Freedom Flights

By Tr0ller420

1.3K 26 3

Izuku Midoriya, younger brother of Hawks, sent over to AOT by me when the villains try to take Katsuki and Iz... More

Prologue: Izuku receiving his quirk and the years leading up to UA
USJ attack/start of the journey
what happens on the other side of the USJ incident?
The 2 years before and the start of the cadet corp.
Christmas chapter

the 3 shifter's talk and the meeting of savior and saved

167 4 0
By Tr0ller420

It is now the evening of the day Izuku showed off to everyone watching him. Everyone bar Izuku has fallen asleep as he waited for Reiner and Bertholdt to start moving and go meet with Annie. After a little bit, he hears' some shuffling then the door opening and closing and can faintly hear Reiner talking to Bertholdt and knew it was them leaving.

Izuku then gets up and follows them, going into the air to make sure he isn't spotted. He follows them and see them meet up with Annie overlooking a lake so he gets closer to where his enhanced hearing can hear what they are saying.

"We all saw his capabilities. So when we get Eren, we grab Izuku and bring him along with us and give him the offer of coming along with us to Marley. If that fails, we can force him to come and ask Magrath to use the experiment on him, see if that works on him." Reiner tells Bertholdt and Annie, who are definitely surprised, Bertholdt more showing it, since Annie is the more expressionless one out of the three. "But what if it doesn't work and he dies?!" Bertholdt asks, wanting to know what happens next. Annie agrees with him and adds "or if he loses his memories?"

"If he dies, then the island devils don't get him to use against us. But if he loses his memories, then we can contort him and make him hate these devils." Reiner tells them both, with them understanding. Those 3 didn't know that Izuku overheard them talking about how he will be taken and potentially brainwashed into joining their side. 

He then sees them heading back and flies back and gets back into bed a few minutes before they get back. As those 3 were heading back, Izuku was overthinking about what he heard them saying. 'Those 3 want to kidnap me and brainwash me into joining their side? hell no! I'm sticking with the people within the walls, they have shown far more hospitality.' Izuku thought 'I also don't trust Reiner and Bertholdt, since I know Annie is the Female Titan and those 2 revealed to who they are.' he then starts contemplating when to tell the scouts about who he's suspecting about being the Colossal and Armored Titan. Just then 'what if when they capture the Annie as the Female Titan, then I can say who I know as those 2 as a suspicion.' is what Izuku planned just as Reiner and Bertholdt came in.

Those 2 are none the wiser that Izuku heard them, so they went back to bed. Izuku was plotting how to tell the scouts that he knows those 2 are the titans that forced humanity to lose a wall without those 2 hearing after Annie is captured. He knows those 2 can't be there when he says his 'suspicions' otherwise any plans they may make will go down the drain.

Sighing, he tells himself that he will think of the plan tomorrow. What he didn't know is that Reiner was being a creep and watching him to see what he would do. Reiner, after watching Izuku, decided to go to sleep as well.

~~~The next day~~~

Izuku is seen talking to Krista over breakfast and is having a nice conversation, even if Ymir is being an overprotective friend to Krista. "Izuku, how was killing titans? was it hard?" Krista asks, getting everyone's attention. Answering, Izuku says "At first it was hard to do since the titans are moving while flying through the air, but it does get easier. It is also hard seeing the people you see as comrades die to those bastards so I've told myself that for every person that dies, I will kill more titans than people eaten to make sure they are avenged."

After hearing that, everyone was dead silent. how could they, hearing Izuku's answer however they also feel hope that if they do die, Izuku will be there to avenge them. Some of them even want to join the scouts to ease the burden that Izuku has. "Now, I'm not telling you so you can ease my burden or join the scouts and expect me to save you all the time. I am telling you this so you feel obliged to join them, I am just telling you this so you know what to expect from the scouts."

Izuku finishes his answer, as everyone hearing this looks at him with admiration, Ymir and Krista included. 'I don't mind if Krista and him get married, I just hope I get invited.' is what Ymir thought, with Krista starting to admire and develop feelings for the cinnamon roll, however she is unaware of them at the time. Just then, Shadis comes in and yells "GET MOVING CADETS, WE DOING ODM TRAINING TODAY!!!" with them all quickly moving to get the ODM gear on, with the only exception being Izuku, who goes along with Shadis that understands that Izuku doesn't need to use the gear so he walks with him.

while walking, Shadis asks "how is Erwin coming along? I would have talked to him personally, but I am busy whipping these food for titans into titan slayers." "He's doing well, I personally call him uncle Eyebrows. I also call Hange aunty titan-lover, given her obsession with them and I call Mike uncle sniff. Levi, however, I personally call dad, since he is who I bonded with the most and have taken up some of his moves and his obsession with cleaning." that most certainly surprised Shadis, hearing that Levi has shown to call someone son.

It has been a few minutes of those 2 talking and Izuku using his cinnamon roll charms to get on Shadis good side when everyone arriving. Izuku sees Krista having some trouble with some straps, so he goes over and helps her with the straps. This definitely gets Krista to slightly blush, however she doesn't know that she's blushing and it isn't noticeable, even with his enhanced sight. Ymir however sees Izuku helping and believes that he's being helpful.

Once Krista's straps are done and she has fallen in line with Izuku standing on her left with Ymir on her right. seeing they are all in line, shadis starts with his usual commentary "today, you will attempt to get close to cadet Midoriya's score that he got yesterday. the closer you get, the higher my expectations will be. But that will be easy, since my expectations of you all are already low in the first place. With the only exception being him, since he has seen more stuff than all of you, and for longer." with everyone looking at Midoriya, knowing full well he managed to get on his good side.

"I will send a group of you at a time. your goal has already been stated, however there is a time limit. that is so you feel pressured on making sure you kill them properly and quickly." Shadis says, shocking them all. "Also cadet Midoriya will not be participating due to him being the one to set the target amount."

And so, Izuku practices his abilities and getting them down properly and making more complex structures using the elements. Everyone that wasn't currently doing the task, was watching him. Krista watching him more than others, intrigued in Izuku as well as happily wanting to know more about him.

