My little superstar (GlamRock...

By Agent_storys

87.6K 1.9K 3.4K

art by: Selyn on twitter Description: Your a 23 year old worker who's been working at the Freddy Fazbear's p... More

A/n before we start
Chapter 1- A special day!
chapter 2- big day!
chapter 3 - uh oh..
Chapter 4 - New things
Chapter 5- first night
Chapter 6- Good news...and bad news
Chapter 7- realization
Chapter 9- New member
Chapter 10 - Good to bad
chapter 11 - suspicious
chapter 12 - Danger
Chapter 13 - Confessions
Chapter 14- Getting closer
Chapter 15 - what a coincidence
Chapter 16 - Lovey Dovy
QnA - A/n
QnA #1
Chapter 17- Brother Sister hang out
Chapter 18 - Glitch
Chapter 19 - putting a end to this.
Chapter 20 - First time
Chapter 21 - Old Pal
Chapter 22 - Love issues
Chapter 23 - Cold hearted
Chapter 24 - Emotional damage
Chapter 25 - Love and Lust
Chapter 26 - Day 1
Chapter 27 - Day 1 pt. 2

Chapter 8 - Smooth play

2.6K 73 83
By Agent_storys

It was the next day and after the show you was checking to see if the crates was there

None today

So you left and went to the main area and kinda roam around since you where kinda just guarding today so you lay against the wall and just watch everyone play around and do there own things kinda boring but it's better than doing 2000 things at once

~Montys pov~

I was with Freddy roaming around a bit and I pushed him to the side

"Hey what was that for!"

I covered his mouth

"Shhhh listen y/n is around the corner it's time for your next step" I whispered to him

He just rolled his eyes and moves my hand

"Alright what do I do this time?"

"Ok so just try to maybe start a Convo with her maybe be kinda smooth with her"

He sighs

"Fine. But if it goes bad I'm blaming it on you"

I moved and I pushed him out

Tho Roxanne and Chica are with her maybe they can help

"But before you do your thing maybe ask the girls if they can give you advice of what maybe girls like or like doing"

He just scoffed and he went over to them

'hehehe this is gonna be good!'

~Freddys pov~

I walked over to the girls

"Hey y/n"

"Oh hi Freddy"

"before I take the girls away you looking vary beautiful today~" I smiled

"Aw haha your such a charm thank you" she smiled while blushing

"I'll see ya around" I took Chica and Roxanne over to the side

"Man Freddy I didn't think you would tell y/n that" Roxanne smirked

"I need your help" I sighed out

"With what?" Chica asked

I took a deep breath

"I want to know what girls like or maybe at least some advice about girls"

They just looked at each other and chuckled tho I did regret asking but if I didn't do it Monty would do it for me and it would be awkward

"Well~ we can tell you a few things" Roxanne said

"Thanks-" I said

They dragged me to a party room and sat me down

"Alright what would you like to know?" Chica asked

"Um.. maybe what a human girl likes? Or would want from a guy?-"

Man this was embarrassing to ask I didn't even think I would even ask this in my life but at the same time though I did actually wanted to know..right?-

"Well 1. Some girls like guys who are like kinda protective not the extreme but you know, 2. Some girls like when guys they like flirt with them or just hang out with them a lot" chica said

"3. Some of us girls might have different types so it's hard to tell what she likes but maybe just do what you did back there and maybe do things for her like you been doing" Roxanne added

I nodded understanding what there saying

"How about we hang out with y/n today maybe get to know her and maybe see what she likes in a guy" chica said

Tho I was nervous i just agreed to it

'please this dosent go bad'


~your pov~

I was sitting with the glam rocks since it was kinda close to closing time and people started to leave

And I had to take Gregory home early since I had to do my night shift

Monty hit Freddy's arm with his elbow

"So. y/n how was your day?" Freddy asked

"It was pretty good kinda boring but you know how it rolls, how about y'all's?" I answered

"Well it was fun and kinda stressfull" chica responded

"That's because you was fighting a teenager over the last slice of pizza" Roxanne said

"Hey! You know me I can't help that!"

