The King's Persecution

By theactualbeppster

578 22 90

Updated description coming soon. A retelling of Beauty and the Beast Cover made by the amazing @CelticWarrior... More

Author's Note
Songs that fit this book well.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine

Chapter Eight

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By theactualbeppster

Music is "Dragon" by Yuta Bandoh

Many, many summers passed, changing the dynamics in our fractured family over time. My stepfather passed away, leaving the house to my sisters, stepsister, and myself. I immersed myself in my studies to distract myself from the weight that had fallen on our home. Who would take up the mantle of providing for us all and ensuring we could keep our house, which we had lived in for the last several years? Since it was her house by birthright, we all insisted my stepsister manage the house, doing the chores and making sure the farm's production rate was still up to par. She never complained, she never said anything to us, so we assumed she was happy in her role! After all, she was managing her father's legacy.

We got along quite comfortably with our lives, my sisters preparing to make their debuts into society and myself applying to various schools to continue my studies, like my stepfather wanted. Everything seemed to be working out perfectly, until one day...our perfect world was shattered.

That man showed up.

Eliza froze, waiting to see if the ghostly figure on the lawn made its move first. Is that...the phantom? It has to be...but why does he appear more...menacing? Still holding the pile of laundry, she glanced around the lawn for any potential hiding spots, until...the figure started moving toward her.

At that point, the only logical choice was to run. So she did.

The figure flew after her, quickly matching and overtaking her pace as her footsteps thudded on the hard grass. If I could only make it to the kitchen...I'll be safe...

Then the memories of their previous encounter reminded her. Wait...that thing can pass through walls.


Still...still...for reasons unknown to Eliza herself, she clutched her bundle closer and, with a final burst of speed, reached the brick house near the back of the mansion, tugged open the door and slammed it behind her.

No time, no time, no time... She frantically searched the room for something, anything that could defend her from her impending doom. But what weapons work against a ghost?

A flickering hand, almost like a candle flame, appeared through the wall. The rest of the body soon followed. Its red eyes glowed as the monster gazed at Eliza for the first time with eyes uncovered.

Come, Eliza. Look at me. Look into my eyes...and find peace.

Its voice was until the gentler tones she had heard before. This phantom's tone was harsh, deep...and oddly familiar. Where had she heard it before?

"What?" she said, startling and ducking for cover behind a table. "Why?"

You want to find your family, don't you? I can take you to them, even allow you to stay with them, if you'll only face me.

"You know, it's really suspicious when you explicitly tell someone to look in your I don't want to."

Well then, I suppose I'll have to force you then. I tried to do it the easy way...

"Yes, yes, now it's the hard way. I know how this goes. I've dealt with men like you before."

Oh come on. Can't you let me have my moment? The others I've dealt with let me have my moment of triumph.

"Maybe...because you won't triumph? Because someone will stop you...with whatever's going on here? Because I can't stand men who taunt others during their final moments on the earth?"

Ah, so you agree these are your final moments on this earth?

"They might, they might. But at least I..." She stopped suddenly, her brain finally connecting the fractured clues left scattered about her mind. That voice...she had heard it before...

"The that mansion out getting out of control. I need someone skilled enough to kill it for me. For the good of the people and all that." this phantom? Could it be...the king himself?

"Your highness! Why are you trying to kill me? I thought...we had an arrangement. My parents...I still need to find them."

The phantom's eyes widened in shock. It stepped back a few paces. Time is running out. You clearly can't handle this job.

Why would he have me kill it then?

"I can! I just need a little more time to figure out...its weakness..."

Breathing heavily, she stared at the phantom hovering in front of her. Its eyes almost seemed to pierce her soul. As her eyes met the phantoms, her fingers, then her hands seemed to freeze in place.

Unfortunately, I don't have a "little more time."

A chill spread through her body, beginning at her toes and moving up towards her heart. Transfixed by the gaze, her vision began to blur, the gray tones of the room blending together in her mind until...


A new that I spoke to yesterday...the true voice of the phantom? Can it?

She cracked open her eyes with a little more effort than usual. The shades of gray still swirled in distorted shapes, but the red light from the eyes of the phantom was gone. Straining to focus her eyes once again, Eliza saw the phantom was still present in the room, but with one alteration...the blindfold was tied back around his eyes. Bending her knees, she attempted to rise to her feet, but swayed and crashed to the floor. The phantom startled and floated to her side, his arms hanging uselessly at his sides.

"What...what did you do to me?" she asked, trying to make sense of the events in her mind. "I feel so...weak."

The phantom sighed. "I...I need to show you something...when you're able to stand." He crouched down and sat by her side, waiting.

Waiting for turn on me again? Agh, it hurts to think about it too much.

When her eyes finally adjusted to the room and her ears no longer felt like they'd been stuffed with wool, she adjusted her feet and attempted to rise once again. This time, holding on to the table, she managed to stand up and balance herself enough to take a few steps before collapsing into a chair.

"I...don't think I'll be able to make it anywhere without some support..." she said, apologetically.

He furrowed his brows in thought. "Wait here..."

"As if I could go anywhere!"

Minutes later (although to a stuck Eliza they seemed like hours), the phantom returned with a staff, carrying it and dropping it in brief intervals to bring it to Eliza. He grunted in exertion when he made the final stretch into the house and dropped the staff at her side.

"Will this do? Please say yes, because there's no way I'll be able to drag another one out here."

She laughed softly under her breath. "I...I think this will work. Thanks."

The phantom said nothing. When she glanced at his face, it revealed nothing about his current state of mind. His features (as much as she could see) were set in a quiet resolve. Not harsh, but determined.

As she rose to her feet, the phantom drifted in front of her, guiding her way out of the cabin and to a place she feared would lead to her worst nightmare.

So...I finished this months ago, but I never actually posted it. Whoops.
Well, enjoy it now, to the best of your ability. ☺️

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