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By slut4bey

13.9K 793 305

Don't go build a life without me, cause you're mine still. A Rihyoncรฉ story More

cast & crew
the before,
the after.


1K 64 29
By slut4bey

Beyoncé laid in the bed and stared up at the ceiling. Out of all people in the world, she just so happen to have ended up with her exes brother. She probably wouldn't have cared if it was any other ex but it was Robyn..

"You don't still have feelings for her do you?" Junior asked out of the blue.

It wouldn't surprise her that he was thinking the same thing she was. She was still having trouble wrapping her mind around it.

"No.. why would you ask that?" She instantly denied the allegations. She didn't want him to feel uncomfortable about anything.

He shrugged his shoulder and leaned over to turn off the lamp.

"The way Robyn used to talk about you seemed like your relationship may have been pretty serious"

She laid her head on his shoulder and stared up at the ceiling. "We were just kids back then"

"Invite her out. I want you two to feel comfortable around each other if we're gonna be together" he kissed her shoulder.


Robyn stayed awake the whole night. She couldn't stop thinking. Beyoncé is dating her little brother. Beyoncé.

She walked out of her hotel room at first light and made her way to her childhood home. It's time she saw her dad.

Her dad looked fully awake. But what was he doing up so early? He walked her to the study so they could talk. He quickly closed a binder and turned off the computer. Robyn looked at him closely. What was that about? He was definitely hiding something but she didn't have time to question what he was up to right now. She needed a job.

"How long you been back?" He started off by saying. He took his reading glasses off and put his full attention on her.

"It's.. been a week, sir" Robyn said lowly.

"So you wait a week before seeing your pop huh?"


"Don't papa me. What is it you want? It has to be something or else you wouldn't have come"

Robyn rolled her eyes.

"Mind your eyes, soldier" his words were short as he told her to thread carefully.

Robyn gulped and nodded. "I came because I wanted my spot back on the force"

He raised his eyebrows as his lips curved into a condescending smile.

"Done being an army girl now?"

"Temporarily, yes" she said choosing to ignore his sly comment about her being in the military.

"Well there's nothing I can do for you. I'm retired" he shrugged.

"So you're telling me you have no connection to anyone with authority there?"

He was the chief of police for 15 years. She knew that he still had some type of power.

He frowned his lips. "I don't appreciate you coming here asking for favors when you quit on me as soon as I got you there!"

"I didn't quit dad. I was serving my country"

"Bullshit! That girl broke your heart like I always told you she would and you bolted like a coward" he pointed at her as his lips snarled. "You can't handle failure"

"You're wrong" Robyn denied and she'll keep denying. The moment she admit to that that's all he'll see her as and she was more than that.

"Am I?" He questioned as he leaned forward.

"Yes, you're wrong" she sat up straight and remained assertive.

"Then prove to me you can be better. Do better, Robyn. March into the precinct and demand for your job back"

"I can't do that. You know I can't"

He crossed his arms and looked at her with a poker face.

"And why can't you" 

"You know why" Robyn eyes pointed towards the floor to avoid the shameful look in her fathers face. "Look, I didn't come here for all of this. Can you just do this one thing for me? For once in your life, be a good father to me. That's all I'm asking"

"You should know me well enough to know I don't give handouts. You've got to earn your place just like everyone else. You're dismissed, soldier" he raised his hand towards the door.

She stood up and eyed him down. She learned so many strategic combat techniques while she was away, she could snap him in half in twenty different ways. She really wanted to. But that's her dad.

She walked out of the study and as she was walking out of her childhood home she stumbled upon a picture she couldn't believe she didn't notice when she first came in.

"Hey mom" she kissed her fingertips and touched the frame as her eyes began to water. "I miss you"

Her father stepped out of the study and saw Robyn speaking to her mother. She saw him in the corner of her eye and wrapped it up.

"We'll talk soon" she kissed her fingertips and pressed it against the frame.

She walked out the door without looking back at her dad. She shook her head. What was she thinking coming here asking him to help her out?

Beyoncé called Robyn a few hours later. Junior suggested that they go out. How could she pass that up? She hasn't seen Robyn in half a decade. She wanted to know everything.

The last thing robyn was expecting was a call from Beyoncé wanting to "reconnect". She had her doubts about hanging out with Beyoncé, especially due to the awkward circumstances. But this was probably something she had to accept sooner or later, so she agreed.

"Hey" Robyn said meeting Beyoncé on the sidewalk.

"Is it weird that we're doing this?" She asked.

"No, not weird at all. Just going on a date with my ex girlfriend who now dates my brother"

"Don't think of it as that. Just think of it as old friends reconnecting after a long time"

Robyn hummed before shaking her head. "Nah.. I like going on a date better"

Beyoncé smiled at the sly girl.

"Are you going to be on your best behavior tonight?" She asked looking her up and down.

"I'll try to contain myself" she smirked.

