This is our Fight [High Schoo...

By Red8ear

1.5K 33 11

This takes place after dark of the moon and before age of extinction. Different events happen in this timelin... More

Dark of the moon
After the moon
We have been betrayed
On the run

White dragon

88 2 0
By Red8ear

Megatron: I will unify this world!

Megatron's pointed his shotgun at a captured white armored devil he was beaten up badly.

"You will never win." He says megatron heard enough and shot him through the chest killing him his body fell to the floor. "Get this disgusting flesh bag out my sight."

*hours before*

"What!?" Said the devil king a little puzzled about the information his sister revealed to him.

Rias: I worry that a direct assault will cost a retaliation. Deaths could be in the thousands.

Her brother sat there scratching his chin. "We'll get the white dragon to deal with this. He may be able to convince them he's on there side and take them out."

Rias: brother... forgive me for speaking against you but.. I feel like my pawn could do it.

"You guys got your ass kicked by a one eyed robot." He said in a straight face.

"Vali! Get your ass in here!" Said the devil king.

Vali walks in and stands there. "What do you want." He said.

"First off, watch the attitude. Second, I need you to do something."


The autobots were hiding out in a dense forest away from everyone they mostly sat around and kept there guard up.

The ones that were there were hound, drift, crosshairs, ratchet and ironhide.

Hound: glad that your still alive.

Ratchet: thanks hound.

Ironhide: I hope optimus gets here soon.

Crosshairs: any sign of the others?

Ratchet: there life signals are still online. My only guess this that they are in hiding.

They start getting static from a radio station they set up and crosshairs walks up to it. "What's this about." He starts to tune the frequency and a voice comes through.

Soundwave: all decepticons. It is time to come out of hiding, track this transmission and meet us at our base. Lord Megatron's orders. Soundwave out.

Hound: that doesn't sound good.


Vali was flying through the air and he lands at the coordinates. "So they told everyone to come here. I wonder where everyone is."

It was a warehouse and vali stares at it. "No way that many can fit in there. Unless they are underground."

He hears vehicles and planes and vali turns around to see an army of vehicles they all transform and stand there. "Why is there a human." Said one of them.

Vali: I would like to join your cause.

"Not the first human to ask us that." Said one of them. "You'll have to speak to lord megatron, come with us."

Vali: how can so many of you fit in that warehouse.

"It's underground." Said one of them.

Vali: oh..

He follows them inside the warehouse and they all go down an secret elevator one by one.

Vali makes it to the bottom and is amazed long hallways and rooms it looked like a whole base.

Vali: impressive.

"Yes very." He turns around and sees one of them towering over him.

Starscream: your coming with me.

He grabs him and vali doesn't fight back starscream walks down the hall and a door opens to reveal megatron and shockwave with what looks like the fallen angel raynare who was burnt badly.

Vali: what the hell.

Megatron: so. You want to join me?

Vali: yes my lord.

Megatron: excellent. Do me a favor and stand over there.

Megatron points to a machine that doesn't look to friendly. "You want me to stand over there?"

Megatron: I don't like repeating myself insect.

Vali looks nervously and starscream puts him down he walks towards the machine before it grabs him with blue lassos and strap him down.

Vali: what the fuck!?

Megatron: White dragon. Thanks to bludgeon's knowledge of your.. history. He has proved me valuable information about all of you. Shockwave get to work.

Vali tries to break free but it doesn't work he starts struggling but then needles come out and inject him he screams in pain and tries to summon his sacred gear but nothing worked he was in excruciating amounts of pain. "Stop!" He says.

Megatron: I didn't think the serum would work. Excellent work shockwave.

Shockwave presses some buttons and vali starts getting electrocuted he feels the white dragon being destroyed within him his screams were ear piercing.

Megatron: yes..

Shockwave: data shows his power level can reach impressive numbers.

Megatron: strip him of everything, Just like the other one. I want results this time.

Shockwave: yes lord megatron.

Meanwhile Optimus was in the shed with issei doing his best to be a mechanic with a blow torch in his hand.

Issei: your beaten up badly. That missile almost hit your power source.

Optimus: we call it a spark. It contains our life force, and our memories.

Issei: humans call it a soul. Well, I have a soul..just have two of them that's all.

Optimus grumbles as issei does a nervous laugh.

"Issei." He pulls a shotgun shell out of his chest. "Why are you and the others willing to help me?"

Issei: I don't know, maybe it's because you trust us to.

Optimus nods and issei holds up the flame torch. "I don't know if this would hurt you."

Optimus: it won't.

Issei: just making sure, I can't have you screaming on me.

Optimus: not likely.

Issei: just let me have this. Anyway, get ready.

He holds the flame torch to Optimus's chest and starts patch up the wound with a metal ball he found at Home Depot.

Issei: is that good enough.

Optimus touches his chest. "It will do."

Issei: good.

Optimus fully stands up and looks down at issei. "I appreciate the help. Now I must go, my autobots need me."

Issei: didn't you say you put them at risk.

Optimus: indeed. That is why after I meet up with them, I'm going into hiding.