I just started laughing

"Wow a teenager I could never" I said

"OOO! now that I'm thinking about it y/n how about we have a girls night before your night shift starts?" Chica asked

"That dosent sound too bad" I responded

The girls looked at Freddy and Monty tho they knew why they did that

"Alright let's go!" Chica said

She grabs my hand and we ran off with Roxanne following us

To be honest I never had a girls night with anyone before I was more of a introvert growing up

We made it to chicas room and we sat down on her couch

"Alright what should we do on our girls night?!" Chica asked

"Ooo maybe talk about you know girly things like talk about our dream boyfriend/girlfriend while we paint our nails or maybe talk about our crushes" Roxanne said

Do girls really do this sometimes-

"Oooh yes that sounds fun" chica responded

They looked at you

"Well sure why not this is your idea" I responded rubbing the back of my neck

Chica got up and went to her table and opened the drawers and she got some fingernail polish out

"Yay! Y/n how about you go first since your new to our little girl hang out?" Chica asked

"Oh um..well uh" I got nervous

"It's ok to tell us about your dream guy/girl we won't tell" Roxanne said

Chica came back and she sat the stuff down and I picked a color I picked (f/c) (favorite color) and she got to work on my nails

"Well... I do like guys who cooks, has a really sweet personality, Is really good with kids, vary caring, and really good at pleasuring me of anyway
(Wink wink ;) ) really but just a really nice guy i can get along with" I told them

They looked at each other and smiled

"Man y/n I didnt know you liked those types of guys" Roxanne said

"Well I don't know I like any guy really if there nice and not a big jerk" I got kinda red

"Aww well we don't judge so don't worrie" chica responded

"Well I appreciate it chica." I smiled a bit

We kept on talking about my type of guy while she did my nails and it was honestly fun


~Montys pov~

Me and Freddy was just kinda roaming around

"Hey Freddy you wanna go see what the girls are up too it's been 40 mins now since they left?" I asked

"Um..well I don't know I don't wanna be too nosie on what their doing" Freddy responded

"Come on just for like 5 mins"

He sighed

"Ok fine but for 5 mins then we're leaving them alone"

I grabbed his hand and starts running we saw that chicas lights was on and the curtains was shut so they had to be in there

We stopped and try to listen through the door so it was a good chance for us to hear there convo but we stayed a bit back

"Say y/n since you described what you like do you like someone here?" Chica asked

"Um..well I'm not sure" she responded

"Aw come on y/n we know you like someone it's ok to tell us we don't judge or would tell anyone we promise" Roxanne said

"Um....well...maybe I kinda like-"

I got closer to the door too close

This lead to my tail accidentally moving in the way, me and Freddy fell on the door making a thud sound

"Oh shit" I mumbled

We got up quickly and tried to hide somewhere

The door opened

"Hello?.." y/n was at the door looking around

After a good 3 mins she went back in and I sighed

"Monty what was that for your tail made me fall!" Freddy whisper shouted at me

"I'm sorry!" I whisper shouted back and he peeled over the little glass case thing

It was clear so we got back to the door

"Who was it?" Chica asked

"I'm not sure" y/n responded

"Well aren't you gonna tell us who you like?" Roxanne said

"Oh uh I'm sorry I got 10 mins before my shift starts maybe tomorrow night"

"she's coming back go go!" Freddy said and he pushed me and we ran off to go hide in Freddy's room

"Damn we didn't get to hear what she said" I said

"Well maybe it was for the best" Freddy said he sounded a bit disappointed

"She said she will tell them tomorrow night so if we get there on time maybe we can hear what she say"

He looked at me and he just shook his head

"I don't know" he sounded a bit upset but looked like he was gonna over think

"Hey you ok?" I asked

"Uh yeah but we should get going to bed before night shift" Freddy said

I didn't wanna be pushy so I left and went to my room

'i hope he's not getting upset... But this will prove my point that he does like her and he wants to know she felt the same.. guess we'll just see tomorrow'


~y/n pov~

I was checking to make sure they Where in there place

I got in Freddy's room and he was ok the couch looking kinda down

"Hey buddy you ok?" I asked

He looks at me

"Yeah of course I'm fine I'm just really tired" he said with a little nervous look

"Freddy I know your lying is there something on your mind?" I asked and you sat next to him

"No y/n I swear it's nothing just uh getting really tired"

"But you look upset was you overthinking again?" I asked

He just stared at me and he slowly nodded

"Well what made you overthink big guy?" i said taking his hand and rubbing it gently

He looked nervous to say and he held my hand a bit and I placed my other hand on top of his

"It's nothing maybe I'm just nervous about tomorrow" he responded

"Well I'm sure you will do just fine you always do amazing on shows your a rockstar I know you do good so don't worrie I'm always backstage incase something goes wrong" i told him

He sniffs a bit and smiled

"Thank you ... Superstar " he said

He lift his hand up and he kissed(?) My hand gently

I blushed a bit and starting to feel flattered

"Well I should get to rest mode before my energy runs low" he said

I got up

"Yeah your right I hope you rest well" i told him before I left


I was having a fan girl moment outside of his door and you ran off quickly to go to the security room

'oh my god he really kissed my hand and called me a superstar! My night couldn't get any better!'

(HELLO I hope this was good but next chapter will be vary special so be ready! (Well I think it's special since I'm exited to show y'all!) But plz point out any mistakes I made and maybe help me change up something with a different idea anyways see ya later!)

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