"So where are you taking me?" Beyoncé cheesed. Robyn was in charge of planning most of the dates they went on when they were younger.

"You called me, you should be the one wine and dining me"

"Where are you taking me?" She asked again, not trying to hear anything she was saying.

"Just follow me" Robyn extended her hand and Beyoncé gladly took it. She followed her closely as Robyn lead her to wherever.

Robyn really didn't know where to go. She was just walking until something caught her eye. Truth was she was enjoying being so close to Beyoncé. Hand in hand like the old days. It was so cold outside that Beyoncé leaned against her shoulder from time to time. Robyn took the longest route just for that reason.

"Here we are" Robyn smiled at the giant ice skating rink in front of them.

"Are you really taking me ice skating when it's 30 degrees outside?"

"Don't worry, I'll keep you warm"

Beyoncé playfully rolled her eyes. She was already enjoying this time with Robyn. She missed her a lot more than she realized. After all, she was her first love.

They grabbed their skates and stepped into the rink. Robyn was practically good at anything. She could learn how to do something just by watching other people. She's never been ice skating before but after looking everyone else, she was damn near a pro.

Beyoncé on the other hand has been ice skating before. But she's terrible at it. She kept slipping and sliding but Robyn was always there to catch her before she fell.

Even though she wasn't very good at it, it made her laugh a lot.

Robyn had to hold onto both of her hands to keep her from falling. They were face to face gliding slowly across the rink. A small speck of snow dropped on Beyoncé's nose. She looked up and saw that it was starting to snow.

"Look" she said not taking her eyes off the snow. "It's pretty, right?"

"Undeniably gorgeous" Robyn said unable to take her eyes off of Beyoncé.

Beyoncé looked back at Robyn and saw that she was staring at her. She looked away trying to hide her now red cheeks.

"We should probably get going huh" Beyoncé suggested. There was no telling how bad the snow would get.

Robyn nodded in agreement.

They sat down on a bench while they switched back to their regular shoes. Robyn's mood suddenly changed. The whole night she restrained herself from kissing Beyoncé. This isn't the life she wanted. Beyoncé should be hers.

"So.. did you get what you wanted?" Robyn asked while tying her shoe laces.

"What do you mean?" Beyoncé asked.

"The life you left me for"

"Rob- I didn't leave you for- Why does that matter? You went off to the military" Beyoncé didn't know what to say so she put the blame back on Robyn.

"Yea, I went to the military but that was after you left. Did you expect me to sit around and sulk because you broke my heart? No, I wanted to serve my country"

"This country doesn't give a damn about you. Not you, not me, not anyone like us Robyn"

"Things can change"

"You keep talking about change, yet you were away for years and came back with no medals and no recognition from anyone"

"It's not about recognition Beyoncé"

"Then what is it about? Hm?"

She rolled her eyes. "Just forget it. You'll never understand. You don't even understand yourself"

"I don't understand myself? What is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh I wanna be a nurse, no wait- I mean a fashion designer. Better yet.. I'm gay, no wait- now I'm straight" she said mocking her life choices.

Beyoncé winded her hand back and smacked her hard across the face. Robyn held her cheek and looked at her in shock. She slapped me? She thought.

"How could you disrespect me like that?" She wallowed.

It was clear that she had tears in her eyes so Robyn didn't bother retaliating. She may have unintentionally hit a nerve.

"It was a mistake coming here" she said shaking her head as she grabbed her purse.

"At least let me walk you home" Robyn stood up. She didn't want her to walk home alone in this snow.

She looked back with teary eyes. "I don't need you to protect me Robyn"

With that, she walked away. Robyn instantly felt bad about her choice of words and wanted to go after her and stop her from walking away but she didn't. She just sat there regretting ruining such a good night.


A few days later Junior reached out to her and invited her over for dinner. She couldn't pass up a home-cooked meal. Lately she's been eating tv dinners and let's just say.. she was grateful for the invitation.

She had no idea why she thought it was just gonna be her and Junior tonight. She walked in the kitchen and Beyoncé was washing her hands in the sink.

Beyoncé hadn't laid an eye on her since she walked in the door. She felt like shit. She didn't wanna be on bad terms with bey. Just as she was about to say something to her Junior came in. Robyn went to where he was.

Beyoncé finally looked over at Robyn. She sighed and dropped her head.

"Baby come acompany Robyn while I make everyone's plate" junior said after having a small conversation with Robyn.

Beyoncé went to the dinner table and sat across from Rob and junior took her place in the kitchen was still finishing preparing the meal.

They sat in silence. It wasn't like them to be so quiet around each other. Even after a fight they'd be laughing and all over each other and no time.

Robyn couldn't take the silence anymore though. It was killing her. She finally laid eyes on Beyoncé.

"Bey-" she began to say but of course the moment she started talking junior came back with plates.

Beyoncé looked at Robyn for a short second before averting her eyes to the food.