Issei: why not hide here? No one has found you here yet.

Optimus: I'll think about it tomorrow. For now you should go. We'll talk tomorrow.

Optimus transforms and sits there in vehicle mode issei sighs. "Yeah sure. Ok." He walks towards the shed door and makes his exit.


Vehicles with the words "cemetery wind." On the side of them pulled up to factory that was abandoned. "Alright men, you know the drill."

They rush around the place looking everywhere they had energon detectors deployed around the place and they start getting a signal. "Over there, by those columns." He says and the soldiers head there and when they got there they saw a few vehicles sitting there.

"On my go you open fire." They all aim there guns at the automobiles and hold there triggers.

"Fire!" They start shooting and they transform and pull out there guns. "Kill them combaticons!" The blue on said.

They opened fired at each other as the transformers slaughter them all flipping cars over and shooting humans.

"Let's take the explosion approach!" Said one of them they transform into a tank and start blowing everyone up.

"Good worm brawl." He chuckle. "I try my best onslaught."

Onslaught: is that everyone?

Brawl: no way anyone could have survived that.

Swindle: I mean you can be a lousy shot sometimes

Brawl: maybe I'll have my lousy aim, hit your face if you keep talking, swindle.

Onslaught: enough, both of you. No doubt more of them will be coming.

Blastoff: let them come. We'll be ready.

Vortex: or we can just head to the decepticon base. Per Megatron's orders.

Brawl: but I want to crush more of these bugs.

Onslaught: we'll get the chance later-

An explosion happens beside them and they all were blown back into a wall. "Give them bell!" Soliders start throwing explosive after explosive as they fired there guns.

They eventually stop firing and they all look at each other. "Did we get them?" One of them ask.

"Of course we did. Get in there and clean up the mess, and load there bodies onto these trucks."

The sound of the stone moving was heard and they all aim there guns back into the hole they made.

They start hearing a mechanical sound as metal was heard scraping against each other.

It stops and a loud roar was heard and eventually a huge hand comes out from the darkness and then a head. "Bruticus online."

"Open fire!" They start shooting and bruticus comes out from the hole and towers over everything. "You humans are like ants compared to me." He stomps on a majority of them and swipes his arm across the ground causing cars and people to go flying. "Look at them go." He says.

Helicopters appear and start firing at him. "That tickles." He says as he grabs on of them out of the air and throws it at another helicopter causing them to blow up. "Boom, like dynamite!" He walks forward crushing everything in his way as the soldiers fall back. "Yeah you better run." Bruticus says.

At the decepticon base vali's skin was ghost white he looked drained of life and he was mumbling to himself. "Lord megatron wants a report." Soundwave said.

Shockwave: I successfully manage to extract the spirit that rested within him. I'm doing experiments on this entity to see what use he could be to the decepticon cause.

Vali groans and droops his head. "Let me go already.." he says in a tired tone.

Soundwave: lord megatron still has a use for you.

Vali: goddamnit..


Megatron starscream and some decepticons were outside and vali standing there. "Open the portal." Said megatron.

Vali continues to stand there. "I said open it!" Megatron demanded.

Starscream: my master. I think the poor thing is afraid of what might happen once we enter this "underworld."

Megatron: as he should be.

Vali: no..

Megatron: what was that?

Vali: I said no! Balance breaker!

White armor forms around him and he flies up. "You might have taken the white dragon from me, but I can still fight!"

Mixmaster shoots vali in the wing and he goes crashing to the ground some decepticons surround the crash sight and that's when he jumps out and punches one of them in the face causing the trooper to stagger back.

Vali started fighting these troopers who towered over him but he didn't care he would rather die fighting then cause another mass extinction to his devil kind.

He mostly just punched there legs and kicked them eventually one of the troopers were on the floor and punches through there head.

He is shot at and he flies across the field. "You only manage to kill one? Pathetic." Said Megatron as he walks towards vali.

He aims his shotgun at vali. "I'll give you one last chance."

Vali: fuck you.

Megatron: what?!

Vali: you heard me... Fuck you. Your no god, and you are a threat to this world.

Megatron: I will unify this world!

Vali: You will never win. Someone will stop you.

Megatron growled and he shoots his shotgun at vali and a large hole is blown through his chest.

Megatron: Get this disgusting flesh bag out my sight.

Megatron puts his shotgun on his back and walks away as the decepticons grab vali's corpse and walk with it.

At school issei was suspicious of a cop car that was just parked in the parking lot of the school it always seemed like it was watching him despite no one being in there or what it looked like anyway.

Kiba: yo issei what's up.

Issei: has the cop car always been there?

Kiba: no. It got here a few days ago. All though I don't see any cops in the building.

Issei: that's strange.

Kiba: try not to think about it to much. Come on, we have two days of school left.

Issei: I'll.. yeah I'll come.

Issei follows kiba and he looks back at the police car and frowns. "Somethings off with it I know it."

Some weird symbols appear in his head and holds it. "God damnit it not right now brain." He says.

The cop car just sits there and watching issei go into the building. "I got you now." It says as it slowly drives backwards.

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