
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Part 1
Chapter 15 Part 2
Chapter 15 Part 3
Chapter 16 Part 1
Chapter 16 Part 2
Chapter 16 Part 3
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 Part 1
Chapter 18 Part 2
Chapter 18 Part 3
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Part 1
Chapter 25 Part 2
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 Part 1

Chapter 6 Part 2

174 2 2
By justangiem

Jimmy opened his eyes to see the sun had already risen. He didn't even remember falling asleep. He rolled over and sat up realizing Gwen wasn't in bed. He stood up, bumping his guitar. He gasped a little and picked it up. It needed to be moved to its new home! He made his way down the stairs and trailed into the music room. When the door gave way he was hit with the energy that filled the room. It was warm and inviting. He could feel his creative juices flowing already. Without a second thought he closed the door and sat on the couch.

It had been half an hour that Gwen was making breakfast. Halfway through she could hear sounds coming from the music room. Inspiration must have struck early. She sat the plates down and went to retrieve him. She knocked on the door but got no response. She took it as an invitation to push the door open. He had his back turned and was writing something. He was wearing his guitar, the new acoustic. She knocked louder to get his attention. He still didn't turn around. She rolled her eyes and walked up behind him. "I can hear you." He said, not moving from what he was doing. 

"Breakfast is ready. I'll kick your ass if it gets cold." She pressed a kiss to the top of his head and went back to the kitchen.

She was eating alone for a good ten minutes. She sighed heavily and leaned back. He's not coming to eat with me today. She stood from the table and grabbed his plate and cup. She went back to the music room. He was standing in the same spot but was playing now. She put his plate on the table next to the window. "I'm going to leave this here. I'll be waiting for you." She sat the cup down as well and made her way to the door. She lingered by the door for a moment to hear what he was playing. It was a song from their second album but it was played acoustic. It sounded beautiful and haunting. She smiled to herself before going back to the kitchen. She also had to clean up on her own.

He had been in the music room for two hours. She could hear when he would stop and when he would begin playing again. It sounded very pretty so she didn't mind him being gone. Even though he wasn't in the room with her, she could feel that he was still there. She had been doing some reading of a manuscript she found on his bedside table. It was about doing large energy spells. It was a means to get what you wanted. Whether that be luck, romance, or wealth.

For the first time since she'd been there she heard the phone ring. She smiled to herself when she didn't hear a disruption in the music room. There is not chance in hell that he's going to get that. It's actually very funny the way he drops everything. He is dead to the world in that room.

"Hello?" On the other end of the line there was a man with a deep British accent. "Ah, you don't sound like Jimmy." It's Robert!

"No, this is Gwen. It seems inspiration has struck. He's been in the music room all morning." She smiled, picking at the coil of the phone chord. 

"Hello, Gwen. It's been a few weeks since I saw you last. Are you there to photograph Jimmy?" She pursed her lips in quiet embarrassment. "You could say that." 

He gave a knowing laugh. "Well I was calling because we're supposed to have rehearsal today. Usually he calls. Just remind him, would you? We're set to be there in an hour." His voice was sweet and charming just as she remembered. 

"I will do that."

She slapped a hand to her forehead after she got off the line in embarrassment. She went back to the music room and pushed the door open. He was sitting on the couch with his guitar sitting in his lap. He was writing chords down on top of it. "Robert called. You're supposed to have rehearsal in an hour." He didn't acknowledge her or her words. Anger burned hot in her ears for a moment. She sighed heavily and kicked his leg a little to get his attention. "What?" He looked up at her, matching her energy. Her eyebrows raised in surprise. 

"You have rehearsal in an hour." She said simply. 

"I know, I heard you." He went right back to writing.

She rubbed her palms to her face and walked from the room. He just needs a minute. He's in his element. She repeated to herself in an attempt at calming down.

But he does have rehearsal soon, so I should leave. I don't want another conversation like the one I had on the phone. She thought. After gathering a few of her things she braced herself to go back into the music room. She knocked on the door and got no response. She angrily sighed and opened the door.