~~~~~~Timeskip a few months~~~~~~

It has been a few dauntless months with everyone trying to get close to Izuku's score. the 2 people that closest to Izuku's score was Mikasa, as everyone expected, and surprisingly Krista, the goddess in people's eyes and the happy person that everyone connects with Izuku. what everyone doesn't know, is that she was trained by Izuku personally. this training has gotten them the chance to get to know each other more and advance their friendship.

Anyway, it is now a free day that the cadets were given so they can visit their families or anyone they want to visit. Eren and Mikasa are taking full advantage of this fact to take Izuku to Carla so she can meet the person who helped free and save her from being eaten by a titan. Armin is following along since he now lives with those 2 after his grandfather died.

"Where are you both taking me?" Izuku questions, curious as to where he was being taken, when all he wanted to do was meet with the scouts for today before they go onto another expedition. Mikasa lets out a small smile, wanting Izuku to meet the person who he saved. Eren however, says "We're taking you to see my mom that you saved from being trapped on that day." it was then Izuku realized that he still hasn't met her in person. "You can let go off me, I won't run off since I want to meet the wonderful mother you have taking care of you." he says to them both, and it was then that both looked sheepish as they let go of him.

Izuku hears some of the murmurs that people are saying "that's the legitimate wings of freedom." "are those people with him friends or something more." "why is he here?" were some of the murmurs that he could pick up while walking with the protagonist trio. it was a few minutes later that they arrived at a house that's next to a bakers. during the 2 years that Izuku was with the scouts, Carla had slowly healed and got use of her legs back. After healing, she opened a bakers that is next door to their house. it garnered enough profits that allows her and her family to be comfortable.

Eren knocked on the door and shortly after, Carla opened it to see her son and adopted daughter along with their friend and Izuku. "Hey you 3, still eager to become scouts I see. Also you brought someone else with you?" Carla asks, not yet registering that he is the 'Realistic Wings of Freedom' and Eren responds to her. "Mom, say hello to who helped save you from that incident a couple years ago. he is also 'Humanities Angelic Soldier' due to his smiles."

It was then that Carla registered who Izuku properly was and that he was the one who saved her. "It was you who saved me?! Thank you for helping save me!!" she exclaims "Also come in, I want to get to know who you are on a personal level since you are friends with my son and adopted daughter." she then hugged him, to which he hugged back.

"So what happened after you saved me from the rubble of our old house?" Carla asks, wanting to know what happened with Izuku. he then describes that the commander of the scouts and 2 of his inner circle saw him killing his last few titans. after which he answered some questions and had a trial to determine where he goes which the scouts got him. "What happened after you joined the scouts?" she questioned, wanting to know what dangers those 3 are getting into.

"It can be dangerous, since the titans can come from nowhere, but those are taken care off by the right and left wings due to the strategy employed by the current commander, who has taught me personally." Izuku explains. "I also have gotten a few titan kills myself before joining the cadets. to connect with people my age. I have seen people I see as comrades die by being eaten however I managed to save most of them from dying." he doesn't want them to know that he refers to Erwin or the three within his inner circle as uncle, auntie or dad.

He then talks about the 2 years in slightly more detail. however they shift topics and all of them bond over things, like how Izuku enjoys her cheery attitude, even if she didn't like how her children was becoming soldiers. It is now near the end of the day and Izuku wants to meet his family within the scouts before they leave on another expedition.

And so he goes and meets them, has tea with his dad Levi while discussing how clean Izuku has made the training grounds, which is super clean. He also has talks with uncle Eyebrows about speculation on the Colossal Titan and Armored Titan and how they disappeared. Aunty Titan-Lover, we don't talk about the stuff she forced him to look at.

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