The Blindfold » l.t au

By EvieNight

83.4K 1.7K 432

(Currently under revision and editing) An Intern at NBC, a crude Architect and lots of kink ❝He had a thing f... More

The Blindfold
one ✔
two ✔
three ✔
four ✔
five ✔
six ✔
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine


2.2K 42 5
By EvieNight

Please vote and comment and let me know what you think? Thank you for 1.3K omfg I still can't believe it.

Dedicated to Stonedstyles bc idk really I just like her and she's probably the only writer I like here...aside from someone else but oh well.

Lol sorry bc this chapter is a little short.


It was after midnight when Lola had fallen asleep after...everything. I stayed awake long enough to text Charlotte a goodnight and not to wait for me and then I left her room, preferring to sleep on the couch in case she wakes up angry and frisky even.

I knew and dreaded that at some point in the middle of the night I had come to realize that it wasn't about pride or ego, and that it was purely about possession. I didn't want anyone else to touch her and I'll be damned if I let her spend the night with someone else ever again.

We both had to work today and I was thankful that she'd be in NBC preparing a report and it'll probably take us some time to fix the damage and contact Cannon Designs. I don't think I'd establish anything if I were to see her today and I don't think she'd stop burning holes in my head.

But I had to remind myself that Lola was absolutely unexpected. I could believe she's mad but she could be completely otherwise. When I'd expect a livid, short-tempered woman I'd find instead a cute, sexy one. And to say it confuses me is an understatement. I've never been with someone that pushes my buttons and keeps me always worked up as much as her.

I left some time around five and shut the door behind me as quietly as possible. I didn't bother to take my...stuff because frankly I wanted a reason to see her again tonight.

She had turned me to a complete pussy and I hate it. I've never wanted a woman as much as I want her. And she made other women same boring and normal.

"Good morning sleepy head." I woke Lottie around seven and she groaned, burying her face further in her pillow.

"C'mon, little sister," I sang, enjoying her frustration. "Dad wants to see you today."

"Ugh," she groaned, looking at me with unfocused eyes. "What does the old man want?" I flinch at the harshness in her voice and glare at her, to which she darts her eyes away.

In fact, my sister has never forgiven my dad for her childhood, because he was never around enough as he was building his life and empire. He wasn't a bad father, but he didn't stick around long for her to figure out if he was good.

"Charlotte," I sigh, holding her hand. "He was trying to make our life better-"

"Don't you dare defend him!" she snatches her hand away from mine, glowering at me with wounded eyes. "I never asked him to do it. It wasn't fair, Louis. I deserved my father to be with me."

I open my mouth but she bolts out of the bed and leaves me alone to bask in guilt.

I don't think the world's money would be enough for Charlotte to forget it.


My father's face twists in disappointment when I step inside his office without Charlotte, but he quickly tucks away the vulnerability behind a mask I know so well. The stern, bored mask.

"Let's get to work, shall we?" the little threatening behind his voice makes me straighten and nod my head, following him to the meeting room where the CEO of Cannon Designs and Starlight's manager sit and wait. I note briefly that Ian and Olivia are sitting at the far end, and Ian's eyes are alight with mischief.

It looks like we caught something against CD, and I smirk, setting my eyes on the CEO as I deliberately sit down across from him slowly. He narrows his eyes at me, but says nothing as my father clears his throat.

"Marcus," my dad begins, his eyes focused on CD's CEO. "We're here today to settle down the arguments and clear everything before the club opens its doors once again. Lay out what you want and we'll negotiate."

"There's nothing to negotiate." Marcus raised his eyebrows in challenge, leaning back in his chair. "I've had better offer and the club isn't going to open. We'll take it down and build another one with-"

"I suggest you read this before you get cocky, Marcus." I point to Ian and he smirks, pressing a button that turns the lights off and Marcus's face pales once he sees what's showing.

Of course, Ian would dig in the ancient dirt to grab Marcus from his throat.

I watch his pale face with unsuppressed amusement and he swallows nervously, drinking water with shaking hands.

"Listen to me, Marcus," I smirk at him. "We have a very satisfying offer for you and the manager. No one said we were going to leave you displeased. You didn't even listen to the offer. Did we really have to snatch in dirt?"

I swipe the paper in front of him and swipe another copy for the manager. "Read and we will negotiate."

My father smiles a small smile and I sit back in my chair, watching the flicker of interest in both of their eyes.

After an hour, Marcus and his puppy leave satisfied and quiet, and I quickly warn Ian to keep an eye on them. My father praises me and I smile, taking the praise willingly. We just had two things to tackle before the reopening.

One: Knocking Owen out of it.

Two: Checking for updates about the news report.

The second one was the most difficult, though. Because I know Lola was bigger than any problem.


It was time for lunch and I nearly choked on my drink when I spotted a certain brunette with a sway that drove me nuts and sent blood racing to my cock. Lola looked both naughty and professional in a black dress that hugged her curves and made her eyes look sharper. She walked right past me without giving me a second glance, but I didn't miss the little stumble in her steps.

My blood flamed with triumph and I finished my drink quickly, walking after her to my father's office. She turns her head to the side a little and huffs, walking faster, which causes her to stumble hard.

I catch her arm before she falls and she blushes, her cheeks tainted red.

"Someone roughed you up pretty good." I whisper and she gasps, snatching her arm away and entering my father's office.

"Lola," my father stands and greets her with warmth, shaking her hand firmly. "Exactly on time. I like you even more." She smiles and tucks her hair behind her ears, sitting down gracefully.

I lower myself to the chair and duck my head down to hide my smirk. Lola kicks me beneath the small table between us and I cough, caught off guard.

"Everything okay, son?"

"Y-Yeah, nothing to worry about." I swallow and glare at her, turned on by the challenge in her eyes.

Christ, this is twisted.

"All right then," my dad leans back and crosses his hands in front of him. "Lola, earlier we've met with CD's CEO and Starlight's manager and the arguments are absolutely from the past now. Since we've tackled this issue, your news report is the last issue we have before we reopen the club again."

"It's not ready yet." Lola's face pales and my dad chuckles.

"I know that," he reassures her. "But this isn't what I was hinting at."

"The thing is, I want to see the report before you hand it to the editors and before Ryan approves. I have to make sure nothing is wrong or disturbing about it."

Lola's face contorts in disappointment. She actually looks offended.

"Mr Tomlinson," she begins. "Frankly, I don't know how I should feel after what you've just told me. It might be true that I was an intern and nothing is expected from me, but I've graduated and I know exactly to fix a report without needing anyone to review it behind me."

"If you're done offending me and thinking so little of me, I'd like to get back to NBC. Thanks for wasting my time." She glares at both of us and walks out of his office.

We sit in stunned silence before my father lets out a long laugh, clapping his hand.

"What?" I try to hide my anger. He sure looks like he's making fun of her.

"This one is exactly what I want for this." He smiles.

And for the millionth time in my life, I wish I understood my father's way of thinking.

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