"Okay, Jimmy, I'm leaving. Give me a call when your rehearsal is over and I'll come back." He was now sitting at the desk by the window, playing with his eyes closed. She was angry but he looked so cute. He looked at peace. But she couldn't help that she was very much not. "Okay, I'm leaving." She balled her fists and walked to the hallway.

She sat her things on the ground while she gathered her coat. "I'm sorry, Love." She turned to see him. He was standing before her without his guitar. "I got caught up in writing this morning," He got close enough that she could feel his warmth, "I will make it up to you after rehearsal." He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her lips. 

"I promise." He whispered. He grabbed her her hands in his. He rubbed his thumb on the top of her hands. "How could I say no to that?" She laughed. Their eyes locked as they held hands. "I have to go. I'm going to the studio to print some photos." She turned to leave. Jimmy didn't drop her hand, instead pulling her back to him. "Don't go just yet. I haven't gotten all I wanted from you." He kissed from the base of her neck to right under her ear. She was putty in his hands.

She turned to him, standing on her toes to kiss his forehead. "I have to go. I'm sorry," she got close to hid ear, "Maybe you would've got more of me if you paid attention to me this morning." She gave him a cheeky smile and walked out the door.

He watched her from the front window as she drove off. He sighed and pressed his back to the wall. She drives me crazy. He went back to the music room. He looked in at all the equipment that needed to be set up. Perhaps it would've been better to have Gwen stay to keep me company. But now she won't be in my way. Bless her heart, but she was well pissing me off this morning.

A thread of guilt was woven through him as he looked at the plate of breakfast on his desk. He didn't even remember her leaving it. But he was grateful she did, because he could feel the hunger building in him. He grabbed the plate and shamelessly ate the cold meal. At least it's something.


Jonesy was the first to arrive, as usual. He actually got there early. He said he hadn't caught the time before leaving; but in actuality he wanted to help Jimmy set up. He always felt better when he could help. Although John's house was nice, he didn't have all of the equipment Jimmy did. And he would never dream of asking the taskmaster if they could switch things up. He respected Jimmy's quiet authority and didn't question it. He did yearn for a sense of leadership as well, but didn't ask in fear of disrupting the flow. Jimmy was in charge, and that's how everyone else seemed to like it. Plus, Jimmy fronted a lot of his money for the band. So he fancied himself the leader for that. 

Robert's laugh bounced off the walls as they started practice. He was in good spirits today. Other than his usual exuberance, he was excited because he had something to hold over Jimmy. He lived for the times he could tease him about something. From the moment he walked in it was show time. 

"Hello, hello. Before we get rolling, I have some news to share with the group," a cheeky smile was plastered on his alabaster face, "It seems our dear friend and talented guitarist has a new friend." He walked over to Jimmy and draped his arm around his shoulder. He smirked at him as he saw Jimmy's face turn. "Would you like to tell them or can I?" He was clearly getting a sick pleasure from this event. He knows exactly what makes him tick. And spilling his personal details that Robert shouldn't even know was the top of the list. 

"Oooo, who is it?" Bonzo looked to Jonesy, then to Jimmy. 

"That's a marvelous question, Bonz. It just so happens James has been shacking up with the photographer from the hotel shoot. What was her name again, Jim?" Bonzo pushed his lips together and raised his brow, looking to Jonesy. A laugh was caught on his face, but he dared not let it out. Jonesy held his forehead, feigning disinterest. He secretly wanted to know all the details about Jimmy's new love affair. 

Jimmy's face was now burning with hot anger. He knew just what buttons to push. "Her name is Gwen." He practically spoke through gritted teeth. 

"Oh yes yes, Gwen, it was. She was very lovely, I remember now. She told me you were quite caught up in the music room this morning. I bet you looked so cute strapped to your guitar. Couldn't even answer the bloody phone." He took his arm off Jimmy, his teasing now over. 

"Alright, that's enough fucking around. We should get to business." Bonzo said. He knew th4 show was over, Jimmy nice and pissed off. Robert nodded in agreement and went to his microphone. 

