Pretty Reckless ━━ Derek Hale...

By Monrox

1.2M 30.9K 15.8K

[COMPLETED] ❝It was my fault for caring. I've made a habit of never doing that again.❞ All teenagers dealt... More

| ZERO: Darker than Death βœ“
| ONE: Lingering Gazes βœ“
| TWO: Transition βœ“
| THREE: Beating Hearts βœ“
chapter four | web of lies
chapter five | hot girls and car wrecks
chapter six | a little taste
chapter seven | ptsd
chapter eight | seducing a stilinski
chapter nine | impulse under pressure
chapter eleven | werewolves and alcohol don't mix
chapter twelve | sugar lips and harsh words
chapter thirteen | bite to the dust
chapter fourteen | miguel juarez
chapter fifteen | the huntress and the wolf
chapter sixteen | words before threats
chapter seventeen | panic on the rise
chapter eighteen | howls at night
chapter nineteen | the perfect shot

chapter ten | heart of stone

40.6K 1.2K 379
By Monrox

10 // Chapter Ten

Heart of Stone

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        "The kitchen, the door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell." Stiles said quickly.

        "Which only goes up!' Scott yelled over all the commotion.

        'Up is better than here." Clara added in. The door violently shook, all the nails and bolts falling out. the six teenagers then quickly made their way out of the room by using the back door. Clara could hear the Alpha busting into the room. Everyone ran up the stairs, Stiles and Clara in the lead. Each teen went to a classroom door, hoping one of them were unlocked. Finally, the found one that was.

        All of them piled into the empty chemistry classroom before shutting and locking the door, placing a stool under the door knob. The Alpha then crept along side the door on the other side, growling while slowly walking by. Clara could not believe that Jackson, Lydia and Allison were buying the whole Derek is a killer thing. Either they're ignorant or plain stupid, Clara thought.

        "Jackson, how many people can fit into your car?" She asked.

        "Five, if someone squeezes on someone's lap." He answered quickly.

        Allison looked at him, bewildered, "Five? I can barely fit in the back seat."

        "It doesn't matter. There's no getting out without drawing attention." Stiles explained, growing more anxious by the second.

        Scott then rushed over to a closed door one the other side, Stiles and Clara following him, "What about this? This leads to the roof. We can go down the fire escape to the parking lot in, like, seconds."

        "That's a deadbolt." Clara muttered.

        The teen wolf's eyes widened, "The janitor has a key."

        "You mean his body has a key." Clara retorted, crossing her arms.

        "I can get it. I can find him by scent, by blood." Scott determined.

        "Well, gee, that sounds like an incredibly terrible idea. What else you got?" Stiles sarcastically said.

        "I'm getting the key." Scott stubbornly said.

        Clara stepped forward, "If you're going then I'm going."

        "No. If he comes back, I need you to protect everybody." Scott explained. All right, Clara knew that she was a werewolf and everything but her and four other powerless teenagers against a raging, homicidal Alpha. She would imagined it wouldn't make a difference if she went with him or not but she decided not to argue with him.

        Allison had heard their not so hushed conversation about Scott getting the key, "Are you serious?"

        "Well, it's the best plan. Someone has to get the key if we wanna get out of here.' Scott replied to her.

        "You cannot go out there unarmed." Allison hissed at him.

        Scott being Scott, grabbed a long and thin pointer stick with a hand on it. When he noticed all the "are you serious' faces going on, he questioned, "Well, its better than nothing."

        Clara let out a frustrated sigh, "There has to be something else."

        "There is." Lydia responded before nodding her head over to the glass cabinet of different sorts of chemical.

        "What are we gonna do? Throw acid on him?" Stiles fired back.

        "No. Like a fire bomb. In there is everything you need to make a self - igniting molotov cocktail." Lydia answered and Clara smirked, knowing there was more to that pretty face than meets the eye.

        Stiles rose an eyebrow, "Self - igniting.."

        "Molotov Cocktail." Lydia said slowly in annoyance, trying to making him process and understand.

        "Doesn't that set people on fire if you throw it at them?" Clara questioned, quirking an eyebrow.