He placed a plate in front of the both of them and walked back to get his plate. Beyoncé looked back at Robyn and raised her eyebrow. She wanted her to finish whatever she was going to say.

"Never mind" Robyn shook her head, maybe it wasn't the best time. Junior sat down at the head of the table and said grace.

Robyn looked at the food he prepared and smiled. "Wow you really outdid yourself bro"

He smiled back knowingly while rubbing his hands together. "You know I be cooking"

"Well everything looks good" she looked down at her plate once again. "Wait- is this coconut shrimp?"

"Yea, why?" Junior laughed a bit confused.

"Beyoncé can't eat that. She's allergic"

Beyoncé wasn't even paying any attention to the conversation they were having and already had the shrimp up to her lips, completely oblivious to the fact that it had coconut in it.

Robyn quickly reached across the table and smacked it out of her hands before she could take a bite out of it.

Beyoncé eyes widen. "What'd you do that for?"

"There's coconut in that" Robyn explained herself.

"Oh my god. Thank you" Beyoncé shook her head, she wasn't even paying attention.

"I'm sorry babe I didn't know. Are you okay?" Junior asked.

She quickly nodded keeping her eyes on Robyn. She lowered her head as she felt her cheeks heat up. Robyn still remembered.

The dinner was as awkward as she could imagine. Junior kept the conversation going but all she really wanted to do was talk to Beyoncé.

She tried her best not to look at her so much. It was probably the hardest thing she's ever had to do. She was so fucking gorgeous.

Everyone was about finished with their food now. Junior excused himself from the table because he received a call. It was a relief to Robyn once he left the room.

Beyoncé got up and went to go clean her plate off. She soon followed after her. Robyn had been wanting to apologize all night and now she finally had her chance.

"Hey I'm sorry about what I said the other night" she sincerely said.

Beyoncé shook her head dismissively. "It's not about what you said.." she trailed off and looked to the side. "It's.. I mean do you really think of me that way?"

"No, of course not" Robyn said truthfully. "I- I was just angry"

"Well I guess what you said wasn't entirely untrue. I guess I do change things a lot" she admitted, nervously scratching her arm.

"You weren't wrong about what you said about me either. I know that I can't change the way people see me, but I won't stop trying"

She smiled softly. "Yea I know. Robyn never backs down from a fight"

"Especially when it's something worth fighting for" Robyn said while looking deep into her sparkling brown eyes.

Beyoncé's eyes swiftly bounced from her eyes and lips making Robyn's heart flutter in and out her chest. She was looking at her with so much.. content. Was she feeling the same thing Robyn was?

She wasn't sure of what to do. This tension could be just all in her head. Robyn started to move closer to her and Beyoncé was ready to meet her half way.

"There's my two favorite girls!" Junior smiled walking inside the kitchen.

Robyn cleared her throat and backed away. He wrapped his arms around both her and bey and hugged them for a short time before letting go.

He lifted Beyoncé's chin and placed a kiss her lips. Robyn scrunched her eyebrows as her heart burned at the sight. She felt sick to her stomach. This was the first time she saw them show affection and reality snapped.

What was she thinking? For a moment she forgot that Beyoncé's not hers anymore.

She's only been around for a few days and here she is.. almost getting trapped in her. She can't let that happen. Not now. Not again.

"Hey uh.." she interrupted the lovely couple from their moment. "I think ima go. Thanks for dinner"

"No, what? You can't go now. Beyoncé made dessert. You've got to try it. When I met her she was a terrible cook. Don't make me try this alone"

"Wow thanks for the support Junior!" She laughed while pushing him.

Robyn exhaled and smiled looking between the two of them. "Nah, I'm stuffed man. Maybe next time?"

He smacked his lips. "Fine. I guess I'll just die alone" he joked. "Come on, I'll walk you out"

He insisted, walking to the door. She looked up at Bey and was met with a concerned look.

"I'll see you later" Robyn said.

She nodded before trailing her eyes to the floor.

Junior showed Robyn to the door. Before she walked out he offered her a place to stay.

"I know you don't have a place to stay so if you want, you can come crash with me"

"No I don't wanna intrude on you and Beyoncé like that" Robyn immediately declined his offer.

The very last thing she wanted was to stay in the same house where her brother sleeps with her ex.

"Oh no, we don't live together" he laughed.

"No?" She asked. They could've fooled her. Looks like they were playing house to her.

"No, not yet. She likes to take things slow, if you know what I'm getting at" he wiggled his eyebrows.

Wait.. Have they not had sex yet? Robyn wanted to ask but she didn't want to pry.

"But she's worth the wait" junior shrugged.

Robyn nodded her head. That statement was true. Beyoncé was worth a lot of things. Junior was lucky to have her.

"If I ever get tired of crashing where I'm at, I might take you up on that offer"

"Alright sis" he pulled her in for a hug. She hugged him back but pulled away shortly.

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