As soon as rehearsal was over Jimmy found his phone and dialed Gwen's number. He waited impatiently for her answer. She should already be here for fucks sake. She didn't answer after his second ring. He became dejected and put the phone back on the hook. He went to the music room to collect his dishes and clean up the mess of chord's and musical gear. 

As much as he wouldn't like to admit it, he was sweating a little waiting for her call. I know she was at the studio, but she usually isn't this long. I've got the studio number somewhere here. 

He thumbed through the pages in the notebook next to the phone. There were various numbers of the people he thought important to keep in contact with over the years. When he finally found the studio number he rejoiced to himself. He moved his deft fingers with haste, pushing them into the round buttons of the rotary phone. 

"Hello?" Her sweet voice filled the receiver next to his ear. "Hello, love! I was calling to tell you rehearsal is over. You can come over and we can finish the movie we started yesterday. I can even make you dinner." He spoke with glee. 

"That sounds great. I just don't know how long I'm going to be here. Give me a couple hours and I'll call you back. I'm sure I'll have a better idea then." 

"Right, sounds good, love. I'll see you then." His nonchalant tone was a mask for his true feelings.  

He laid on the couch in the front room and flipped through the television channels. He didn't find anything interesting. Certainly nothing Gwen would fancy. She didn't enjoy British television for some reason. She must have an underdeveloped palate. That's why she doesn't like tea! 

An hour felt like five while he was waiting for her to call. He attempted to occupy his thoughts with something other than her delectable presence, but could only look forward to seeing her. He felt that he was in better spirits when she was around. She brought out a side of him he hadn't seen. Being with her was natural and light. There was never an awkward moment or grey area. 

He imagined the life they could have. The foundation they could build together. He longed for a deep connection. A person to have a life with, someone to lay with at night and feel completely held and loved. Someone to be there when he returned from tour. And he imagined giving this to her. They could spend days together, watching television and basking in the love they have for each other. He smiled at the thought of her being in his living room. Having her coat and shoes at his front door. He felt himself slipping deeper and deeper into infatuation with her. And he didn't even know her. He just knew that he was supposed to love her. Their souls were meant to cross. 

He had waited so long that he drifted into an unplanned nap. When he entered this state, he had a vivid and drastic dream. It seemed to be prophetic; him playing on stage. He was wearing a dark outfit adorned with astrological signs and a moon. Gwen was somehow involved, but he could not make out how. Just that she was there in an overarching way. Like the comforting feeling you get in dreams. Something familiar yet still so foreign and unsure. 

He was woken from this wonderful sleep by her. She was petting his hair. She was smiling and looking down at him. She was being so gentle with him; sporting a kind and thoughtful demeanor. One he hadn't seen from her. She was usually jovial and playful. But this side of her was warm in a way he didn't know possible. Like being lit from the inside; a roaring campfire in his bones. 

"I didn't know you were here," He sat up and rubbed the dream from his eyes, "I fell asleep I guess." He said. She sat down next to him, wrapping the blanket over them both. He cuddled into her and rested his head on her chest. She was soft and calming. He felt all the anxieties of his day melting away in her company. 

She was still petting his hair, almost lulling him back to sleep. He picked his head up from the mess of blankets about her chest. "Would you like dinner?" He asked in a sleepy tone. She smiled small at his face. His eyelids were heavy with sleep. "I would love that." 


"Awe, my little housewife." She was behind him, arms wrapped around his lithe body. He was outwardly annoyed but inside he enjoyed her touch. He turned to her and shot a joking glare. He closed one eye and raised his hand, pretending to crush her head. She broke into a beautiful song of laughter. 

After their dinner was eaten and cleaned up they retired to the living room. "You know, we spend most of our time in this room." She said. He furrowed his brow, hesitating before his response. 

"I like to just spend time with you," He started, "I find that you're best when there are no distractions. When I can drink all of you up for myself." He was behind her on the couch, holding her close. He was speaking these words low into her ear. Shivers ran down her spine, his words were chilly on her ear but warmed her nonetheless. Heat radiated through her body, swelling especially in the places where their skin touched. She could feel sparks traveling through her, the origin being the warmth from Jimmy. 