        "Like I said, firebomb." Lydia said and that's all Clara needed to hear in order to like the idea of burning the Alpha alive.

        "We don't have a key for that either." Stiles muttered.

        Jackson rolled his eyes before slamming his elbow into the glass, making it crack and shatter into different pieces on the ground.

        Lydia had mixed in all her chemicals into the beaker and gave it too Scott. But even though it was a solid plan, since the Alpha wasn't going to kill Scott, Allison still didn't agree with this plan, "No. No, this is insane, you can't do this. You cannot go out there."

        "He has got to get the key, Allison." Clara snapped back.

        Allison looked at her, bewildered, "You're supporting this?"

        "It's the only way." She sneered back. Honestly, Allison needs to pull herself together. They are in a life threatening situation but you don't see Clara or Lydia crying about it. Clara got that Allison cared about Scott, Clara cares about him too, but it is the only way. Plus the Alpha wants him in his pack so he won't kill Scott.

        "Scott, just stop. Do you remember - do you remember when you told me you knew whether or lying? That I had a tell. Well, so do you. You're a horrible liar. And you've been lying all night. Just - just please - please don't go. Please don't leave us. Please." Allison cried while standing in front of Scott. She just doesn't understand the importance of this, Clara thought.

        "Lock the door behind me." Scott mumbled but before he could walk out, Allison cupped hi face and gave him a passionate kiss, almost a goodbye kiss. Without looking back, Scott left and Clara's anxiety just kept growing.

        Minutes passed and there was still no word from Scott. Allison sat crossed-leg on one of the desk by the door. Jackson stood next to her while Lydia was on his other side. Clara sat next to Stiles, both of their backs pressed against the wall. All she could think about were two things:

        1) Scott better not die because if he does, she'll kill him

        2) Derek Hale was dead

        She knew that it was stupid to think of Derek in this point and time but she couldn't help it. Clara never realized just how strong these feelings were for him until she saw him lifted up into the air, blood dripping from his mouth. Clara knew that once this whole thing at the school was over, she was going to break-down. The only reason that she's keep herself together right now is because she has to be strong. She didn't have time to be weak.

        "I don't get this. I don't get why he's out there, and why he left us." Allison cried as Clara resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "I can't - I can't stop my hands from shaking."

        "It's okay." Jackson said, grabbing her hands and consoling her. Clara's jaw clenched, tearing away her glare from him. She knew was he was doing and it was sick. Jackson Whittemore will forever be an ungrateful, selfish, and self-righteous son of a bitch. He didn't care about Allison or anyone for that matter. Lydia seemed to notice the proximity that the two were having as well, growing uneasy yet still not doing anything.

        But Clara noticed how Lydia was intensely looking at the chemicals on the table, biting her lip while she was in deep thought. Clara peered over to her, "Lydia, everything alright?"

        "Jackson, you handed me the sulfuric acid, right? It has to be sulfuric acid. It won't ignite if it's not.' Lydia asked.

        "I gave you exactly what you asked for tonight." Jackson snapped back rudely. Clara knew that his attitude was not how he should be treating his girlfriend.

        "Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure you did." Lydia muttered but Clara picked up on the double meaning. Clara finally understood Lydia, even though it took awhile. Lydia Martin strives for perfection and popularity; the price of being the queen bee was to date Jackson. But Clara wondered if Lydia actually had feelings for him or if it was all a facade.

        Suddenly, a loud yet distant howl came from below. Everyone seemed to hear it but not know what to make of it. Stiles and Clara knew that it was the Alpha. Jackson reached for the back of his neck before he started to groan in pain and fell to his knees. While Allison and Lydia went to his side, Clara noticed cuts on the back of his neck. Her eyes widened once she realized it looked like cuts from claws, a werewolf.

        After a couple of seconds, he stopped and quickly got up, "Seriously, I'm fine. I'm okay."

        "That didn't sound okay at all." Allison argued back.

        "What's on the back of your neck?' Stiles asked him, noticing the scratches as well. When he reached his hand out, Jackson smacked it away.

