Live to Rise. (Loki Love stor...

By XHannahxHorrorX

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Aries is a 44 old woman. But with one slight difference. She doesnt look it. Aries is a "Super Hero". She loo... More

Live to Rise. (Loki Love story)
The End!


802 25 0
By XHannahxHorrorX

"What are we doing here?" I asked as we stepped into Stark Tower.

" We need an energy source. One that can keep the portal open as long as I need." Loki said as we walked along the edge of the building. I saw a bright light flash and we made our way to it.

"Ah, My lord! The tesseract is ready! The only way to stop it is with the sceptar." Eric said. Loki nodded and walked to the sphere surrounding the tesseract. Eric stood next to me, Giddy with anticipation. I saw Tony fly over and I looked up at him. 

"Shut it down." Stark said looking at Eric, Then me. Loki jumped to the lower part of the building and strided toward the entrance.

"Its too late, She can't stop now. She wants to show us something! A new universe!" Eric said and I rolled my eyes. Stark shot at it and sent Eric flying. I stumbled but that was about it. 

I waited with Eric while Loki went to talk to Stark. It didn't take long before I saw Stark fly from the window, And his armour following. I shook my head. He came flying back up and hovered at the window. I saw the tip of the sceptar rise, Then Tony fired. Just then the Tesseract roared to life and a beam of light shot into the sky, Creating a dark portal. How was I going to get the Sceptar from Loki? He would never give it up. I watched as the carnage began, There was nothing I could do. I wanted to help, But if Loki saw me, Who knows what he would do. So i stuck with pacing the roof I was on. I saw Loki and Natasha zooming at me. Just then, Loki's flying thing exploded and he landed onto the flat of Stark Tower. Natasha flipped and landed kind of close to Eric and I. I rushed over to her.

"Don't touch me. I will kill you." She said.

"No! Natasha! I know how to stop the tesseract! We need Loki's sceptar. The Hulk suddenly jumped up and preoccupied Loki. I looked down and saw the sceptar sitting on the ground.

"And this is our chance!" I said.

"How do I know I can trust you?" She asked.

"Because shes right. I built it." Eric said standing up from his blow to the head.

"The tesseract and can't fight, Can't protect against itself." Eric said.

"Doctor, Its not your fault. You didn't know what you were doing." Natasha said.

"Well actually I think I did. I built in a fail safe." He said. 

"See." I said. 

"Alright, Well how do we get it?" She asked.

"Leave that to me." I said. I looked around and found a water pipe line. I broke it, And sent the water in a stream to the sceptar. It picked it up and I moved it back this way. I held it in my hands and Eric and Natasha moved quickly to the laptop. 

"Aries, Take is and push it directly to the cube." Eric said. I nodded and pushed with all the strength I had in me.

"We can close it. We can shut the portal down. Can anyone copy?" Natasha said.

"Now?" I asked.

"No! Wait. Theres a nuke coming in. Stark said he can try and get it to the portal." she said.

"He better hurry..." I said. I looked around for a sign of him, Then he went right past us, Carrying a giant white missile. I watched as he went up, Then he went into the portal. I felt releved. But this wasn't over yet. We still had to close the portal. Suddenly, All the fighting stopped. The aliens and alien ships crashed to the ground, Lifeless. The nuke... It must have hit their mother ship.

"Where's Tony? If we leave this thing open, Send the nuke up there would have been pointless." I said.

"Close it." Natasha said. I nodded and shoved the sceptar to the center. The light ended and the portal began to shrink. Just ask the hole closed for good, Tony fell from the hole and I sighed happily.

"He's not slowing down!" I said dropping the sceptar and rushing to the edge. I watched as he plumeted to the ground, But just before he could hit, Hulk grabbed him mid air. I put my hand on my heart and smiled.

"Lets get down there." I said. 

"How?" Eric asked.

"Like this." I said and used the still spurting water to gather the three of us and carry us to the spot where Hulk, Steve and Thor stood. 

"Yeah! Yay. Good job guys." Tony said still on the ground. We walked over and everyone turned to look at me.

"What are you doing here?" Steve asked.

"She help. Shes the one who told me about closing the portal." Natasha said.

"I thought you loved Loki." Steve asked.

"You told me to choose, Him, Or you guys. My heart, Or my world. I couldn't let him destory everything I loved." I said.

"Did you figure the out before or after he opened the portal?" Steve asked still being harsh.

"I figured it out when he killed Coulson." I said. That sent a pained face through everyone. 

"Hey, Have you ever tryed Shwarma? Theres a Shwarma joint about 2 blocks from here. I don't know what it is, But I wanna try it." Tony said and we all smiled a little.

"We aren't finished yet." Thor said looking at Stark tower.

"And then Shwarma after," Tony said and I smiled. We all went back up to Stark Tower and surrounded Loki as he climbed out of his whole. Hawkeye pointed his bow at Loki, And we all stood around him. Natasha held the sceptar and I crossed my arms. His eyes lingered on me a little before looking at Tony. 

"If its all the same to you, I thnk I'll have that drink now." Loki said.

Afew days later we took Loki to a spot in central park, Where him and Thor were to go back to Asgaurd. 

"Hey, Before you guys go, Can I speak with Loki?" I asked Thor. He nodded and I took Loki by his chain and led him a few feet away. 

"Loki.." I said but he just smiled.

"You did the right thing. You are too good to stand by while someone destroys your world." Loki said.

"I just want you to know, That I really do care for you, And I never wanted to hurt you." I said.

"I know. I can see it in your mind. And just know, I do care for you as well. I will think of you always." He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek then led him back to Thor. They held onto either end of the tube containing the tesseract and for a  better lack of words, Beamed up. I crossed my arms.

"What now?" I asked.

"We go back to our lives." Natasha said.

"I don't know about you, But I don't think I can go back to being an art teacher." I said chuckling.

"Come to my lab with Banner and I. We could always use one more scientist." Tony said.

"Okay." I said smiling. We all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. 

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