"Can you hand me the remote? I cannot stand this show." Jimmy fought a laugh back. "What's so funny?" 

"Nothing." But he couldn't contain her laughter. She's an open book. There isn't a thing about her she can hide. As predictable as the tides, this one. 

"Oh, come on, just tell me!" She poked at his chest. 

"I was thinking earlier that you wouldn't like it. And I was correct."  This caused her to roll her eyes. Her annoyed expression dissipated when Jimmy grabbed the remote. He dropped it as if it was a hot potato. He hissed in pain, grasping his right hand. 

"Are you alright?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine. This happens every couple days. Has for years." 

She grabbed his hand, fighting his resistance off. "It's because of how low your guitar hangs. You're killing your wrists and back. You're going to be the hunchback with carpal tunnel in a couple years." She began to massage his palm. He relaxed his muscles and sat back into the couch. 

"How does that feel?" She asked, looking through her lashes at him. 

 "It feels really good. No one's done this before. I didn't even know you could massage a hand like this." He could feel years of pain burning off as she massaged it away. 

"Well, I'm glad I could provide this service for you. The balance of Zeppelin hangs in this massage." They shared a laugh at her dramatic words. "It certainly does. I don't think I could've played another day with this fuckin' pain." His words held an appreciative tone. She dropped his right hand and picked up his left. "Even though this isn't your playing hand, I'm sure your muscles are tight. I'll do your wrists as well. I bet they're stiff as boards," she shook her head, "you really have to take better care of yourself. Did you eat before dinner?" 

"Yes, I did. I ate breakfast after you left," He looked back at her, "It was good. A bit cold." 

"Maybe if you'd eaten with me at the table it would've been better." She gave him a smile.

"You're just going to have to get used to it, love. I'm a married man. And her name is music." Gwen sent a throaty laugh his way. "She's a sexy lady." He added. This earned another giggle from her. 

"So that means you want me around, eh? If I have to get used to it." She said. 

Jimmy pursed his lips. "Of course I want you around. You're lovely. You can stay here while I'm gone, if you'd like." Her brow raised in surprise. "You'd let me take care of the ole girl?" He gave a silent laugh, a smile wide on his pale face. "Yeah. You can even bring Lucy over so you don't get too lonely." A bubble of happiness rose in Gwen's chest. 

"You just don't remember my house number, do you?" They shared a laugh at her quip. Jimmy shook his head, laughing quietly to himself. "At the risk of scaring you off, I have to ask you a question." This is where everything goes wrong for me, he thought. 

"Where do you see us going?" She had stopped massaging his wrist. 

"I'm afraid to answer." He said. Gwen sighed deeply and rolled her eyes. "Of course you are. You're a Capricorn; you like to keep everything inside. But you have a Cancer moon, so you're secretly a big baby." A laugh was forced from his mouth, despite his nervousness. 

"I see us still together when I return from tour. And we're doing what we're doing now, spending time together and basking in our joy." 

His words seemed to appease her. Her lips were upturned and she tilted her head down, hiding a blush. 

"But you know, I am gonna have to get you for what you said." Jimmy grabbed a couch pillow and whacked her head with it. She sat stunned for a moment, then did the same to him. "You're asking for it now!" He used his foot to push her off the couch. 

She laid on her back, looking up at him from the floor. "Oh, Gwen, what are you doing on the ground? Stop mucking about and being so silly." 

"You're literally the worst." She laughed. She put a hand a up for assistance. When he placed his hand in hers, she gripped it and attempted to pull him down with all her strength. But he didn't budge. He sent her a sickening giggle. "You really are the worst! I can't even get you back!" She exclaimed. 

She picked herself off the floor and wrapped her arms around him. She hoisted him off the couch and onto the floor where she just was. She looked down at him, huddled into a ball of blankets on the ground. She gave him a laugh, mocking his from earlier. He grimaced bitterly and grabbed ahold of her ankle, pulling her down to his level. They laid on the floor, giggling together while wrapped in the blankets. 

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