        "I said I'm fine." Jackson huffed.

        "It's been there for days. He won't tell me what happened." Lydia answered but her eyes were lock onto Jackson's the whole time, as if they were competing against each other.

        "As if you care." He sneered hatefully at her. For once, Clara felt sympathy for Lydia. She was a girl who tries to be everything but it never enough. Jackson proves that.

        "Can you two stop it with the lover's spat, now isn't really the time to be fighting with each other." Clara hissed at both of them.

        Allison sighed, "Where is Scott? He should be back by now."

        Clara thought of all the possibilities of what happened to him. Maybe he got lost, maybe he's hiding from the Alpha or maybe he's dead. All three have a 33.3 % chance of happening and Clara did not like the odds.

        But her whole body froze once she heard deep huffs of breaths. She focused her hearing and leaned closer to the wall, hearing the breathing like someone was right outside the door. Suddenly, something clicked from the door.

        Allison lunged towards the door, pushing the wooden stool away and started to bang on the door, "Scott! Scott, Scott! Scott!"

        "Where is he going?" Lydia panicked. As Allison continued to bang and shout like an insane person, Lydia shouted, "Stop. Stop! Do you hear that? Listen!"

        Everyone rushed to the door once they heard the faint, aphonic sounds of police sirens coming closer. The five teenagers looked outside the window and saw police cars pulling up. Clara let out a sigh of relief, feeling the anxiety of almost being killed start to lift away.

        They were all safe

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        "You have this look on your face like you feel bad for me. Like you wanna believe me, but I know you don't." Scott argued with the Sheriff as him, Stiles and Clara stood in front of him. The Sheriff was briefly interrogating them. Stiles and Scott both claimed it was Derek but Clara hasn't said one word. Actually, she hasn't said a word since she saw the police cars show up.

        Sheriff Stilinski sighed, "Listen - We're gonna search this whole school. We're gonna find him. Okay? I promise."

        With that, the Sheriff walked away to go talk to one of his deputies. Stiles decided to make this a little bit more uplifting, "Well, we survived, dude. You know? We outlasted the alpha. It's still good, right? Being alive?'

        "When we were in the chemistry room, he walked right by us. You don't think that it heard us? You don't think it knew exactly where we were?" Scott questioned and Clara pondered it in her mind. It didn't make sense that it would just walk by and not hurt them.

        Stiles shrugged slightly, "Well, then how come we're still alive?"

        "It wants me in its pack." Scott said, his voice rising a little bit too loud. He then sighed, calming down, "But I think, first - I have to get rid of my old pack.'

        'What do you mean? What old pack?' Stiles asked in confusion.

        "Allison. Jackson, Lydia. You two." Scott said

        Stiles tensed as Clara kept her eyes sealed to the ground, "The alpha doesn't wanna kill us."

        "He wants me too." Scott mumbled, as if he was ashamed.

        'But you didn't." Clara said quietly, blinking away the unwanted tears that somehow found themselves in her eyes.

        "But I wanted too!" Scott said, making Clara and Stiles's heads snapped to him, "When he made me shift - I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill you guys. All of you."

        Before Clara could even react to that, someone called her name, "Clara!"

        She turned her head and looked out to see Tate, a worried expression on his face. Clara let out a shaky breath, the tears welling in her eyes as she walked past Stiles and Scott. She rushed over to him and hugged him so tightly it almost hurt. Tate wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back soothingly.

        Her body was trembling and all of her emotions were overwhelming her, Clara felt a tear fall as more followed. This wasn't just about the Alpha or the horrid night she just spent in a school or the fact that one of her friends wanted to kill her. This was about Derek. The Hale werewolf, with his brooding and mysterious force, was able to slither his way into her heart.

        Clara didn't think she was stupid enough to let herself care about anyone. She thought she had learned her lesson once her parents died. But she did the exact opposite by falling for him. And now he's gone and Clara is back to square one.

        Derek Hale broke her heart of stone.

Finally done with episode seven! Onto epiode eight. Anyone also not like Jackson?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Monrox (Katie)





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